Evolutionary Theory responsible for Nazism



Maybe they should have spent the SETI money on the starving kids in Africa.
Maybe. And maybe they should have spent the 2.6 million that they spent on that new church down the street on the starving kids in Africa. That particular sword swings in many ways.

I figured we would have picked up at least a couple signals by now. Looks like nobody is evolving but us.
Here's a neat example of why we may live in a galaxy teeming with life, but never pick up a radio signal. I think Sagan came up with it but I'm not sure.

Imagine that from the time you develop radio to the time you go to fiber, cable, directed communications (microwave, satellite, etc.) or just plain low power local communications (instead of wasting all that RF energy by beaming it into space) is say a couple of hundred years. That's the only time slot that you will be inadvertently broadcasting your presence.

Now imagine our 4.5by history mapped onto the height of two very tall buildings, standing side-by-side. That couple of hundred years represents less than the thickness of a penny perched on top of each building. What are the odds of those two pennies being at exactly the same height? On any number of buildings? Yep. Not very encouraging.
Radio waves do continue, but their energy per unit area becomes weaker by the inverse square of the distance. Upshot: casually transmitted signals get too weak to detect after a few dozen or a few hundred light years. The point is that we may stop transmitting anything detectable very soon as we improve our technology. It's a waste of energy to transmit into space. And as far as I know we've only sent one deliberate signal. It was to M13, a large globular cluster 13,000ly away.

Anyway, it's just a thought. Might be completely wrong.
The Scriptures stated that in the Last Days there would be a great period of Tribulation for Loyal Christians that would last Six Years. Today we have come to realize and recognise that this period was in reference to the duration of World War II.

The fact that this period was prophesied about 2000 years before it occured makes it logical to believe that the devil had a part in this monstrosity.

Hitler was groomed as a child to do the work of the devil. His exposure to a troubled childhood and at a time when the Christian Church (this is not a title) were locked in serious debate about alot of its doctrines gave the devil (or god to some of you) the right opportunity to strike at mankind - remember, this war was for the destruction of civilization up to that point, and if Hitler had got hold of nuclear bombs the devils plans would have worked.

The Apostle Paul said something that I often considered strange - some have been written off - The Messiah said that there are no preexisting conditions to anyones life, so what did Apostle Paul mean?

I grasped the message of Apostle Pauls words when I realised that he meant that this would only refer to a select few ("special") - these ones would be selected by the devil himself to be 'movers' of his designs.

So there you go - hitler, stalin, saddam, castro ( modern demons so to speak) - will another such as hitler rise???

I will elaborate on this at a later time.

The Creator Loves You!!!!!!
Raithere said:
This is known as the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. It works like this:

A statement is made such as, "No true Scotsman wears underpants under his kilt."
The refutation, "Argyle Gregor is a Scotsman and he wears underpants under his kilt."
The counter is then made, "Then Argyle Gregor is not a true Scott."

As you can see, the fallacy is based upon circular reasoning. The conclusion becomes part of the premise.

Your argument is the same and thus fallacious.

The definition of a Christian is one who believes in Jesus Christ. Whether or not Hitler was a Christian by this definition no one can know. Of course, we cannot know that the former Pope, John Paul, was Christian by this definition either. All we can know is what they professed to believe.

Once again though, Hitler's true belief is actually irrelevant to my argument.
Why do I have to keep repeating myself?


The Scriptures stated that in the Last Days there would be a great period of Tribulation for Loyal Christians that would last Six Years. Today we have come to realize and recognise that this period was in reference to the duration of World War II.

The fact that this period was prophesied about 2000 years before it occured makes it logical to believe that the devil had a part in this monstrosity.

Hitler was groomed as a child to do the work of the devil. His exposure to a troubled childhood and at a time when the Christian Church (this is not a title) were locked in serious debate about alot of its doctrines gave the devil (or god to some of you) the right opportunity to strike at mankind - remember, this war was for the destruction of civilization up to that point, and if Hitler had got hold of nuclear bombs the devils plans would have worked.

The Apostle Paul said something that I often considered strange - some have been written off - The Messiah said that there are no preexisting conditions to anyones life, so what did Apostle Paul mean?

I grasped the message of Apostle Pauls words when I realised that he meant that this would only refer to a select few ("special") - these ones would be selected by the devil himself to be 'movers' of his designs.

So there you go - hitler, stalin, saddam, castro ( modern demons so to speak) - will another such as hitler rise???

I will elaborate on this at a later time.

The Creator Loves You!!!!!!

I also know I am going to get a scheitz-load of flak for this. That's cool!

Ok. If you insist! :)

Anyway, this:

Piss.....no one knows diddly about what is out there. It could be a place that has no physics at all. We do not know.

is exactly the point of the atheist. It could be a realm ruled by giant Hostess Twinky™ people. Postulating this, and an infinity of other things that can be imagined, including a god, it pointless. It can be neither proved or disproved. In fact, the simplest position is that the universe is just as it appears - natural. A god gains you nothing. You can't use the god theory to predict the behavior of gas molecules under pressure. It dosen't help you in repairing a faulty heart valve (prayer has a proven zero effect on physical reality). But it does allow a savvy few to manipulate this weakness in the psyches of millions to the detriment of all.

The god theory really is on a par with the Hostess Twinky™ people theory. In fact I have extensive objective evidence that twinkies exist. Are they intelligent? Who knows. Maybe they're just observing us...

dalahar said:
7 years...culminating in the Battle of Armageddon, in Israel.

Maybe, but the bastard that comes around during the tribulations will make Hitler look like Howdy-Doody.

I disagree with you there - The Scriptures say six years and it is gonna stay six years - please do not try to change my words, I am trying to defend you from those "genius" atheists out there.

By the way, your anger is directed towards the wrong person - hitler - if you had read my message carefully you would have realized that it is the devil that is responsible - one man cannot do such great evil but one fallen angel certainly can and his name is LIAR-SATAN.

The Creator Loves You.!!
dalahar said:
I don't go around trying to convince people of God. I try to live a good life and be a good example to the people around me. If they ask me what I believe, I tell them that I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He is the gateway to eternal life. I don't belong to a church. I am not in any organized religion. I just believe in Jesus Christ.

Your explanation about god not helping in the gas molecule business or the faulty heart valve is ok. But I don't want God to help me with gas molecules, or help me with an algebra problem. I want it all. Eternal life, please! And I'll take it blindly, by faith.

Then start practising what you preach - you sound much like the rich guy who approached The Christ and said that he was keeping the ten commandments and so on........ - the question is are U really????

The Creator Loves You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Your explanation about god not helping in the gas molecule business or the faulty heart valve is ok. But I don't want God to help me with gas molecules, or help me with an algebra problem. I want it all. Eternal life, please! And I'll take it blindly, by faith.

But what about the Hostess Twinky™ people???
dalahar said:
Wait...let me go out and sale everything I own...

If you want - but remember what Apostle Paul said - it is no use your being a servant of GOD if you cannot look after your family - so if you have a family or people that depends on you surely selling your everything would be a negative effect on them.

How you do it will depend on you and your family. Remember - The Christ did not tell us to become fools by selling everything we have and be unable to look after your loved ones.
Oh....fuck! I thought Jadon left permanently, since he hadn't posted in a while. Damn! :p
dalahar said:
You didn't check out how I changed your words up there? :D

Apparently you do not understand the message of the story in The Scriptures that I referred too.

Sigh!!! another shallow minded person!!!!
AB Jadon,

Why do you refer to Jesus as The Christ™? As if he were a thing, like "the cat" or "the car"? Nobody says "Hey look! It's the Bob!". What's up with that?
superluminal said:
AB Jadon,

Why do you refer to Jesus as The Christ™? As if he were a thing, like "the cat" or "the car"? Nobody says "Hey look! It's the Bob!". What's up with that?

Part of the reason is in the words you have just said.
New! The Christon a Stick<sup>&reg;</sup> ice cream bars! Comes in three flavors:

Crunchy Crucifix Delight<sup>&reg;</sup>

Apostle Apple Supreme<sup>&reg;</sup>


Rocky Road Ressurrection<sup>&reg;</sup>​

Stock up now if you're unsaved, for that long stay in Hell!

One per unsaved after Judgement Day. While supplies (and souls) last.
dalahar said:
Proof that evolution caused Hitler to freak:


Thank you all for participating in this thread.

superluminal said:
AB Jadon,

Why do you refer to Jesus as The Christ;? As if he were a thing, like "the cat" or "the car"? Nobody says "Hey look! It's the Bob!". What's up with that?
Actually Jay's right on this one. "Christ" comes from the Greek "Khristos" which means "anointed one". "Christ" is a title, not a name. Also, the name "Jesus" is just a hellenized version of the name "Joshua".