Female Genital Mutilation: An Islamic Practice

Educated people or religious scholars probably have to be careful with what they say to people who believe in FGM. They think it is the act of purifying a women and since it has been done for so many generations it is hard to break traditions. Traditions are always done within a family, so that would be even harder to convince someone that fgm is wrong. I think very slowly the dangers and uselessness of fgm is taught by western doctors who choose to work in the middle east.

I doubt it, I think the uselessness is recognised by women who are educated and exposed to other cultures.
As stated, the vast majority of Islamic religious, even in Egypt (check previous posts, statement: Al Azhar University 2005), oppose this practice as against the teachings of Islam.

We don't need to rely on the West to help us, the Islamic world is more than capable of handling this. Al Azhar has already initiated this task.
I don't doubt educated women and those exposed to other cultures recognise the uselessness, howvever what I am saying is these women are limited to spreading their beliefs and western doctors help out alot by explaining what fgm is and why its wrong. Alot of times they are ignored esp. by ignorant people but I have heard that when doctors prove themselves by helping people then they are heard.
I don't doubt educated women and those exposed to other cultures recognise the uselessness, howvever what I am saying is these women are limited to spreading their beliefs and western doctors help out alot by explaining what fgm is and why its wrong. Alot of times they are ignored esp. by ignorant people but I have heard that when doctors prove themselves by helping people then they are heard.

All the anti-FGM movements in the ME/Africa are started by women who are local. Where did you get your ideas from?
All the anti-FGM movements in the ME/Africa are started by women who are local.

Huh? Without any outside influences? Without outside doctors telling them that it was a bad thing? Without influence, Sam?

Sam, many of those cultures have been cutting women's pussies since before written history, yet you seem to think that the women suddenly, and for no good reason, finally decided that it wasn't a good thing. Hmm?

Where did you get your ideas from?

Yeah, Sam, that's a good question for you. Got any answers?

Baron Max
Huh? Without any outside influences? Without outside doctors telling them that it was a bad thing? Without influence, Sam?

Sam, many of those cultures have been cutting women's pussies since before written history, yet you seem to think that the women suddenly, and for no good reason, finally decided that it wasn't a good thing. Hmm?

Yeah, Sam, that's a good question for you. Got any answers?

Baron Max

You can answer this Baron.

An African comes and tells you slavery is bad.

An American comes and tells you slavery is bad.

Who are you more likely to pay attention to?
You can answer this Baron.

An African comes and tells you slavery is bad.

An American comes and tells you slavery is bad.

Who are you more likely to pay attention to?

Huh? I sure didn't think you'd be able to do it with this thread, but you've made even this one a "Hate America" thread. Amazing, Sam, just fuckin' amazing.

Baron Max
Huh? I sure didn't think you'd be able to do it with this thread, but you've made even this one a "Hate America" thread. Amazing, Sam, just fuckin' amazing.

Baron Max

Whats hate America about it? You just dont wanna answer cos I'm right.:bugeye:
Whats hate America about it? You just dont wanna answer cos I'm right.:bugeye:

But what the hell do those questions have to do with the topic about cutting a woman's pussy out?

Slavery?????? Africans??? Americans???? Huh???

You're really fucked up this time, Sam ....even moreso than usual. Especially when you're caught without being able to answer a simple question.

Baron Max
But what the hell do those questions have to do with the topic about cutting a woman's pussy out?

Slavery?????? Africans??? Americans???? Huh???

You're really fucked up this time, Sam ....even moreso than usual. Especially when you're caught without being able to answer a simple question.

Baron Max

I must be wrong then. You're right, they should close down all the local women's organisations and have the foreign doctors tell them what to do.
Not everything is started by the local women. They might be starting these movements but there are other outside influences as well.

I heard stories about wester doctors helping and teaching about fgm and I am sure there are middle eastern doctors as well. I never said there was not.
but they can and do organize tremendous outrage about certain acts, texts, etc. They have been very silent about all these Muslim (and other) girls who have their clitorises removed but vocal and outraged when it comes to the right to wear veils in schools and certain images of Mohammad.

You can judge a person by what outrages them and what they say is naughty but don't really give a shit about.

couldn't have said it better myself
As stated, the vast majority of Islamic religious, even in Egypt (check previous posts, statement: Al Azhar University 2005), oppose this practice as against the teachings of Islam.
maybe so, so that means the vast majority disobey islamic teachings? whats wrong with them? are they kaffir? should they be be-headed? or is there already too much cutting going on?

We don't need to rely on the West to help us, the Islamic world is more than capable of handling this. Al Azhar has already initiated this task.
not holding my breath on this
I agree. Look at the lead story on any American channel. Anna Nicole Smiths baby, Paris Hilton out of jail.
good end-around, divert attention, attack, attack

I hate to tell you, but American TV news is entertainment, propaganda, if you want real news, check the BBC first

you are so sheltered, its laughable,

btw, just so you know; "pro wrestling" is staged, its fake, so just enjoy the show, testosterone, sweat, crazy fans
Sam, many of those cultures have been cutting women's pussies since before written history, yet you seem to think that the women suddenly, and for no good reason, finally decided that it wasn't a good thing. Hmm?

Baron Max

A mother who feels pressured to cut off part of her daughter's genitals without anasethesia already has motivation to question the practice. Many cultures including Western ones have moved past certain practices on their own with outside pressures playing little or no part in the weaning.
Of course, they are imams, they make noise when its about the Prophet because that is religion, I doubt that outside the affected areas, they even know about FGM, its a "female" matter, not something they would concern themselves with. Thats like saying priests should comment on breast implants causing cancer.

This is idiotic. Sure, women are 'put in charge' of the practice in many areas, but the power behind this act is male, AS ANY WOMAN DECIDING NOT TO PERFORM OR APPROVE THIS ACT ON HER DAUGHTER WILL INSTANTLY EXPERIENCE. The fears involved that this act is intended to assuage - women potentially seeking sexual pleasure - are male fears. Western Women who have married men from these regions are pressured not by other women but by men to have the procedure done.

Also Imams SPEAK ABOUT FEMALE MATTERS all the time.

Also Imams SPEAK ABOUT FEMALE MATTERS all the time.

Also Imams SPEAK ABOUT FEMALE MATTERS all the time.

Women wearing western clothes.
Adulterous women.
Women should wear veils. Women and girls should have the right to wear veils.

And so on.

It would take a high level of denial not to have noticed that Islamic religious leaders (just like Christian ones) have focused energy time and rants on women and women's issues.

When it comes to women having their genitals cut out: mostly silence.
What, you accompany your girlfriend for her PAP tests? Do breast exams for cancer? Keep a check on her menstrual cycle regularity and PMS? Make sure she is stocked in tampons, vaginal douche and panty liners?

you are ignorant of the roots of this practice and you have some need to think the men are indifferent about a practice designed to with their fears and their ultimate supervision in mind.
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
What, you accompany your girlfriend for her PAP tests? Do breast exams for cancer? Keep a check on her menstrual cycle regularity and PMS? Make sure she is stocked in tampons, vaginal douche and panty liners?

my husband comes to the Dr's with me when i have a smear test (pap test) done!! i find it amazing that some women wont, if i cant sure that with my husband who can i share it with?

and yes he makes sure that my daughter has enough tampons, and panty liners, what is wrong with that?

and he also knows when her period is due aswell, has he did mine before my hysterectomy!