Future Major Science Breakthrough- Levitation using anti-gravity matter.

No, anti-matter has mass - just the same as normal matter. It has NO anti-gravity properties. It isn't found near normal matter because when the two meet - as they naturally would through gravitational attraction - they destroy each other.

And just to complete the picture, we manufacture a few milligrams of anti-matter each year for experimental purposes. (So it does exist here, we just have to spend a tremendous amount of energy and effort to make it.)

Wait so what happens to the matter? I mean theres the theory that energy and matter are neither created nor destroyed just changed to a different form.
So in theory could you use a high concentration of anti matter to nullify the effects of gravity? I mean isnt the majority of anti matter found in outer space? that would explain why it is in space and not near any planetary body because the force of gravity repeals it..
So you continue to pontificate on science subjects while knowing not even the basicvs. I can applaud your enthusiasm, but why don't you learn something before you start spouting more nonsense.
So you continue to pontificate on science subjects while knowing not even the basicvs. I can applaud your enthusiasm, but why don't you learn something before you start spouting more nonsense.

Oh stfu ophiolite. Not everyone can be godlike, like you of course. I mean lord knows if you think hard enough maybe the enterprize will peep out of no where and whisk you off to candy land. Jesus you are a jerk.
Wait so what happens to the matter? I mean theres the theory that energy and matter are neither created nor destroyed just changed to a different form.

Both the matter and antimatter are converted to pure energy when they meet. Both matter and energy CAN be destroyed in the sense that either one can be converted into the other. That's pretty basic stuff nowdays, really.
Here's my theory for anti gravity. Weight equals the force of gravity times mass. The only way to get anti gravity is to either nullify the force of gravity, which would be way too hard, are find something with a negative mass. Mass is a measurement of how much matter something has. So in theory if you have something of negative matter than it will have anti gravity properties.

You may be right about your gravity explanation, I am not claiming to negate gravity or to have created anti gravity, for all I know it is just setting up it's own gravitational field that no longer is affected to the earths gravitational filed, In fact that is what I assume is happening, anti gravity to me is just a good term to use to explain it for now so people know what we are talking about.

What ever it is that makes ion lifters work can be done without current as well as I have seen extreme weight loss with ions/plasma held stable in a solid state matter attached to steel. so it is a field of energy for it to affect what it is attached to as well. Could be anti gravity or some kinda repelling force, only time will tell, the point is it will save us all money and the environment.

lol I am not asking you I am telling you, I made a spoon lose weight by draining electrons.

Apparently you do not know much about superconductors or how easily electrons are removed, even from solid objects.

Even if you are right and I was removing the surface electrons then the surface atoms become what is now called holed doped, this aids in superconductivity and ions can be superconductors because if this as well.

I predicted hole doping would aid in superconductivity well before any one else and I can prove it, i also predicted the freezing inside structures that super conduct was simply just slowing down the elements inside the atom giving us the flux trapping affect.

As I have stated before I am well aware that complete ionisation would make it fall apart, I was just looking for weight loss and found it as I suspected due to draining electrons. I have also found weight loss in heating drained batteries due to these ions that have a anti gravity field as well.

In case you missed it I also was able to make a 422 gram peace of stainless steel lose 13 grams as well because It had some solid state hydrogen ions on it.

As for hydrogen on demand being child's play I agree, but I am not creating hydrogen on demand, I am exciting the water molecules and draining electrons and creating ions/plasma that can and does be used as a fuel source in the combustion chamber, as well as HHO held stable in the water.

And yes my batteries did in fact gain in electrons that make it gain in voltage, voltage is just from the amount of electrons and ions (ions attract electrons,) that's how batters work.

The negative fuel cells I run are only charged for short periods of time, this excites the molecules and drains electrons like I have said, it is like a battery and a capacitor at the same time, we are just using it in reverse and using the ions.

Sigh, and the instruments we have now are crude to measure the discoveries we are talking about, it is no different that it was 500 years ago, these are just new finds, ion detectors only came out not very long ago. your statement is the absurd one, not mine.

Perpetual motion is an impossibility, show me where it happens in nature. The definition of perpetual motion is that an object gives off more energy than it produces.

Perhaps if you made sense I could explain it better to you?

I have already shown to examples of perpetual motion, superconductors, and inside atoms, in fact if it where not for perpetual motion nothing would or could exist. Maybe you should go back and read what I said, this time try to understand it.

Oh and by the way 86% of the population now believes the governments are covering up UFO information, perhaps you should get your facts strait instead of guessing like every thing else you are talking about?
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have you heard about the 1000's of vinegar jars found lying around the base of the pyramids in Egypt?

Theory has it that they used these jars to store drained energy from the blocks of stone so that they lost relative weight making them easier to move.
Once the blocks of stone were in place they would return the energy thus restoring the stones normal weight.

You may be right about your gravity explanation, I am not claiming to negate gravity or to have created anti gravity, for all I know it is just setting up it's own gravitational field that no longer is affected to the earths gravitational filed, In fact that is what I assume is happening, anti gravity to me is just a good term to use to explain it for now so people know what we are talking about.

What ever it is that makes ion lifters work can be done without current as well as I have seen extreme weight loss with ions/plasma held stable in a solid state matter attached to steel. so it is a field of energy for it to affect what it is attached to as well. Could be anti gravity or some kinda repelling force, only time will tell, the point is it will save us all money and the environment.

lol I am not asking you I am telling you, I made a spoon lose weight by draining electrons.

Apparently you do not know much about superconductors or how easily electrons are removed, even from solid objects.

Even if you are right and I was removing the surface electrons then the surface atoms become what is now called holed doped, this aids in superconductivity and ions can be superconductors because if this as well.

I predicted hole doping would aid in superconductivity well before any one else and I can prove it, i also predicted the freezing inside structures that super conduct was simply just slowing down the elements inside the atom giving us the flux trapping affect.

As I have stated before I am well aware that complete ionisation would make it fall apart, I was just looking for weight loss and found it as I suspected due to draining electrons. I have also found weight loss in heating drained batteries due to these ions that have a anti gravity field as well.

In case you missed it I also was able to make a 422 gram peace of stainless steel lose 13 grams as well because It had some solid state hydrogen ions on it.

As for hydrogen on demand being child's play I agree, but I am not creating hydrogen on demand, I am exciting the water molecules and draining electrons and creating ions/plasma that can and does be used as a fuel source in the combustion chamber, as well as HHO held stable in the water.

And yes my batteries did in fact gain in electrons that make it gain in voltage, voltage is just amount of electrons (attracted) to ions. That's how batters work.

The negative fuel cells I run are only charged for short periods of time, this excites the molecules and drains electrons like I have said, it is like a battery and a capacitor at the same time, we are just using it in reverse and using the ions.

Sigh, and the instruments we have now are crude to measure the discoveries we are talking about, it is no different that it was 500 years ago, these are just new finds, ion detectors only came out not very long ago. your statement is the absurd one, not mine.

Perhaps if you made sense I could explain it better to you?

I have already shown to examples of perpetual motion, superconductors, and inside atoms, in fact if it where not for perpetual motion nothing would or could exist. Maybe you should go back and read what I said, this time try to understand it.

Oh and by the way 86% of the population now believes the governments are covering up UFO information, perhaps you should get your facts strait instead of guessing like every thing else you are talking about?

Every bit of this is nothing but pure nonsense. There's NO such thing as "draining electrons" nor the other silly claims you've made. Your self-admitted 8th-grade education is showing itself again!:bugeye:
have you heard about the 1000's of vinegar jars found lying around the base of the pyramids in Egypt?

Theory has it that they used these jars to store drained energy from the blocks of stone so that they lost relative weight making them easier to move.
Once the blocks of stone were in place they would return the energy thus restoring the stones normal weight.


Hey bud, you are very close. I have heard of what they call baghdad batteries although science only admits they used them for electroplating at that time.

I suspect they used these baghdad batteries to produce the ions I have been discussing from gold.

What is not so widely known is they new about the ions I am discussing, and they knew about the anti gravity properties of these ions, they where able to transform gold into these monoatomic ions, they also consumed them known as mufcut, those blocks actually naturally have some of those ions in them as well, also because these ions from gold, as well as hydrogen ions have these properties they may have used them in the levitating of these blocks.

Don't forget these ions have microcosm macrocosm properties in that they can take the weight of what they are attached too.

You should watch the secrets of the lost ark, it explains this very well.

Lost Secrets of the Ark;The Real Power of GOLD

http://video.google.com/videosearch...=f#q=secrets of the lost ark&emb=0&aq=f&dur=3

Every bit of this is nothing but pure nonsense. There's NO such thing as "draining electrons" nor the other silly claims you've made. Your self-admitted 8th-grade education is showing itself again!:bugeye:

rolf, i suggest you go look up hole doping (draining electrons or removing them,) and how it aids in superconductivity, by the way I said this way before they discovered it.
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Yes Gold has some very interesting attributes which no doubt some of the Pharohs were very conversant with.
rolf, i suggest you go look up hole doping (draining electrons or removing them,) and how it aids in superconductivity, by the way I said this way before they discovered it.

I'm well aware of doping as used in semiconductors - that's not what you are describing at all. "Draining electrons from a spoon." Bah!!! Pure garbage claim on your part!

Your version of electrical theory couldn't be more wrong unless you had purposefully written it as a joke - which is what it really is, and a very poor joke at that. It looks like something a child of 10 would have come up with!

Electrical and electronic theory is THE most well-understood and well-documented branch of physics and the clear, honest, everyday application of it show how idiotic your 'version' is.

For example, there are the same number of electrons in a dead rechargeable battery as there is in one that is fully charged. You don;t even realize that the charge is NOT a mass of electrons (as you described it) but simply electrical energy that has been converted into chemical energy. And those actions/reactions have, again, been well understood and documented for DECADES!!

None of your garbage even comes close to the truth. Another example: you don't even seem to realize what a plasma is. Most of the times when you've used the word, you're simply talking about ions. Yes, a plasma contains ions but not all ions are found in plasma by a LONG shot!! In fact, your body is filled with ions and if they were in a plasma state, you would have been burned to a crisp long, long ago.

Your ignorance and inability to learn is just about THE worst I've ever seen on these pages. It's a crying shame that you're even allowed to post:bugeye: such nonsense where people can see it!
I'm well aware of doping as used in semiconductors - that's not what you are describing at all. "Draining electrons from a spoon." Bah!!! Pure garbage claim on your part!

Your version of electrical theory couldn't be more wrong unless you had purposefully written it as a joke - which is what it really is, and a very poor joke at that. It looks like something a child of 10 would have come up with!

Electrical and electronic theory is THE most well-understood and well-documented branch of physics and the clear, honest, everyday application of it show how idiotic your 'version' is.

For example, there are the same number of electrons in a dead rechargeable battery as there is in one that is fully charged. You don;t even realize that the charge is NOT a mass of electrons (as you described it) but simply electrical energy that has been converted into chemical energy. And those actions/reactions have, again, been well understood and documented for DECADES!!

None of your garbage even comes close to the truth. Another example: you don't even seem to realize what a plasma is. Most of the times when you've used the word, you're simply talking about ions. Yes, a plasma contains ions but not all ions are found in plasma by a LONG shot!! In fact, your body is filled with ions and if they were in a plasma state, you would have been burned to a crisp long, long ago.

Your ignorance and inability to learn is just about THE worst I've ever seen on these pages. It's a crying shame that you're even allowed to post:bugeye: such nonsense where people can see it!

lol, ionisation produces plasma, and batteries work just like I said, ions and electrons attract each other, in a batteries case the electrons flow threw the lines because of there attraction to the ions, the ions gather near the cathode and the electrons near the anode, when a circuit is placed on the battery the electrons flow threw it because of there attraction to the ions.

voltage is given to us in a batteries case because of the amount of free electrons and ions.

In the case of my battery's and yes that's plural because it has happened to me more than once, I have just excited the water molecules and this ejects electrons from the atoms and creates ions/plasma, the then free electrons drain out the wire from my cell to the negative of the battery and into it. eventually it actually reverses the polarity of the battery as well.

It is you that insist on being correct on something you have done absolutely no work on period and I have.

I am not asking you, i am telling you.

Oh and by the way in case you are unaware, when the electrons are removed from gold and hydrogen atoms, they become not only ions but they are also then in a gaseous state, plasma!
I am not asking you, i am telling you.
You may be telling, but no one is listening. Continue with your sad, lonely self-delusion. You harm only yourself.
(If you live in the UK you may be able to seek medical help on the NHS. Most adverse mental symptoms can be controlled by appropriate medication these days.)
Yes Gold has some very interesting attributes which no doubt some of the Pharohs were very conversant with.

Yes they most certainly do, have you seen the new repulsive casimir affect? it's very interesting. They use gold nanoparticles.


You really should watch that secret of the lost ark vid when you get some time, there is a lot more excellent information that i have not been discussing as well.

You may be telling, but no one is listening. Continue with your sad, lonely self-delusion. You harm only yourself.
(If you live in the UK you may be able to seek medical help on the NHS. Most adverse mental symptoms can be controlled by appropriate medication these days.)

sigh, kids, *rolls eyes*
lol, ionisation produces plasma, and batteries work just like I said, ions and electrons attract each other, in a batteries case the electrons flow threw the lines because of there attraction to the ions, the ions gather near the cathode and the electrons near the anode, when a circuit is placed on the battery the electrons flow threw it because of there attraction to the ions.

voltage is given to us in a batteries case because of the amount of free electrons and ions.

In the case of my battery's and yes that's plural because it has happened to me more than once, I have just excited the water molecules and this ejects electrons from the atoms and creates ions/plasma, the then free electrons drain out the wire from my cell to the negative of the battery and into it. eventually it actually reverses the polarity of the battery as well.

It is you that insist on being correct on something you have done absolutely no work on period and I have.

I am not asking you, i am telling you.

Oh and by the way in case you are unaware, when the electrons are removed from gold and hydrogen atoms, they become not only ions but they are also then in a gaseous state, plasma!

What idiotic nonsense!!!! Anyone that has made it through school is FAR more intelligent than you are! And most of them also know the difference between the words "threw" and "through" also. Everything you write is pitiful - right down to the actual facts and poor spelling. You're nothing but one big waste!!! :bugeye: Live with it or get an education!!!!!!
What idiotic nonsense!!!! Anyone that has made it through school is FAR more intelligent than you are! And most of them also know the difference between the words "threw" and "through" also. Everything you write is pitiful - right down to the actual facts and poor spelling. You're nothing but one big waste!!! :bugeye: Live with it or get an education!!!!!!

Read-Only look at your post...
In the case of my battery's and yes that's plural
The plural of battery is batteries. Battery's is a possessive.
You don't understand science.
You can't write.
You have a grossly inflated opinion of yourself.

I have to repeat and reflect Read-Only's comments, you are truly pathetic. What is it that induces this kind of stupidity? Give us some clue, please. Are you mentally retarded, pyschotic? Is there a history of mental illness in your family? I'm genuinely interested in the pathology of your condition. I'm indifferent to the 'suffering' this causes you since you are obviously quite immune to it, believing yourself to be the epitome of genius.

So, how did you arrive at such a conclusion? Or, to put it another way, when did you receive the knock on the head?
What idiotic nonsense!!!! Anyone that has made it through school is FAR more intelligent than you are! And most of them also know the difference between the words "threw" and "through" also. Everything you write is pitiful - right down to the actual facts and poor spelling. You're nothing but one big waste!!! :bugeye: Live with it or get an education!!!!!!

Are you capable of actually holding an intelligent conversation or just ranting?

Electrical tension (or voltage after its SI unit, the volt) is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical or electronic circuit, expressed in volts.

In physics, the potential difference or p.d. between two points is the difference of the points' scalar potential, equivalent to the line integral of the field strength between the two points.

In physics, the field strength of a field is the magnitude of its vector value.

In theoretical physics, field strength is another name for the curvature form. For the electromagnetic field, the curvature form is an antisymmetric matrix whose elements are the electric field and magnetic field: the electromagnetic tensor.

The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field.

In a battery, we just have ions that make the electrons go threw the circuit.

In a generator it is just pushing the electrons threw the system causing volts, and of course as I think adding electrons to the system.

Shouldn't you and Ophiolite try to understand what you are talking about before you comment? Because you 2 are the ones that look like the complete retards now.
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The plural of battery is batteries. Battery's is a possessive.
You don't understand science.
You can't write.
You have a grossly inflated opinion of yourself.

I have to repeat and reflect Read-Only's comments, you are truly pathetic. What is it that induces this kind of stupidity? Give us some clue, please. Are you mentally retarded, pyschotic? Is there a history of mental illness in your family? I'm genuinely interested in the pathology of your condition. I'm indifferent to the 'suffering' this causes you since you are obviously quite immune to it, believing yourself to be the epitome of genius.

So, how did you arrive at such a conclusion? Or, to put it another way, when did you receive the knock on the head?

Sock puppet seeking the acceptance of his own ego.
Wrong hypothesis. Check with moderators the ID number of country origin. Scott don't bother those people. They are not qualified.