Friends getting religious

Yeah it was. Why would you suspect otherwise?

Perhaps because it causes massive pain and suffering? Because it does not discriminate between young and old, rich and poor?

Because there's no rational explanation why a loving creator would make some suffer so greatly?
Spiritual beings
Gods, angels, Ascended Masters, elementals, ghosts, faeries, Spirit guides and extraterrestrials can spiritually guide us, if we open ourselves to their guidance

Life has a purpose; this includes a belief in synchronicity—that coincidences have spiritual meaning and lessons to teach those whom are open to them.
Perhaps because it causes massive pain and suffering? Because it does not discriminate between young and old, rich and poor?

Because there's no rational explanation why a loving creator would make some suffer so greatly?

Now you're talking like a vegetarian who likes to pretend that young carrots are not alive. :bugeye:

Caring about stuff is all subjective. There are some who put pictures of dead people on the wall and drink to their hail fellow well met lives.

Why blame God for your inability to get accustomed to mortality?

I induce diseases in animals, the younger the better. Its more educational.
You experience a being that isn't there. It might not be schizophrenia, that's just one possibility, it might be waking dreams, hallucinations, or some other mental disorder you have. You need diagnosing by a professional.

i have experienced beings that WERE there, yet unseen. that was not god. i do not know that god is a being at all. god doesn't seem similar to any being i'm aware of.

and it might be exactly what i say it is. but here you are proposing that you are more capable of determining what's caused my own experiences than i am. do you seriously not see how incredibly arrogant that is? you have not experienced what i have. your conclusion is not based upon familiarity or knowledge. it is based soley on your own desire to be right.

All of your massed believers hold some contradictory beliefs, so you can't really sum them against atheists until they agree on stuff. How many of them really believe? How many of them go along with it, because of tradition, or because of a herd mentality, or simply because they like the community feeling religion can sometimes foster? How many of them hear voices? Do you need the comfort of thinking you are in a majority?

no, i don't. and what you're saying about many religious people is true. the path is narrow, and i think i'm probably one of 144,000. and i am quite happy being a minority. now watch, you'll say i'm conceited for thinking i'm special.

My disorder? That's a straw man you're stuffing there. I don't have a disorder, and I'm not emotional. I'm quite a fan of the scientific method, where we try and remove human foibles from affecting the results of our investigations.

well then why are you so hateful? hate is an emotion.
Now you're talking like a vegetarian who likes to pretend that young carrots are not alive. :bugeye:

Caring about stuff is all subjective. There are some who put pictures of dead people on the wall and drink to their hail fellow well met lives.

Why blame God for your inability to get accustomed to mortality?

I induce diseases in animals, the younger the better. Its more educational.

Try again, SAM. Your god does not present himself as merely the landlord. He's the creator, right? So that means he created cancer. The question, once again, is why such a terrible thing is necessary.
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Like what? Genetics? I know you're thinking of the obvious ones, like people who get it from smoking, but what about the people who get it for no other reason than it running in the family?

well genetics is a cause. and our genetics are influenced by many things as we evolve. i'm sure there are environmental influences and causes as well.
How does he allow cancer?

No Dawg, not "allow" but 'specifically, intentionally and intelligently created to perform a very specific function'.

Why would you suspect otherwise?

I wouldn't of course but others might. Why would they? Well, I suppose that such facts of existence raise concerns with certain supposed definitions and characteristics attributed to certain gods. For instance: It is sometimes claimed that the modern popular gods are very intelligent - supremely so. Given that statement, the existence of wisdom teeth and blind spots raises various concerns.

Does that help?
I never said otherwise, in fact I agreed with you in saying that it was clearly created by an all-loving intelligent entity.

ohhhhh...i misunderstood. my bad. i thought you were being sarcastic. ;)
Perhaps because it causes massive pain and suffering? Because it does not discriminate between young and old, rich and poor?

Because there's no rational explanation why a loving creator would make some suffer so greatly?

make them? you don't think it's caused by magic do you? :bugeye:
So we are a scientific experiment to this all-knowing, all-seeing god of yours?

Try again, Sam. This loving god is supposed to command all things. How does he allow cancer?

A cosmic joke of course. Immortal cells for those who wish to prolong their mortality. You don't want your cells to age and die? Here try a bunch of those kinds.
make them? you don't think it's caused by magic do you? :bugeye:

Don't play that game. Your god says he is the creator of all this. Hence, he created cancer. Unless you're saying he can't control it, in which case he isn't really god.
A cosmic joke of course. Immortal cells for those who wish to prolong their mortality. You don't want your cells to age and die? Here try a bunch of those kinds.

Ah, so your god isn't loving, then.

I'm glad I don't believe in this nonsense! Phew!
Ah, so your god isn't loving, then.

I'm glad I don't believe in this nonsense! Phew!

Of course he is, didn't he say, beware of what you want, for you may get it?

Think of him as an overindulgent parent.
Don't play that game. Your god says he is the creator of all this. Hence, he created cancer. Unless you're saying he can't control it, in which case he isn't really god.

cancer is an effect, and it has various causes. it's not random. i doubt we could isolate all of the cumulative causes, and even if we could, we still couldn't cure it, cause this cess pool of a planet has been way too far gone for way too long. :m:
cancer is an effect, and it has various causes. it's not random. i doubt we could isolate all of the cumulative causes, and even if we could, we still couldn't cure it, cause this cess pool of a planet has been way too far gone for way too long. :m:

That still isn't an answer. Your god gives us this cancer. He allows it to happen. Why?