Future Major Science Breakthrough- Levitation using anti-gravity matter.

Read-only, i know you are unemployed now... please try to find a decent job outside, don't depend on your parent's spoon feed. if you are still young, you always can take a course to study...
Read-only, i know you are unemployed now... please try to find a decent job outside, don't depend on your parent's spoon feed. if you are still young, you always can take a course to study...

I've told you my history and it FAR outshines anything you've ever done. Now... will you please tell us about radio spectroscopy and why it shows your statements to be very, very foolish??????:bugeye:

(And both my parents passed away long ago - I'd thank you not to make such stupid personal remarks about them in the future.)
I've told you my history and it FAR outshines anything you've ever done. Now... will you please tell us about radio spectroscopy and why it shows your statements to be very, very foolish??????:bugeye:

(And both my parents passed away long ago - I'd thank you not to make such stupid personal remarks about them in the future.)

I know you have a problematic family and education, and even your career. It is very common to have such people in this forum, it does not amaze me...
I know you have a problematic family and education, and even your career. It is very common to have such people in this forum, it does not amaze me...

I'll take your non-response to my question about spectroscopy as positive PROOF that you know NOTHING about it!! And that's something I learned early in my first year of college - long before I spent those years working in the labs.

And I repeat and emphasize; you are NO scientist and obviously quite a LIAR about that and other things you claim!!!

You are a fraud and a disgrace to these pages - just like your buddy Scott.
radio spectroscopy is as easy as peanut to me. Read-only are you a scientist? you lie again. your habit and style is like Sisyphus. you are handicapped or don't have a secured career. Pity of you....
radio spectroscopy is as easy as peanut to me. Read-only are you a scientist? you lie again. your habit and style is like Sisyphus. you are handicapped or don't have a secured career. Pity of you....

Funny how someone who used to be sisyphus will comment here.

Read, how I defended myself awhile ago in exact similar posts:

Radio spectroscopy is as interesting as peanuts to us. Albertchong are you a scientist? I wouldn't know. You're habit, and be it so your style as well, is just like the sun. You are severely shut down or do not have a decent head on your shoulders. Pity!!

radio spectroscopy is as easy as peanut to me. Read-only are you a scientist? you lie again. your habit and style is like Sisyphus. you are handicapped or don't have a secured career. Pity of you....

Quite the opposite. If you really knew about radio spectroscopy you would KNOW how foolish and childish your comments about additional, undiscovered elements are.

No, you keep proving that you are the fool, fraud and liar here - you've already done it many times. And I had a very nice career, thank you very little - you fraud.

You are way out of your league here and I'm not the only one who sees through your utter stupidity.
Funny how someone who used to be sisyphus will comment here.

Read, how I defended myself awhile ago in exact similar posts:

Radio spectroscopy is as interesting as peanuts to us. Albertchong are you a scientist? I wouldn't know. You're habit, and be it so your style as well, is just like the sun. You are severely shut down or do not have a decent head on your shoulders. Pity!!


Heh - nice!:D
and yet radio frequency spectrocope that you mentioned can't detect much heavier element. That is your mistake i corrected.
Most of the spectra is beyond the ultraviolet region, of X rays and gamma rays, are detected by suitable ionization detectors. it is just how silly to mention radio spectroscopy. Why don't you mention ultraviolet spectroscopy? x-ray spectroscopy and other? unqualified people arguing with me.... so funny
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and yet radio frequency spectrocope that you mentioned can't detect much heavier element. That is your mistake i corrected.
Most of the spectra is beyond the ultraviolet region, of X rays and gamma rays, are detected by suitable ionization detectors. it is just how silly to mention radio spectroscopy. Why don't you mention ultraviolet spectroscopy? x-ray spectroscopy and other? unqualified people arguing with me.... so funny

See? Even more of the same stupidity. If such elements existed, they would appear in the normal bands just as all the other elements do - including the trans-uranium elements with very brief half-lives.

You continue to display your astounding ignorance of physics. "Scientist?" Don't make me laugh, you fraud!

Have you wondered why no one else with real intelligence besides me isn't even bothering to talk to you? It's because they grew tired of your ignorance and are ignoring you. And I will soon join them.
Only know to 'Read only' radio spectroscopy idiot... nice to know you...

No idiot on mY side of the screen - once again you've proven it to be squarely between your ears.

Why don't you just go away quitely since no one is interested in your nonsense anyway? All you do here is keep making a fool of yourself.
Scott, do you have any idea about interdimensional structure in the universe? how about testing my 4-D idea that can help us warp in space? thanks for your help...

Read. I want to make a comment here.

First of all, I believe (this is going to sound rediculious) his idea (I genuniely believe it) of "4-D idea that can help us warp in space", is very, very dangerous investigation.... If you imagine what it would do to the structure of the world. I imagine something rather twisted.

Anyway, Scott (What I had wanted to say), I believe, has a very good idea of a lot more than what albertchong is asking. In other words, he understands a lot more than he realizes. We realize. Sure, some of his ideas are debunked in our minds, they are debunked at some of the highest grade forums on the planet.

That pretty much dismisses most of these comments. New physics is a long way away and current theory is protected and adhered to, you might say pretty strongly ... (thank God!).
So, ... I think you get an idea where I'm going with this. Just because he is dismissed and debunked, and the ideas would be debunked further upon criticial investigation, I really haven't seen (In Support of Scott's theories), a valid interpretation of some of his ideas most notiably his "balance a nail on a set of scales." Idea.
What then would gravity be if he is right. It isn't like this has probably not been tested before, but his theory has some merrit, upon an inquirer....
Read. I want to make a comment here.

First of all, I believe (this is going to sound rediculious) his idea (I genuniely believe it) of "4-D idea that can help us warp in space", is very, very dangerous investigation.... If you imagine what it would do to the structure of the world. I imagine something rather twisted.

Anyway, Scott (What I had wanted to say), I believe, has a very good idea of a lot more than what albertchong is asking. In other words, he understands a lot more than he realizes. We realize. Sure, some of his ideas are debunked in our minds, they are debunked at some of the highest grade forums on the planet.

That pretty much dismisses most of these comments. New physics is a long way away and current theory is protected and adhered to, you might say pretty strongly ... (thank God!).
So, ... I think you get an idea where I'm going with this. Just because he is dismissed and debunked, and the ideas would be debunked further upon criticial investigation, I really haven't seen (In Support of Scott's theories), a valid interpretation of some of his ideas most notiably his "balance a nail on a set of scales." Idea.
What then would gravity be if he is right. It isn't like this has probably not been tested before, but his theory has some merrit, upon an inquirer....

No, Scott's ideas are just junk science. Consider what he is saying about matter that levitates away from other matter.

Just like the old story of "an acid that will eat through anything", what would they store it in? :D And Scott's hare-brained idea is a good parallel to that. Any matter that opposes gravity would be quickly flung out to the edges of the Universe - accelerating as it goes. (But he's not smart enough to have thought of that.) Neither is he intelligent enough to realize that practically everything else he says is just nonsense also. Pity.
True, I guess when you look at the idea of scale balancing in detail that is what you conclude.

My theory is that if it is thrown out the planet then that settles the matter and that there is no need for inquiry. If this is so then we have no reason to believe that gravity can adversely affect a human being. Just a question I guess of "time" and "soul" ('gravity'). I've had some interesting things happen with me before about the issue of gravity in particular. So I was wondering if he just threw in that example of the nail to confuse us, or actually have a similar investigation behind it.

Albert is also inquiring, but he repeats, and repeats it appears.
Which is not unlike what Read-Only has been saying, but is in conflict with statements of yours including this one: "The electrons are coming from the exited air inside the generator between the magnets and the copper wires and being added to the system."

I never said that all the electricity comes from this excitement of the air inside the generator and ejecting electrons adding them to the system, I said that this explains the electron loss problem, or electron transfer into heat problem.

This is why generators do not fail when there is electron transfer or electron loss due to heat transfer.

This is why batteries do fail eventually, when you charge it all you are doing is adding more electrons. what else do you think is in the current? it is nothing more than electrons. sure it also excites the atoms and ejects electrons, but once the electrons are ejected they do not go back into the atoms orbit easily, that is how I know that there is electron loss, and that is how I know that adding a charge just adds more electrons, and ejects more from other atoms.

The UFOs (if there is such a thing) could be using lorentz forces for propulsion which needs extreme magnetic field may be 100 Tesla to produce enough thrust for movement...who knows...this means they must have some kind of nuclear power plant inside or learned to produce giga watts on the fly....

Absolutely, this is how ion lifters work as well if i am reading it right? I believe what they are saying is when running a current threw an object the electrons inside the atoms of the objects structure no longer follow there proper orbital path, they tend to follow the path of the introduced electrical current, this is when you get this anti gravity affect, or by removing the electrons.

The universe works from the periodic table....Alloys exhibiting levitation without primary force conversion may not be likely....

that may not be the case.

Q ORMEs, an acronym for "Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements",[1] are "monatomic elements", also called "ORMUS elements"[2] or "m-state elements,"[3] are atoms which comprise a substance in which its atoms are not bound to each other (called a monatomic state). They constitute a newly discovered form (phase) of matter (refered to as "exotic matter") with entirely different physical properties from normal elements.[4] /Q

Q Following unsuccessful tests at Cornell University, a sample was sent to Harwell Laboratories in Oxfordshire, England, for neutron activation analysis, but even they could not obtain a suitable reading. Eventually, with assistance from the Soviet Academy of Sciences, it was determined that the mysterious, glowing white substance was composed entirely of platinum group metals in a form hitherto unknown to science.

In the course of continued research, the material was regularly heated and cooled, with a resultant fluctuation in its gravitational weight. It was also discovered that, at a certain temperature, the white bead would fall apart to become a monatomic (single atom) powder--at which point its weight fell dramatically to 56% of its starting weight. Further heating at 1160º centigrade then transformed the precious substance into a wonderfully clear glass, at which point the material weight returned to its original 100%. It was seemingly impossible, but it happened time and time again!

Totally bewildered, the scientists continued their investigations. When they repeatedly heated and cooled the sample under inert gases, they found that the cooling processes took the sample to an amazing 400% of its starting weight; but when they heated it again, they found it weighed less than nothing--way below zero. When they removed the sample from the pan, they discovered that the pan actually weighed more than it did with the material in it, and they perceived that the sample had the ability to transfer its weightlessness to its supporting host. In other words, even the pan was levitating! This was precisely in accordance with the old Alexandrian alchemical text which had discussed the golden Paradise Stone over 2,000 years before: that the material could outweigh its original quantity of gold, but, when transposed to powder, even a feather would tip the scales against it.

The substance was also determined to be a natural superconductor with a null magnetic field, repelling both north and south magnetic poles, while having the ability to levitate and store any amount of light and energy within itself.

At that stage of development, David Hudson met with Dr Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. In his research into zero-point energy and gravity as a zero-point fluctuation force, Puthoff had determined that when matter begins to react in two dimensions (as Hudson's samples were doing), it should theoretically lose around four-ninths of its gravitational weight. That is about 44%, precisely as discovered in the white powder experiments.

Hudson was therefore able to confirm Puthoff's theory in practice, explaining that when entering a superconductive state the monatomic powder registers only 56% of its starting weight; also, that when heated it can achieve a gravitational attraction of less than zero--at which point, the weighing-pan also weighs less than it did when empty.

Since gravity determines space-time, Puthoff concluded that the powder was "exotic matter" and was capable of bending space-time.

However, the mfkzt powder would then be resonating in a different dimension, under which circumstance it should become totally invisible. Again, Hudson confirmed that this was precisely the case: the sample certainly did vanish from sight when its weight disappeared.

What was being said here was not simply that the substance could be moved out of perceptual vision, but that it was literally transported into an alternative parallel plane--a fifth dimension of space-time. The proof of this was ascertained by attempting to disturb and scoop the substance with spatulas while it was invisible, so that it would be positioned differently when it returned to a visible state. But this did not happen, and the substance returned to precisely the same position and shape as last seen. Nothing was moved or disturbed in the invisible interim, because it had not been there. In short, it was not invisible: it had actually altered its physical state and had transposed into another dimension.

Dr Puthoff explained that this was like the difference between a conventional stealth aircraft, which cannot be detected by radar, and one that can literally disappear into another dimension. /Q



No, Scott's ideas are just junk science. Consider what he is saying about matter that levitates away from other matter.

Just like the old story of "an acid that will eat through anything", what would they store it in? :D And Scott's hare-brained idea is a good parallel to that. Any matter that opposes gravity would be quickly flung out to the edges of the Universe - accelerating as it goes. (But he's not smart enough to have thought of that.) Neither is he intelligent enough to realize that practically everything else he says is just nonsense also. Pity.

Again, shouldn't you try to at least understand something before you comment on it?

our periodic table doesn't completely reflect the element in the whole universe. If we happen to be able to fly to one of the star, we will be amaze of some heavier element we haven't discover yet. The radio-isotope, fission and fusion process create some element we haven't understood completely that the gigantic star born and died. So we still have room for improvement for our material study..

the biggest discoveries are being made in the smallest of things now :).

Yes. And then what becomes of those ions? They certainly do not cause "free" electrons to accumulate in the battery according to YOUR version of things.

Time and again you've shown that you don't know the difference between a battery cell and a capacitor. And neither do you understand the very simple chemistry of what goes on inside a cell that allows it to store energy and release it on demand.

Why not do yourself a BIG favor and read some basic material about how electricity really works instead of dreaming up your own silly version of it??

Some are lost as gasses, well some remain in a solid state inside the battery, i heated a drained battery once to see if there was some monatomic ions present in there, and the weight loss test was successful.

I know how electricity is explained, it is just wrong and incomplete.

True, I guess when you look at the idea of scale balancing in detail that is what you conclude.

My theory is that if it is thrown out the planet then that settles the matter and that there is no need for inquiry. If this is so then we have no reason to believe that gravity can adversely affect a human being. Just a question I guess of "time" and "soul" ('gravity'). I've had some interesting things happen with me before about the issue of gravity in particular. So I was wondering if he just threw in that example of the nail to confuse us, or actually have a similar investigation behind it.

Albert is also inquiring, but he repeats, and repeats it appears.

Try it, put a nail wrapped in a coil like you are trying to magnetize it on a set of scales, you will see weight fluctuations because of the disruption of the electrons inside the atoms of the structure.

In fact you can levitate coils if done right now.


Thanks for the comments.
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