Female Genital Mutilation

duendy said:
No i do not agree. i have already tried to show how adult women can be persuaded to accept oppression, now you wanna me accet that children also must be left to their indoctrination by the maipulating fukers who devize all of this shit?....no i wont. it is an abomination to mutilate he sexual organs. cant you SEE this? dont you know difference between right and wrong?

So ye're advocating forcing others to comply with YOUR ideas of right n' wrong? How can you look at yourself in the mirror? On one hand, ye're rabidly against the USA for invading Iraq to force them to comply, yet here you are advocating forcing some other nation to comply with YOUR wishes?? How can you not see that as hippo-critical ...in the extreme?!

Baron Max
Why not 13? Why not 25? It is the same as the legal age of consent, it changes in every country. Who are we to say what the right age is, and then force it onto another nation with differing views?

Age of consent etc. need not be arbitrary. Research can lead to a reasonable determination of the average age at which children can make certain types of adult decisions in a truly free and informed manner.
Nysse said:
Yes, and I agree, many women can, but not all. I don’t think it would be fair to take away the rights of another culture which you do not belong to just because your perception is different to theirs. You cannot force your cultural views on another, even if you think they are being misled, and you believe it to be for the right reason; don’t you think that is a little inconsiderate of their beliefs?

me))))))))YOU as an INDIVIDUAL must ask yourself what is right and what is wrong, and then have the integrity to stand by your views. does't matter what culture, what tradition etc. It's about being HUMAN....

I am not asking you to accept anything; I am just giving you my view, as you have given me yours.

me))))i am aware. and i dont agree with your view so i am explaining why

What is right and wrong here is not necessarily right and wrong there. And everyones views are different when it comes to this, no matter of culture. I know what I think is right and wrong, though.
Plus, many cultures think it is an abomination for a woman to have an abortion, but in our culture most people think it is the woman’s right.

me))))))i also tink it right a woman has the choice. look. it would relly do you a favour if you studied the origins of the fear of women.....! really. it would clear up a lot of confusion for you, that i can see reading you.
for example,the whole background to the desire for women to be mutilated is coming from PATRIARCHAL beliefs, where oma is seen as property of te man, hence her sex must be 'tamed'.....!
Also with abortion. The conceived child is understood by the patriarchal mindset to be sole property of the 'superior male seed'. This is all revealed in trhe history of patriarchal mythological dogma

Why 18 exactly? Because it is our society’s opinion on when a person should be considered an adult, and make choices for themselves? Why not 13? Why not 25? It is the same as the legal age of consent, it changes in every country. Who are we to say what the right age is, and then force it onto another nation with differing views?
can you not dig that a person who has been indoctrinaed by a misogynist traditions ISindoctrinated?.....ie., the girl, woman will feel the culture's values as we feel ours......so this is why it is ilmportant we satep out of tewse cultural staightjackets and think andfeel as individuals. you can only do tis through exploring in fredom, sos you dont get tied to dogma abc etc. yeah?
duendy said:
me))))))))YOU as an INDIVIDUAL must ask yourself what is right and what is wrong, and then have the integrity to stand by your views. does't matter what culture, what tradition etc. It's about being HUMAN....

It is also about personal preference.
I think it is right to allow these women to choose for themselves, based on the negatives, positives, and their beliefs on the matter, not whether others believe it is right or wrong.

me))))i am aware. and i dont agree with your view so i am explaining why

Yes, that is, after all, the whole point, is it not? ;)

me))))))i also tink it right a woman has the choice. look. it would relly do you a favour if you studied the origins of the fear of women.....! really. it would clear up a lot of confusion for you, that i can see reading you.

I’m really not confused, I assure you.
I understand that many women are undergoing this procedure due to male domination. But, for those who are not, I consider it unfair to create preventions to control their right to choose.

can you not dig that a person who has been indoctrinaed by a misogynist traditions ISindoctrinated?

Yes, of course.

.....ie., the girl, woman will feel the culture's values as we feel ours......so this is why it is important we step out of these cultural straight jackets and think and feel as individuals.

That is exactly what I think we should allow them to do.
But, if we are trying to force our views of what is right and wrong on them, we are allocating them to step out of their cultural straight jackets, and inducing them into ours, which would be slightly hypocritical, and just as excessive.

You can only do tis through exploring in freedom, so you don’t get tied to dogma abc etc. yeah?

They should all come to their own conclusions about it, based on no one’s culture, and no one’s view of what is right or wrong.
Nysse said:
It is also about personal preference.
I think it is right to allow these women to choose for themselves, based on the negatives, positives, and their beliefs on the matter, not whether others believe it is right or wrong.

me)))))))you are talkin to me now. you have a sense of right and wrong otherwise you'd not be speaking from some position. i also. hence debate......we are using reason and intuition to communicate with each other. THA is what i mean. i cant suddnenly now go and invade a poples who mutilate their children and arrest everyone. BUT i CAN see it is very very wrong and speak out about it. IFi was to take the positin, 'ohhh it's all relative. they know best' then that isn't speakin out against it but justifying it

Yes, that is, after all, the whole point, is it not? ;)

I’m really not confused, I assure you.
I understand that many women are undergoing this procedure due to male domination. But, for those who are not, I consider it unfair to create preventions to control their right to choose.

me))))who are the ones NOT under the patriarchal domination who allow their sexual organs to be mutlilated?? Do you have a daughter and she came to you and said 'daddy, i really really believe i should be mutilated' would you just say 'oh, well. dear. you know best'??

Yes, of course.

That is exactly what I think we should allow them to do.
But, if we are trying to force our views of what is right and wrong on them, we are allocating them to step out of their cultural straight jackets, and inducing them into ours, which would be slightly hypocritical, and just as excessive.

me)))))i am not trying to orce them into my straighjacket. dear laaawwwd. do you not know that NOT having your vital sexual organs NOT damaged is preferable to the opposite?.......if i suggest a person doesn't eat rap foo full of salt fat sugar that'ss give them bad health, an early heart attack etc--is thatforcing them into a straightjacket?

They should all come to their own conclusions about it, based on no one’s culture, and no one’s view of what is right or wrong.
....."based on their own culture" is meaning based on a viscious life-sapping patriarchal one if it means allowing your sexual parts to be cut up!
duendy said:
i cant suddnenly now go and invade a poples who mutilate their children and arrest everyone. BUT i CAN see it is very very wrong and speak out about it.

Yes, that is definitely your right. But applying rules that prevent their right to choose is also wrong.

me))))who are the ones NOT under the patriarchal domination who allow their sexual organs to be mutlilated??

I think I already posted something about women in Africa choosing to have this procedure done on their own behalf. I believe it also said a growing number of men were against it, so they was no patriarchal domination involved there.

Do you have a daughter and she came to you and said 'daddy, i really really believe i should be mutilated' would you just say 'oh, well. dear. you know best'??

No, I would ask her why she thought it was for the best, and if she had considered it seriously and come to that conclusion based on all the facts, knowing the negatives and the positives, and how they would affect her in the long run.
I’m a girl, by the way.

me)))))i am not trying to orce them into my straighjacket. dear laaawwwd. do you not know that NOT having your vital sexual organs NOT damaged is preferable to the opposite?

But that is just it! Obviously, various women think it is preferable.
I personally would not prefer it, but it may be very much preferable for other females. If they do prefer it, and would be happier having it done, then they should go for it.

.......if i suggest a person doesn't eat rap foo full of salt fat sugar that'ss give them bad health, an early heart attack etc--is thatforcing them into a straightjacket?

No, of course not, if you are merely suggesting it, but if you are going to implement rules denying them the right to eat that sugar and fat, I would think that would be unfair. If they are aware of the risks, and still eat that food, it is their body and their choice.

....."based on their own culture" is meaning based on a viscious life-sapping patriarchal one if it means allowing your sexual parts to be cut up!

I thought I said based on no ones culture?
Plus, it is not only the men allowing this procedure to happen.
Again, they should base their decision on their perception of what they believe is correct, no one else’s.

((sorry bout typos) meant to say "doesn't eat crap food"

It’s ok, I understood it.
Nysse said:
Yes, that is definitely your right. But applying rules that prevent their right to choose is also wrong.
me)))i am not religious in te orthodox sense, and to me many of the biblical Commandments are archaic and absurd, i do feel there should be some. i am happy with Timoth Leary's Commandments (not relevant for tis debate right now maybe), but i would also add one that states no child should be mutilated un der any mythological justification. you see, once it's beend done it's irreversable!

I think I already posted something about women in Africa choosing to have this procedure done on their own behalf. I believe it also said a growing number of men were against it, so they was no patriarchal domination involved there.

me))))))do you have te source for tis, i'd be interested to look into it. if i could i would reeally lik to have a heart to heart with tese women to try fathom where they are coming from.

No, I would ask her why she thought it was for the best, and if she had considered it seriously and come to that conclusion based on all the facts, knowing the negatives and the positives, and how they would affect her in the long run.
I’m a girl, by the way.

me)))))))i would not allow my daughter ...i would knock her out first!.....this my seem patriarchal to you...hehe. but i am really against female circumscision, and male circumcision too. it would never get to knokin her out mind. she would love sex through open mindedness

But that is just it! Obviously, various women think it is preferable.
I personally would not prefer it, but it may be very much preferable for other females. If they do prefer it, and would be happier having it done, then they should go for it.

me))))please tell me a honest as you can answer WHY a a woman you WOULDN@t have you genitals mutilated, and why you imagine some women would?

No, of course not, if you are merely suggesting it, but if you are going to implement rules denying them the right to eat that sugar and fat, I would think that would be unfair. If they are aware of the risks, and still eat that food, it is their body and their choice.

me))))))ok, focussin on this for a while, cause i have been very interested in all about this.........bascially it is peple on low income who eat crap food and drink. te situation is so bad where i live, tat there's a high percentage of very young kids with rotting teeth.
The government's reponse to this crisis is te fluoridzing of the water system. whcih is like throwing MORE poison at the problem. I have protested aginst all tis shit.
REAL good natrual food is expensive owing to the subsudies farmers get, tus pushing up prices. in the ubiquitious supermarket's tey cynically make sure they put crap food lines on special offers.
Meanwhile the corporationscash in on teir specialized children's propaganda programming by placing kidddies fave cartoon characters etc on fronts of ppacket cereals full of sugar salt etc checmical additives and make sure supermarkets place them at child's eye level so they harrass teir mums for them

so it is like this cooperative greedy scheme going on to make that people are misledto eat crap food and drink. meanwhile many middle class pople and uppoers, are eating organic!
so it is hrdly CHOICE we are talkin bout here, but determined propaganda and the need to EAT!....it is complex, but people need eduating about it. you dont tink any parent really wants to feed their kids crap do you?

I thought I said based on no ones culture?
Plus, it is not only the men allowing this procedure to happen.
Again, they should base their decision on their perception of what they believe is correct, no one else’s.

me)))))but what about a cultist. some one caught up/indoctrinated? are they thinkin straight?

It’s ok, I understood it.
your one of te few who dont put me down about my typo mania
duendy said:
....."based on their own culture" is meaning based on a viscious life-sapping patriarchal one if it means allowing your sexual parts to be cut up!

And so ye're still advocating that we FORCE others to follow our own ideals of how to live?

I've asked you before, but you didn't answer it ....How would YOU like it if someone else FORCED you to live by some other culture/way of life?

It just seems to me that ye're advocating some nation invade and conquer another nation just becuase the first nation doesn't like how the others live. Why does that seem wrong to me?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
And so ye're still advocating that we FORCE others to follow our own ideals of how to live?

me))))---ypu aint listening as usual

I've asked you before, but you didn't answer it ....How would YOU like it if someone else FORCED you to live by some other culture/way of life?

me)))))i already AM being wise guy

It just seems to me that ye're advocating some nation invade and conquer another nation just becuase the first nation doesn't like how the others live. Why does that seem wrong to me?

Baron Max
hoi hum let me explain for bmax ...again.
i do not want to invade and conquer another country. i would like to speak wit women who beliefe they want to mutilate their genitals. at the end if they do, then thats that init?....but whilst not having rthe chance to do that..... HERE i am hardly gonna say it is cool to support cultures who think that is right cause everything's 'relative' or some such justification for oppressive propaganda
duendy said:
i am happy with Timoth Leary's Commandments (not relevant for tis debate right now maybe), but i would also add one that states no child should be mutilated un der any mythological justification.

Yes, no child should be made to be mutilated under any mythological justification, but, that child, or any person, should have the right to decide whether they wish to be mutilated themselves.

you see, once it's beend done it's irreversable!

I understand, which is why I think before they go ahead with it they should fully understand all the information, and base their decision on it alone.

me))))))do you have te source for tis, i'd be interested to look into it. if i could i would reeally lik to have a heart to heart with tese women to try fathom where they are coming from.

It was not a whole article, just a short paragraph in Wikipedia.
Female Genital Cutting

me)))))))i would not allow my daughter ...i would knock her out first!.....this my seem patriarchal to you...hehe. but i am really against female circumscision, and male circumcision too.

Yes, I think we have established that. ;)
I just think something as life changing and personal as this procedure should be entirely up to the individual, including your daughter.
I find it odd that you see everything wrong with someone, a stranger even, mutilating their genitals, but see nothing wrong with knocking your daughter out to prevent her from having a procedure she desired.

it would never get to knokin her out mind. she would love sex through open mindedness

Or would she love it because you wanted her to ?

me))))please tell me a honest as you can answer WHY a a woman you WOULDN@t have you genitals mutilated, and why you imagine some women would?

I wouldn’t have it done because it simply does not appeal to me.
For the same reason I would pierce my ears, my lip or my bellybutton, and someone else would think that entirely wrong, and that I was mutilating myself.
People practice a lot of forms of body modification. Who is to say which is right and which is wrong?
And I don’t know why some women would have it done, or why it appeals to them. I don’t need to know why, I just need to know that some women do want it done, and that I am going to respect that because if it is what they feel would make them happier then I believe they should get it done.

REAL good natrual food is expensive owing to the subsudies farmers get, tus pushing up prices. in the ubiquitious supermarket's tey cynically make sure they put crap food lines on special offers.

Why do people have to eat REAL good food? Why not just reasonably healthy food?

Meanwhile the corporationscash in on teir specialized children's propaganda programming by placing kidddies fave cartoon characters etc on fronts of ppacket cereals full of sugar salt etc checmical additives and make sure supermarkets place them at child's eye level so they harrass teir mums for them

I agree, there is a problem with the packet shit they feed people. In fact, there are an increasing number of schools in Australia that are getting rid of packet food, and soft drinks, and are selling healthier food like fruit and sandwiches.
Although, those healthy options were always there, people just chose to ignore them for whatever reaons and not buy them. That is the problem.

meanwhile many middle class pople and uppoers, are eating organic! so it is hrdly CHOICE we are talkin bout here, but determined propaganda and the need to EAT!....it is complex, but people need eduating about it. you dont tink any parent really wants to feed their kids crap do you?

No, I don’t think all parents do, but certainly some just don't care.
I do think, however, that even lower class people can still feed their children healthy food, even if it is not organic. I think there are many healthy options for lower income earners; many just choose not to take notice. Plus, those cereals promoted with cartoon characters cost just as much as wholegrain bread, so why not feed your children the healthier bread?

me)))))but what about a cultist. some one caught up/indoctrinated? are they thinkin straight?

No, someone in a Cult may not be thinking straight.
Then again, we do not know that for sure, they may be thinking very clearly, and agree with the groups view, and genuinely want the procedure done.

your one of te few who dont put me down about my typo mania

I don't see any problems with it.
If I could not understand something I would just ask.
Nysse said:
Yes, no child should be made to be mutilated under any mythological justification, but, that child, or any person, should have the right to decide whether they wish to be mutilated themselves.
me)))))))No, i dont agree. an adult maybe, but not until they agree t talk about it. a child never. a child is really vulnerble to te demands of whatever tradition tey find temselves in. we are going round in circles with tis and will have maybe to agree to differ, as i dont feel i can change your mind

I understand, which is why I think before they go ahead with it they should fully understand all the information, and base their decision on it alone.

me))))))the adult yes. but the child should NOT be allowed to be mutilated, nor their guardians be allowed to allow it

It was not a whole article, just a short paragraph in Wikipedia.
Female Genital Cutting

me))))OK, i've read it. yes your right, it is quite short. i would rathe love to hear a full account as to why a natrual woman would want to mutilate her sexual organs......!

Yes, I think we have established that. ;)
I just think something as life changing and personal as this procedure should be entirely up to the individual, including your daughter.
I find it odd that you see everything wrong with someone, a stranger even, mutilating their genitals, but see nothing wrong with knocking your daughter out to prevent her from having a procedure she desired.

me)))))twas a dramatic example, trying to cnvey my passion about tis. of course , literally, i propbably wouldn't knoc her out. hopefully it wouldn't come to tat. in fact that kind of ting would most likely mke her more stuboorn to DO it

Or would she love it because you wanted her to ?

me)))ie., sex? oe could say same for wanting to self mutilate: would she want to do it cause i/culture/religion wants here to? all tat has to be xplored.......SEXUALITY is the essence of us. why the **** wud anyone want to mutilate our main source of ecstasy, unless it was an indoctrination from sex-fearing patriarchy, whic women believe is teir own feeling

I wouldn’t have it done because it simply does not appeal to me.

me))but WHY? i m not asking you abot a new hairsyle.......please be more specific?

For the same reason I would pierce my ears, my lip or my bellybutton, and someone else would think that entirely wrong, and that I was mutilating myself.
People practice a lot of forms of body modification. Who is to say which is right and which is wrong?

me))))Body piercings are different. they dont necessarily mutilate ....but in most cases add to sensuality. can be dangerous tho. story in our paper. a lad had a lip piercing andhas died from septicemia

And I don’t know why some women would have it done, or why it appeals to them. I don’t need to know why, I just need to know that some women do want it done, and that I am going to respect that because if it is what they feel would make them happier then I believe they should get it done.

me)))))i am too savy about mythological conditioning to leave it at that

Why do people have to eat REAL good food? Why not just reasonably healthy food?

me:::::both the same....?

I agree, there is a problem with the packet shit they feed people. In fact, there are an increasing number of schools in Australia that are getting rid of packet food, and soft drinks, and are selling healthier food like fruit and sandwiches.
Although, those healthy options were always there, people just chose to ignore them for whatever reaons and not buy them. That is the problem.

me:::no theproblem is tat natrual good food's more expensive as i explained--here in UK. yes, there also is mass conditioning for people to eat crap food too. thisis secifically aimed at people on low income--via advertizn on TV etcetc

No, I don’t think all parents do, but certainly some just don't care.
I do think, however, that even lower class people can still feed their children healthy food, even if it is not organic. I think there are many healthy options for lower income earners; many just choose not to take notice. Plus, those cereals promoted with cartoon characters cost just as much as wholegrain bread, so why not feed your children the healthier bread?

me)))))tis is complex. have you read about Edward Bernays. read about him and how poeple are manipulated by propaganda to buycrap tey dont want. dont blame it all on te individual

No, someone in a Cult may not be thinking straight.
Then again, we do not know that for sure, they may be thinking very clearly, and agree with the groups view, and genuinely want the procedure done.

me)))))no. i dont trust any cult. especially where people are led to believe they WANT to MUTILATE themselves! i trust myswelf on this

I don't see any problems with it.
If I could not understand something I would just ask.
i try and understand. ad i find the mny stories people tell temselves ....many are dodgy stories which cause a lo of harm to teselves and others. so my way is to expose all that. for me and others
duendy said:
me)))))))No, i dont agree. an adult maybe, but not until they agree t talk about it. a child never. a child is really vulnerble to te demands of whatever tradition tey find temselves in.

My predicament is that I think all people should have the right to choose without pressure, but the problem is determining when a child is capable of making these decisions on their own.

we are going round in circles with tis and will have maybe to agree to differ, as i dont feel i can change your mind

Sure, I have no problem
with agreeing to disagree. :)

me))))))the adult yes. but the child should NOT be allowed to be mutilated, nor their guardians be allowed to allow it

Again, how do we determine when someone is considered a child or an adult?

me))))OK, i've read it. yes your right, it is quite short. i would rathe love to hear a full account as to why a natrual woman would want to mutilate her sexual organs......!

I cannot help you there, sorry.

me)))))twas a dramatic example, trying to cnvey my passion about tis. of course , literally, i propbably wouldn't knoc her out. hopefully it wouldn't come to tat. in fact that kind of ting would most likely mke her more stuboorn to DO it

Yes, indeed it would.

me)))ie., sex? oe could say same for wanting to self mutilate: would she want to do it cause i/culture/religion wants here to? all tat has to be xplored.......SEXUALITY is the essence of us. why the **** wud anyone want to mutilate our main source of ecstasy, unless it was an indoctrination from sex-fearing patriarchy, whic women believe is teir own feeling

I don’t know why a person would want it done, because I am not a person that would want it done.
Then again, why would someone want to have their genitals pierced, either? People just do crazy shit to their bodies, because they are their bodies, they have that right.

me))but WHY? i m not asking you abot a new hairsyle.......please be more specific?

Because I don’t want to cut up my genitals, I am generally not one who tends to sway towards cutting up that area of the body. That’s really all….

me))))Body piercings are different. they dont necessarily mutilate

Some would consider putting a piece of metal through your genitals mutilation, wouldn’t they?

....but in most cases add to sensuality. can be dangerous tho. story in our paper. a lad had a lip piercing andhas died from septicemia

I will remember that next time I pierce my lip.

me:::::both the same....?

I think there are differing levels of what is considered real, and what is considered good food. But this is not really relevant...

me:::no theproblem is tat natrual good food's more expensive as i explained--here in UK.

I don’t think fruit and vegetables are any more expensive than Pizza or Chips, do you? The price of Pizza in Australia is bullshit, actually …absolute fucking rip off…but anyway…

yes, there also is mass conditioning for people to eat crap food too. thisis secifically aimed at people on low income--via advertizn on TV etcetc

I agree, every second ad on TV is for shithouse food. It is up to the consumers to decide whether they want to make the healthy or the unhealthy choice, though.

me)))))tis is complex. have you read about Edward Bernays. read about him and how poeple are manipulated by propaganda to buycrap tey dont want. dont blame it all on te individual

I have not read him, but I can understand that many people are manipulated to buy shit they don’t want, or need. But, I also think people do realise this, but want to buy it anyway, perhaps out of gluttony, or a lack of caring.

me)))))no. i dont trust any cult. especially where people are led to believe they WANT to MUTILATE themselves! i trust myswelf on this

Why can they not belong to a Cult and remain independently minded, not swayed by the Cults opinion, but believe in it freely based on their outlook?
Why do people get so upset about Female genital mutilation in Africa?

Why aren't you upset about Male Genital Mutilation in the USA?

Young boys are taken against their will and circumsized according to the wishes of the Jewish religion.

No one gets up in arms about that. Why the double standard?
if you bothered to read this thread, you'd see there WAS someone bothered--ME. i have mentioned about male circumcision...right?
and it ISbad. but doing so doesn't mean you then forgoet about femalecircumciosn does it?

and a very important point. as bad as male circumcion is--ie., done to babeis and young kids who have no say in te whats being done to their own bodies, their own sexual organs, it STIL is not AS bad as female circumcision which actually is the mutilation of teir sexual organs --their actual pleasure zones such as clitorus....afyer all it isn't the males GLANSitself that is mutilated is it?
I think this is just sick. This is just a good example of how men like to keep women repressed because they are power hungry jerks that can't stand the idea of a woman being able to do anything without them or better than them, so they perform these disgusting mutilations on them at an early age so that they are more easily controlled.

Anyone who thinks that this is ok should seriously have their head checked because they are just SICKOS.
Lucycat said:
I think this is just sick. This is just a good example of how men like to keep women repressed because they are power hungry jerks that can't stand the idea of a woman being able to do anything without them or better than them, so they perform these disgusting mutilations on them at an early age so that they are more easily controlled.

Hmmm? Men don't do the female circumcisions, women do!

Lucycat said:
Anyone who thinks that this is ok should seriously have their head checked because they are just SICKOS.

Do you feel the same way when you see young women in the USA walking around with metal rings in their ears and noses and eyebrows and tongues ....as well as many who've had their pussies pierced and rings installed?

Baron Max
I am strongly against both forms of genital mutilation.
But there are a lot of guys who have been circumcised so you don't want to offend them.
Its easy to criticise female genital mutilation no one is going to object,
but its difficult to criticise judaism without being branded anti-semitic.

Well i reckon circumcision is a horrific act which is soley designed to stop boys masturbating, there i said it. Plus the foreskin is the most pleasurable part of the penis, IMO.
That excuse about hygeine is total bullshit in this day and age.
So there you go muslims and jews alike. You both mutilate your children's genitals. Shame shame shame.
Huwy said:
I am strongly against both forms of genital mutilation.

Okay, but are you so strongly against it that you'd try to force others not to do it if they wanted to? Young girls, less than adult age, voluntarily have their genitals pierced and gold rings installed because they think it's "cool" and "sexy". Would you force them not to do it? Would you force them not to do it even after they reached adulthood?

The biggest problem in all of this is ....some people trying to force other people to do things their way. I just don't like that concept ...it just seems like that's not the way to do things, ya' know? It's difficult enough to live with other people without adding to that burden!

How would you like others telling you what you can and can't do?

Baron Max
Huwy said:
Well i reckon circumcision is a horrific act which is soley designed to stop boys masturbating, there i said it. Plus the foreskin is the most pleasurable part of the penis, IMO.

That is the biggest lie. Right up there with WMD in Iraq.

Christian boys were and are mutilated according to the dictates of the Jewish religion. That stopping masturbating is a load of baloney meant to confuse you so you don't see the real reasons.