Feminism and Islam


shall i tell you the truth. i find this beauty (in black dress) is more appealing than the bikini pictures.


i agree with you in one thing about hijab here. just imagine what if she wears bikini. boy, i tell you, there would be riot and fight in the streets as to who would abduct her.. :p
everneo said:

shall i tell you the truth. i find this beauty (in black dress) is more appealing than the bikini pictures.

You are both out of line...Typical males...You both need Jesus :D

The girls in the parliament in Hijab look absolutely repulsive. Like someone painted them with the same brush. I bet you their voice sounds the same and their opinions are one.

Anyways, why would a woman sit in a bikini in parliament....And why would she wear black and cover up to the yingyang....Modesty is a balanced act....and each situation dictates it's own ruling on what is contrued as balanced or modest....Don't be square heads now and try to uniformize the world with rules...round these heads a bit....God have created us in all shapes and sizes and the contours of creations is nothing by uniform.
everneo said:

shall i tell you the truth. i find this beauty (in black dress) is more appealing than the bikini pictures.

Appealing based on what? Based on the beautifull face that you see....You still judge women on their beauty regardless of Hijab. Actually, I bet you stared harder at the muslim woman face than you did at the ones in Bikini....I know I did. The tent dress also leaves a lot for the imagination....You can give that beauty in Hijab whatever body you desire and fatacise all night about her.....perhaps that's what muslim men wants :D
Flores said:
You are both out of line...Typical males...You both need Jesus :D

Jesus loves you sister flores....
The girls in the parliament in Hijab look absolutely repulsive. Like someone painted them with the same brush. I bet you their voice sounds the same and their opinions are one.

interesting picture ! eh ??? ;)
everneo said:

shall i tell you the truth. i find this beauty (in black dress) is more appealing than the bikini pictures.

Maybe because she looks cleaner !! :D ( no offense FLORES ) !! :D

i agree with you in one thing about hijab here. just imagine what if she wears bikini. boy, i tell you, there would be riot and fight in the streets as to who would abduct her.. :p

EXACTLY, The hijab is good way to prevent such madness, it gives an image of respect and seriousness.
Proud_Muslim said:
Maybe because she looks cleaner !! :D ( no offense FLORES ) !! :D


And how would you know that? All the cloth layers must make her sweat like a pig.....No ventilation can't be a good thing. I sure don't want to know what her husband feels like as she is peeling off the layers when she gets home.

My poor friends in Hijab have been complaining to me about loss of hair. I don't know what to tell them, my gorgous hair gets plenty of sun shine and oxygen, so I wouldn't know first thing about hair molds.
Flores said:
And how would you know that? All the cloth layers must make her sweat like a pig.....No ventilation can't be a good thing. I sure don't want to know what her husband feels like as she is peeling off the layers when she gets home.

My poor friends in Hijab have been complaining to me about loss of hair. I don't know what to tell them, my gorgous hair gets plenty of sun shine and oxygen, so I wouldn't know first thing about hair molds.

flores, you infidel!
Flores said:
Appealing based on what? Based on the beautifull face that you see....You still judge women on their beauty regardless of Hijab. Actually, I bet you stared harder at the muslim woman face than you did at the ones in Bikini....I know I did. The tent dress also leaves a lot for the imagination....
I mostly agree with you. Men with 'evil' eyes can see thro tents.! But the dress stops them at some distance, IMO. What you say.? But still i don't justify that dress is a must to achieve that effect.
everneo said:
I mostly agree with you. Men with 'evil' eyes can see thro tents.! But the dress stops them at some distance, IMO. What you say.? But still i don't justify that dress is a must to achieve that effect.

I think if anything, the Hijab stops the women from using their equipment in an evil manner. I don't think it do a thing to the man. The hijab is the equivalent of a chastity belt. It's a bandage solution, and offers no cure to a sick heart. Would you personally like to marry a girl who kept her verginity because her dad locked her belt every morning, or a girl who kept her verginity despite of controls? Would you want to marry a girl who knows how to behave regardless of influences, or a girl that only behaves because there are no men out there to interact with?

Which one of these girls would you travel overseas for a long period and feel safe about leaving them home alone? The one requiring the key, or the keyless one?
I think you miss a point. I presume you were in US from your childhood and as a sports-woman wearing shorts or bikini (single / two piece) is not a big deal. Can you feel the same comfort and easy on beaches around red sea.?

When i was talking about riots,fights and abduction i was kidding and indeed i had iran in mind. for that matter any middle-east or east or far east country. West is a different story altogether since its a more liberal society.
everneo said:
I think you miss a point. I presume you were in US from your childhood and as a sports-woman wearing shorts or bikini (single / two piece) is not a big deal. Can you feel the same comfort and easy on beaches around red sea.?

Yes...I spent my honey moon and the best time of my life in Sharm Sheikh at the red sea. In bikini.....Everyone at the resort, Egyptian men in particular, were so so happy and proud to finally see a pretty intelligent Egyptian woman. During the time I was there, they completely stopped their daily habit of eyeing the tourists and flirting with the blondes and spoke with me and my husband about everything from soccer cups to how to get a visa to come to US. They were sick and tired of fantacizing about the dutch. I was treated with outmost respect everywhere that I went. It's a real shame how the red sea have some of the most awesome resorts and scuba diving and some of the finest hotels and services, so we can wait on the dutch and french women and fantacize about their beauties while we have it all at home.
Your honey moon was in your country of orgin.! Thats nice.

But you stayed in resort that is fairly familiar with western customers. For the same reason it is a rare sight for them to see a native beauty with western outlook. It might be refreshing for them. What about outside the resorts - natives frequenting beaches.? Probably you could have outraged them with your bikini.?
everneo said:
What about outside the resorts - natives frequenting beaches.? Probably you could have outraged them with your bikini.?

What are you talking about everneo...I AM THE NATIVES. First off, Egypt is no Saudi, and while we have recently imported some dumb ideas, mainly because some of us HAD to go to Saudi to work and earn money (including my father),the average Egyptian is still sane and normal. You have to understand that like everyone else, muslims are at the mercy of their income and livelihood. If Saudi is feeding us, then you better believe that will put a Khimar on and look like them to please us because we are at the mercy of their dollar....If Us is feeding us, then will please the US, but US doesn't employ too many muslims, except for the few PhDs, so your average plumbers, farmers, school teachers, ect....will continue to go to Saudi and will do whatever it takes to maintain their livelihoods. That's the bottom line, it has nothing to do with religion. Do you know that 90% of Saudis labor are considered foreigners. Syrians and Egyptians are the most.

Please go and watch some 1920-1960's Egyptian movies, you'll see the transformation...I hate that stinking oil....We need a Martin Luther king to free us from oil.

I'm really glad you read the article. Your response shows that you've thought about it, even if you disagree. You make some good points, too. Notice that at no point have I said that I agree with the author of the article I posted. I posted the article to provoke discussion, not to try to put forward my personal views. I am willing to hear different poitns of view before I make up my mind on complex issues like this one.

Who said we muslims consider any private encounter will be sexual ?? we dont prefer private encounter where man and woman stay alone in private home because the prophet muhammad(pbuh) said: WHEN MAN AND WOMAN STAY TOGETHER ALONE IN PRIVATE ROOM, THEY ARE NOT ALONE FOR THE SATAN IS WITH THEM .

That seems to me to confirm what the author says.

who appointed this so called Dr to speak on behlaf of muslim men ?? and if there were some BACKWARD MUSLIM MEN who really believe so, does that mean all muslim men believe so ???

I don't think she is claiming to speak for Muslim men. It is her opinion from her own observations - nothing more.

I think this women, the writer of this article, thinks all muslim women lives like the BACKWARD TALIBAN THUGS !!

I think you are probably right that she is thinking of the worst examples rather than the best ones. I'm sure that in different Muslim countries, women are treated in a variety of ways, some good, some bad.

She does not know that the REAL decision makers in most of muslim houses are WOMEN...poor my dad, he could not even voice his oppossion to what my mum had already decided !!!

The question is whether women's influence is unduly restricted to the home or not. Sure, a woman can influence her husband, but does she have a real opportunity to influence the opinions of other men, or can she only do they through her husband? What if she has no husband? Does she still have a voice?

AGAIN, this woman gets her views about the muslim world from FOX JEWS and the CNN...

Since she is Australian, I very much doubt that. Less than 25% of Australians have access to CNN or FOX.

So since you admit that feminism was born in the west, then KEEP IT THERE, thank you we dont want it.

That's a very extreme statement. Feminism incorporates a whole range of goals and issues. In fact, a feminist philosophy is applicable in many areas of life, even those not directly concerned with women. If you throw out the whole thing, you're throwing away the baby with the bath water. What you should think about doing is selecting the good parts and leaving out the bad, just as the article you posted before advocates.


And can you tell me who is the PRIME MINISTER of Bangladesh ?? YES, ANOTHER MUSLIM WOMAN: KHALEDA ZIA


This is a good thing. However, you need to realise that these are exceptions, not the rule. The majority of the leaders in these parliaments are still men. And before you jump to criticise the West again, yes, the West is no better. All countries have a long way to go to attain equal representation of women in politics.

Oh I see, so development and prosperity cant be achieved if you are modest, you have to be dressing very SEXY in order to develop !! PATHETIC.

I don't think that is exactly the argument here. You are, of course, right in what you say.

"This brings me to the last, and perhaps most controversial of my personal reflections on Islam and feminism."

Did you read the word PERSONAL in the above line ????

Yes, and it's an important point. This is a personal opinion article. It exists to provoke debate. It is not making pronouncements about what is true, but is making suggestions of what may be true. People are free to disagree with the author's opinion.

I see, that is why most rapes happen in NON MUSLIM societies !!

I think we've sufficiently disposed of that myth elsewhere, don't you? Rapes are most likely equally as common in Muslim countries as in Western ones. You have no good evidence that they are not.

Young and pretty is what you guys in the west take as STANDARDS for women acceptability, after her beauty expire, you throw her in eldery homes...shame on you.

Good point. Old people are often treated badly in the West. That in no way excuses bad behaviour elsewhere, though, does it?

How pathetic to see western woman speaking about Sexual objects ? who treats his women as sexual objects, us muslims or you guys ?? how about your commercials ??? who promote your products ?? who do you feature in your TV ads?? how about BAMBI HUNTING ???? give me a FREAKING BREAK.

How about these as an example ? ...

You are right here, too. Feminism still has a long way to go in the West, too. But I have never claimed that the treatment of women in the West is exemplary. I have never claimed that rapes do not occur in Western nations. On the contrary, I recognise that the West has serious issues to address with regards to women. I am simply asking that you admit that Muslim countries face many of the same issues. So far, you've simply denied that there is any problem.

it is your opinion, so you better keep it to yourself because the muslim women who wears the hijab disagree with you

It is not my opinion - it is the opinion of the writer of the article. I merely thought it was worthy of thought and discussion, and it appears I have achieved the aim of at least getting you to think a little.

Thankyou once again for reading this.
what a joke!

you fool, islam gave women equal rights to that of today and in many respects superiror rights. in the past womens's rights in islam was not even a question, it was never raised becasue it was obvious that women had equal rights. but now in the present day the the Asian culture is being seen as women rights. ISLAM and CULTURE are 2 COMPLETLY different things. in ISLAM women were given EQUAL rights 1400 years ago whil in Asian CULTRE women don't have rights. and peope think this is Islam.

an example of CULTURE and RELIGION - the UNITED KINGDOM has over 40,000,000 Roman Catholics. in Christianty sex beofre marragie is banned. then why does Britain have the highest teen pregnancy rates? in this religion also, women should cover up their bodies, men shouldn't stare lustfully - why are their porn industires in Britain and men don't just look lustfully at women - they whitstle, make joke and evn rape them! drinking, gambling, stealing is banned, why are their pubs, casinos and jails full of thieves!
In the west, women went on hunger strikes, marches, jails, proaganda missions to get their rights.

if it wasn't for World War 1 and 2 then women proabaly still WOULD NOT have rights!

in Islam women were given rights FREELY in a society where burying girls JUST for being female was a CUSTOM. there was no need for hunger strikes, marches, jails, proaganda missions to get their rights. there was no need for to major world wars which had a comind death toll of 80 million
at the time of the Islamic rule the Calipha's (RULERS) were challenged by WOMEN on many occasions. and on many of these occasions they won.

in Islam the value of a mans and a womans views are EQUAL. (this was view was intoruced to non muslim western society 1350 years later)

YOU keep using the same argument; if a man and women are alone together then it is a sexual act.

well actually it is saying for a man and a woman to be alone in a non-public, secluded place is wrong. and how is it biased againt women?

men can not be alone with women
women can not be alone with men

that is EQUAL for men and women.

ALL IT MEANS is that they shouldn't be alone in non-public places unless they are related or married. a man can be with a woman if someone else is present. so a woman can easily do things a man can.

remeber in ISLAM a man and woman's view are eaually relevant