Future Major Science Breakthrough- Levitation using anti-gravity matter.

Why not put your money where your mouth is and try to magnitize a nail on a set of scales?

You will see weight fluctuations.

Neutron stars gravitational field is enormous as the absence of electrons create a larger gravitational field emitting from the neutrons, in our atmosphere this gravitational field nulls out or over rides the gravity of the earth, what we would call anti gravity.

Neutron stars turn into black holes because of this super strong gravitational field.

Then they actually leave this dimension because they have become such a higher vibrational energy this is what we would call a black hole, and because all dimensions are connected they still exert there super strong gravitational affect on objects and light that passes to close to them.

idono obviously these are just my hypothosises, we still have much to learn

What a load of sickly tripe!!!:bugeye:
What a load of sickly tripe!!!:bugeye:

Says u, care to point out any mistakes in this hypothesis? i would be happy to be corrected in any manner other than just putting in stupid comments.

And (Q), Temperature plays a role in this field of energy as well, have you never seen electrical lines hoping?, literary jumping up and down for no reason in cold weather?

This is evidence of this field of energy as well.

And by the way if any one is interested I can update some information that is incorrect and incomplete in our current theory of electrical systems as well.
Says u, care to point out any mistakes in this hypothesis? i would be happy to be corrected in any manner other than just putting in stupid comments.

I hardly know where to start. You have your own version of reality - but it doesn't match with the REAL reality.

And (Q), Temperature plays a role in this field of energy as well, have you never seen electrical lines hoping?, literary jumping up and down for no reason in cold weather?

This is evidence of this field of energy as well.

Of course there's an energy field there - it's produced by the 60Hz current flowing through it! And there's no mystery or reason to resort to your usual tomfoolery as to why the conductors move. They are attracted to each other by the magnetic field they generate as well as moving air currents.

And by the way if any one is interested I can update some information that is incorrect and incomplete in our current theory of electrical systems as well.

I can hardly wait for this! You've talking about something that I'm very familiar with. So go right ahead - I've got a strong feeling it will resemble a trip with Alice and the White Rabbit...
I hardly know where to start. You have your own version of reality - but it doesn't match with the REAL reality.

Of course there's an energy field there - it's produced by the 60Hz current flowing through it! And there's no mystery or reason to resort to your usual tomfoolery as to why the conductors move. They are attracted to each other by the magnetic field they generate as well as moving air currents.

I can hardly wait for this! You've talking about something that I'm very familiar with. So go right ahead - I've got a strong feeling it will resemble a trip with Alice and the White Rabbit...

ok, I'm just going to post some ....'s first to see if i can get my links and pictures working so you guys don't have to copy and paste all the time, it says i only need 5 more post's
lol @ Alice and the white rabbit.

Actually electrons repel each other, there is no logical explanation for electrical lines to hopp feverishly so in cold temperatures unless there is another fundamental force at work that science has not yet explained.

Before you read this you should be aware that even Tesla said that current is variable not a constant, I found that after i thought of my electrical system hypothesis that explains electron loss and electron transfer.

I came up with this hypothesis because we never see electrical system failure due to electron to heat transfer, or electron loss due to electrical lines breaking and losing some of it's electrons into the ground that should result in failure of the system if it where truly a closed system.

Also I suspected that because hole doping (removing electrons) aids in superconductivity, so we should have seen superconducting properties before the point of failure, we have never seen failure let alone the superconducting properties that we should see, like the ions in my cathode.

I just copied and pasted this from another site where we where discussing transmutation in my cells and the topic veered off to my electron loss or transfer hypothesis. I put the link at the bottom.

Say below we have a closed system and it's total volume is 100 electrons. and we have a battery that is empty and needs to be charged, and it's capacity is 100 electrons.

We transfer the electrical energy from the system to the battery and now our 100 electrons are in the battery and not the system, therefore the system should no longer work because it's electrons are gone.

But we never ever see this.

The electrons are coming from the exited air inside the generator between the magnets and the copper wires and being added to the system.

It is not a closed system, it is a continually feed system. Other wise it would no longer function after charging the battery because all the electrons have left the supposedly closed system.

Now on the other hand a battery is a closed system and that is why we see electron loss, and it will stop working eventually until more electrons are added to it, when we charge it we are simply just adding more electrons as we know that the electrons are not added back to the ions unless a stronger force is put on them to do so, such as a spark or pressure from inside a combustion chamber or flame, the end result being an implosion. This is because the removal of electrons increases the wave function energy of the nucleus.

A generator on the other hand is literally extracting the electrons from the air molecules by swirling the air so fast and exciting the molecules and ejecting the electrons into the copper system, that's why the system never runs out or electrons (electricity.)

Here is a pick of what I mean.

Now we add this system to a light bulb and it should not work.

So in a true closed system like using a battery we see the electron loss and we know by recharging it we are adding more electrons to it once again.

According to the closed circuit system theory we have now, even with generating systems, we should see the same thing happening with electrical generating systems as the battery closed system but we do not, there has to be electrons added to the system.

There is no other explanation for not seeing the electron loss that we should see with generating systems.

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There is plenty of physical evidence that the government have not recovered in time, metal samples, pictures proven to be real, accurate prophecies produced by Billy meier, implants that could not have been produced by us at this time.
SkinWalker uses the interesting phrase significance junkie. If you understand what that phrase means you will understand what I think of your alleged physical evidence.

Your imagination is good but those hypothesises are not practical.
And you know this, how exactly? You prefer craft that can travel through dimensions to, for example, a multi-generation craft. We can already envisage how to build and power the latter, yet the former remains, at present, a fairy tale. And you have the gall, or the stupidity to accuse me of presenting impractical hypotheses.

Care to enlighten us with any theories or hypothesis you have came up with your self.............
Please do tell some of the things you have found that later turned out to be true and proven by science?
I do not work as a scientist, but as an engineer. My ideas are practical ones that have lead to cumulative savings on the part of our clients worth many millions of dollars.
They are utterly mundane, boring to the external viewer, simple applications of simple principles. It's just that they also happen to be commercially valuable.
I doubt you have came up with anything because your ego is so bloated i am sure you just like to talk about what you know (have been taught.)
Albert Einstein was quoted as saying he had only come up with one or two good ideas in his entire life. If you (and he) are talking about ideas that effect our fundamental understanding of the universe then I am still waiting for mine.

Scott, you have a brain. Why not make 2009 the year you begin to use it?
Ophiolite there is tons of evidence, sorry but refusing to believe it is not going to change the facts, again I suggest you go watch the disclosure project by Dr. Steven Greer where now over 500 Military X Military, NASA X NASA, and scientists, and air traffic controllers, and Dr's, and lawyers have come forth to tell us the truth about downed craft, alien bodies, crafts caught on radar, and bases on the back side of the moon, as well as over unity energy.

Don't be frightened little fella they wont hurt you.

People just like to put others down so they can feel better about them selves, and unfortunately we still have this mentality of ridicule and name calling that was ironically started by people that did not want certain information to come out.

The military used it many times, and it worked great for a while but it's getting rather old and see threw now to those that can think for them selves. We all have a right to believe what we want, and thinking differently is blessing for if we where all the same it would be a dull, dull world.

Conspiracy theory has worked well to, unfortunately for them that is getting old as well considering 95% of conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.

Since when should thinking for your self and questioning what we are told be looked at as a bad thing? It's a God given right.

Variety is a spice of life.
I'm still waiting for you to address the question "How can you say my suggestions for interstellar travel, which require no distortion of known physical facts, is more practical than your speculations."

There lies the root of your problem. You like the idea that aliens exist and conspiracies abound. It appeals to you. I was young once. I am familiar with the mental state. You ask "Since when should thinking for your self and questioning what we are told be looked at as a bad thing?"

Excellent. Start to think for yourself. Stop listening to con artists, psychotics and delusional fantasists, and instead apply some logic and some solid scientificic methodology. Will it hurt? You bet it will, because it will require you to abandon the adoloscent fantasies you are currently indulging in.
I'm still waiting for you to address the question "How can you say my suggestions for interstellar travel, which require no distortion of known physical facts, is more practical than your speculations."

I'm not going to argue with you there, all those are definite possibilities, that's very creative thinking, good job.

I just find them unlikely, unless they where relatively close to us. except for the robotic theory, in fact there are reports of biological robots being found in some of these craft, but they are usually accompanied by living beings as well.

It's just from the studying I have done and from seemingly credible people that have reported to have interactions with them, as well as people that claimed to work on there down craft and re engineer them all talk about bending space time and interdimensional travel.

The hibernation hypothesis seems rather risky to me though too, if there were any technical problems they could be in serious trouble.

I just think time will reveal that extreme ionisation will lead us into different dimensions and vast space travel because of higher vibrational energies.

But yeah you are right any of those could be plausible explanations. that's some good thinkin.

Again we now have possible evidence of interdimensional travel threw ionisation, you can view The secrets of the lost ark for more information on this.

I saw the same thing with ions on the cathode of my water fuel cell.
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Here is an article of one of these crafts right in one of your precious science places, i don't suppose your man enough to hand out an apology are you?
Where is the article?

i could not believe my eyes when i read your 57? you act like a 12 year old, actually i have met 12 year old's with more intelligent's than you.
And how and where did you read that I am 57? Or is your reading comprehension as flawed as your thinking abilities?

Oh in case I have to spell it out for you, ionisation produces plasma!
From what?

And this ionisation just dramatically increases the gravitational wave function by disturbing the communication of the electrons that keeps gravity stable and increases the gravity around the unit giving it it's own gravitational field.
Increases the gravitational wave function? Bollocks.

Antigravity Aircraft - B2 Bomber

Oh yes, the idiot behavioural scientist who has admitted that his knowledge of hard science comes from reading such books as A Brief History of Time and pro-UFO drivel... An impeccable source :rolleyes:
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Where is the article?

NASA Jumps at Patent for Plasma-Powered UFO Technology

Popular mechanics.

This illustration by Danielle Zawoy for the University of Florida depicts what a wingless electromagnetic air vehicle might look like as it flies in the atmosphere above Mars.

Q Subrata Roy, an aerospace engineer from the University of Florida, recently submitted a patent application for an aircraft that just happens to come in the shape of a flying saucer. Dubbed a “winged electromagnetic air vehicle,” or WEAV, the battery-powered prototype is designed at less than 6 in. across. Even so, Roy insists that the mini sci-fi mobile could be built full-scale for missions like atmospheric surveillance—and that’s got NASA and the Air Force interested.

Powered by magnetohydrodynamics (a bulky title for the way energy generated as a current passes through a conducting fluid), WEAV would be able to lift off vertically and hover—”a saucer and a helicopter in one embodiment,” as Roy puts it. We’ve seen prototypes of choppers with vertical landing capabilities and even length-morphing rotors, but Roy is talking about virtually part-less flight: Plasma-forming electrodes would serve as a conducting fluid, causing the surrounding air to be pushed around the craft, propelling it through the sky.

That sounds like something truly meant for space, and while physics are stacked against a saucer-like vehicle for the atmosphere in the near term, Roy isn’t the only innovator with something of an upside-down eye on the sky. With reports on breakthroughs in levitation on a very small scale and the possibility of flying “magic” carpets both surfacing within the last year, maybe sci-fi and Hollywood aren’t that loosely related after all. Then again, real success in any of these fields of flight would be revolutionary. As it is, a small flying saucer might be useful as another in the long line of mini-UAVs. —Allie Townsend /Q

By the way this is nothing new, we could have had this technology years ago if it where not from suppression and the ignorance of the common man.

In nearly 50 years I can't recall off-hand any claims by USSR or Geramny or us that the UFOs/ Foo fighters were theirs/ ours. But I stand open to illumination/ memory jogging.

My bad, nearly 50.

From what?

Depends what you are referring to, ORMES are gold turned into a plasma state, the ions on my cell are a form of hydrogen plasma, and in the case of these new wingless vehicles it produces plasma from the surrounding air.

In physics and chemistry, plasma is a partially ionized gas, in which a certain proportion of electrons are free rather than being bound to an atom or molecule.

Oh yes, the idiot behavioural scientist who has admitted that his knowledge of hard science comes from reading such books as A Brief History of Time and pro-UFO drivel... An impeccable source :rolleyes:

No worries disclosure is under way, they wont hurt you little fella.

Sorry for my negative comments I just hate when people get picked on for trying to expand there mind, regardless of the fact's, right or wrong people are entitled to there own opinions.

In Albert's case he is more on than you may ever know at your age, but even to others that may not have the knowledge you have, it's not nice to put others down so you can make your self feel better, I usually say to this, do you pick on the mentally challenged people too?



1 smart dude *shhhhhh*

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Why not put your money where your mouth is and try to magnitize a nail on a set of scales?

You will see weight fluctuations.

From accidentally touching the scale, perhaps?

Neutron stars gravitational field is enormous as the absence of electrons create a larger gravitational field emitting from the neutrons, in our atmosphere this gravitational field nulls out or over rides the gravity of the earth, what we would call anti gravity.

Really? Electrons actually have small mass, hence removing them would mean removing mass. Seems there would be slightly less gravity, not more.

Neutron stars turn into black holes because of this super strong gravitational field.

Nothing about neutron degeneracy?

Then they actually leave this dimension because they have become such a higher vibrational energy this is what we would call a black hole, and because all dimensions are connected they still exert there super strong gravitational affect on objects and light that passes to close to them.

What dimension do they go to?

idono obviously these are just my hypothosises, we still have much to learn

They appear to be more "assertions" than hypotheses, as much of what you claim is not observed.
From accidentally touching the scale, perhaps?

Hi Q, no, I was careful to not touch it, I actually observed weight gain and weight loss, the first test was with the nail wrapped in the coil right on the scales, with that I observed weight loss, i then put it high up on a cylinder to be sure the electromagnetic field was not messing with the scales and i observed weight gain.

Much more work needs to be done on this, i just did a couple of quick experiments to check it out as i suspected weight fluctuations.

I really just set out to see if there would be weight changes in the nail after magnetizing it and thought i would have a look well magnetizing it and found the fluctuations.

I never was able to magnetize the nail, so it was an incomplete experiment.

The blue dots represent the electrons, i suspect that the weight fluctuations depended upon the placement of the electrons.

this is how negatively charges water fuel cell systems work, the reason they are over unity energy systems is because electrons escape when water molecules are exited very easily, especially when you are using what they are to begin with (electricity/covalent bonds/electrons.) You only have to charge the water for short periods of time and leave the negative on for the electrons to drain.

This converts the water into HHO held stable in the water, as well as ions/plasma that can be used as a fuel in the combustion chamber, even the hydrogen on demand systems are using some of these ions contrary to what they might think, it's a proven fact most of them don't put out enough hydrogen to explain the fuel mileage increase they are seeing.

Running a negatively charged cell is just more efficient and produces more of these ions/plasma.

As for electrons having small mass and thus having less gravity would not necessarily be so if gravity where a wave that comes from the nucleus, and if that wave became stronger when the electrons where removed. I'm no scientist but wouldn't a neutron star be a gaseous planet? and if so why would it have gravity period let along stronger gravity than we observe on a planet such as earth. unless the gravitational wave was increased tremendously.

When we remove electrons it takes atoms from a solid state to a gaseous state ions/plasma. these ions/plasma put there own now stronger field of gravity. It may mess with the polarity as well because it seems that this gravitational strong field they put out is no longer affected by the gravitational affect of the planet anymore, but yet if we take these ions in our atmosphere from water molecules they will stick together, such as clouds, we will learn later the the wingless electromagnetic craft we build will be able to fly together in this manner as well.

Actually I did talk about neutron star degeneracy, the pressure put on them from this stronger gravitational field that they put out reduces the volume forcing the star into higher-energy quantum states, this higher vibrational energy is what eventually causes the black hole, as i said I believe what we view as a black hole from a neutron star is the higher vibrational energy taking it into different dimensions.

What dimension I can't say, i can only assume that it is the forth dimension at this time as it has recently just left this dimension.

I guess this is a good time to mention polarity again in that ions will attract electrons like we see with thunder and lighting, this is why gravitational field of black holes are so strong and attract any objects if the get to close, they will literally pull the electrons in the planets structure and well doing so steel the electrons from the strong attraction force, then that planet becomes totally ionised and turns into the same higher vibrational energy.

This is how I know something like this will supply the word with free electricity some day, just fill it up with solid state ions that have a long life.

Remember this electron ion attraction will take the path of least resistance, in nature the easiest path is for the electrons to go to the ions in the atmosphere.

In an electrical wingless craft the same thing will happen when it gets to close to the ground, the electrical current then just needs to be redirected to a capacitor as not to be injected into the ion atoms again with possible undesired results as a spark will induce the electrons into there proper orbit in the atoms, well the ions without a direct spark or combustion such as in a fuel chamber, or flame, remain in a superconducting state, so the electrons can still flow in them but with zero resistance.

Science knows this because they can now take hydrogen and oxygen and spark it and it will produce water with an implosion feature, this replaces the covalent bonds (electrons) that hold the water molecules together.

Also they can now take compressed silicon-hydrogen and create room temperature superconductors, this merely just ejects electrons from the pressure that the atoms are put under, not sure if there aware of this yet though.

Scientists Create Room Temperature Superconductor


So in a black holes case the path of least resistance would be the objects that fly to close to it, therefore they will be sucked into the black hole and the other dimension as they lose there electrons and turn into this higher vibrational state as well.

As I have told some of you here, perpetual motion is possible contrary to what you believe, again inside an atom we have electrons, protons, ect... spinning around each other in a constant spin with no entropy (loss of energy,) and they put out electromagnetic energy.

In the same sort of way superconductors can be perpetual motion as well, although at this time the electromagnetism waves from the electrons can not be harnessed, but it may be used for something one day such as nanotechnology.

Q Rings of superconducting material have been experimentally proven to sustain continuous current for years with no applied voltage. So far as anyone knows, there is no theoretical time limit to how long an unaided current could be sustained in a superconducting circuit. If you're thinking this appears to be a form of perpetual motion, you're correct! Contrary to popular belief, there is no law of physics prohibiting perpetual motion; rather, the prohibition stands against any machine or system generating more energy than it consumes (what would be referred to as an over-unity device). At best, all a perpetual motion machine (like the superconducting ring) would be good for is to store energy, not generate it freely!

Superconductors also offer some strange possibilities having nothing to do with Ohm's Law. One such possibility is the construction of a device called a Josephson Junction, which acts as a relay of sorts, controlling one current with another current (with no moving parts, of course). The small size and fast switching time of Josephson Junctions may lead to new computer circuit designs: an alternative to using semiconductor transistors./Q


Also there is no reason why this should not work as well and supply as all with over unity energy, although there are better methods such as my ion capacitor.



Assertions, hypothesises, call them what you will, i obviously can't prove some of this stuff at this time, other than the anti gravity affect of ions on my cathode and my fuel mileage increase and the weight fluctuations of the magnetizing of the nail because i did the work on those things.

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hey Scott, interesting stuff but way too much at the one time....see if you can focus down to one salient issue and see how you go...[advice only take it or leave it ok]