Feminism and Islam

daisy250 said:


Lol... and when did Jesus claim to be God?

I bet you don't understand the trinity... :D
you dont need to understand trinity, it is very illogical anyway, trinity is this:

1+1+1 = 1 !!! very logical indeed !! :p
It (the trinity) may be a difficult concept for non-christians and even some christians to understand. But for a Christian, the notion of the trinity is important to them as it forms one of the basis' of their faith and belief. It is as logical to them, as Allah is logical to you PM.
Vienna said:
Lol... and when did Jesus claim to be God?

I bet you don't understand the trinity... :D

Yeah, you're right, I DON'T understand the trinity now that you've mentioned it. But if you observe for a second, not even Christians do... most of them are confused, when they ask questions, all that answers them is, 'you better believe, or go to hell'
Hmmm.. Jesus did not claim to be god, Ok then, you're damn right he didn't!!! But honestly, your book, sorry, I mean BOOKS all say different things on what he said exactly. THERE ARE NO TWO IDENTICAL BOOKS!! I'd become Christian, really, but which version to believe in?! And why one an not the other?! Better come to Islam, and you won't be confused any more dear Vienna, YOUR EVERY QUESTION WILL HAVE A LOGICAL ANSWER!! :D
Bells said:
It (the trinity) may be a difficult concept for non-christians and even some christians to understand. But for a Christian, the notion of the trinity is important to them as it forms one of the basis' of their faith and belief. It is as logical to them, as Allah is logical to you PM.


Bells: A religion cannot be a fullfiling religion to you if thats all there is to believe in.. And what faith?? BLIND FAITH.. :confused:
daisy250 said:

Bells: A religion cannot be a fullfiling religion to you if thats all there is to believe in.. And what faith?? BLIND FAITH.. :confused:
That's something you'd have to ask someone who was religious. Those who believe in religion... good for them. If they find happiness there and they feel strongly for it, who am I to judge them for their beliefs. Although having said that, I really do feel a bit :eek: at one woman here in Australia who's started her own religion performing exorcisms on people because she has convinced them that other religions are possessing everyone. That maybe I'd judge to be a bit iffy... lol..

And as for the notion of faith. Faith as far as I can see it is when you believe in something that could be either known or unknown. I can have faith in a person and I can have faith in an animal, sky, clouds (that it will rain) and the list goes on. Faith is a belief system which every individual has. Some have it for religious purposes and others have it for something else. And faith is always blind until proven otherwise.
Because muslim women in Britain haven't had a women's liberation, my female friends and I have had stones thrown at us for drinking in our garden, and been called abusive sexual names for wearing sun vests by local boys. I have no problem at all with muslim women choosing to cover whichever parts of their body they wish, but teaching children that this is the way for decent women to behave is simultaneously teaching them that I am NOT decent, and results in the kind of behaviour above. This, I have a problem with. I am no longer able to sit outside in light clothes in the hot weather, and personally feel very restricted by this. What a very liberal and enlightened community I am living in!
As a muslim, I am totally against what happened to you, you should enjoy doing whatever you want without any restrictions.

having said that, I disagree with you on your notion that sitting semi naked and drinking alcohol is ''liberation '', it might be for you but not for us.
Proud_Muslim said:
you dont need to understand trinity, it is very illogical anyway, trinity is this:

1+1+1 = 1 !!! very logical indeed !!
For me, I believe this about the Trinity; that God is a multidimensional, multitime God, and that He looks to us humans pretty much soo alien, that we needed a word to explain the concept & what we saw. Trinity is the best way to explain a Being that exists in the Past, Present & Future all at once, That exists in all the Universe, all at once. So how would you explain those attributes? Oh, P_M, stop looking at everything in 3-D eyes, 1+1+1 = 1 because God is multidimensional & multitime, and not subject to decimal &/or bianary math rules, look beyond human terms earth-bound human or you will never be Heaven bound
Bells said:
It (the trinity) may be a difficult concept for non-christians and even some christians to understand. But for a Christian, the notion of the trinity is important to them as it forms one of the basis' of their faith and belief. It is as logical to them, as Allah is logical to you PM.


every member in the trinity is equal.

Jesus is God in human form
Vienna said:
Lol... and when did Jesus claim to be God?

I bet you don't understand the trinity... :D

chrstians dont even understand the trinity. some say that the "holy spirt" is mary while others say it is the angle Gabrieal :D
Not quite. Jesus was a mere example, not that he really existed, because there is no proof of his existence. His allegorical existence was to show that the human race is God in human form. "God" is pure positive energy, not a being; therefore, the human race (which does, in fact, exist) is God.
Randolfo said:
you infidels are such liars, you forgot to tell everybody here at Sciforums, that ol' Moh used to boast that he had the "strenght" to plow 30 women a night. I guess the hadiths are lies too? right? tell us the truth, if you can, that the hadiths are either true or false? so, what did saintly ol' Moh do with those women? could it be that he admonished them to fidelity, chastity, modesty? was he naked, were the women naked? just a cordial chat, right? what hadith is that again? could you tell us, so that you can save the time of looking that up? thank you so much

firstly, you didn't privde proof of that hadeeths exsitsince, you didnt suplply who it was reported by, the number, the book or anything just a blatant allegation. well did you hear about the verse in the Bible that says Randolfo is a stupid, uneducated fool? its in the Bible somehwere at the back, look it up
Bells said:
Muslim women have rights, unfortunately the West does not deem it so. In the West, we look at Muslim women in the hijab and see it as a form of oppression. What we fail to recognise is that it is the woman's choice to wear the hijab. The West has been accused (correctly on many occasions) of attempting to enforce their beliefs upon others. We point the finger at others, yet we fail to recognise that women in the West are also not seen to be equal to men. We fail to recognise that historically women under Islam had rights that women in the West could only dream about.

From what I remember, here are some of the rights of women under Islam:

1. The right and duty to acquire education.

2. The right to have her own independent property.

3. The RIGHT to work (either in a job or in her own business) to earn money, which is hers to keep.

4. The right to equal pay.

5. The right to have an opinion and to state it as such. She has a right to argue her point and to be heard.

6. She has the right to vote. And such voting rights were firmly in place when before women in the West even conceived of such a thing.

7. The husband is expected to provide her with what she needs and whatever she may desire. I believe this is an inherent right in the Quran, although I'm not too sure.

8. She has the right to marry who she chooses. She also has the right to refuse any proposal of marriage.

9. She has the right to divorce her husband. If she doesn't like him, she can divorce him. Upon divorce, she has the right to keep her own money and I think she may also have the right to claim more from the husband. The woman has the right to gain custody of the children in divorce, unless she is unable to raise them due to financial hardship, instances of abuse, etc. Very similar to women's rights of custody which exist in the West today.

10. The right to get sexual satisfaction from her husband... now there's one we don't see often in the West :p

11. The right to re-marry after divorce or after becoming widow.

We in the West are at times so arrogant that we discredit Muslim women of the ability to fight for their own rights. Feminists in the West are accused by their Muslim counterparts of trying to tell them what their rights should be. Isn't it time that we let the Muslim women fight for their own rights? Isn't it time that we stopped trying to cram our beliefs of what rights a woman should have in the throats of others? Who are we in the West to judge others when we ourselves don't have equal rights? Muslim women are more than capable of claiming and fighting for their rights. It is not our place to determine what those rights should be.

thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

somone who knows the truth!!

let me note out to evryone that these rights were given freely and openly. there were no need for campaings, propagand, hungerstrikes, arrest strikes and chainingg your self to walls.

if it wasn;t for WW1 and WW2 it is possible that women wouldn;t even have rights today.
Randolfo said:
I guess the hadiths are lies too? right? tell us the truth, if you can, that the hadiths are either true or false?

oh my God,

if you are going to post a claim then atleast research to see if it is right in the first place otherwise it STRENGTHENS MY claims "that your views are to lack of knowledge and ignorance"

about your ignoranace, you asked are the hadeeths true or false well its simple. a hadeeth is a MAN MADE collection of the sayiong of the Prophet (saw). they are not exact at all but books that were written by peopele who were honested and had reprtes aunthemticted such as Bukhari (raah) then they are seen as 99% honest.

you didnt state the name of the author, book, reporter or anyone so i doubts its from a respectable source such as Bukhari

for a Hadeeth to be stated as REAL it has to go through several test of authenitication. your sont even have a source
munim_786 said:
chrstians dont even understand the trinity. some say that the "holy spirt" is mary while others say it is the angle Gabrieal :D
whoever told you that was wrong - dont even attempt to understand it, because you can't.
Vienna said:
Wrong my dear. If any organisation in this world imposes such degrading and disgusting things upon women it is up to mankind to stop it, not the persecuted women.

You are fine living in Aussie, but I guess you could hardly say the same for women living in Egypt, for example.

you only help people with oil. ok attack Iraq and diss Eqypt but forget all of Africa and eastern Europes problems.

yes promote justice and peace but supply $12 Billion yearly for Israel to build weapons to maintain the capture of the Westbank and Gaza (WHICH IS ILLEGAL EVEN IN AMERICAN LAW, UN LAW, NATO LAW and HUMAN RIGHTS LAW)

and build walls to seperate israeal (WHICH IS ALSO BLATANTLY ILLEGAL EVEN IN AMERICAN AND INTERNATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS). The wall anchors Israeli military occupation and colonies in the Palestinian territories, in a blatant violation of international law and resolutions, which do not permit annexation of land by force.
The wall drives towards the practice of ethnic cleansing and is subjecting an entire population to aggressive collective punishment, to the strangest and harshest laws such as separating the farmers, students, workers and the sick from their lands, water source, schools, doctors and hospitals and their workplace. Moreover, it divides each city and village into enclaves, splitting and dispersing members of the same family. These practices contradict basic human rights, the 4th Geneva Convention and the related international covenants.
munim_786 said:
chrstians dont even understand the trinity. some say that the "holy spirt" is mary while others say it is the angle Gabrieal :D
Some? If what you say is true then you should be able to give us "some" christian websites that say that the Holy Spirit is either mary or gabriel.

So please back-up your claims.
Bells said:
What we fail to recognise is that it is the woman's choice to wear the hijab.
Choice? You must be joking, my dear. Else please tell that to the women in Saudi Arabia, the birth place of Islam. The point of worship in Islam. The seat of the Kaaba, the mighty black cube idol of Islam.

Bells said:
We point the finger at others, yet we fail to recognise that women in the West are also not seen to be equal to men.
Like what? Please give an example.

Bells said:
We fail to recognise that historically women under Islam had rights that women in the West could only dream about.
That was a thousand years ago. Since then non-muslims have far exceeded Islam in terms of morality, rights and freedoms.

Bells said:
From what I remember, here are some of the rights of women under Islam:
Hey you forgot a couple :D

12. The right to be beaten up if the husband happen to suspect that she is being disloyal.

13. The right to half an inheritance compared to her brother.

14. The right to half the testimonial rights of a man.

15. The right to be placed in a lifetime house arrest when caught in the act of being “lewd”.

16. The right to be killed if she abandons Islam.

Bells said:
Feminists in the West are accused by their Muslim counterparts of trying to tell them what their rights should be.
So? If you don’t want your rights then just ignore it. Is that too hard? Don’t complain if your husband beats you up. Don’t complain if your brother takes twice your inheritance. Don’t complain if some mullah puts you in house arrest. Etc etc etc.

You see the solution is very simple. No need to whine about it.

Bells said:
Who are we in the West to judge others when we ourselves don't have equal rights?
What are you talking about? Please back it up, sis.

Bells said:
Muslim women are more than capable of claiming and fighting for their rights. It is not our place to determine what those rights should be.
Nobody loses by having rights. It’s a win win situation. So if you don’t want specific rights then don’t claim it. Nobody is forcing you to claim your rights. NOOOOOOBOOOODYYYYY!!! :lol: