Future Major Science Breakthrough- Levitation using anti-gravity matter.

Wrong hypothesis. Check with moderators the ID number of country origin. Scott don't bother those people. They are not qualified.

Right, who should he bother with IDK, but.... I think that the absurd theories have a use, and its right where they belong. There is little use for this IMO other than physics but I am usually wrong so sue me.
Are you capable of actually holding an intelligent conversation or just ranting?

MUCH more capable than you and far more experienced in electricity and electronics than you will ever be since you believe the tripe you write.

In a battery, we just have ions that make the electrons go threw the circuit.

Incorrect as usual. The applied EMF creates the ions (which are NOT a plasma!! A plasma is **HOT**, you dummy!) which allows the current to flow through the cell. (And there's your stupid "threw" for "through" yet again. How ignorant!)

In a generator it is just pushing the electrons threw the system causing volts, and of course as I think adding electrons to the system.

Just how dumb can you be???? "Adding electrons!" And, pray tell, just where would these added electrons originate - except from within your warped view of reality????

Shouldn't you and Ophiolite try to understand what you are talking about before you comment? Because you 2 are the ones that look like the complete retards now.

Quite the contrary! We both know exactly what we are talking about. It's your very own words that prove you to be the "retard" here. In addition, looking at the experiments you've claimed to have made, there are only two possible conclusions an intelligent, educated person can draw from them. Either you didn't know how to make the measurements involved OR you are simply lying through (not "threw") your teeth. Your claims are just as ludicrous as your personal nonsensical view of electricity.
MUCH more capable than you and far more experienced in electricity and electronics than you will ever be since you believe the tripe you write.

I guess you will have to go back and learn it again, lithium-ion batteries are a type of rechargeable battery in which a lithium ion moves between the anode and cathode. The lithium ion moves from the anode to the cathode during discharge and from the cathode to the anode when charging.

Regular batteries work the same, the acid excites the atoms and ejects electrons, and the positive ions and the negative electrons have a charge that attracts each other, the current running threw the system is from this positive negative attraction, this is why you can fill a battery with water and still get a charge, instead of the acid exciting the atoms the electrical current does it when you add it to charge it by removing the covalent bonds and creating ions.

Again, Electrical tension (or voltage after its SI unit, the volt) is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical or electronic circuit, expressed in volts.

In physics, the potential difference or p.d. between two points is the difference of the points' scalar potential, equivalent to the line integral of the field strength between the two points.

In physics, the field strength of a field is the magnitude of its vector value.

In theoretical physics, field strength is another name for the curvature form. For the electromagnetic field, the curvature form is an antisymmetric matrix whose elements are the electric field and magnetic field: the electromagnetic tensor.

The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field.

Just how dumb can you be???? "Adding electrons!" And, pray tell, just where would these added electrons originate - except from within your warped view of reality????

You just really can't grasp a thing we have been discussing where can you, sigh here it is again.

Before you read this you should be aware that even Tesla said that current is variable not a constant, I found that after i thought of my electrical system hypothesis that explains electron loss and electron transfer.

I came up with this hypothesis because we never see electrical system failure due to electron to heat transfer, or electron loss due to electrical lines breaking and losing some of it's electrons into the ground that should result in failure of the system if it where truly a closed system.

Also I suspected that because hole doping (removing electrons) aids in superconductivity, so we should have seen superconducting properties before the point of failure, we have never seen failure let alone the superconducting properties that we should see, like the ions in my cathode.

I just copied and pasted this from another site where we where discussing transmutation in my cells and the topic veered off to my electron loss or transfer hypothesis. I put the link at the bottom.

Say below we have a closed system and it's total volume is 100 electrons. and we have a battery that is empty and needs to be charged, and it's capacity is 100 electrons.

We transfer the electrical energy from the system to the battery and now our 100 electrons are in the battery and not the system, therefore the system should no longer work because it's electrons are gone.

But we never ever see this.

The electrons are coming from the exited air inside the generator between the magnets and the copper wires and being added to the system.

It is not a closed system, it is a continually feed system. Other wise it would no longer function after charging the battery because all the electrons have left the supposedly closed system.

Now on the other hand a battery is a closed system and that is why we see electron loss, and it will stop working eventually until more electrons are added to it, when we charge it we are simply just adding more electrons as we know that the electrons are not added back to the ions unless a stronger force is put on them to do so, such as a spark or pressure from inside a combustion chamber or flame, the end result being an implosion. This is because the removal of electrons increases the wave function energy of the nucleus.

A generator on the other hand is literally extracting the electrons from the air molecules by swirling the air so fast and exciting the molecules and ejecting the electrons into the copper system, that's why the system never runs out or electrons (electricity.)

Here is a pick of what I mean.

Now we add this system to a light bulb and it should not work.

So in a true closed system like using a battery we see the electron loss and we know by recharging it we are adding more electrons to it once again.

According to the closed circuit system theory we have now, even with generating systems, we should see the same thing happening with electrical generating systems as the battery closed system but we do not, there has to be electrons added to the system.

There is no other explanation for not seeing the electron loss that we should see with generating systems.

This is what I mean by as I think adding electrons to the system that should fail occasionally if it where a truly closed system from electron to heat transfer and electron loss such as a line breaking and fraping out on the ground losing its electrical potential rendering the hole system to fail do to this loss or transfer.

Quite the contrary! We both know exactly what we are talking about. It's your very own words that prove you to be the "retard" here. In addition, looking at the experiments you've claimed to have made, there are only two possible conclusions an intelligent, educated person can draw from them. Either you didn't know how to make the measurements involved OR you are simply lying through (not "threw") your teeth. Your claims are just as ludicrous as your personal nonsensical view of electricity.

Again you will have to go back and learn how batteries work, yes EMF is what I just explained to you,

Hear it is again. I put some arrows <<< in there to make it more clear for you since you have problems comprehending.

Electrical tension (or voltage after its SI unit, the volt) is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical or electronic circuit, expressed in volts.

In physics, the potential difference or p.d. between two points is the difference of the points' scalar potential, equivalent to the line integral of the field strength between the two points.

In physics, the field strength of a field is the magnitude of its vector value.

In theoretical physics, field strength is another name for the curvature form. For the electromagnetic field, the curvature form is an antisymmetric matrix whose elements are the electric field and magnetic field: the electromagnetic tensor.

The (EMF>>>)electromagnetic field (<<<EMF)is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field.

In a battery, we just have positive ions that make the negatve electrons go threw the circuit.

In a generator it is just EMF from the magnet pushing the electrons threw the system causing volts, and of course as I think adding electrons to the system.

So again you look like a idiot for your immature comments.
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Yes Albert I have had enough of these kids.

They treat science like a religion and wont believe anything till there science Gods tell them it is true. It's a pity really because that has held us back in so many fields to, even grown men do this, they just don't understand they have replaced religion with science, and no one likes there religions messed with unless like I said there science Gods tell them it is so, pity because they lack the ability to think for themselves and comprehend.

Because of this we will most likely have to wait for the announcement of extraterrestrial visitation as a fact before they will understand there is so much more to learn, then perhaps we can teach them a few things. lol I still doubt it though, there comments demonstrate there lack of IQ quite clearly.
Read-Only, I've figured it out. He's sixteen. It's people like him who give sixteen year olds a bad name.
Read-Only, I've figured it out. He's sixteen. It's people like him who give sixteen year olds a bad name.

Hi, Oph,

I disagree - but only slightly. Most kids of 16 are MUCH smarter than he is and most certainly can write and spell better. "Threw" for "through" and "there" for "their." That's pure ignorance in action! And he does it time and again, never improving at all.

I think he's either 13 (or less) or around 85. No more than the former and not much less than the latter. He strikes me as more than likely being the latter - a crotchety, grumpy old geezer who's IQ matches his age. Someone with more time on his hands than the average individual and who knows how to do nothing but run his mouth. I'm sure you've also noticed that he repeats the same things over and over with almost no understanding of what he - or anyone else is saying. He's not listening one bit (which would help him considerably if he did) but rather is just preaching to the air.
Say below we have a closed system and it's total volume is 100 electrons. and we have a battery that is empty and needs to be charged, and it's capacity is 100 electrons.

We transfer the electrical energy from the system to the battery and now our 100 electrons are in the battery and not the system, therefore the system should no longer work because it's electrons are gone.

But we never ever see this.

The electrons are coming from the exited air inside the generator between the magnets and the copper wires and being added to the system.

It is not a closed system, it is a continually feed system. Other wise it would no longer function after charging the battery because all the electrons have left the supposedly closed system.

Now on the other hand a battery is a closed system and that is why we see electron loss, and it will stop working eventually until more electrons are added to it, when we charge it we are simply just adding more electrons as we know that the electrons are not added back to the ions unless a stronger force is put on them to do so, such as a spark or pressure from inside a combustion chamber or flame, the end result being an implosion. This is because the removal of electrons increases the wave function energy of the nucleus.

A generator on the other hand is literally extracting the electrons from the air molecules by swirling the air so fast and exciting the molecules and ejecting the electrons into the copper system, that's why the system never runs out or electrons (electricity.)

Here is a pick of what I mean.

Now we add this system to a light bulb and it should not work.

So in a true closed system like using a battery we see the electron loss and we know by recharging it we are adding more electrons to it once again.

According to the closed circuit system theory we have now, even with generating systems, we should see the same thing happening with electrical generating systems as the battery closed system but we do not, there has to be electrons added to the system.

I'm not about to deal with all the tripe you put into this long post. And even though you have SOME of the basic terms correct, you are far far off as to the operations taking place.

As I said before, a rechargeable battery that is dead contains just as many electrons as it does when it is charged. The only thing that come close to your vision of it is a capacitor and related components. They do, indeed, store electrons on one plate when charged - but a storage battery does NOT. The charging current flowing through it produces a reversible chemical reaction and THAT is how the energy is stored - not as free electrons.

I sincerely doubt that you understand any chemistry at all, but here it is anyway for a common lead-acid cell (such as found in automotive applications):

(Anode) Pb + HSO4- --> PbSO4 + H+

(Cathode) PbO2 + HSO4- + 3H+ --> PbSO4 + 2H2O

That's discharging (in use) and charging is simply the same reactions in reverse order. The storage of electrical energy in chemical form (rather than your stupid "free electrons") has been well-known and understood for about 140 years. It hasn't changed in all that time.

The final thing I'll respond to in that post is the last drawing above. That is SO moronic because it's exactly the way AC electrical power is distributed!!! Generators are connected to the distribution network and from there to the point of use.

And it's called an "electrical circuit" - despite your ignorant statements - because the current makes a circuit - a full loop from the point of origin, through the circuit and BACK to the point of origin once again.

So you have demonstrated once again that you haven't the foggiest idea of what you're talking about!

Tell us this: since hundreds of thousands of engineers and other professionals adhere to the principles I've outlined, just WHAT is it that makes you think YOU are so much smarter than all of them combined?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I disagree - but only slightly. Most kids of 16 are MUCH smarter than he is and most certainly can write and spell better.
Which is why I suggested it was people like him who gave other, much smarter, sixteen year olds a bad name.

Hell, it's people like him who give humans a bad name. I like the phrase intransigent stupidity. It has a ring to it and was tailor made for the likes of Scott.
Which is why I suggested it was people like him who gave other, much smarter, sixteen year olds a bad name.

Hell, it's people like him who give humans a bad name. I like the phrase intransigent stupidity. It has a ring to it and was tailor made for the likes of Scott.

That's two VERY valid points!!
I'm not about to deal with all the tripe you put into this long post. And even though you have SOME of the basic terms correct, you are far far off as to the operations taking place.

As I said before, a rechargeable battery that is dead contains just as many electrons as it does when it is charged. The only thing that come close to your vision of it is a capacitor and related components. They do, indeed, store electrons on one plate when charged - but a storage battery does NOT. The charging current flowing through it produces a reversible chemical reaction and THAT is how the energy is stored - not as free electrons.

lol, the charging current just disrupts the atoms and releases electron and in doing so turns that atoms into ions,

There would not be voltage period if this was not the case, it's not some magical energy, yes it is a chemical reaction, but all it is doing is removing the covalent bonds (electrons.)

Why don't you explain to every one the ping pong ball explanation that is usually used to explain electrical current, and how the last ball is pushed out, yet even the brightest of them all avoid the question where the next ball comes from and the next. Ect......
the charging current just disrupts the atoms and releases electron and in doing so turns that atoms into ions,
Which is not unlike what Read-Only has been saying, but is in conflict with statements of yours including this one: "The electrons are coming from the exited air inside the generator between the magnets and the copper wires and being added to the system."
The UFOs (if there is such a thing) could be using lorentz forces for propulsion which needs extreme magnetic field may be 100 Tesla to produce enough thrust for movement...who knows...this means they must have some kind of nuclear power plant inside or learned to produce giga watts on the fly....
there is one possibility that the aliens may have used some form of material that we haven't discovered yet that make levitation possible. By using different combination of electromagnetic spectrum radiating the material and excite the atomic structure that may cause levitation or have no effect on graviton forces.
The universe works from the periodic table....Alloys exhibiting levitation without primary force conversion may not be likely....
our periodic table doesn't completely reflect the element in the whole universe. If we happen to be able to fly to one of the star, we will be amaze of some heavier element we haven't discover yet. The radio-isotope, fission and fusion process create some element we haven't understood completely that the gigantic star born and died. So we still have room for improvement for our material study..
our periodic table doesn't completely reflect the element in the whole universe. If we happen to be able to fly to one of the star, we will be amaze of some heavier element we haven't discover yet. The radio-isotope, fission and fusion process create some element we haven't understood completely that the gigantic star born and died. So we still have room for improvement for our material study..

You have absolutely no grasp of radio spectroscopy, do you? Otherwise, you would not make such an ignorant statement. And you call yourself a scientist??? HAH! :bugeye: What foolishness!!!!!!!!!!
lol, the charging current just disrupts the atoms and releases electron and in doing so turns that atoms into ions,

Yes. And then what becomes of those ions? They certainly do not cause "free" electrons to accumulate in the battery according to YOUR version of things.

Time and again you've shown that you don't know the difference between a battery cell and a capacitor. And neither do you understand the very simple chemistry of what goes on inside a cell that allows it to store energy and release it on demand.

Why not do yourself a BIG favor and read some basic material about how electricity really works instead of dreaming up your own silly version of it??