Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca

The US military, sure.

The US in general, lol, not a chance.
I think people anywhere can, with determination, change things and do so very quickly. Which is good and bad. For now the USA allows oil rich states to profit from their own resources - this is only because the USD is the reserve and oil is priced in USD. In effect, the USA owns the oil as it's priced in our currency which we print by the trillions and can continue to print. Oil OTOH is finite, when it's gone its gone. If our economy crashes or doesn't crash, I think this will remain the case so long as we need oil simply because we have the most powerful military by miles.

Not that I want that. I wish we would move to alternative energy. So I have invested in those companies that provide energy without (or little) use of oil. That's may part. If everyone did their part, maybe we wouldn't be invading Libya?
You are wrong about that. War is one of the meanings of jihad.

No he actually wasn't. The Baath party destroyed Shi'a mosques, murdered Shi'a leaders and exploited religion wherever they could. After the fall of Saddam, they combined with the Islamist Al Quida faction to generally fuck things up and yes establish a theocratic dictatorship.

They were always there, but Saddam tended to keep their power in check with his own brutal methods. No victims of Saddam would ever say that, and those who opposed him but didn't want to fight are cowards.

Whatever. Iran is a brutal theocratic dictatorship that rules without the consent of it's people. It exports terrorism, and there is an ongoing war to sabotage their nuclear program. We cannot allow nuclear weapons to fall into their hands.

Secret document exposes Iran’s nuclear trigger

No, I mean it's a literal war with bombs and guns for the future of secular democratic civilization.

God you really taken more than your fair share of the kool aid. anything to back those dirty arabs and those shifty muslim look as bad as possible. come back to me when you tone down your arrogance, prejudice, and sense of entitlement.
Instead of angrily griping, why not respond to SG with a cogent, informed and well-supported post?
Instead of angrily griping, why not respond to SG with a cogent, informed and well-supported post?

I have like all people who hate arabs and muslims the facts don't matter jsut the hate. He has earned the scorn through his misrepresentation of history and hyprcritical standards jsut like you.
God you really taken more than your fair share of the kool aid. anything to back those dirty arabs and those shifty muslim look as bad as possible. come back to me when you tone down your arrogance, prejudice, and sense of entitlement.

Come back when you get a clue what it being done by the parties of god. The kool aid is served by both sides.
Instead of angrily griping, why not respond to SG with a cogent, informed and well-supported post?

It seems to me Geoff that many people on this forum are not at all objective when the subject of the Palestinians, the Jews, or the Muslims comes up for discussion. The debate tends to break down immediately, even among the best and usually most principled debators. Sides are taken and then the personal attacks start flying and then nothing else is learned about the issue except that people on this forum are not quite ready to tackle this objectively. The ones that see the struggle from both sides are painted as anti-muslim and that is why I do not drink from this well.
As the uncertainty principle says, by making an observation of the system, you are disrupting it.

But seriously, is this thread actually still alive.
I think it's pretty obvious... Anyway, I don't really care. This thread should probably just die.

It seems to me Geoff that many people on this forum are not at all objective when the subject of the Palestinians, the Jews, or the Muslims comes up for discussion. The debate tends to break down immediately, even among the best and usually most principled debators. Sides are taken and then the personal attacks start flying and then nothing else is learned about the issue except that people on this forum are not quite ready to tackle this objectively. The ones that see the struggle from both sides are painted as anti-muslim and that is why I do not drink from this well.

yes, so true, that's why i didnt continue to post, because i know what are the answers from what i have seen on this forum and etc...
yes, so true, that's why i didnt continue to post, because i know what are the answers from what i have seen on this forum and etc...

Don't act high and mighty shadow1, :rolleyes: your just as human as the rest of us.

And Quinnsong, this applies just as much to you as well. Just because you made such a blessedly obvious statement doesn't exclude you from the fact that you have just as much an opinion as anyone else.
As the uncertainty principle says, by making an observation of the system, you are disrupting it.

But seriously, is this thread actually still alive.

However is disruption really a bad thing in certain cases?

Don't act high and mighty shadow1, :rolleyes: your just as human as the rest of us.

And Quinnsong, this applies just as much to you as well. Just because you made such a blessedly obvious statement doesn't exclude you from the fact that you have just as much an opinion as anyone else.

i didnt say anything about that being true or false or whatever :rolleyes:

and about opinion, isnt that you who assumed that i was insulting jews? :rolleyes:
i didnt say anything about that being true or false or whatever :rolleyes:

and about opinion, isnt that you who assumed that i was insulting jews? :rolleyes:

You thought that Gaddafi was Jewish. That's enough reason for why you deserved the insults.
oh btw, ghadafi is threatening the world, by the power or djins, lol, he said he will make he's genes make the world enter chaos and darkness
"thought" that means, an why don't you deserve insults too, just because, of your opinions?

The problem is sometimes you took your opinion as facts and stated that he is Jewish because he had "Jewish sorcery books and voodoo"
"thought" that means, an why don't you deserve insults too, just because, of your opinions?

My opinion is that your statement was idiotic.

Because when I have opinions I don't back them up with moronic pseudo heresay