Female Genital Mutilation

Whoa, wait a second.

Reading your post again, is it or isn't it a culture? You too are contradicting whatever the hell it is you are saying:
Invert one: Although, I'm not so sure that I'd call McDonalds a harbinger of our culture....It's just burgers.
Ronald McDonaldland is not 'art'. It's just a way of making a turd.

Invert two: However. In this, it is culture. Part of American culture is 'making a turd' rather than seeking out some 'culture'-filled restaurant serving snails and frogs legs

And what in the world is ‘making a turd’?

One more:
I'm sure you realize that the real issue is paternity (and 'pure' women, of course...) rather than enjoyment. Well. At least in the case of sewing the damn thing shut. I suppose removing the clitoris and labia and depriving her of enjoyment would make her less likely to cheat.
If the issue were paternity, then they’d cut out her womb not her clit.
And the issue is far more than just pure women, it is by far mostly considered a rite of passage:


Boys respectively have their own rites of passage as well, though not as brutal (what a degenerate sex you are…)
And what in the world is ‘making a turd’?

I don't really think that McDonald's is a true representative of American culture. Not in the way intended by those like the Monkey and others disdainful of our fast food industry.

This is why I mention art in the context of culture.

Yes. I realize that culture is far more than art. But, when people object to McDonald's it seems that they have this image of Rembrandt or French restaurants in mind when they think of culture.

McDonald's is utilitarian. It 'makes a turd'.

I don't see any reason why people get so offended by it. Like in my earlier post to Spurious, are Europeans so wishy-washy that McDonald's really threatens their way of life?
Poor, poor people.
And weak.

As to making a turd.
It's simple.
Part of American culture is utilitarianism. In other words, getting the job done.

The purpose of food is (when it comes down to it) is to make a turd.
Thus we have fast food. The fastest route from on the road to eating to digesting to shitting out the final product.

No muss.
No fuss.


If the issue were paternity, then they’d cut out her womb not her clit.

That would completely remove any value she had to someone interested in her only for her ability to birth children, now wouldn't it?

Histerectomies aren't reversable. Sewing the snatch shut is (even if many die from it. It's not 100% fatality.)

And the issue is far more than just pure women, it is by far mostly considered a rite of passage:

I was thinking more along the lines of the beginning of the tradition rather than the maintenance of it. Yes. Over time it has become a rite of passage and young girls look forward to it.

Boys respectively have their own rites of passage as well, though not as brutal (what a degenerate sex you are…)

Cultures vary, but many rites of passage for men are downright evil.
Consider the Samoan tattoo. Just a tattoo, you say? Yeah. But it gets infected and causes agonizing pain over a long period of time.

Or how about tribes that chisel or grind their teeth? Can you imagine? (Not sure if this is solely male though...)

I can only guess that rites of passage are well-balanced when you consider all the cultures together.

Males a degenerate sex? Look at you females, so quick to take all the credit for yourself. Had a cliterectomy lately?

Of course, the natural act of childbirth does sorta trump any natural condition of men...
READ what the FUCK you WRITE or at least write it clearly:

If you don't think it represents American culture, then why the fuck say this:
"However. In this, it is culture. Part of American culture is 'making a turd'"

Such a mess you make when expressing yourself, like a silly child spilling spaghetti-o's all over himself when he's 'thinking'.

If you define fast food- which includes Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, AND Mcdonalds- as making a turd, and then further define making a turd as American culture i.e utilitarianism, then McDonald's would be representative of American CULTURE
Therefore this:
I don't really think that McDonald's is a true representative of American culture
Is nonsensical.

That would completely remove any value she had to someone interested in her only for her ability to birth children, now wouldn't it?
And 9 in 10 of you idiots are only interested in having children when fucking, right?

What's your point?
They don't want her enjoying sex, assuming she does in the first place.

Cultures vary, but many rites of passage for men are downright evil.
Consider the Samoan tattoo. Just a tattoo, you say? Yeah. But it gets infected and causes agonizing pain over a long period of time.

Or how about tribes that chisel or grind their teeth? Can you imagine? (Not sure if this is solely male though...)
Oohhh, the little man got a tatto and its all infected.

Or he gets to stick his hand in mittens filled with fireants.
The chiseling of teeth, like those discs you see inserted on the lower lip, is for both sexes.
I'll bet money on it, too lazy to look up.

Males a degenerate sex? Look at you females, so quick to take all the credit for yourself.
and…that's why history from medicine to mining is littered with women forced to pose as men in order to advance. Yes?

Get you a ticket a week from now and watch “North Country”. Then come back and edit this spill of yours
READ what the FUCK you WRITE or at least write it clearly:

Ah. My. The lass has fire in her fingers today.
Welcome back indeed, Gendanken.

Want to berate me for my own 'rites of passage' again?
You remember, don't you?

Such a mess you make when expressing yourself, like a silly child spilling spaghetti-o's all over himself when he's 'thinking'.

Oh. Bullshit.
I made myself rather plain, I think.
It's true that I didn't go into an extraordinary amount of excess verbiage as I usually do in my desire to be completely understood, but I did explain how I mean McDonald's is not representative of American culture.

If you define fast food- which includes Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, AND Mcdonalds- as making a turd, and then further define making a turd as American culture i.e utilitarianism, then McDonald's would be representative of American CULTURE
Therefore this:
I don't really think that McDonald's is a true representative of American culture

Is nonsensical.

No. It's not.
Let me repeat myself. Cast your eyes upon this, O Woman:
But, when people object to McDonald's it seems that they have this image of Rembrandt or French restaurants in mind when they think of culture.​
See? I make a clear distinction here between McDonald's 'culture' and other 'classier' culture which is what I feel is meant to be a sort of 'antithesis' to McDonald's when these discussions of McDonalds (and American culture in general) is brought up by those like the Monkey here.

Yes. In many ways, McDonalds is an aspect of our culture. Everything is. But, in other ways it's not. And is certainly not a rival to those aspects of culture which it is compared to (even if only implicitly.)

Or should I make it plainer yet?

And 9 in 10 of you idiots are only interested in having children when fucking, right?

'We fuckers' don't engage in such practices as female circumcision. Nor do we engage in chastity belts or chaperones or the other devices used throughout the ages to maintain some sense of surety in paternity.

They don't want her enjoying sex, assuming she does in the first place.

Yes. But, I still feel that the issue is as I have said. If they don't enjoy sex then they have little reason to be unfaithful.

Oohhh, the little man got a tatto and its all infected.

Or he gets to stick his hand in mittens filled with fireants.
The chiseling of teeth, like those discs you see inserted on the lower lip, is for both sexes.
I'll bet money on it, too lazy to look up.

I, too, am too lazy to go digging around for rites of passage today. Maybe later.
So. A draw on this issue? I'll admit that female circumcision is far more drastic than any examples given. Although those tattoos are supposedly VERY painful.

and…that's why history from medicine to mining is littered with women forced to pose as men in order to advance. Yes?

Did I ever say that women haven't had it tough? Hardly.
Yes. There have been centuries of oppression and even now it lingers a bit.
Eat me.

No. It's not.
Let me repeat myself. Cast your eyes upon this, O Woman:
But, when people object to McDonald's it seems that they have this image of Rembrandt or French restaurants in mind when they think of culture.
See? I make a clear distinction here between McDonald's 'culture' and other 'classier' culture which is what I feel is meant to be a sort of 'antithesis' to McDonald's when these discussions of McDonalds (and American culture in general) is brought up by those like the Monkey here.

Yes. In many ways, McDonalds is an aspect of our culture. Everything is. But, in other ways it's not. And is certainly not a rival to those aspects of culture which it is compared to (even if only implicitly.)

Or should I make it plainer yet?

Yeah, again you get to go back and 'explain' yourself but point stands.
Forgetting what others like the monkey here perceive as culture or not, you first said utilitarianism is representative of American culture then go on to say that fast food like McDonald's, which you also say is utilitarian, is not representative of that culture.

In other words, your dribble goes something like : Y is and is not, and is and is not part of X.

No one is saying that McD's is the sole architecture of American culture as tea is not the sole representative of English culture either, but this does not take away from its being a representative of it.
Fastfood is as representative of America as General Motors and Mark Twain.
Something either is or is not, there's no need for the 'true' in 'true representative" here unless you think fastfood is lying.

'We fuckers' don't engage in such practices as female circumcision. Nor do we engage in chastity belts or chaperones or the other devices used throughout the ages to maintain some sense of surety in paternity.
Female circumcision by and large is practiced in Africa, parts of the middle East and Souteast Asia.

What makes you think I'm talking about you, then?
A draw on this issue?

Did I ever say that women haven't had it tough? Hardly.
Yes. There have been centuries of oppression and even now it lingers a bit.
Gee, I don't know.
Why does a master make sure his slave never learns how to read?

To ensure that he remains in control..
And when in control, what's this? Why, you take all the credit of course!!.
Ergo, shove your cute 'so?' up your cornhole- you're the one that said
“Look at you females, so quick to take all the credit for yourself.”.

This thread isn't about cannabalism. Although, I bet there are a few rites of passage that include such...

Yeah, again you get to go back and 'explain' yourself but point stands.
Forgetting what others like the monkey here perceive as culture or not, you first said utilitarianism is representative of American culture then go on to say that fast food like McDonald's, which you also say is utilitarian, is not representative of that culture.

In other words, your dribble goes something like : Y is and is not, and is and is not part of X.

No one is saying that McD's is the sole architecture of American culture as tea is not the sole representative of English culture either, but this does not take away from its being a representative of it.
Fastfood is as representative of America as General Motors and Mark Twain.
Something either is or is not, there's no need for the 'true' in 'true representative" here unless you think fastfood is lying.

Ok. Let me try to explain this a bit more clearly then. I thought my point was obvious. Perhaps its too obvious (to me) thus it is displaying itself as a difficulty to explain (to you.)

You say this:
"Y is and is not, and is and is not part of X."

Not quite.
For one thing, I want to explain that I'm not denying that MdD's IS an aspect of culture. It is so on many levels. I think that perhaps its strongest leel of culture is in the 'make a turd' utilitarian ideal that I mentioned earlier. In fact, I made the exact same point that you did to Spurious. Catching him in his contradiction.

I'd asked him for his definition of culture and he disappointed me by quoting wikipedia rather than defining exactly what it is that he feels is being 'annihilated' by McD's.

The thing is that what I'm trying to do is draw a distinction between types of culture.

Specifically, I want to point out the difference between the type of culture that is implied in the phrase "getting culture" and the more mainstream culture that is simply... societal norms (would this be an adequate definition? Hmm. More thought really is required... But do you see what I'm getting at?)

Basically, here's the thing. Spurious and many others look down on McDonalds and other fast food type restaurants (as well as other aspects of a quick and dirty, utilitarian culture... television for instance. Spurious was just mentioning in some other thread how he gets caught up with television and therefore his defense is to not have one around.... See? Weakness. The television proves his victor by the lengths he must go to avoid its... influences.) McD's would seem to be another thing which he has a weakness for. Or so it would seem. Else why would he object to it as he has? Why would he claim that it annihilates his culture the way it does? (Yes. I understand and was the first to make the point that it is not annihilating anything. Merely replacing one with the other...)

So. That's one thing. We both agree on that.

The distinction is that X can be both Y and not Y. Because both Y and not Y can be encompassed within X. This is not contradictory at all. (After all. Is culture a formal system striving for consistency?) Culture can be Rembrandt at the Louvre. It can also be Joe Shmoe picking his nose in public (where it is common practice to pick one's nose in public, you understand.) These two things have almost nothing in common, and yet they are both aspects of culture.

Am I being clear?
I have this idea that I'm still being vague and undecipherable...

Fastfood is as representative of America as General Motors and Mark Twain.

Yes. I agree. However, would you compare GM with Mark Twain? Or with McDonalds? Or with Rembrandt?

My point is that the disdain for McDonald's is actually a symptom of something far greater. (You could even say its cultural.) Those who disparage such things don't really care about McDonalds. They have an agenda (I hate the word, but it does fit.) They compare the best of their culture with the worst of another.

McDonalds with the Louvre.
Wanna bet that there are other aspects of a culture that one could compare with McD's without McD's coming out so bad in comparison? Of course. But it never happens...

That's what I object to. And it is for this reason that I am drawing the distinction that I am. Yes. I'm picking nits. But there we are.

Something either is or is not, there's no need for the 'true' in 'true representative" here unless you think fastfood is lying.

What I meant by true was a simple method of seperating the two forms of culture. "True" culture would be the hoity-toity shit that people think of when they think of culture.

Yeah, again you get to go back and 'explain' yourself but point stands.

Absolutely. The point does stand. I never disagreed.

What makes you think I'm talking about you, then?

Hmm. "You idiots"? (I misquoted earlier and said "you fuckers" instead. Apologies.)

Why does a master make sure his slave never learns how to read?

The earliest scribes and the few literate in the ancient world were by and large slaves.

Anyway. Yes. Again. I don't deny that women have had it rough.

Much of this is an aspect of land ownership, of course. Before 'civilization' there was no real need for paternity. You remember those talks we had about primitive tribes and their mating habits, don't you? I forget all the names. There was one from China in which the males have no rights or responsibilities over their offspring. There isn't even a word for father in their language. And, there was that South American tribe where 'marriage' was a simple agreement to care for a child and sometimes involve multiple men with one woman. And that the husband actually encourages other men to sleep with his wife (especially during pregnancy) because she's often too much for him. And of course the South Pacific islanders...

But, once farming took hold and land began to be parceled out, it became necessary for some type of assurance that it is your children inheriting your land that you slaved for.

It was at this time, in the early neolithic, that the early 'goddess' cultures were turned on their heads by their patriarchal descendents. You still haven't read Joseph Campbell, have you? The Masks of God explain this excellently. In many cases the myths were simply reversed, thus showing that the meaning of the myth wasn't important, but rather that it denied the earlier female-centric (or at least more balanced) myths which it replaced.

And when in control, what's this? Why, you take all the credit of course!!.

Well. Women have found many ways to their own form of power. Even in the days of rampant oppression. Catherine Medici, for instance.

Ergo, shove your cute 'so?' up your cornhole- you're the one that said
“Look at you females, so quick to take all the credit for yourself.”.

You're right. I'm stupid. And you're not being feminine...

The feminine method is more centered around obscurement. The power behind the power. Most powerful females are invisible because they feed the egos of their males. They don't take the credit themselves. They use it as bait...

Anyway. All I meant was that you were trying to hog the limelight in the "my gender has suffered far more than yours in rites of passage" competition. I never once attempted to deny that women have suffered much.

You know. It really would be so much better to have a matriarchal society. There could never be doubt of maternity... could there? I suppose some few odd circumstances. But on the whole it's hard to say that a child that you've squeezed out your own vagina isn't yours and doesn't deserve a piece of your inheritence.
Isn't male circumcision also painful? Doesn't it also decrease pleasure during intercourse? Why do we still practice male circumcision? Also, I've been told that female circumcision is practiced in US, too, and many women do it by choice.

Ergo, shove your cute 'so?'

I'll shove it. Well? What about slaves and masters? Many women are so dumb they should never set their thoughts outside the kitchen.
amen to that. there are also too many scared men in america, it like they got no balls. they et all anxious when im just looking at them...wierd
Well, I still think that each group that has like beliefs should get together and tell others how to live and what to do and what to think. And if those others don't do it, then the stronger groups should force the weaker groups to do and think as they say. It's only right ...it's the way of the world since the beginning and I see no reason to change that way of thinking.

If we, as a group, don't like other to circumcize their female members, then we should force them not to do it. Even if that means going to war and using any and all force necessary. Do it our way, or hit the highway!!

Reason and power comes from the muzzle of a gun!

Baron Max
Why do we still practice male circumcision? Also, I've been told that female circumcision is practiced in US, too, and many women do it by choice.
Hyegene and choice, mostly

Here you will find that the majority of Americans - if not all- are actually African, Asian, Middle East ..........immigrants.

I'll shove it. Well? What about slaves and masters? Many women are so dumb they should never set their thoughts outside the kitchen.

Given the wherewithal, those dumb little kitchen women would more than likely not have been dumb little kitchen women, and here I'm talking Ms. Lovelace.
While I don’t buy into the cheesy heroics of assuming that something like my mother, for example, had a Lovelace in her that was “killed by that damn society” did she need to have 10 men who, like you, repeat the same muddy rot about her gender growing up? I personally think my father gets high off of thinking she's stupid.

See, its one thing to have a man parroting conventional wisdoms about women ‘cause he's stroking his cock and ego when he's doing it, but a woman?

At any rate, my point was that in situations like those between U.S landowners and their slaves (when language was the weapon it never was in the 'ancient' times of the scribe taht Nexus here is referencing for some reason) the master forbade reading and writing in his slaves because dumb people are controllable.
So you keep them dumb.

Isn't male circumcision also painful?
Yeah, but its not the whole penis.

they et all anxious when im just looking at them...wierd
Try combing your hair.

The earliest scribes and the few literate in the ancient world were by and large slaves.

Anyway. Yes. Again. I don't deny that women have had it rough.
If a gave you a trinket you’d think nothing of it until you found out this plaything could kill and therefore control people.
You’ve discovered its power with time. That’s what, in my opinionated humility, happened with language.

Your scribes were still fiddling.
Not quite.
For one thing, I want to explain that I'm not denying that MdD's IS an aspect of culture. It is so on many levels. I think that perhaps its strongest leel of culture is in the 'make a turd' utilitarian ideal that I mentioned earlier. In fact, I made the exact same point that you did to Spurious. Catching him in his contradiction.

I'd asked him for his definition of culture and he disappointed me by quoting wikipedia rather than defining exactly what it is that he feels is being 'annihilated' by McD's.

The thing is that what I'm trying to do is draw a distinction between types of culture.

Specifically, I want to point out the difference between the type of culture that is implied in the phrase "getting culture" and the more mainstream culture that is simply... societal norms (would this be an adequate definition? Hmm. More thought really is required... But do you see what I'm getting at?)
Its just that what your saying is ...weird.

You are saying that 'true' culture is something others with their nose in the air would think in terms of, but not you. But then why would you ask this:
es. I agree. However, would you compare GM with Mark Twain? Or with McDonalds? Or with Rembrandt?
Perhaps I’m not reading you well or something, but its like you too have your nose in the air.
If the monkey holds the Louvre over burgers, its like you are holding Mark Twain over happy meals when all of them are culture.
When I look at a cube, I don't compare its height to its length or its width as a 'true' representative of that object's dimensions over the other; all three ARE that object's dimensions with an equal tribute to its category as a Cube.

Pardon my being so rude yesterday, I was in a bad mood but its this that's pulling my goat- its like you are saying that you object to those who holding their 3 dimensional objects as classier than 2 dimensional scribbles but hold length as more representative of dimension than width when it all falls under the category of a cube, or a square or…Geometry.

Good fucking lord, man...see? You got me rambling! Muah...
I personally think my father gets high off of thinking she's stupid.

You know. Traditionally, the woman is smarter. Sort of. Men were more about getting things done and being practical. Running businesses. Farms. Slaves. Etc... The women, on the other hand, were in a gilded cage. They stayed at home. Often were well read. Played musical instruments. Etc...

Of course, these are well-to-do women who had servants to do the day-to-day chores of running a household.

If the monkey holds the Louvre over burgers, its like you are holding Mark Twain over happy meals when all of them are culture.

Not above. Seperate. They aren't the same sort of thing. I make no judgement on happy meals compared to Rembrand because they are not in the same category to judge them in.

Do you go to McDonalds to contemplate great works of art? Do you look at the plastic statue of Ronald sitting on that bench and wonder what the artist had in mind when he cast it? Do you wonder about the inner symbolic meaning of the pictures on the happy meal boxes? Do you read the menu board and gather insight into the world the way you could by reading Twain or other authors?

McDonalds is fast food.

Hey. I like McDonalds. Burger King is better perhaps. But I have no problem with fast food. Why should I hold my nose in the air when considering it?

I'm merely stressing the difference between different applications of culture.
You see?

Let me try to think of an example...
Ok. Who's better?
The Yankees? Or the Patriots?

Who's better? Nietzsche? Or Laura Ingalls Wilder?

Pardon my being so rude yesterday, I was in a bad mood...

You know better than that. Shutup.

its like you are saying that you object to those who holding their 3 dimensional objects as classier than 2 dimensional scribbles but hold length as more representative of dimension than width when it all falls under the category of a cube, or a square or…Geometry.

Sort of. But, not really. More like saying that one form of culture is like geometric shapes while the other is more like.... shades of color.

This brings me to the best example yet.
What's better?
A circle? Or blue?

However, as is so often the way with symbolic thinking, the connotations of both art (literature, high class cuisine, sculpture, what have you...) and McDonalds (gut wagons, utilitarian objects that are meant to perform a physical task rather than fulfilling some type of... mental (spiritual)... enlightenment) have many types of association. Thus, they are, in some ways, equal and to be compared. In this, I agree. But, they are also, in other ways, different and have little to compare between them.

I'm stressing the difference because I feel that the relevant associations in the case of people being disdainful of McD's is the noncomparative type.

Remember, Gendanken, we are symbolic creatures and nothing has a simple and clear-cut meaning. The associations waver and is embedded firmly within our very awareness of reality itself. We tend to lose sight of the ambiguity as it tends to distract, but one should never lose sight of the ambiguity. In fact, I have found it quite pleasurable and fulfilling to actively seek the ambiguity of our symbolic reference.

You never read that book I recommended you months and months ago. You've recommended me one to read. Why don't you make a trip to the library yourself? I guarantee you'll draw insight from it. I need to read it again myself. Symbolic Species. Terrence Deacon.

Good fucking lord, man...see? You got me rambling! Muah...

You call that a ramble?
Your symbolic interpretation of rambling is quite widely seeded, isn't it?
I suppose mine is a bit tighter.
Ironic, if you think about it.

Ah. Speaking of symbolism:
Your scribes were still fiddling.

I suppose you could say that. An interesting thing to consider is that written language was in its infancy. It was actually more of a mnemonic device with huge chunks of text being left out which the scribe had to remember using the key words as a reference. Its other use was record keeping and is likely the original use of all writing.

However, as time went on, scribes became quite well to do. STill slaves though. But slaves that led better lives than most free men.

And why do I bring them up?
Just to say that nothing is so clear-cut as you seem intent on making it.
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And 9 in 10 of you idiots are only interested in having children when fucking, right?
What's your point?
They don't want her enjoying sex, assuming she does in the first place.
so, gendanken, you believe that women do NOT have pleasure from having sex?
Have you had sex before? I believe it is very pleasurable. ( :bugeye: virgin?)
Now please, everyone is here be polite to one another, because in this world today, i wouldnt want anyone going crazy and hurting others. Its a scary world.
Its sad to see a heated argument with so much potential with obscene language flying past one another. All of you make very good points.
Some people, however, are sexist. Sexism is just stupid when tryiong to prove a point. Please refrain from chauvinistic comments. Thank you.

...slaves that led better lives than most free men.
Not necessarily, slaves were not treated very well in most cases.

Anyways, back to the original topic about the clitoris removal, if there even is any argument anymore, whats some solutions to this?
im curious.
THE SOLUTION IS ...DON'T DO IT. which includes male circumcision too--which isn't as drastic as femal mutilation, but it is of te same mindset whic believes it has te right to mutilate the essense of a person

like i've said in tis thread somewhere. men have made myths to support female genital mutilation to make out it is 'God' who desires it.........to EXPOSE myth is a mai way. achild though is completely defensless against the vile barbaric ignorance of adults and their poxy belief systems
duendy said:

Are you proposing that other nations invade those nations that permit female circumcision with armies and force them to cease and desist?

If another nation/culture does things that another nation doesn't like or approve of, what should be the action? Should one nation be permitted to tell other nations/cultures how to act/what to do? Should one nation force their own morality upon other nations?

Baron Max
I don't believe it happens in Australia or North America, and if it does, it is not a cultural practice as in Africa but an isolated incident.
Baron Max said:
Are you proposing that other nations invade those nations that permit female circumcision with armies and force them to cease and desist?

Me::hey bmax ...learn to listen/ did i say 'te solution is to gathe arms and invade?....no. i am speaking out against it. do yu not tink it wrong. mutilatng a females private parts??

If another nation/culture does things that another nation doesn't like or approve of, what should be the action? Should one nation be permitted to tell other nations/cultures how to act/what to do? Should one nation force their own morality upon other nations?

Baron Max
its sad you have to even ask that. but you are a adden as i've foun out.....thing is Bmax...this is a human rifghts issue. not a 'let countries do what they wanna' issue
duendy said:
.....thing is Bmax...this is a human rifghts issue.

And just where did those "human rights" come from? Just who or what bestowed those "human rights" upon all of the people on Earth? Please tell me, Duendy ...without resorting to some foolish rhetoric, mostly Christian rhetoric, about all humans being born with those rights!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
The doo-gooder western nations should get together a coalition and invade those countries and FORCE them to quit doin' whatever it is that we don't like!!! Dammit, I'm tired of other nations gettin' to do anything they want ....just who the fuck do they think they are?

Invade, take over, force those nations and all cultures of the world to be westernized or suffer the consequences!!

Baron Max
Wow, you're an ignorant little spot of shit, aren't you? :rolleyes:
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Baron Max said:
And just where did those "human rights" come from? Just who or what bestowed those "human rights" upon all of the people on Earth? Please tell me, Duendy ...without resorting to some foolish rhetoric, mostly Christian rhetoric, about all humans being born with those rights!

Baron Max
your own innate humanity should tell you this. the fact you question it, and aren't convinced shows they've ground you down dude....you've lost ya soul
duendy said:
your own innate humanity should tell you this. the fact you question it, and aren't convinced shows they've ground you down dude....you've lost ya soul

So babies are born with a distiinct knowledge of human rights? ..even tho' they don't even know what or how to eat, they'd know that they had human rights? ...even if they don't know that they shouldn't shit and piss their pants, they'd still know that they had human rights?

Surely you jest, right? :)

And, by the way, I think ye're partially right .....reality HAS, in fact, ground me down. I realize now that idealism is little more than hot air, and in conflict with reality on a constant, never-ending battle. And reality almost always wins those battles. Yeah, I've been ground down to see human reality in all of it's viciousness, cruelty and selfishness.

Baron Max