God’s glitch in Eden. A & E had to break God’s second command to accomplish the first

So, your question : "How is becoming like God a punishment?"
And your answer : "I think that becoming like God to be our number one moral priority. "

The speed of reading has nothing to do with it.
First off, you ask how becoming like a mythical/fictional creature is punishment.
Then you state your thought that becoming like that mythical/fictional creature should be OUR number one moral priority, as an answer.
Who is/are this OUR you speak of? And how is punishment akin to a moral priority?
...........Read slower............
y. o. u. p. r. o. v. i. d. e. n. o. a. n. s. w. e. r. s. o, n. l. y. i. n. a. n. e. i. n. c. o. h. e. r. e. n. c. e.

Spiritually speaking we are to emulate God.

I did not say that punishment was a moral priority.
Working on our character is.

I agree but Christians do not follow Jesus at all.

He told us to accept the burden of salvation for ourselves meanwhile Christians are all trying to ride him as their scapegoat whipping boy savior.

Quite pathetic to see.


Why are you concern for other , your obligation is tell them you are doing bad , after that is the responsibility of each one of ourselves , Why look at others on how they behave ,
Why are you concern for other , your obligation is tell them you are doing bad , after that is the responsibility of each one of ourselves , Why look at others on how they behave ,

If you are not concerned for others then you have no social conscience.

We are all in this together, alone.

Change the labels in this quote to women, Gays or children being brainwashed by religions, ---- and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

Spiritually speaking we are to emulate God.

I did not say that punishment was a moral priority.
Working on our character is.


First off, you did not "say" anything at all. what you "wrote" though, was, as always, twaddle.
"Spiritually speaking we are to emulate God." Emulate a mythical/fictional creature ?!!

Then you wrote : "Working on our character is." Is what ? Is a punishment ?!! - Is a moral priority ?!!

Since, seemingly, you lack the ability to re-read and comprehend (or own up to !!) the twaddle you, yourself, previously typed.
Do you, Mr. Greatest I Am, seriously, even THINK, prior to typing said twaddle ?!!

And, do you, in fact, practice the twaddle you preach ?

Do you have more non-answers to these questions ?
You have it reversed. He is because he did.
You're just confusing yourself. The Christians think God punished Adam and Eve but you don't. The Christians could possibly conclude that God is a prick but you can't, based on your premise that they were not punished. You can't criticize their logic based on your premises.
You're just confusing yourself. The Christians think God punished Adam and Eve but you don't. The Christians could possibly conclude that God is a prick but you can't, based on your premise that they were not punished. You can't criticize their logic based on your premises.

sideshowbob, Mr. Greatest I Am has ascended - he no longer has to play by mere human rules or laws.
Heck, he does not even play by any rules - he only demands that insignificant playthings(like us!) play by any rules he makes up, for us insignificant playthings, as he swaggers along.
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sideshowbob, Mr. Greatest I Am has ascended - he no longer has to play by mere human rules or laws.
Heck, he does not even play by any rules - he only demands that insignificant playthings(like us!) play by any rules he makes up, for us insignificant playthings, as he swaggers along.
No problem. :) I can play by any rules. Eventually, he always takes his ball and runs away.
No problem. :) I can play by any rules. Eventually, he always takes his ball and runs away.

sideshowbob, too true!
Is it possible that he..."always takes his ball and runs away", because he does not, in fact, possess a pair?
After all, having never experienced it myself, how am in I to know that apotheosis does not entail some form of castration?
You're just confusing yourself. The Christians think God punished Adam and Eve but you don't. The Christians could possibly conclude that God is a prick but you can't, based on your premise that they were not punished. You can't criticize their logic based on your premises.

For less confusion.

What is your position? Is God a prick for murdering A & E or not?

I say that he is a murderous prick. Do you agree?

What is your position? Is God a prick for murdering A & E or not?
Read the story. Adam and Eve were not murdered. As far as we know they lived long and happy lives and had children and grandchildren. As far as we know they both died in old age of natural causes.

Not having eternal life is not the same as being murdered.

So, no murder = no murderer.
Read the story. Adam and Eve were not murdered. As far as we know they lived long and happy lives and had children and grandchildren. As far as we know they both died in old age of natural causes.

Not having eternal life is not the same as being murdered.

So, no murder = no murderer.

Be careful there, sideshowbob, you are making sense!
You keep that up, and as Flip Wilson/Geraldine used to say : " some fictional "murderous pr!ck"'ll get ya' for that."
Read the story. Adam and Eve were not murdered. As far as we know they lived long and happy lives and had children and grandchildren. As far as we know they both died in old age of natural causes.

Not having eternal life is not the same as being murdered.

So, no murder = no murderer.

So if you prevent your children from eating what will keep them alive, and they die, that is not murder.

You will not make a good jurist.

That is definitely murder.

So if you prevent your children from eating what will keep them alive, and they die, that is not murder.
If you prevent your children from eating what will give them eternal life, that is not murder.

You will not make a good jurist.
Deprivation of eternal life is no crime. No jurist on earth would convict.
If you prevent your children from eating what will give them eternal life, that is not murder.

Deprivation of eternal life is no crime. No jurist on earth would convict.

Every man with half a brain will know that to deprive children of what they need to live till they die is murder.

You show your idiocy by not recognizing what is apparent.

Way too dumb for me. We re done here.

Every man with half a brain will know that to deprive children of what they need to live till they die is murder.
And God didn't do that. He gave Adam and Eve the use of every tree in the garden except one. They had all they needed to live and they did live for many years after. They were not murdered.
from Post #189 by sideshowbob : "No problem. I can play by any rules. Eventually, he always takes his ball and runs away."

from Post #196 by Mr. Greatest I Am : "Every man with half a brain will know...Way too dumb for me. We re done here."

from dmoe to Mr. Greatest I Am : Have you ever heard the saying? - "It is better to remain quiet, and be thought a fool, than to speak up and erase all doubt."
Way too dumb for me. We re done here.
Why can't you address the issue instead of running away?

Depriving somebody of eternal life is not murder. That's a pretty simple concept.

One reason, of course, is that eternal life doesn't exist. But even if it did exist, "murder" is depriving somebody of biological life. If you want to make up your own word for what happened to Adam and Eve, feel free, but murder it ain't.