Genetics Vs Mormonism & Creationism

Marlin said:
::shrug:: I said that Jacob 2 proved that authorized polygamy was okay.
it never once mentioned authorized, where do you see it?
you're reading into it in a desperate attempt to find your 'proof', where is it? in plain english please, not some convoluted phraseology or reading between the lines, type stuff

that’s a perfect example of “Hemming & Hawing”
WildBlueYonder said:
it never once mentioned authorized, where do you see it?
you're reading into it in a desperate attempt to find your 'proof', where is it? in plain english please, not some convoluted phraseology or reading between the lines, type stuff

that’s a perfect example of “Hemming & Hawing”

And your response is the perfect example of "Hello, I'm a clueless moron!"

(just kidding, you know I love ya, my cherie amor.)

Seriously, read verse 30. It may take several readings to get the point across, but it will come to you.
Marlin said:
"Hello, I'm a clueless moron!"
stop giving away your secrets, we already know that (you're too funny, I like a girl with a good sense of humor)
(just kidding, you know I love ya, my cherie amor.)
stop giving away our secrets, shhh
Seriously, read verse 30. It may take several readings to get the point across, but it will come to you.
if you got to read it more than once, it ain't there, trust me, you are brainwashing yourself or self-hypnotizing
WildBlueYonder said:
stop giving away your secrets, we already know that (you're too funny, I like a girl with a good sense of humor)

stop giving away our secrets, shhh

I think it's time the whole world knows of our love, darling. Our time has come!

if you got to read it more than once, it ain't there, trust me, you are brainwashing yourself or self-hypnotizing

All right, all right, once more I will try to explain this to you:

Jacob 2
God sez to the Nephites: David and Solomon had many wives and concubines, which was abominable to Me. So, you may have only one wife and no concubines. But if I want to, I will command my people to raise up seed unto me; OTHERWISE you shall listen to the commandment to be monogamous.

The command to "raise up seed" is obviously OTHERWISE than the commandment to be monogamous; thus, it entails a condition that is not monogamous (polygamy).

Does that help?
But polygamy doesn't help increase population groth rate when male and female numbers are roughly equal as in the time of J Smith. It only increases it when female numbers outweigh male significantly. As such you still have a contradiction.
(Q) said:
Ah, but that is not the way to go about it, you're merely replacing one problem with another. You must deal with the self-destructive tendencies by facing the issues causing those tendencies.

i don't understand how adopting a moral code from a religion is replacing one problem with another.

(Q) said:
Religion will further stifle that growth, inhibiting your abilities to think.

how so? i think that you've got the wrong idea about what i believe.

(Q) said:
What does that have to do with a single message from a god to all people?

because everyone must have their own journey. there is no singular correct answer for all people, all cultures. even you must have had your own journey in discovering your personal beliefs.

(Q) said:
How do you know things are invisibly connected? What would make you leap to that conclusion?

i didn't say that i know, i say that it seems all things are connected. it seems that in this world there are certain constants. i believe that those constants tell of something larger.
i don't understand how adopting a moral code from a religion is replacing one problem with another.

For one thing, morality has nothing to do with religion, they are borne from sociology, and as I already mentioned, you are not dealing with the problems, which still exist. They have not magically dissapeared merely because you found religion.

All you've essentially done is replace crack with smack.

i think that you've got the wrong idea about what i believe.

If you believe in a god, then I haven't got it wrong.

there is no singular correct answer for all people, all cultures.

Perhaps in life with earthly issues, but that has nothing to do with a god revealing his message, which must be the same for all and be known by all.

even you must have had your own journey in discovering your personal beliefs.

I have no need for beliefs, they are for the weak minded who are unable to think for themselves.

it seems that in this world there are certain constants. i believe that those constants tell of something larger.

The constants you speak are of a physical nature; speed of light, etc. Anything you might believe beyond physical constants is from your imagination. It is something you want to believe, not something that might exist.
Trilairian said:
But polygamy doesn't help increase population groth rate when male and female numbers are roughly equal as in the time of J Smith. It only increases it when female numbers outweigh male significantly. As such you still have a contradiction.

Scenario #1: Let's say that George is a faithful Latter-day Saint in the mid-1800s. Barbara, another one of the faithful, marries him, as do Ellen and Ruth, also faithful LDS. They each have 10 children, resulting in 30 faithful LDS children.

Compare that with what happens if...

Scenario #2: Bob is not a faithful LDS. He marries Barbara and they have 10 children. However, Bob doesn't raise his children to be faithful LDS. Ellen marries Fred, also not one of the faithful, resulting in 10 more non-LDS children. Finally, George marries Ruth and they have 10 faithful LDS children. In this scenario, there are only 10 faithful LDS children.

Which scenario is going to result in more LDS children?
They each have 10 children, resulting in 30 faithful LDS children.

That is, until they grow up and begin thinking for themselves, Once they find out the religion is a fraud, they will vanish.

Which scenario is going to result in more LDS children?

To have children for the sake of propping up corporate numbers, so to speak, is beyond reproach. It is sickening to hear of such things. And if that's the way you truly feel about your religion, then I hope you never become a parent.
(Q) said:
Marlin: They each have 10 children, resulting in 30 faithful LDS children.

That is, until they grow up and begin thinking for themselves, Once they find out the religion is a fraud, they will vanish.

Not necessarily. All of the children in my family are adult LDS, and we all think for ourselves. It's insulting of you to say that we can't.

Marlin: Which scenario is going to result in more LDS children?

To have children for the sake of propping up corporate numbers, so to speak, is beyond reproach. It is sickening to hear of such things. And if that's the way you truly feel about your religion, then I hope you never become a parent.

It's not for numbers' sake. It's for salvation's sake. 10 children get saved, versus 30 get saved. And those 30 influence others to be saved, who in turn influence still more others, etc.
All of the children in my family are adult LDS, and we all think for ourselves. It's insulting of you to say that we can't.

You can't, you yourself have made that blatantly clear. Sorry if you're offended, but that is a fact.

It's not for numbers' sake. It's for salvation's sake. 10 children get saved, versus 30 get saved.

Complete nonsense. Those other 20 children don't need to be saved if they aren't born. No, it is clearly a numbers game. And again, if you only need more children to go out and influence others towards your religion, that too is sickening.
Marlin said:
Scenario #1: Let's say that George is a faithful Latter-day Saint in the mid-1800s. Barbara, another one of the faithful, marries him, as do Ellen and Ruth, also faithful LDS. They each have 10 children, resulting in 30 faithful LDS children.

Compare that with what happens if...

Scenario #2: Bob is not a faithful LDS. He marries Barbara and they have 10 children. However, Bob doesn't raise his children to be faithful LDS. Ellen marries Fred, also not one of the faithful, resulting in 10 more non-LDS children. Finally, George marries Ruth and they have 10 faithful LDS children. In this scenario, there are only 10 faithful LDS children.

Which scenario is going to result in more LDS children?
Are you insane?
Trilairian said:
Are you insane?

Why shouldn't God want His church to grow in number, especially when it was a small institution? There's nothing "insane" about it.
Marlin said:
I think it's time the whole world knows of our love, darling. Our time has come!
Stop gushing, you’re embarrassing me, send all your little lovenotes via PM to me, no need for all these other guys to hear all our mushy-washy talk
All right, all right, once more I will try to explain this to you:

Jacob 2
God sez to the Nephites: David and Solomon had many wives and concubines, which was abominable to Me. So, you may have only one wife and no concubines.
Now I understand the problem, the LDS believe that if it says to do one thing, you can do the opposite under “inspired” or “authorizing” revelation, makes sense to me, wow, you can change any passage then, wow, it lays the ground work for any change, wow, that means that when the LDS leadership decides to conform to mainstream Christianity, you won’t even blink, seeing as it was “authorized”, you’re right, it makes sense to me, thanks Marlin, you’re the best
But if I want to, I will command my people to raise up seed unto me; OTHERWISE you shall listen to the commandment to be monogamous.
Now correct me if I’m wrong, but was that the same logic that “corrected” polygamy once, so that it can be “corrected” again? I mean, if, let’s say, ‘inspiration’ comes again, could the LDS once again proclaim “polygamy” as essential to ‘godhood’, as in the old days, right?
The command to "raise up seed" is obviously OTHERWISE than the commandment to be monogamous; thus, it entails a condition that is not monogamous (polygamy).
Now I admit, I didn’t pay enough attention to my English teachers, when they diagramed-out sentences, to show the structure of its grammar, but I’m about 99% convinced that the LDS church has gone out on a limb, stretching for meaning that isn’t there.
Does that help?
Sort of, but let me help trying to un-stretch you guys a bit, since I have the feeling that J. Smith was really referring to Matthew 3:9 when he wrote this passage, like so:
Mat 3:7But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Mat 3:8Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:
Mat 3:9And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to [our] father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
Meaning, if the BoM people didn’t obey the admonition to marry only one wife, he would curse them & raise “other seed”, just as John the Baptist said of the Jewish religious leaders and God’s ability to raise ‘other seed’ in their stead

I hope that helps you
WBY, it all comes down to:

Was Joseph Smith a true prophet? or
Was he a false prophet?

I've told you many times how to get a testimony that he was for real. If you won't follow the instructions in Moroni 10:3-5 and if you continue in unbelief, I can't help you. The way is shown for you to get a bona fide testimony within your heart; you need but knock and it will be opened unto you. It may take a while; very few people get a testimony right away, but rather, after much study and prayer over a course of time, but it will come if you nurture it.

And that is all I have to say at this time. Good luck, and may God show you that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.
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So, you want to breed with females in order to create an army of indoctrinators for a cult started by a snake-oil salesman, and I'm the idiot?

There's nothing "insane" about it.

I feel sorry for those children, you are sick and twisted, Marlin.
(Q), no worries. I am not a polygamist. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints no longer practices polygamy, and it hasn't since 1890.

And anyone who thinks I want an army of cult indoctrinators is sick and twisted himself. I don't even want to marry unless I can find the right girl, and then, I only want one wife, ever. I wouldn't make a good polygamist, nor do I want to be one.