God’s glitch in Eden. A & E had to break God’s second command to accomplish the first

I tried to respond to your two notes but could not. Short version ---- go to it Girl and link me up.
Your post might go here or the political forum depending on your wording and focus.


haha, yes we need bigger inboxes here :D

on the note of the original topic...
the thing that i find odd about Genesis, is it tries to tie in history, like an actual historical account, with faith. that just doesn't work.
a lot of the bible, is metaphorical, and in the NT, Jesus speaks of a new covenant. Jesus did exist. (I believe he did) Historians have surmised that it's entirely possible he existed. Whether one believes he was the Messiah, is a matter of faith.

But, historically speaking...Genesis turns the Bible into a history book. We are to believe that the origin of man dates back some 6000 years? When we have proof to the contrary? It's absurd. So if you're a faithful bible reader, and believe what you are reading...then, you should NOT believe the science books you read as a kid in school? You should view THAT as fiction? haha You see where I'm going with this? Is what I read as a kid, nothing more than ....science fiction? :D (bad joke)

Strip away the moral lesson of Genesis, (knowledge of sex/no knowledge of sex bla bla) ...and you have a history book.

Think for a minute if the bible was put together, today. Would the story of Adam and Eve, exist? Would the theory of evolution, showing God as a Creator, exist?
There's a question. :eek:
on the note of the original topic...
the thing that i find odd about Genesis, is it tries to tie in history, like an actual historical account, with faith. that just doesn't work.
a lot of the bible, is metaphorical, and in the NT, Jesus speaks of a new covenant. Jesus did exist. (I believe he did) Historians have surmised that it's entirely possible he existed. Whether one believes he was the Messiah, is a matter of faith.
And the moral of the story is, women will entice you into doing bad things and you shouldn't let them. You will be a perfectly innocent young boy until you end up being with a woman. They will draw you in to following the ways of Satan!
And the moral of the story is, women will entice you into doing bad things and you shouldn't let them. You will be a perfectly innocent young boy until you end up being with a woman. They will draw you in to following the ways of Satan!

oh no, not THIS again. lol

whatever you say, layman. ;)
haha, yes we need bigger inboxes here :D

on the note of the original topic...
the thing that i find odd about Genesis, is it tries to tie in history, like an actual historical account, with faith. that just doesn't work.
a lot of the bible, is metaphorical, and in the NT, Jesus speaks of a new covenant. Jesus did exist. (I believe he did) Historians have surmised that it's entirely possible he existed. Whether one believes he was the Messiah, is a matter of faith.

But, historically speaking...Genesis turns the Bible into a history book. We are to believe that the origin of man dates back some 6000 years? When we have proof to the contrary? It's absurd. So if you're a faithful bible reader, and believe what you are reading...then, you should NOT believe the science books you read as a kid in school? You should view THAT as fiction? haha You see where I'm going with this? Is what I read as a kid, nothing more than ....science fiction? :D (bad joke)

Strip away the moral lesson of Genesis, (knowledge of sex/no knowledge of sex bla bla) ...and you have a history book.

Think for a minute if the bible was put together, today. Would the story of Adam and Eve, exist? Would the theory of evolution, showing God as a Creator, exist?
There's a question. :eek:

They all would but we would read them as myth the way these books are supposed to be read and not literally as foolish Christians have done.

They took myths with messages and do not see the messages through their idiotic literal reading.

To your general theme though, let me give you this rather good link that looks at some of the ramifications of literalists smartening up.


I usually add that link to something like this.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

This indicates that Jesus had no choice.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

This then begs the question.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

One of Christianity's highest form of immorality is what they have done to women.
They have denied them equality and subjugated them to men.




And the moral of the story is, women will entice you into doing bad things and you shouldn't let them. You will be a perfectly innocent young boy until you end up being with a woman. They will draw you in to following the ways of Satan!

Satan as the ultimate evil must be known if man is to know the ultimate good.


Like some right here. Right Layman?

Satan as the ultimate evil must be known if man is to know the ultimate good.


Like some right here. Right Layman?


you're really cool in my book, you know that?
Women have an instinctive need for security. This is connected to the vulnerability of pregnancy and the need to raise small children. The female needs to build order and structure to maximize these results. Men are naturally driven by desire instead of insecurity, unless they are being programmed by a woman to appease her insecurities. The male may be happy to play a fool with his friends, but this makes his wife feel insecure since a fool cannot protect and serve. She will make it her goal to break him until he is insecure and in line.

This natural insecurity is why women prefer law, since law or knowledge of good and evil tells you how to behave to maximize security within culture. Women mature quicker because of this attraction to laws, rules and procedures. The male because of his desire is always looking for the next fling and is therefore less connected to the structure of law of good and evil. This is also why men become explorers and inventors. They don't see the fear as much as the desired goal (analogy to the female). Eve eating of law of good and evil was good for Eve, but did not benefit Adam quite a much. The lack of fit is why males can't seem to settle with law but either break the law or get mean and evil in an attempt to enforce the law. It is not natural to them but coaxed into them by Eve (female).

The story of Adam and Eve is still modern. Liberalism is more feminized than conservative. This is why the liberal party loves to make laws, rules and regulation in volumes. Its mind tries to appease feminine fear with ever increasing knowledge of good and evil. It also, like women, tries to break the males. If you are a white, male, Christian, straight you get the most social nagging since these are most independent and not with the liberal program of fear.

Conservative is more masculine and teaches self reliance instead of commune, which makes liberals/females get insecure. The modern symbolic Eve wants Adam (males) to eat of their new tree of knowledge of good and evil, which has a dual standard in her favor. If modern Adam he eats fully, they are both screwed, like in the story, since the desire adaptation of Adam will be traded for a muzzle to appease temporal fear while adding to insecurity. Instead of being able to find solution the male will be struggling to maintain power (to appease fear).

If you look at ObamaCare, this appeased the feminine liberal fear of getting sick, because it sounded good (Satan is a smooth talker) But after Eve and then Adam ate, now the cost is about to create secondary problems which were not anticipated by the feminine liberals. There will be rationing and nagging (IRS) busy body (NSA) control over people. This will make the fear worse until desire for change returns. Then Adam will make a stand and Eve will follow, for now.

I will not touch most of what you put down as it would take us too far off track but will touch on this.

"Conservative is more masculine and teaches self reliance instead of commune,"

To a point yes.

Like their God, they center more on themselves than others. This is anti the best moral position in my view.

I think morality should center on others and not be self-centered.


Please see this link for what your moral view should be like.


Women have an instinctive need for security. This is connected to the vulnerability of pregnancy and the need to raise small children. The female needs to build order and structure to maximize these results. Men are naturally driven by desire instead of insecurity, unless they are being programmed by a woman to appease her insecurities. The male may be happy to play a fool with his friends, but this makes his wife feel insecure since a fool cannot protect and serve. She will make it her goal to break him until he is insecure and in line.

This natural insecurity is why women prefer law, since law or knowledge of good and evil tells you how to behave to maximize security within culture. Women mature quicker because of this attraction to laws, rules and procedures. The male because of his desire is always looking for the next fling and is therefore less connected to the structure of law of good and evil. This is also why men become explorers and inventors. They don't see the fear as much as the desired goal (analogy to the female). Eve eating of law of good and evil was good for Eve, but did not benefit Adam quite a much. The lack of fit is why males can't seem to settle with law but either break the law or get mean and evil in an attempt to enforce the law. It is not natural to them but coaxed into them by Eve (female).

The story of Adam and Eve is still modern. Liberalism is more feminized than conservative. This is why the liberal party loves to make laws, rules and regulation in volumes. Its mind tries to appease feminine fear with ever increasing knowledge of good and evil. It also, like women, tries to break the males. If you are a white, male, Christian, straight you get the most social nagging since these are most independent and not with the liberal program of fear.

Conservative is more masculine and teaches self reliance instead of commune, which makes liberals/females get insecure. The modern symbolic Eve wants Adam (males) to eat of their new tree of knowledge of good and evil, which has a dual standard in her favor. If modern Adam he eats fully, they are both screwed, like in the story, since the desire adaptation of Adam will be traded for a muzzle to appease temporal fear while adding to insecurity. Instead of being able to find solution the male will be struggling to maintain power (to appease fear).

If you look at ObamaCare, this appeased the feminine liberal fear of getting sick, because it sounded good (Satan is a smooth talker) But after Eve and then Adam ate, now the cost is about to create secondary problems which were not anticipated by the feminine liberals. There will be rationing and nagging (IRS) busy body (NSA) control over people. This will make the fear worse until desire for change returns. Then Adam will make a stand and Eve will follow, for now.

Donner's Pass worked real well for Adam didn't it?
Women have an instinctive need for security. This is connected to the vulnerability of pregnancy and the need to raise small children. The female needs to build order and structure to maximize these results. Men are naturally driven by desire instead of insecurity, unless they are being programmed by a woman to appease her insecurities. The male may be happy to play a fool with his friends, but this makes his wife feel insecure since a fool cannot protect and serve. She will make it her goal to break him until he is insecure and in line.

This natural insecurity is why women prefer law, since law or knowledge of good and evil tells you how to behave to maximize security within culture. Women mature quicker because of this attraction to laws, rules and procedures. The male because of his desire is always looking for the next fling and is therefore less connected to the structure of law of good and evil. This is also why men become explorers and inventors. They don't see the fear as much as the desired goal (analogy to the female). Eve eating of law of good and evil was good for Eve, but did not benefit Adam quite a much. The lack of fit is why males can't seem to settle with law but either break the law or get mean and evil in an attempt to enforce the law. It is not natural to them but coaxed into them by Eve (female).

The story of Adam and Eve is still modern. Liberalism is more feminized than conservative. This is why the liberal party loves to make laws, rules and regulation in volumes. Its mind tries to appease feminine fear with ever increasing knowledge of good and evil. It also, like women, tries to break the males. If you are a white, male, Christian, straight you get the most social nagging since these are most independent and not with the liberal program of fear.

Conservative is more masculine and teaches self reliance instead of commune, which makes liberals/females get insecure. The modern symbolic Eve wants Adam (males) to eat of their new tree of knowledge of good and evil, which has a dual standard in her favor. If modern Adam he eats fully, they are both screwed, like in the story, since the desire adaptation of Adam will be traded for a muzzle to appease temporal fear while adding to insecurity. Instead of being able to find solution the male will be struggling to maintain power (to appease fear).

If you look at ObamaCare, this appeased the feminine liberal fear of getting sick, because it sounded good (Satan is a smooth talker) But after Eve and then Adam ate, now the cost is about to create secondary problems which were not anticipated by the feminine liberals. There will be rationing and nagging (IRS) busy body (NSA) control over people. This will make the fear worse until desire for change returns. Then Adam will make a stand and Eve will follow, for now.

We must keep Eve subjugated! We cannot let Eve acquire parity or all that the white Christian male had hoped to achieve through one of the most cruel deceptions propagated on a gender in the history of humankind will be annihilated.
If the story is purported to be true, then it's truth value is relevant from the outset. We no longer examine it as a work of fiction, we compare it to what we can divine from reality.
I am examining it as a work of fiction (the talking snake should be your first clue). Any points that do happen to coincide with reality are not relevant to the overall (lack of) truth.

But since you seem intent on not discussing them further, or simply admitting that they were perhaps somewhat problematic, I guess we're done here.
All ideas are problematic. At least they should be. One reason for posting on Internet forums is to try to iron out those probems. (Or like Greatest I am seems to like to do, to iron problems/wrinkles in.)
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It is becoming apparent and I have no more time for your garbage.
Yes, that's your standard M.O. - run away when you have no answer.

Do you really not understand the difference between doing something and understanding the consequences of doing it?
Yes, that's your standard M.O. - run away when you have no answer.

Do you really not understand the difference between doing something and understanding the consequences of doing it?

I understand about doing things perfectly.

From another poster.
“God does all things perfect.. Creation was perfect.”

My reply was ----

Which says, if you follow the biblical analogy in the O P, that Adam would make the perfect choice. That of opening his eyes so that he could see and understand reality. He grew up.


Thank God Adam was bright enough to follow his better, Eve.

Talk to a woman and wonder why it was the right thing for mankind to have it's eyes opened.

From another poster.
“God does all things perfect.. Creation was perfect.”
That poster was wrong. The entire Bible is about the imperfection of the creation. If the creation was perfect, it wouldn't have chosen to become imperfect.
It would be unwise to quote a book with such major transcription and interpretation issues. The Scriptures translated by employees of King James, whom was indeed a King, (what did Jesus say to the king - leave it all and follow me) so obviously King James is not following Jesus, yet had this book translated. No king ever has the best interests of his slaves in mind.

This being obvious truth, still some truth lays within the text of said translated scriptures.

The key here is to recognize the blood is on the hands of the ones who commit ill actions against others, not on the ones who instructed it.

Same concept lays in the Biblical story of Eden. God showed Adam and Eve, the weapon (the tree). Told them not to use it because it is wrong. And they did anyway. God did not conceal the truth. Knowledge of the difference was presented as an unknowing yet they knew obedience from disobedience. So the thing in which God had told them not to try and know, was something they had already known from the beginning.

They were told the tree was the key to knowing the difference........ YET........ They already knew the difference!!!

They already knew.....

Sex has ABSOLUTELY NOOOOOTHINNNNGGG to do with this understanding or lack thereof.

This is where so many fall short of "The glory of God".

They still believe that what we do with our bodies has the ability to bring us closer or take us further from "God". Which is impossible. If God is in you how can it be less in you for doing something with your body??? It doesn't make sense, and when it doesn't make sense its because their is some falseness within it. Like a sales man. Their way is to throw the buyer off by confusing them.

The truth will always make perfect sense.

This is how you know it is the truth.
I understand about doing things perfectly.

From another poster.
“God does all things perfect.. Creation was perfect.”

My reply was ----

Which says, if you follow the biblical analogy in the O P, that Adam would make the perfect choice. That of opening his eyes so that he could see and understand reality. He grew up.


Thank God Adam was bright enough to follow his better, Eve.

Talk to a woman and wonder why it was the right thing for mankind to have it's eyes opened.


Looks like you are willing to take several bites out of the apple? We thank you for that!
If your stupid enough to be led the "wrong way", then thats not "Satan's" fault, it's yours.

Because someone tells you to kill, doesnt make it their fault you killed.

The concept of Satan is also misconstrued and misinterpreted. Satan is the body we all reside within. The complete reality. As God is the spirit.

Satan can tell one to jump off a cliff till their blue in the face, but if their too busy listening to God, they'd never even hear the absurdity of demands.
If your stupid enough to be led the "wrong way", then thats not "Satan's" fault, it's yours.

Because someone tells you to kill, doesnt make it their fault you killed.

The concept of Satan is also misconstrued and misinterpreted. Satan is the body we all reside within. The complete reality. As God is the spirit.

Satan can tell one to jump off a cliff till their blue in the face, but if their too busy listening to God, they'd never even hear the absurdity of demands.

What if God commands you to kill?
Self sacrifice is not insane. Insane is repetition with expected differing outcomes.

To understand that nothing exists outside of "God's will", is to see the big picture.

Your statements are conflicting. First you say God is insane for planning and executing his son. Then you say Christianity is the deliverer of subjugation and immorality against women. So who did it.. .. God or Christians???

This is where the confusion is for many.

Some will try to convince you that you can change things and your thoughts etc. Others will say only God's will exists and nothing you say or do will ever be outside of that.

Yet to understand truth, you know that it NEVER needs convincing. It simply is. Truth is simple.