God’s glitch in Eden. A & E had to break God’s second command to accomplish the first

Mr. Greatest I am, I quote you from Post #196 : "Way too dumb for me. We re done here."

Mr. Greatest I am, I quote you from Post #199 : "Way too dumb for me. We re done here."

Mr. Greatest I am, it would appear that this "we" you speak of, are both "done", or does apotheosis allow even more than two personalities to inhabit an "omnipotent godlike deity"?!!

BTW, Mr. Greatest I am, were any of those other "multiple omnipotent godlike deity's" able to comprehend the saying I quoted in my Post #198?
I will re-quote the saying for any of the other "multiple omnipotent godlike deity's" in your "possession" to contemplate : "It is better to remain quiet, and be thought a fool, than to speak up and erase all doubt."
Mr. Greatest I am, I quote you from Post #196 : "Way too dumb for me. We re done here."

Mr. Greatest I am, I quote you from Post #199 : "Way too dumb for me. We re done here."

Mr. Greatest I am, it would appear that this "we" you speak of, are both "done", or does apotheosis allow even more than two personalities to inhabit an "omnipotent godlike deity"?!!

BTW, Mr. Greatest I am, were any of those other "multiple omnipotent godlike deity's" able to comprehend the saying I quoted in my Post #198?
I will re-quote the saying for any of the other "multiple omnipotent godlike deity's" in your "possession" to contemplate : "It is better to remain quiet, and be thought a fool, than to speak up and erase all doubt."

So why are you erasing our doubts?

So why are you erasing our doubts?


Quote from Mr. Greatest I Am, : "Way too dumb for me. We re done here."

Quote from Mr. Greatest I Am, : "So why are you erasing our doubts?"

Mr. Greatest I Am, the saying I quoted/posted referred to : "all doubt", or does your usage of the words "our doubts" supposed to somehow imply that your apotheosis, and "Godlike" misconceptions manifested "you" as "all" that there "is" and "all" that "matters"?

So, if you, Mr. Greatest I am, had possibly, not been so full of your own ego, and actually have taken the time to think before you typed, you would have typed : ...ALL doubts? instead of "...our doubts?", if you were attempting to belittle me.

Besides, quoting Mr. Greatest I AM : "Way too dumb for me. We re done here."
Does your continuing to Post in this thread possibly mean;
1. - Nothing could ever really be "Way too dumb" for Mr. Greatest I Am?
2. - Mr. Greatest I Am possibly has the ability to be misunderstood, mistaken, incorrect or dare I say it...wrong?

These are more questions that I honestly doubt MR. Greatest I Am will deign to answer.
I hope you run out of hate soon. I begin to pity you.


Mr. Greatest I Am, is Post #204 in someway a reply to my Post #203 and/or directed at me, dmoe?

Since, it seems, to me, that as is usually the case, it seems, to me, to be, a question Mr. Greatest I Am will deign to answer - I will comment on it, as if it were directed at me, dmoe.

I have no "hate" or more precisely "hatred" for anything or anyone. I was brought up with the knowledge and understanding that "hatred" was one of the products of a shortcoming of one's own self - similar to "jealousy", "envy", and "pity".

If either of the statements made by you, Mr. Greatest I Am, in Post #204, are your sincere feelings - then only you can do anything at all about them.

You, Mr. Greatest I Am, by your own choice, Post in an open forum. By doing such, that imply the consent to have those postings read and commented on by other Posters.
Most other Posters are able to answer questions posed to them as a result of their Postings. Most other Posters are able to accept and discuss alternate or opposing views to their Postings. Most other Posters are able accept criticism (good or bad) to their postings.

Some Posters seem to choose to ignore what most other Posters do, and instead choose operate with what seem to be their own ideas of "Posting Etiquette", which seem to include : Posting childish rants/tantrums, making false or unfounded accusations, trite name calling, petty attempts at belittling/marginalizing/ attacking other Posters, ignoring other Posts/Posters or any number of things that Most other Posters do not choose to do.

Again, if either of the statements made by you, Mr. Greatest I Am, in Post #204, are your sincere feelings - then only you can do anything at all about them.

One of the things that I, as in just me, dmoe, think that you might possibly try, again possibly, is to actually answer questions or attempt to clarify your statements/position/views statements when asked. Again, those are just things that I, me, dmoe seems to feel/think may help your "hate/pity" problem.
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God’s glitch in Eden. A & E had to break God’s second command to accomplish the first.

Eden is a rather easy myth to follow if you are not a Christian and do not see a fall but the elevation that the Jews had originally written into that story. Jews thought that man having his eyes opened and gaining God’s moral sense was a good thing.

Christians do not and ignore the bible that says that that moral sense is the number one priority we are supposed to be working on. Be ye as God.

God told A & E to reproduce in Genesis 1. That was for the two people made of clay. Most Christians do not take the Lilith myth as real for Genesis 1 and would rather believe that God created woman as an afterthought with Adam’s rib. Dumb to dumber.

Genesis 2 shows a rather stupid omission for a God who does not seem to know that a human male needs a human female to reproduce.

Yet God not only failed to give Adam a mate, a glaring idiocy by any measure, until Genesis 2 but also did not give Adam the desire to reproduce till Adam gained that desire on his own by ignoring God’s immoral command to basically remain in ignorant bliss and stupid.

Adam had to eat of the tree of knowledge before he could reproduce or develop the desire for reproduction and sex. After all, desires and sex both have good and evil sides so Adam could not have done either without the knowledge of good and evil.

Do you recognize the truth in A & E not being able to do God’s first command to reproduce without first eating of the tree of knowledge?

Adam and Eve’s eyes had to be opened before sex. And that took the knowledge encased in the tree of knowledge.

Do you recognize that that is when Adam and Eve became able to reproduce or have sex because they could not desire it until after they ate of the tree of knowledge?

you do realize all that is only MYTHology,right?

Any who can think a bit will. Many Christians believe it is all real.
They need our help and guidance.


"Any who can think a bit will." - So...honestly Mr. GIA, who told you, or where did you read it?

"They need our help and guidance." - You used the word "our", improperly, again!

Again, honestly, Mr. GIA, what "help and guidance" do you have to offer? - You do not even deign to answer simple questions?
Has anyone here even thought about the fact that no body was there when "god" created the earth in those seven days? No where has it ever said that he told adam and eve what he did or what order it was in. And how would anyone have known he rested on the seventh day anyways he didn't say anything. because supposedly they were the only two people living back then and they would have been the only ones he would have been able to tell. They didn't have pen and paper back then either and I'm 100% sure that no one can remember that much and still be able to tell it in so much detail. Not to mention who in the world would they have told. They were the only ones according to the big book. Sex probably didn't even have a meaning back then either if u think about it the bible could very well be a fraud. Oh and another thing language was choppy back then they didn't use ye and his holyness they talked like a higher class of apes so there isnt any POSSIBLE way that they would have been able to communicate so well. And another thing if adam and eve had been real don't you think we would all be more alike and have similar features. We wouldn't be split up in different countries and we would all speak the same language.
"Any who can think a bit will." - So...honestly Mr. GIA, who told you, or where did you read it?

"They need our help and guidance." - You used the word "our", improperly, again!

Again, honestly, Mr. GIA, what "help and guidance" do you have to offer? - You do not even deign to answer simple questions?

I do when the asker is worth my time.

Has anyone here even thought about the fact that no body was there when "god" created the earth in those seven days? No where has it ever said that he told adam and eve what he did or what order it was in. And how would anyone have known he rested on the seventh day anyways he didn't say anything. because supposedly they were the only two people living back then and they would have been the only ones he would have been able to tell. They didn't have pen and paper back then either and I'm 100% sure that no one can remember that much and still be able to tell it in so much detail. Not to mention who in the world would they have told. They were the only ones according to the big book. Sex probably didn't even have a meaning back then either if u think about it the bible could very well be a fraud. Oh and another thing language was choppy back then they didn't use ye and his holyness they talked like a higher class of apes so there isnt any POSSIBLE way that they would have been able to communicate so well. And another thing if adam and eve had been real don't you think we would all be more alike and have similar features. We wouldn't be split up in different countries and we would all speak the same language.

Someone had to be there my friend.

Did you not see the home movies?

Just kidding. Your point of logic and reason is true of course.

That has little if any bearing on right wing Christians. The indoctrination and brainwashing runs deep.
The left just ignore truths because they are not in religions for truth. Just tradition and cultural reasons.

Where you are born will likely decide which God is chosen for you.

I do when the asker is worth my time.


Mr. Greatest PEBCAK I Am,
Ouch...Graced by the Touch...vicious backhand...of a...puerile inane deity...who's time is worth even less than a:
- Waterproof towel
- Solar-powered flashlight
- Submarine screen-door
- A book on how to read
- Inflatable dart-board
- Dictionary index
- Ejector seat in a helicopter
- Powdered water
- Water-proof teabag

Ouch...that was a vicious low blow!

I know, Mr. Greatest PEBCAK I am - time for another TL-DR Post!

Post #147 - by Mr. GIA : quote -"It is a short read but I understand if you do not have the attention span." - unquote
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Why don't you two gentlemen try to get past your differences? You're really both pretty cool in your own ways.
Juuuust sayin ;)
Mr. Greatest PEBCAK I Am,
Ouch...Graced by the Touch...vicious backhand...of a...puerile inane deity...who's time is worth even less than a:
- Waterproof towel
- Solar-powered flashlight
- Submarine screen-door
- A book on how to read
- Inflatable dart-board
- Dictionary index
- Ejector seat in a helicopter
- Powdered water
- Water-proof teabag

Ouch...that was a vicious low blow!

I know, Mr. Greatest PEBCAK I am - time for another TL-DR Post!

If you are handed a lemon make lemonade!

- Waterproof towel - Wear it in the sea.
- Solar-powered flashlight - already invented. Saves daylight energy to use at night.
- Submarine screen-door - maybe good to keep the fish out of the torpedo tubes.
- A book on how to read - Education is vital
- Inflatable dart-board - darts in this case are sticky
- Dictionary index - Alphabetical index
- Ejector seat in a helicopter - as long as it was sideways
- Powdered water - Dry ice? Crushed Ice = Powdered water
- Water-proof teabag - Useful when camping keep you tea dry until you need it
Why don't you two gentlemen try to get past your differences? You're really both pretty cool in your own ways.
Juuuust sayin ;)

wegs, you will have to ask GIA that. Reread the posts, back from the beginning, started out alright then I asked a question.
Started right then, never even tried to answer it. To me it is funny - I call myself worse names than anybody else ever has!

Once or twice, I've Posted in one of his Threads with a comment or view - more or less agreeing or adding to his train of thought - maybe 8-10 Posts later - a couple more Posters will add to my comments - then a few Posts after that, he will make it a point to thank or acknowledge their input - funny as all get out.

Gives me the old "TL-DR" comment a lot! Come to think of it - it was either GIA or MR, not worth me searching back to check - that I gave you the - YYURYYUBICURYY4ME - "riddle" - I believe you called it.
You will never have any problem with him though.
Threw the old PEBCAK at him today - do not know if he read that post - probably another "TL-DR"...

wegs, gotta go...Nurse Wratchett is giving me the old "vee just vant some of your blood look...

tell GIA I said "hi"

wegs, sorry- feelis kinda ruff go bak to page8 post #150 read & # 151 then link @ #150 /sory
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Yeah thats true in a lot of ways. I was born into a christian family but I can clearly see the faults in the bible contents. There are so many things in there that when you actually try and piece it together you can't because of all the gaps. I was raised with the bible in my home but in a way I think i rejected it. :)