God’s glitch in Eden. A & E had to break God’s second command to accomplish the first

It would be unwise to quote a book with such major transcription and interpretation issues. The Scriptures translated by employees of King James, whom was indeed a King, (what did Jesus say to the king - leave it all and follow me) so obviously King James is not following Jesus, yet had this book translated. No king ever has the best interests of his slaves in mind.

This being obvious truth, still some truth lays within the text of said translated scriptures.

The key here is to recognize the blood is on the hands of the ones who commit ill actions against others, not on the ones who instructed it.

Same concept lays in the Biblical story of Eden. God showed Adam and Eve, the weapon (the tree). Told them not to use it because it is wrong. And they did anyway. God did not conceal the truth. Knowledge of the difference was presented as an unknowing yet they knew obedience from disobedience. So the thing in which God had told them not to try and know, was something they had already known from the beginning.

They were told the tree was the key to knowing the difference........ YET........ They already knew the difference!!!

They already knew.....

Sex has ABSOLUTELY NOOOOOTHINNNNGGG to do with this understanding or lack thereof.

This is where so many fall short of "The glory of God".

They still believe that what we do with our bodies has the ability to bring us closer or take us further from "God". Which is impossible. If God is in you how can it be less in you for doing something with your body??? It doesn't make sense, and when it doesn't make sense its because their is some falseness within it. Like a sales man. Their way is to throw the buyer off by confusing them.

The truth will always make perfect sense.

This is how you know it is the truth.

Your statements are conflicting. First you say God is insane for planning and executing his son. Then you say Christianity is the deliverer of subjugation and immorality against women. So who did it.. .. God or Christians???

This is where the confusion is for many.

Truth is simple.

So simplify with your answers.

Is it sane to have your son needlessly murdered to fill your own ransom request?

Has Christianity denigrated and subjugated women?


What are your simple and truthful answers?

We never knew The Truth. We never can. We can only approach it.

If you have a point, make it. I'm not going to read every site on the Internet to try to figure out what you mean.

It is a short read but I understand if you do not have the attention span.

The bottom line is that the Jews wrote God up as a success i8n Rden and Christianity turned that success for both man and God to a failure for all the characters of Eden as well as us.

Just for the money.

The bottom line is that the Jews wrote God up as a success i8n Rden and Christianity turned that success for both man and God to a failure for all the characters of Eden as well as us.
God was a success in Eden because He dealt with the imperfections in his creation. Success is not the absence of failure; it's the ability to make good use of failure.
God was a success in Eden because He dealt with the imperfections in his creation. Success is not the absence of failure; it's the ability to make good use of failure.

I spoke of both God and man and you speak to half. Thanks.

There is that attention span again. Read the link I gave. You need it.

I spoke of both God and man and you speak to half.
Man was the creation. I covered both.

To recap: God created man with the ability to make bad decisions. That's an inherently imperfect creation. Man made a decision that had both good and bad implications: he became more god-like, i.e. he became capable of discerning the good and bad implications of his decisions - but he also had to worry about the implications of his decisions.

In the story, eating the fruit precipitated a change but it's just a plot device. It's an excuse for God to explain Adam and Eve' imperfect nature to them.
Man was the creation. I covered both.

To recap: God created man with the ability to make bad decisions

In the myth, yes.
Not in real life.
But you forget that in the myth that would include the ability to make the right or good decisions as well. Right?

That's an inherently imperfect creation.

Are you saying that perfect people cannot make the wrong decision?
If so and since scriptures say that God makes all things perfect, then Adam would have made only right decisions. Right?
Or do you think it imperfect for Adam to have decided to not stay blind and dumb?

Do you think man is a better man if dumb and blind to the knowledge of good and evil?

Man made a decision that had both good and bad implications: he became more god-like, i.e. he became capable of discerning the good and bad implications of his decisions - but he also had to worry about the implications of his decisions.

A & E grew up is what you are saying. They matured. Quite a good thing. Right?


In the story, eating the fruit precipitated a change but it's just a plot device. It's an excuse for God to explain Adam and Eve' imperfect nature to them.

If that is the case then you should be able to find the quotes showing just that.

I am waiting.

BTW. Could God not have taught of this imperfect nature without his having to make himself look like a criminal parent by starving A & E to death through neglect by forcibly keeping them from the tree that would have kept them alive?

You do know that we would jail his sorry ass by todays standards. Right?

In the myth, yes.
Not in real life.
But you're making accusations about God in real life based on what you read in the myth. You have to stick to one or the other.

Are you saying that perfect people cannot make the wrong decision?

If so and since scriptures say that God makes all things perfect....
The scripotures don't say that.

Or do you think it imperfect for Adam to have decided to not stay blind and dumb?
Yes. In the myth, innocence is preferable.

Do you think man is a better man if dumb and blind to the knowledge of good and evil?
"Better" is too loose a term. In the context of the myth, innocence is preferable, ignorance is bliss. Growing up makes us more capable of dealing with the real world but it doesn't make us "better". It would be foolish to say that adults are "better" than children.

If that is the case then you should be able to find the quotes showing just that.
Don't be silly. The myth doesn't have its own built-in Cliff notes to explain all of its literary devices.

Could God not have taught of this imperfect nature without his having to make himself look like a criminal parent by starving A & E to death through neglect by forcibly keeping them from the tree that would have kept them alive?
It isn't criminal to throw your adult children out of the house.
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Who is better in this clip; those with innocent bliss or the one with knowledge of good and evil?
Again, "better" is poor terminology. The vast majority of species on earth do live in "ignorant bliss", paying little attention to the misfortunes of their fellows. A biological system probably couldn't work otherwise. If you want to pretend that a pie-in-the-sky ideal system is "better" than reality, go ahead.

By the way, becoming more god-like, by your own logic, implies that they become more caring for thir fellow man.
Not a thing.

Have you already shown all you have and can now only throw stones and run away?

Oh well.


Mr. Greatest I Am, I have "shown" nothing - I have, however, posed questions or asked for clarifications.
I have "thrown" no stones.
Mr. Greatest I Am is the one that has abandoned threads, ignored posts and "run away".
You have no regards for anyone other than Mr. Greatest I Am.
You possess no answers. You do not even seek any answers.
Yet you mock and belittle anyone who seems to have any or seeks them.
You must be a legend in your own little fantasy world.
Again, "better" is poor terminology. The vast majority of species on earth do live in "ignorant bliss", paying little attention to the misfortunes of their fellows. A biological system probably couldn't work otherwise. If you want to pretend that a pie-in-the-sky ideal system is "better" than reality, go ahead.

By the way, becoming more god-like, by your own logic, implies that they become more caring for thir fellow man.

For sure.

You make that sound like a bad idea.

When you can answer who is the superior being in that clip, we can talk more.

You have to decide even if your do not like the terminology.

All you are doing now is hiding behind semantics.

Mr. Greatest I Am, I have "shown" nothing - I have, however, posed questions or asked for clarifications.
I have "thrown" no stones.
Mr. Greatest I Am is the one that has abandoned threads, ignored posts and "run away".
You have no regards for anyone other than Mr. Greatest I Am.
You possess no answers. You do not even seek any answers.
Yet you mock and belittle anyone who seems to have any or seeks them.
You must be a legend in your own little fantasy world.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt


So, now you want to discuss Eleanor Roosevelt?
I guess at least she was an actual living person, as opposed to the mythical person you usually lambaste.
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