Female Genital Mutilation

In India, babies are commonly dumped in the garbage or abandoned somewhere to die.

What I'm supposed to respect them cause they've got big carpets, snake charmers and spicy food?
digressing...India has te caste system and i DONT agree with that. it doesn't mean i a gonna invade with nuclear fkin bombs. i means i dont agree and speak out about it, as i a sure some Indians who dont agree with it do.
i thought it was only FEMALE babies wo are abandoned?
A lot of babies who are HIV positive are also abandoned apparently, that is, if you believe HIV is real....
duendy said:
digressing...India has te caste system and i DONT agree with that. it doesn't mean i a gonna invade with nuclear fkin bombs. i means i dont agree and speak out about it, ....

So all ye're gonna' do is speak about it? Disagree with the policies, but do absolutely nothing else to help? If so, why bother? People all over the world have been "speaking about" issues such as these, but they don't do anything about it either. So why waste the hot air?

Baron Max
James R said:
What percentage of babies are dumped that way?

Well, James, it's like most anything else ....it depends on where ye're talking about. In some locales in India, the percentage is quite high, but in others, it's virtually non-existent.

But I'm sure that you were trying to point out that such things even happen in Los Angeles or London, too, right? If so, it does!

But this issue of female pussy-cutting is just like so many other issues in the world .....we always talk about them and claim to really care, yet we do nothing about it! And if so, what good is all the useless talk? In fact, such talk, such condemnation is probably a good reason that Africans might not like us righteous, sanctimonious asses! If we don't like something, we should invade the fuckin' countries and force them to do what we like ...or else!

Or is all the talk just ...idle, psycho-babble bullshit over fine wine in warm, secure homes?

Baron Max
Slacker47 said:
This is a widespread practice, mostly in Africa. Though also in Asia, Austrailia, North America, and Europe. It includes sewing the vagina shut and removing the clitoris. Frequently the female is physically (even fatally) damaged as well as psychologically affected.

What are your opinions or solutions?

Welp, where are the cultres that practice this trying to go with it? What's the point? Why do they do this? I think the logic behind why they do it is their own buisness, but in the event an outsider wanted to be nit-picky, why not improve the existing system?

Assuming the cultures that were doing this were having a large amount of failures/problems with their current methods, I think the solution would be to find a way to do this that doesn't fail.
Basicly, create a method that does not physically or psychologically damage the female, and still removes the clit.
On the same note, I've pondered whether or not the ubangi still use the giant wooden discs these days, or (seeing as how body piercing has caught on with the rest of the world) do they use any of the modern stuff-- like have they switched to pyrex/stainless steel/titanium jewelry due to problems with the old stuff (I don't think it's possible to autoclave a big chunk of wood)?
What about all the people that get scar designs- I wonder if they have it done by a "professional' in sanitary conditions, or is it still done in the back yard by your cousin's best friend who does scars designs for all the nearby villages?
I have seen on TV somewhere that alot of the polonysian (sp) type island folk get their face designs done in a studio with a tattoo gun nowadays
Huwy said:
In India, babies are commonly dumped in the garbage or abandoned somewhere to die.

What I'm supposed to respect them cause they've got big carpets, snake charmers and spicy food?

Well dood! Instead of trying to put India down, why not show all of us what a great guy you are and go dig those babies out of the trash?

The industrialized countries could learn from India. Spending 500,000 dollars to keep a sick baby alive is foolish. Babies are a dime a dozen. They could feed 10,000 other babies with the 500,000 they spend keeping that one baby alive.
Baron Max said:
So all ye're gonna' do is speak about it? Disagree with the policies, but do absolutely nothing else to help? If so, why bother? People all over the world have been "speaking about" issues such as these, but they don't do anything about it either. So why waste the hot air?

Baron Max
speaking ou about this is not hot air. ANYTHING contributes.......FIRST you have to see what is wrong. then wit integrity speak out against it

your way is guns and misslies and war war war you .......(censored)
duendy said:
your way is guns and misslies and war war war you .......(censored)

No, "my" way is to let other cultures cut female pussy if they so chose!

How and why do you feel that it's YOUR place to dictate to others? ...to try to change the culture of others? ...to make others think like you?

Baron Max
Happeh said:
The industrialized countries could learn from India. Spending 500,000 dollars to keep a sick baby alive is foolish. Babies are a dime a dozen. They could feed 10,000 other babies with the 500,000 they spend keeping that one baby alive.

I agree. But ye're sure gonna' stir up a giant can o' worms with THAT thought! :) :)

Baron Max
Happeh """"Well dood! Instead of trying to put India down, why not show all of us what a great guy you are and go dig those babies out of the trash?

The industrialized countries could learn from India. Spending 500,000 dollars to keep a sick baby alive is foolish. Babies are a dime a dozen. They could feed 10,000 other babies with the 500,000 they spend keeping that one baby alive. """"

But is that a reasonable excuse? Am I supposed to respect that culture? Am I supposed to accept that because babies are a dime a dozen? Thats horrible! What kind of society shits out babies a dime a dozen and discards the ones that are sick?
Huwy said:
But is that a reasonable excuse? Am I supposed to respect that culture? Am I supposed to accept that because babies are a dime a dozen? Thats horrible! What kind of society shits out babies a dime a dozen and discards the ones that are sick?

No! The western world should form a powerful coalition and march against that nation and force them to do things in the western way!!

In fact, the western world should force any and all nations to do and act exactly the way we want or we should invade them and take over that nation.

No nation of the world should be permitted to do whatever they want! If they have different cultural standards, they should submit a request to the western world and seek approval before they institute those standards!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
No, "my" way is to let other cultures cut female pussy if they so chose!
me:::::::eek:h we know we know. shameful!

How and why do you feel that it's YOUR place to dictate to others? ...to try to change the culture of others? ...to make others think like you?

Baron Max
yeah we should all conform and hide under our computers ey baron x?
duendy said:
yeah we should all conform and hide under our computers ey baron x?

No, Duendy, and that's where ye're absolutely wrong! We should all accept the wants and needs and cultures of others ...without condemnation! How can you ever expect to get along with others if you don't exercise some tolerance of the beliefs and cultures of others? How can you expect to get along with others if you continually condemn them for what they do?

Baron Max
No nation of the world should be permitted to do whatever they want!


If they have different cultural standards, they should submit a request to the western world and seek approval before they institute those standards!

Only if those standards are a breach of fundamental human rights.

Cultural diversity is good. Oppression is bad.
James R said:

Okay ...ye're right ....and that's perfect justification for attacking Iraq and getting rid of the Saddam regime! Thanks, James!

James R said:
Cultural diversity is good. Oppression is bad.

Oppression??? Do tell. Cutting the female's pussy out is cultural tradition, James, and has been for a gazillion years ...AND, most importantly, many/most of the young girls submit to it willingly and voluntarily. Oppression? By whose definition?

Baron Max
Happeh said:
Spending 500,000 dollars to keep a sick baby alive is foolish.
Allowing you access to a computer and to the internet is even more foolish.

Babies are a dime a dozen.
They are? I take it you've never had to squeeze one out? If not, shut the hell up.

It is so easy for you to say that $500,000 to keep a sick child alive is foolish, but then I guess cowards like you and Baron (who thinks it's a good idea) can only carry on about it. Had you and Baron been the ones to have to sit there and make that decision to allow those babies to die and actually watch them die, I'm sure you would change your mind. I'd suggest you visit a neo-natal intensive care ward at your local hospital and tell the parents there that their children should be left to die. But then again, cowards like you are merely that... cowards who dream of your own perfect little worlds but would then choke on your own vomit if your little dreams were to in fact come true.

They could feed 10,000 other babies with the 500,000 they spend keeping that one baby alive.
Hmm... true... but just think of how many babies could be fed if the West stopped invading other countries and stopped inventing new ways to kill other people. Think of how many babies could be fed just on the Iraq war budget alone.
Baron Max said:
No, Duendy, and that's where ye're absolutely wrong! We should all accept the wants and needs and cultures of others ...without condemnation! How can you ever expect to get along with others if you don't exercise some tolerance of the beliefs and cultures of others? How can you expect to get along with others if you continually condemn them for what they do?

Baron Max
you ae on about conformity. picture springs to mind is Mrs Thatcher having tea with a torturing dictator....to get on with him. sucks

i dont want to get on with people who believ mutilating female genitalia is good. are we clear?....

and errr YOU are talkinbout getting along with people....??
Bells said:
Had you and Baron been the ones to have to sit there and make that decision to allow those babies to die and actually watch them die, I'm sure you would change your mind.

No, I wouldn't! Because at the same time, tens of thousands of babies just like that ONE are starving to death. What ye're doing is valuing that ONE baby above TENS OF THOUSANDS of other babies ....HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL TO ALL OF THOSE OTHER BABIES???

Bells said:
I'd suggest you visit a neo-natal intensive care ward at your local hospital and tell the parents there that their children should be left to die.

By the same token, I'd like YOU to visit each of the tens of thousands of parents that you've decided to save ONE baby while allowing all of theirs starve to death.

Bells said:
...how many babies could be fed if the West stopped invading other countries and stopped inventing new ways to kill other people.

Oh, shoot! I hadn't thought of that!!! Thanks, Bell, I'll see to it that the "west" makes the appropriate changes immediately. Geez, why didn't you tell us that before now?!

Baron Max