Future Major Science Breakthrough- Levitation using anti-gravity matter.

You can look up ion lifters, they do work in a vacuum contrary to what the government wants you to believe.
No they don't.

They don't want people to know this for power and control because this anti gravity threw ionisation creates a form of over unity energy as a by product so to speak of the anti gravity process.
No it doesn't.

Look up the B2-Bomber charges it's wings as an anti gravity devise.
Speculation, and bad speculation to boot.

You can create anti gravity either by having a strong current running threw an object that will actually affect the electrons in that structure (electrons attracted towards the negative in all the atoms,) put a nail on a set of scales like you are going to magnetize it :), you will see weight change dependant upon the electrical design.
Um, crap. Specious crap.

Or you can remove electrons to create an anti gravity affect as well, put the negative on a stainless steel spoon, then strike it three or four times with the positive, this excites the electrons in the atoms of the structure, leave the negative of the battery or charger on and let the excited electrons drain out the negative then weight it again, it will lose weight.
Equally specious crap.

I have also did implosion tests with my cells and it is an implosion with a vortex spin on my end cap that was sucked in associated with implosions, you can look up browns gas implosions for verification.
Pure fantasy or outright lies.

I can only give you my hypothesis.
Hypothesis is slightly overstating the case: try "wild unsubstantiated guess".

I suspect its all to do with our vibrational energies, I higher vibrational energy may take us into different dimensions, black holes may just be such a higher vibrational energy that is beyond our view spectrum. I suspect ionisation will lead us to these other dimensions as i have seen some of my hydrogen ions disappear, and they actually went to another place, be it time or dimension, as I stirred the pile to see if it was still present but not in our view spectrum, when the ions came back the powder was unaffected, this proves that it went some where else, be it time or dimension or both.
You suspect, blah blah. But you have no evidence or even theoretical background to support it.

You can also view the secrets of the lost ark for verification of this dimensional travel and disappearing ions that i viewed, It was known a long time ago, at least the anti gravity properties, it has been deliberately kept from us, although they may not have understood it as we can now, ions can and do increase intelligence when used in a proper manor as well, plus it has tremendous healing properties as well, you can look up ionised water, or Kagen water.
Crap piled upon fantasy.

There is plenty of evidence if some one takes the time to view it, in fact full disclosure is happening now, 3 major countries are slowly releasing there UFO information, even the Vatican has said there is life visiting us but we have nothing to fear, as well as God created them too.
Evidence? No, there's speculation and wild guesses with no actual evidence.

Even former Gov.Fife Symington that claimed the Phoenix lights where flairs came forth and says it was an alien craft.
So what?

Are you aware that j Allen hynek from project blue book that explained all sitings away later became a UFO enthusiast?
So what, again?

There is so much evidence it would take me a year to list it all, sorry but refusing to believe is not going to change the fact we are not alone.
You mean your belief that we are not alone. It isn't an established fact.

No human plain uses the technology they use, other than the B-2 bomber now using aspects of this teqnolidgy

and it may explain the bat and bee's problem in that that they should not be able to fly,
Shouldn't be able to fly?
And you talk about others on here not keeping up to date.:rolleyes:
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And what are you referring to specifically? or are you just ranting because you do not understand?

albertchong1999, ignore read-Only, he is one of those people that thought he learnt every thing and correctly when he closed his last text book, he may have a good memory but lacks the ability to think for himself.

He clearly is striking out in anger and can not hold an intelligent conversation by showing us where are mistakes are made.

I have a grade 8 education Read-Only, i never claimed to be a scientist, and i am glad because most that I meet that actually never invented anything and just have a good memory and lack the ability to view what there told with questions when they don't actually make sense or are incomplete.

I have learnt what I have because I have actually done the work and therefore it lead to an understanding. i took the time to do the research because i found it interesting, many times I have seen things that science can not explain but yet wannabe scientist tell me i did not see what I saw, i find that strange to say the least, i guess some people can not grasp the fact we are still in our infancy of understandings of some things.

People like you just want to talk about how much you know, not what we may not know or things that may not have been explained properly, again memory does not add up to true intelligence read-Only, and I have to say you are probably full of it with your credentials as well. You seem like an angry little child having a tantrum to me.

There is no anger, ranting or tantrums on my side of the screen - the only rantings are those of a pure fool - yourself. I'm about as emotionless as anyone can be. The only mild emotion I'm experiencing right now is pity for you and your delusional friend Albert.

And believe me - your 8th grade education is painfully obvious in this thread just as it is in your 9/11 thread. Many intelligent people have tried to help you in that thread, yet you remain as ignorant about real facts as ever.

My credentials are real and so are my lifetime's worth of experiences. You, however, have no credentials and no scientific experience at all. All of your claims about things you have done are nothing but bald-face lies. Put quite bluntly, you don't even come close to grasping even the very basic fundamentals. You're nothing more than a lying fraud. You've proved it several times over in this thread alone.
thanks Scott for your help... my 4-D concept in http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=89009

please help me find solution and please give me some idea. thanks Scott.

Note: Don't care what Read-Only and Oli said and don't need to reply them. We already on the firm ground with many other supporting our idea outside. Needless to say we are winning and other scientist is going to think wider and deeper in modern science.
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Oh but ion lifters do work in a vacuum, just because the government does not want you to have this information and tell you it does not does not mean it does not work in a vacuum.

It's a proven fact there is not enough wind to lift them as well.

Lifter test in vacuum by NASA



Q The ionic wind emitted by the wire is not responsible of the main upwards thrust of the Lifter, /Q


T.T. Brown Electrogravity Vacuum Experiments


People don't bother to do the research any more to back there claims? Believe me when I say you did not learn every thing when you closed your last text book, you learnt what those who paid for it (government) wanted you to learn.

We need only to look at history to see this, Tesla announced d he was going to supply free energy to the world and JP Morgan made a phone call to the government, they came and took all his work away, they where nice enough to put him in a hotel the rest of his life through and have him followed including cutting off his conversations when they thought hew was talking to much.

Here Is a great watch for you sceptics, I know for a fact that electrolysis of water puts out over unity energy because I have done it.

War on cold fusion, note they did not name it coldfusion, it was term put on there work.
Not sure if this information is in here but the top guy put in charge of the examination of this work was a hot fusion scientists who's funding relied on this not working.

Lot`s of people making these claims have been assassinated, I have read about 20 of them my self. including Stanly Myer who said right on video he was offered a lot of money to shut up, when he refused, they threatened him, he said he believed in the power of angels, unfortunately they did not help him.

War on cold fusion.


The US Navy announces coldfusion a fact.


You guys really should do your research before arguing with me, i have done mine, plus the work.

Antigravity Aircraft - B2 Bomber


Boyd bushman a top scientist at lock head and martin stated as well that they have anti gravity craft.

But I guess you guys are smarter than A top scientist at lock head and martin that actually worked with this stuff, *rolls eyes*.


Another top scientist there stated at an conference we now have the technology to take ET home.

Another top scientist at NASA said we can not take credit for all our success as we have been helped by people from off this world.

So you guys are smarter than all these top scientists right?

Im sorry but if you can`t even clue into the fact that the moon should have crashed into us billions of years ago I don`t expect you to understand any of this anyways. You guys really should stop drinking fluoridated water, it has been proven to reduce IQ.

Actually the implosion feature of Browns gas is a proven fact, now your just being stupid.


It`s been on the market for over 25 years in welding units, it`s a proven fact it implodes and i have done the work myself.

Here are plenty of other things water electrolysis can do for us very cheaply as well, in fact 1/16th of regular cost's, cheaper than any thing else we use at this time.


I am aware that they have explained the bats and bees theory to the best of there knowledge, it;s false though.

These are the only post I have done here Read-Only? i have not posted in no 9/11 thread? witch again shows you don`t have a clue what you are talking about. *rolls eyes*

It does not matter what you guys believe because most of this information will be coming out in the next few years, i'm sorry that you guys can`t grasp it but it`s not my fault.

Why would you guys even come in here and talk crap like this when it is a Pseudoscience section anyways?

Oh wait I have heard this before, it`s because you think you know everything already and we as a hole have discovered all major laws and such, and it`s not that you treat your precious science as a religion, and people don`t like there religions changed or messed with so you argue against it even when it makes more sense than our current explanation. *rolls eyes*

You can find my 2 years worth of work here you clowns, I put my money where my mouth is, why don`t you guys


And just what are you credentials Read Only? And what area of work do you do?

You most certainly have not invented nothing or update any thing because you think you already know it all, again memory of the books you read does not add up to true intelligence!

Let me guess you do paper work at a research lab or something so that makes you think you are some sort of scientist?

Albert I will give it a read and get back to you bud.

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Um, crap. Specious crap.

Here is an article of one of these crafts right in one of your precious science places, i don't suppose your man enough to hand out an apology are you? You too Read-Only
*rolls eyes*

i could not believe my eyes when i read your 57? you act like a 12 year old, actually i have met 12 year old's with more intelligent's than you.

Oh in case I have to spell it out for you, ionisation produces plasma!

thank God all these skeptic idiots are starting to look like the morons now. maybe we can get them out of science places and start on real discoveries instead of having these morons being the majority and holding us back.

Can i ask you a question? Do you still insists the earth is flat?

And this ionisation just dramatically increases the gravitational wave function by disturbing the communication of the electrons that keeps gravity stable and increases the gravity around the unit giving it it's own gravitational field.

It's not ion wind as they would say, and time will tell.

wingless electromagnetic air vehicle

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Here is an article of one of these crafts right in one of your precious science places, i don't suppose your man enough to hand out an apology are you? You too Read-Only
*rolls eyes*

No. I would never apologize to someone for pointing out that they are attributing physical properties that simply do not exist.

Instead of wasting your time here, you should be making a real effort to get yourself back in school - you've missed a LOT !!!

And you are still a liar and fraud for claiming you performed the "experiments" that you talked about. And I don't apologize to liars, either.
No. I would never apologize to someone for pointing out that they are attributing physical properties that simply do not exist.

Instead of wasting your time here, you should be making a real effort to get yourself back in school - you've missed a LOT !!!

And you are still a liar and fraud for claiming you performed the "experiments" that you talked about. And I don't apologize to liars, either.

You obviously did not look at the link I posted where I posted my 2 years worth of work for free to every one as I did it.

And you obviously dint read the article I just posted about wingless electromagnetic air vehicle's
from the popular mechanics site, and NASA wants to use them as well.

I am fully aware of sciences current explanations, just not all them are correct.
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Hi Albert, i thought you would like this article too.

Q Andrews scientists have discovered a new way of levitating tiny objects - paving the way for future applications in nanotechnology.

Theoretical physicists at the University of St. Andrews have created `incredible levitation effects' by engineering the force of nature which normally causes objects to stick together by quantum force. By reversing this phenomenon, known as `Casimir force', the scientists hope to solve the problem of tiny objects sticking together in existing novel nanomachines.

Professor Ulf Leonhardt and Dr Thomas Philbin of the University's School of Physics & Astronomy believe that they can engineer the Casimir force of quantum physics to cause an object to repel rather than attract another in a vacuum.

Casimir force (discovered in 1948 and first measured in 1997) can be demonstrated in a gecko's ability to stick to a surface with just one toe. However, it can cause practical problems in nanotechnology, and ways of preventing tiny objects from sticking to each other is the source of much interest.

Professor Leonhardt explained, "The Casimir force is the ultimate cause of friction in the nano-world, in particular in some microelectromechanical systems. Such systems already play an important role -- for example tiny mechanical devices which triggers a car airbag to inflate or those which power tiny `lab on chip' devices used for drugs testing or chemical analysis. Micro or nano machines could run smoother and with less or no friction at all if one can manipulate the force."

The pair have worked out how to turn the normally `sticky' quantum force of empty space from attraction to repulsion using a specially developed lens placed between two objects.

"In order to reduce friction in the nanoworld, turning nature's stickiness into repulsion could be the ultimate remedy. Instead of sticking together, parts of micromachinery would levitate," said Professor Leonhardt.

Though it is possible in principle for humans to levitate, scientists are a long way off developing the technology for such feats.

"At the moment, in practice it is only going to be possible for micro-objects with the current technology, since this quantum force is small and acts only at short ranges. For now, human levitation remains the subject of cartoons, fairytales and tales of the paranormal," explained Professor Leonhardt.

The research is due to be published in the August edition of the New Journal of Physics. /Q


I hope you were paying attention enough to note that the article is talking about well-known principles and NOT about Albert's stupid, stupid claim of employing "anti-gravity matter" - stuff that does NOT and can NOT even exist!:bugeye:

It's from legitimate work like this that woo-woos get all wide-eyed and start zooming off on tangents because they can't even differentiate between what they read in comparison to want they WANT to believe.
I hope you were paying attention enough to note that the article is talking about well-known principles and NOT about Albert's stupid, stupid claim of employing "anti-gravity matter" - stuff that does NOT and can NOT even exist!:bugeye:

It's from legitimate work like this that woo-woos get all wide-eyed and start zooming off on tangents because they can't even differentiate between what they read in comparison to want they WANT to believe.

I am well aware of that, we are discussing ways of doing this on a larger scale.

You are the one that believes what you want to believe even so blindly to the pint of not looking into true facts.

Anti gravity is here, because you refuse to look at the links I posted from scientific articles does not change this fact.

You are locked into scientific dogma. It's ok to admit your wrong, it happens to the best of us.

And by the way some of what we are discussing is as of yet undiscovered science, it's a way of moving ahead that leads to progress, people that just like to talk about how much we know rather than what we have not discovered yet will not understand this because they lack the intelligence to think for them selves and come up with new hypothesises and theories.

In case you let this pass you by here is the link again on true anti gravity now in science articles, by the way this is the same principle that some B-2 Bombers now use, it just charges the object and disrupts the electrons messing with the wave function and sets up its own gravitational field. They can call it ion wind all they want, it's not true.

How do I know this? Because I have seen anti gravity effects in my work with solid state ions, this is no coincidence. All they are doing is disrupting the electrons, when they run the current threw the object the covalent bonds(electrons) follow the path towards the negative instead of completing there rotation inside the atom, this produces the anti gravity affect, as well as removing the electrons (hole doping) produces the anti gravity affect.

Well I am at it i might as well say to you, this technology will lead to over unity energy, time travel, and inter dimensional travel.


Do you honestly think that water, one of the most heaviest compound's actually floats into the air and forms clouds all on it's own? or does it make more sense that some electrons are removed threw heat or other ways that excite the atoms to make the electrons eject?

I am not saying that it loses all it's electrons but some of them escape, this actually is why water can hang in our atmosphere.

Some of the water converts from H20 to H-2-O also messing with the communication between the electrons and nucleus, well some of the water loses electrons and becomes ions.

How do I know this? because if there where not some ionisation there would not be lightning period, positive ions and negative electrons attract, this is the same thing that happens in batteries.

The negative electrons are attracted to the positive ions in the atmosphere (lighnting) the end result being an implosion (thunder) and the now once again bloated with electrons water molecules fall back down as rain.

They can also rob electrons from other water molecules in the clouds if they become ionised enough, this is known as cloud to cloud lightning.

thanks Scott for your help and time....

No problem, if your ever hiring let me know :), I don't have a high education but I like to think for my self and come up with new hypothesises, and I love experimenting and learning new things, I also never have a problem admitting when i am wrong if studies and experiments prove it so.

And I have already produced over unity energy so i can teach any one that.

Happy new year.
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And I have already produced over unity energy so i can teach any one that.

I've already read your article and it's hardly worth the bother - it doesn't offer what you claim.

As to the rest of your windbag ramblings about ions and charges, you've got a little of it right - but VERY little. The rest is just plain wrong.

But now we come to your biggest LIE of all - the claim that you've actually achieved over-unity!!!!!!!!!!!!:bugeye: You are not even bright enough to realize that if that were true, you'd be the richest man in the world today!!

You are condemned and proven to be a FRAUD by your very own words!
I've already read your article and it's hardly worth the bother - it doesn't offer what you claim.

As to the rest of your windbag ramblings about ions and charges, you've got a little of it right - but VERY little. The rest is just plain wrong.

But now we come to your biggest LIE of all - the claim that you've actually achieved over-unity!!!!!!!!!!!!:bugeye: You are not even bright enough to realize that if that were true, you'd be the richest man in the world today!!

You are condemned and proven to be a FRAUD by your very own words!

I was attempting to explain to you how it really works, not how you have been taught.

A levitating craft with no moving parts does not offer what i claim?

That is exactly what we are discussing here, you are locked into what is called scientific dogma, you were wrong admit it.

As for over unity energy, i have done it as well as thousands of others, we are not swayed by people's stupidity that have not done the work because we have, and we know it is possible.

As for being rich, it just goes to show how unintelligent you really are, you are worse than a sheep, at least sheep need a higher power to control them, you let people control you and dictate the facts as you they would have you believe them.

These are the same people that create the peer review panels and put who they want in there to say what they want then to say, these are the same people that put the information they want you to believe in your test books.

I am done replying to some one that can't think for himself, like i said before stop drinking the fluorided water it has reduced your IQ to much already.

Albert you should watch this as well, there are some dangers you should be made aware of if you ever advance this technology.

UFO - Randolph Winters lecture on Billy Meier Case (1of2)

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How long are we going to have to tolerate the inanity, insanity, depravity of albert chong?
His ideas are purest nonsense; his ripostes are borne out of ignorance; his speculations are fuelled by stupidity. Let's not have to endure the same nonsense we experienced with OIM for months on end. Dispatch albert now to where he richly deserves - dark oblivion.
How long are we going to have to tolerate the inanity, insanity, depravity of albert chong?
His ideas are purest nonsense; his ripostes are borne out of ignorance; his speculations are fuelled by stupidity. Let's not have to endure the same nonsense we experienced with OIM for months on end. Dispatch albert now to where he richly deserves - dark oblivion.

A few more years and you will see just how wrong you really are, disclosure is coming at a rapid pace now, if extra terrestials are real and they are, then we have to consider how they travel, they are clearly moving faster than light to travel such vast distances, the only thing we can theorise at this time that will go faster is tachyons.

Therefor it makes perfect sense that they most likely do inter dimensional travel to traverse such large distances because it can not happen in this time space.

The only ignorance around here is by people that can't think for themselves and take pleasure in putting others down for exercising there right to try to advance humanity, and feel the need to criticize others to inflate there bloated ego so they can feel better about themselves.

But hey it's real easy to walk around telling every one how much you know simply because you have a good memory of what you have read. news flash, a good memory does not equate to intelligence.

Questioning what you are told, thinking of new ideas, correcting wrong information, truly understanding to the point of making corrections, coming up with new ideas, advancing humanity is what true intelligence is all about.

The earth is not flat, we are not the center of the galaxy, microwaves are not a figment of peoples imagination and inter dimensional travel is a possibility.
A few more years and you will see just how wrong you really are, disclosure is coming at a rapid pace now, if extra terrestials are real and they are, then we have to consider how they travel, they are clearly moving faster than light to travel such vast distances, the only thing we can theorise at this time that will go faster is tachyons.

Therefor it makes perfect sense that they most likely do inter dimensional travel to traverse such large distances because it can not happen in this time space.

The only ignorance around here is by people that can't think for themselves and take pleasure in putting others down for exercising there right to try to advance humanity, and feel the need to criticize others to inflate there bloated ego so they can feel better about themselves.

But hey it's real easy to walk around telling every one how much you know simply because you have a good memory of what you have read. news flash, a good memory does not equate to intelligence.

Questioning what you are told, thinking of new ideas, correcting wrong information, truly understanding to the point of making corrections, coming up with new ideas, advancing humanity is what true intelligence is all about.

The earth is not flat, we are not the center of the galaxy, microwaves are not a figment of peoples imagination and inter dimensional travel is a possibility.

Mighty big talk for someone who understands so little.

I second Oph's suggestion and nominate you to join your buddy albert chong in oblivion - or anywhere, except here. You're both frauds and liars - him for claiming to be a scientist and you for claiming to have achieved over-unity. What balderdash!!!:bugeye:
You can create anti gravity either by having a strong current running threw an object that will actually affect the electrons in that structure

I often wondered why power lines were so high up in the air, now I know.

Or you can remove electrons to create an anti gravity affect as well

I didn't know neutron stars were anti-gravity stars. Amazing.

browns gas implosions for verification.

If "Browns Gas" (hydrogen/oxygen) imploded, wouldn't the space shuttle be sucked into the ground on lift-off?
if extra terrestials are real and they are,
No significant evidence supports this contention in the sense you mean it. Ets are probably real, they may even have visited the Earth in the past. They are not, however, flying around today in UFOs.

they are clearly moving faster than light to travel such vast distances, .
What a dramatic lack of imagination. You have utterly failed to consider the possibility that
a) They have vastly longer life spans than humans so that a thousand year voyage is like a couple of days to us.
b) They can use natural or engineered hibernation.
c) They travel by generation starship.
d) They can send out von Neumann probes with frozen embryos.

The only ignorance around here is by people that can't think for themselves and take pleasure in putting others down for exercising there right to try to advance humanity, and feel the need to criticize others to inflate there bloated ego so they can feel better about themselves.
Spewing out such verbal diahorea is moving humanity backwards.
Criticising such stupidity may just stop the stains from becoming permanent.

But hey it's real easy to walk around telling every one how much you know simply because you have a good memory of what you have read. news flash, a good memory does not equate to intelligence.
And an open mind does not equate to believing adolescent garbage. I despair of the future of the planet when I witness such monumental stupidity as you have exhibited in this thread. Grow up.

Questioning what you are told, thinking of new ideas, correcting wrong information, truly understanding to the point of making corrections, coming up with new ideas, advancing humanity is what true intelligence is all about.
I earn a six figure salary by questioning what I have been told. Why don't you follow your own advice, starting today?

The earth is not flat, we are not the center of the galaxy, microwaves are not a figment of peoples imagination and inter dimensional travel is a possibility.
The Brooklyn Bridge has come up for sale again. pm me for details.
No significant evidence supports this contention in the sense you mean it. Ets are probably real, they may even have visited the Earth in the past. They are not, however, flying around today in UFOs.

What a dramatic lack of imagination. You have utterly failed to consider the possibility that
a) They have vastly longer life spans than humans so that a thousand year voyage is like a couple of days to us.
b) They can use natural or engineered hibernation.
c) They travel by generation starship.
d) They can send out von Neumann probes with frozen embryos.

Spewing out such verbal diahorea is moving humanity backwards.
Criticising such stupidity may just stop the stains from becoming permanent.

And an open mind does not equate to believing adolescent garbage. I despair of the future of the planet when I witness such monumental stupidity as you have exhibited in this thread. Grow up.

I earn a six figure salary by questioning what I have been told. Why don't you follow your own advice, starting today?

The Brooklyn Bridge has come up for sale again. pm me for details.

There is plenty of physical evidence that the government have not recovered in time, metal samples, pictures proven to be real, accurate prophecies produced by Billy meier, implants that could not have been produced by us at this time.

Your imagination is good but those hypothesises are not practical.

There are sightings every day of UFO`s, some there's some ours.

Even idiots can earn a six figure salary, your living proof.

Care to enlighten us with any theories or hypothesis you have came up with your self.

I predicted hole doping would aid in super conductivity, now known, I predicted the freezing of materials merely just slows down the electron flow and other elements inside the atoms to produce the superconducting affect, i predicted that lightning is not what directly causes thunder, it`s now known that lighting can not sufficiently produce this sound.

And I can prove these because i discussed them in forums well before there was even any theories on these and where discovered.

I also predicted many other things now known as facts.

Please do tell some of the things you have found that later turned out to be true and proven by science?

I doubt you have came up with anything because your ego is so bloated i am sure you just like to talk about what you know (have been taught.) Your arrogance towards others for there ideas demonstrates this clearly.
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I often wondered why power lines were so high up in the air, now I know.

I didn't know neutron stars were anti-gravity stars. Amazing.

If "Browns Gas" (hydrogen/oxygen) imploded, wouldn't the space shuttle be sucked into the ground on lift-off?

Why not put your money where your mouth is and try to magnitize a nail on a set of scales?

You will see weight fluctuations.

Neutron stars gravitational field is enormous as the absence of electrons create a larger gravitational field emitting from the neutrons, in our atmosphere this gravitational field nulls out or over rides the gravity of the earth, what we would call anti gravity.

Neutron stars turn into black holes because of this super strong gravitational field.

Then they actually leave this dimension because they have become such a higher vibrational energy this is what we would call a black hole, and because all dimensions are connected they still exert there super strong gravitational affect on objects and light that passes to close to them.

idono obviously these are just my hypothosises, we still have much to learn