Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca

yes true, there are some islamic radical groups with, twisted beleifs and thinking (as well as the priest jhon in usa and others like him) but more serious

but not the teachings of islam... there's a difference, also i mean the real islamic teachings, the non extreme one, not that some radical groups make and follow and have some twisted purposes, like those who think that women must be locked at their homes and not work or study and etc...

I don't believe you. You can find justification in Islam for all these things. Jihad can mean a personal struggle, but it can also mean war.

Then Muslims should start banding together and protest and fight against it.

yes true, in countries where some of those radical groups exist (and from i think, it's also a political game, they tryed to turn tunisia into some pakistan like, with radicals and etc... nope, didnt work, at all)
anyway, yes, however, stand against their dictators first

I don't believe you. You can find justification in Islam for all these things. Jihad can mean a personal struggle, but it can also mean war.

ever heard of twisting words? like, to manupulate it's meaning by some people to some people?
i edited my post btw
anyway, depends on wich public you mean, anyway yes it's a danger, but n°1? idk, we have here more dangers than that, and people don't get twisted easilly by some RCD people who try to ruine things up and safe them selves and using the islamic radical groups somwhere from moon, as a way to hide themselves and turn the people from their plans, anyway it didnt work, it was a part of their conspericy, including other conspirecies (is it spelled right?), people knew, so, what i mean, no it's not always n°1, depends in the country and it's situation, and etc....

Public Enemy #1 is a cliche bro, thats the problem with words, people can take them too literally.

It is a danger, and a significant danger, however I do realize there are other dangers in this world. The fact that th world is a dangerous place does not counter the fact that it is a factor.
yes true, in countries where some of those radical groups exist (and from i think, it's also a political game, they tryed to turn tunisia into some pakistan like, with radicals and etc... nope, didnt work, at all)
anyway, yes, however, stand against their dictators first

Their dictators are extremists that also utilize extremists, by taking out the dictators, you are in a sense doing what I just said,

I don't think the words were particularly twisted.

and yes it says about war, but only in self defence, like a country defend itself from the ennemy, and like people who defend their country, either by weapons, or by politics, or whatever, also protesting and trying to remove obsession in your country, and in your nation

anyway, if you mean, war like, attack the west, or, attack non muslims, and etc... no

Public Enemy #1 is a cliche bro, thats the problem with words, people can take them too literally.

It is a danger, and a significant danger, however I do realize there are other dangers in this world. The fact that th world is a dangerous place does not counter the fact that it is a factor.

yes agree, the world is filled with dangers
and yes it says about war, but only in self defence, like a country defend itself from the ennemy, and like people who defend their country, either by weapons, or by politics, or whatever, also protesting and trying to remove obsession in your country, and in your nation

anyway, if you mean, war like, attack the west, or, attack non muslims, and etc... no

Yes, and people on this very site will claim that terrorism is the fault of the US for interfering in countries where Islam dominates. So, terrorism can then be justified as self-defense. This is theologically correct.
and yes it says about war, but only in self defence, like a country defend itself from the ennemy, and like people who defend their country, either by weapons, or by politics, or whatever, also protesting and trying to remove obsession in your country, and in your nation

anyway, if you mean, war like, attack the west, or, attack non muslims, and etc... no

So, do you justify actions of the Mujahadeen insurgents, Taliban government, and the Al-Queda as self-defense against provocation?
Yes, and people on this very site will claim that terrorism is the fault of the US for interfering in countries where Islam dominates. So, terrorism can then be justified as self-defense. This is theologically correct.

That's usually how people react to empires trying to replace their leaders and install democracies with bombs telling lies about WMDs.
The Baathists and Al Quida in Iraq did not care one whit about whether Bush lied. All they cared about was establishing a theocracy and killing anyone who got in their way. Who but a religious fascist would react to the overthrow of one of the worst brutal regimes in history by blowing up their own people and causing chaos?

So, do you justify actions of the Mujahadeen insurgents, Taliban government, and the Al-Queda as self-defense against provocation?

taliban: no, is their any justification for what they do?
al-qaeda, if it is really an independent group or something, anyway, al-qaeda, also terroris, what justification for killing innocent people? including muslims just like them? where's the legendary ossama ben laden btw?
the palastinians who fight israel: yes, self defence, they are defending themselves, remember these days when israel bombed gaza for no reason? (the reason is facebook, it asked from facebook to remove the facebook pages that calls for the palastine peacefull huge protestations on all palastine and israel borders with the arab countries, there' still time we'll just see what will happen)
mujahedeen: the singular word is mujahed, from the word jihad, strugling, strugling, that includes everything in life, also defending their country and their family and etc..., so if you mean palastinians who fight back israel not self defence? i consider it self defence, and if you mean people who died in tunisia to kick france out, or the romanians to kick their dictator, and french to kick their dictator, also tunisians and egyptians, and also libyans(knowing that ghadhafi pushed them to use weapons so he can justify he's attacks (however, i don't see he did justified anything) ) , and etc..., be more specific, what mujahedeen you mean? do you mean some kind of group that i never heard about that like, say women must be locked in their houses and not work or study or learn and etc..? and music and art are forbidden? (=>some radical groups)
Their enemy has always been monolithic. It is the west and it's model of secular democracy with it's ideals of progress and personal freedom.
Progress personal freedom and installing democracies with bombs in parts of the world, where you don't really need to be.
No we really, really needed to be there. Otherwise Saddam would still be in power and helping our enemies. It takes bombs to remove a dictator.