Evolutionary Theory responsible for Nazism

§outh§tar said:
Very good point. But I will just like to ask one thing..

You haven't seen any Christians around handling snakes and drinking poison, just as the inspired Apostles testified to doing have you?

I mean, if Christians started doing that, or I dunno.. things as wild and crazy as nailing themselves to crosses and/or starving themselves for days on end in fasting, you think we could get a ban on Christianity? ;)

South Star, are you being facetious? Christians, particularily in Third World Catholic countries, do nail themselves to crosses at Easter and there is a snake handling Christian cult in Tennessee: The Dolly Pond Church of God. (See: http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Snakes.html) The founder of the movement died of a snake bite as have several other members. As a result snake handling was banned.
Hapsburg said:
In reality, it was an amalgam of many conflicting interests, mostly involving socialists, not Jewish Germans. The whole damn mess could have been totally avoided if Russia, and in effect, France, had not allied with Serbia prior to 1914. It would've just been the "Austro-Serb War of 1914" instead of "The Great War". Hilter wouldnt've had any basis for claiming power, and Europe probably would be in a better economic condition to absorb the shock of the 1929 Depression (if it happens at all,).

I agree with everything you say above. As for the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany, much of it also resulted from the sudden influx of poor eastern European Jews, which I didn't mention as I didn't want to get too far off topic.
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The Church provides in its dogma provisions for a just war.

With that one statement, you have encapsulated all that is the purpose of religion.

I think I'll go and throw up now.
dalahar said:
In other words, I don't think Hitler ever considered himself to be a Christian, he just professed to be when it fit his agenda. I thought I should at least point my mistake out.
He didn't only speak of being Christian during political speeches. There are many references from private conversations as well as from before he began his rise to power. So I would tend to disagree. Certainly it seems that he had quite a warped interpretation of Christianity and he did use it to serve his own agenda but then that is what this thread is about after all.

In other words, I don't think Hitler ever considered himself to be a Christian, he just professed to be when it fit his agenda
Ahh, I see. And how would you define 'Christian'? And why should we take your personal definition seriously?
dalahar said:
One who believes in Christ. To believe in Christ, you would display evidence for what Jesus taught.
Oh, like how the fanatically christian Crusaders slaughtered and butchered thousands of Muslims and Jews between 1095 and 1273? Or like how the fanatically christian Teutonic Knights obliterated the Baltic Prussian and Slavic peoples in the name of your "christ"? Or like how the Pope(s) ordered state-sanctioned genocide of anyone who wasn't christian in the inquisitions throughout Europe and North America? Or how the Conquistadors murdered nearly every single Mayan, Incan, or Aztec they saw in the Americas?
dalahar said:
Oh, and like how Jesus Christ formed His battalions and marched against the Romans.
I would've respected him more if he did organize armed rebellion.
And how He taught those who would follow Him to kill their neighbors.
He specifically didn't, but those that carried on his message did ("Kill the muslims! Arr!" so said every christian from 770 to 1300).
And how He preached hate as a hallmark of His ministry.
Again, he specifically didn't, but his followers did.
Yeah, I can see how His message was instruction to the Knights and the Pope
Well, since the Knights and the Pope blew it waaaay out of proportion, yeah.
(what the hell is a pope, anyway)
Christ's vicar on earth, spritual leader of Christianity, etc.
Damn, I'm an athiest, and even I knew that.
and the Conquistadors, who, as SouthStar put it so eloquently, were motivated by gold.
They were also devoutly religious...the gold was the initial motiviator, but when they discovered "pagan savages", they killed them on religious reasons.
Sleeper said:
South Star, are you being facetious? Christians, particularily in Third World Catholic countries, do nail themselves to crosses at Easter and there is a snake handling Christian cult in Tennessee: The Dolly Pond Church of God. (See: http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Snakes.html) The founder of the movement died of a snake bite as have several other members. As a result snake handling was banned.

Yes, I was being facetious. But admitting that ruins the fun!
Against the teachings of Christ. Christ commanded His followers to spread His message, not kill people.

I understand your point and I believe what you say, but Christ never directed anyone to do those things. He instructed people to love their enemies. Isn't that exactly the opposite of what these examples illustrate.

You have to take into account that if you're one of those people that believes jesus is god and that there's only one god, then he is the very same being from the OT who ordered many slaughters, performed many slaughters, commanded people to stone prostitutes to death, stone naughty children to death, caused the death of just about every single human and animal on the planet via drowning etc etc etc.
Lawdog said:
Let us pray for discernment. "by their fruits ye shall know them"

Unfortunately, your graceful and beloved theory of Evolution has a dark side when combined with astheistic and neopaganism/humanism:


Evolutionary Theory responsible for Nazism

Theories/philosophies spout theories/philosophies, theories/philosophies are responsible for other theories/philosophies -- and people are puppets in their games?

Who can be responsible? A theory/philosophy or the people employing it?
Think about it.
dalahar said:
I know who the pope is supposed to be. I just don't believe it.
Hmmm....I take it you are a Protestant?

Anyway, you do realize you are using improper grammar throughout your post? Improper noun ("he") is not supposed to be capitalized. :rolleyes:
Hmmm....that's odd, because isn't religion supposed to be NOT taught in public schools?
It's a federal law, that public schools cannot teach religion. It was ruled unconstitutional to teach religion in public schools in about fourty-five years ago.
I usually do ace my tests, yeah.
And, yeah, I'm guessing that some kind of alien life out there (the universe is way too fucking big for earth to be the only hospitable planet.), they've probably figured out how to utilize radio waves of some kind for communication.
I don't know what aliens with radios have to do with nazism and evolutionary theory. dalahar brought it up.
I don't think God gives a rat's ass what people think of His methods. He calls Himself a "Terrible God" (meaning to those who hate Him).

I don't think Hitler gave a rat's ass what people thought of his methods. He was a "terrible person" (to those that he hated). If you think the statement justifies the one then it certainly justifies the other.

Those people who were slaughtered would have killed mine and your asses at the drop of a hat if we were to show up in their frontier.

Who? Where? How do you know?

They were definitely ungodly in God's eyes.

I see.. So much so that he drowned them all. But then it is worth asking whether Hitler wasn't considered ungodly in god's eyes, or anyone of the countless nasty bastards that have not been dealt with in such fashion.

About the flood...I figure the "Conan the Barbarian" character comes from around this time. Except these people were extremely evil. The whole world was evil.

Yeah ok, the whole world was evil? What were the 6 month old babies doing? Rape, murder, bank robbery? What?

About the prostitutes, there weren't many. Not because they were stoned to death

Whether there was 1 or 5 million is of no relevance. Your god still ordered the death of them by stoning. You wouldn't really think what a woman does with her vagina is all that important that it deserves killing them for it.

I have had a round or two with alcohol but if someone told me they were going to stone me to death if I got drunk, I would have to pass up that drink.

And what would your thoughts be concerning the person who told you he would kill you?

Back then, for a while, Israel was the envy of the rest of the world and quite blessed. People would flock to Israel to see for themselves what God had done for them.

?? Who?
Lawdog, don't you understand that Raithere blasted your theory in Page 2 itself? If you argue that the theory of Evolution was responsible for Nazism, then by the same account, you have to accept that Christianity was as much responsible for it. Whether Hitler was practising true Christianity or not does not concern you. By the same account that Hitler wasn't doing what Darwin had told him (or would have told him). Their "fruits", remember? There you have it. Nazism is a fruit of Christianity, and so, Christianity should be abolished, according to its own teachings.
So this means that Evolution should also be abolished along with this? No. And agin, no. Because since Christianity has already been destroyed, that silly rule you stated in the beginning is also invalid (if it is based solely on the Bible). And besides, with christianity gone, you have all the more need of a good theory to explain our existence.
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