Genetics Vs Mormonism & Creationism

Originally Posted by WildBlueYonder
I know that God lives... you have to brainwash yourselves to believe all that
Originally Posted by (Q)
Yes, you do.
First, to get the meaning you probably intended, you would need to have done this:

Originally Posted by WildBlueYonder
I know that God lives...
Originally Posted by (Q)
Yes, you do
you have to brainwash yourselves to believe all that
you sure did.

secondly, & more to your point, I would like to ask you 2 questions;
1) if this universe is the result of a series of random chances, how do you explain all the order, shouldn’t it be chaos
2) how did life evolve by random chance, into more complex models, since complexity beyond a certain level, implies ‘intelligent design’
(Q) said:
For one thing, morality has nothing to do with religion, they are borne from sociology, and as I already mentioned, you are not dealing with the problems, which still exist. They have not magically dissapeared merely because you found religion.

All you've essentially done is replace crack with smack.

i never said that anything "dissapeared" when i found religion. i see your side, that morals come from sociology. i don't know what i'm arguing here anymore, i suppose.

(Q) said:
If you believe in a god, then I haven't got it wrong.

fair enough. i'm not a mormon, though. at least i'm not that far into fiction.

(Q) said:
Perhaps in life with earthly issues, but that has nothing to do with a god revealing his message, which must be the same for all and be known by all.

it must be the same for all, and must be heard by all - but the message must be translated many different ways, no? and a billion translations means a million interpretations by a billion people. i think that's why it's a personal quest.

(Q) said:
I have no need for beliefs, they are for the weak minded who are unable to think for themselves.

so what do you have? just logic? i'm not being mean, i'm trying to understand. you have no faith in anything?

(Q) said:
The constants you speak are of a physical nature; speed of light, etc. Anything you might believe beyond physical constants is from your imagination. It is something you want to believe, not something that might exist.

how do you know that, specifically? did i miss a memo?
1) if this universe is the result of a series of random chances, how do you explain all the order, shouldn’t it be chaos

Which 'order' do you refer exactly?

how did life evolve by random chance, into more complex models, since complexity beyond a certain level, implies ‘intelligent design’

Evolution, of course.

Intelligent design can easily be discarded when one compares the complexities and finds them full of flaws.

it must be the same for all, and must be heard by all - but the message must be translated many different ways, no? and a billion translations means a million interpretations by a billion people. i think that's why it's a personal quest.

Why would the message need to be translated? The message MUST be understood by all as something inherent to all; ie. through their connection with god. Each individual would have exactly the same connection receiving the exact same message, without the slightest bit of confusion or misinterpretation. It would be gods utter failure if he did not make that connection perfect in that all would understand his message equally and unequivocally.

In that, theists commonly confuse their connection with god as being similar to the way we communicate with each other. That is a major flaw in their arguments.

so what do you have? just logic? i'm not being mean, i'm trying to understand. you have no faith in anything?

Faith has two meanings, one is the blind faith of theists while the other is faith based on evidence. I live the latter and abhor the former. Having faith in something that has not and cannot possibly be shown to exist is complete delusion. I would have to ask how anyone could possibly live that way? It's utterly baffling!

I take a lot of pride in knowing humans have reached this current level of evolution, that we've managed to survive this long without becoming extinct ourselves and that we've evolved intelligence that allows us to ask questions and find answers as to how the universe works and that we can share with one another these marvels of nature.

To throw it all away on religion is the ultimate tragedy of mankind.

how do you know that, specifically? did i miss a memo?

Simple. How was the concept of religion initiated without any evidence whatsoever?
The flaw for me is that, since we are intelligent, something intelligent must have created us...

Did a higher gravity make the gravity in our universe? Since gravity can not think, thankfully it does not come to this niave conclusion.

Life could just be in the grand scheme of things a simple phenomenon that just happens and is of no importance to anything... Except of course ourselves.

If something intelligent created us, what created that intelligence, and so on... ?

A higher gravity? hehe, good one.

Life could just be in the grand scheme of things a simple phenomenon that just happens and is of no importance to anything... Except of course ourselves.

I'll comment on this and something else you said in another thread; ie. why/how we are here.

We are currently investigating, through science, how we got here. However, the question as to why we are here is purely philisophical. Without religion, the question has no meaning. We are simply here.