Female Genital Mutilation

regarding male circumcisin, i dont see how it could effect sensitivity. infact some circumcized dudes claim it iseven MORE erotic....BUT, tats not te point at all. it is..whO HAS RIGHT TO MESS WT A BABIES A CHILD'S GENITALS?.....they claim to have 'god' given right. and they assume baby will follow all tat. it is wrng to go so far in any beliefyou do that to babies, and children

bmax. you worry are us issenters gonna invade places they do this?...not. but i am saying tat i am aware that beliefs can be dangerous, and i'm pointing it out. talkin bout it....tats a certian kind of freedom
duendy said:
bmax. you worry are us issenters gonna invade places they do this?...not.

Is that Greek grammar? Or perhaps ancient Latin? It sure as hell isn't English!!

Duendy, why don't you spend more time learning the English language if ye're gonna' keep posting on the Internet? I mean, your English is so piss-poor that people can't possibly take anything that you say as valid if you can't even write in English!!

Spend more time studying and less time fuckin' off on the Internet ....then maybe, just maybe people will take you seriously.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I mean, your English is so piss-poor that people can't possibly take anything that you say as valid if you can't even write in English!!

That’s not right. What does bad typing have to do with the validity of something?
Just because the words are a little muddled does not mean they are not true and accurate.
Actually I think if the words are muddled, people have the right to also question the accuracy of their meaning.

Baron max is seeing a connection between ones ability to spell and write coherently, and ones ability to think coherently.

Or, you could argue that "he jus opressin the black man!! with his corrrupt white system of spellin!!"
Huwy said:
Baron max is seeing a connection between ones ability to spell and write coherently, and ones ability to think coherently.

So, you're saying Duendy doesn’t think coherently, just because he has a little trouble typing?
That is utter fucking Bullshit.
Hey I agree its a bit harsh,

but I'm not the one arguing that "there's no such thing as a mental illness/condition" - as duendy is arguing.
By that same logic, there would be no such thing as "dyslexia", for example, would there?
The term would just be used to describe a "fake condition", that isn't actually real.

It would all be behavioral, not biological, right?
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Huwy said:
Hey I agree its a bit harsh,

but I'm not the one arguing that "there's no such thing as a mental illness/condition" - as duendy is arguing.

Am I mistaken, or are you now saying Duendy doesn’t think coherently because of his opinion on mental illness? So, anyone with an opinion that you don’t agree with is obviously disjointed in their thinking?
If so, then by that same logic I could say you don’t think coherently because of your opinion on circumcision, yes?
ok ok ok...i admit it!! bmax CA pell really really well. YES. happy now? ...but he is a vile human being
duendy said:
ok ok ok...i admit it!! bmax CA pell really really well. YES. happy now? ...but he is a vile human being

That wasn't a very nice thing to say, Duendy.

If you love all of humanity, as you claim, then how can you make such statements and expect people to believe you stance on humanity? Or are you one of those people that plan to seperate out "the good guys" and "the bad guys" from humanity? ...get rid of the "bad guys" so you don't have to be nice to them, too? If so, how nice of you.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
That wasn't a very nice thing to say, Duendy.

me:::::ahhhhhhh are you hurt bmax? such a senistive soul aren't you? dont stop you rubbishing millions of people you dont like tho do it?

If you love all of humanity, as you claim, then how can you make such statements and expect people to believe you stance on humanity? Or are you one of those people that plan to seperate out "the good guys" and "the bad guys" from humanity? ...get rid of the "bad guys" so you don't have to be nice to them, too? If so, how nice of you.

Baron Max
you mean you think i am some kind of saint? orrrr that you assumei would love Dr Mengle....or any Nazi, or child killer etcetc. get real dude. i hATE many of your views.....does tis mean i wanna terminate bmax and his ilk?...this actually is a rather interesting question

after all, what is scapegoating. it is an idea that if only one can rid the community of spme 'impurity'--ie., an individual or group of poeple considered less 'pure' than te accuser, and representative of a culture, that that will help keep culture pure, right?

so, if we were to get rid of you, and co would that work for this community?

well, for example, i have already kinda stuck up for allowing racist views free expression on tese boards as much as i detest them, tho saying i wouldn't shed a tear if they did kick yer arses out

Dan Russell in his book Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda give one of te best explanations of where the concept and practice of scapegoating originated. H reveals it came from when a bullying oppressive elite prohibited psychedelic sacraments as an inspiration for the expression of communal emotion.....!..when it came about that that was suppressed/repressed, the energies/consciousness kinda stagnated having no outlet for expression, and tis repression projected out onto te poples that represented what hd been suppressed--ie peoples familiar with exstatic exporations, wise-women. shamans, etc

do you get me bmax?
duendy said:
do you get me bmax?

No. I can't spend the time trying to read, then interpret your lousy writing and lousier English grammar!!!!!

Perhaps if you spent as much time learning English grammar as you do fuckin' around on this forum, people might be able to understand you. It would also behoove you to learn to be more tolerant, and certainly less antagonistic, towards others and their viewpoints.

It's interesting that the violence and anger that you profess to hate in neo-nazi rhetoric is the very same violence and anger that you, yourself, exhibit in almost all of your posts. Did you learn all that anger and hatred from your own "enemies"? ...and adopted the same for your own use?

Learn English grammar, Duendy. As it is, you're just making a damned fool out of yourself.

Baron Max
You only had two questions in that whole speil, Duendy. I answered one. The other was such bullshit, personal attack crap that I chose not to answer it.

If you'd learn English grammar and spelling, we might, MIGHT actually have something to talk about. As it is.....?

Baron Max
Huwy said:
So whats the real reason happeh?

It is complicated. It has to do with stopping people from reaching their true potential. It removes a teaching tool that men need to teach them important facts about their bodies.
Nysse """If so, then by that same logic I could say you don’t think coherently because of your opinion on circumcision, yes? ""

Well, if I was to argue that female genital mutilation, and circumcision DID NOT EXIST, - like, they didn't happened to ANYONE, they you could argue that quite successfully, yes, you could argue that I was a total fuckwit.

Wouldn't that be a totally ignorant and disrespectful thing for me to say, to all the females who have been mutilated, to all the males aswell for that matter, to say it didnt exist - that it never happened to anyone?
Yeah? I mean I agree with you happeh that that is the affect i has on males, but do you believe the intent is that sinister?
And not just about making them "clean" and stopping them masturbating etc?
It is pretty sick, cutting something off a baby so they conform to your religion.

BTW I wish to state that I have no judgement of people who are circumcised! (My dad is circumcised his parents were christian) I only pass judgement on those who support circumcising others.

Huwy said:
....I only pass judgement on those who support circumcising others.

Do you also pass judgement on those cultures which, say, scar their faces and bodies because they think it enhances their beauty? Do you also pass judgement on cultures which, say, put holes in their ears, lips and noses to enhance their beauty and attractiveness? Or is it ONLY circumcision on which you pass judgement?

Baron Max
If those cultures perform those mutilations on children who have no say on the matter, of course I am strongly against it.

If its a 19 year old girl that decides to pierce her lip/tongue/navel/clit because she wants to, or cause she thinks its cool, who am I to say she can't?
Huwy said:
If those cultures perform those mutilations on children who have no say on the matter, of course I am strongly against it.

Even if it's their parents? ..who've raised them from babies to be part of their national culture? ...and if they don't circumcise them, they'll be outcasts in their own society/culture?

I don't necessarily agree with those practices, but I'd never, ever stand in their way to do as they believe that their culture teaches. If we can't be tolerant of such cultural difference, how do we ever expect to be truly "multi-cultural"? Are we to demand that other cultures do and act as we act? Is that a stipulation for acceptance?

Huwy said:
If its a 19 year old girl that decides to pierce her lip/tongue/navel/clit because she wants to, or cause she thinks its cool, who am I to say she can't?

How did 19 become the magic age of consent? In India, 13 yr old girls are married and have children.

Baron Max