Evolutionary Theory responsible for Nazism

dalahar said:
Were you in the military or are you an army brat? Hmm...I take for granted that you didn't just live there. If you were not in the military, how did you find yourself in Wiesbaden? I arrived in Germany the second time in January of 1982. I was in the army.
M*W: Well, apparently, we just missed each other. I was one of the few USAF at the medical center. I departed Germany when the hostages were released and came to the hospital where I got to meet them. What unit were you in?
dalahar said:
No, it's just matter of fact to God. To Him it is just natural. If you deny Him, you cannot inherit life which comes from Him. It is more like, "Believe in Me and you will be saved."
Saved from what, created by whom?

Either God is the author of everything or he is bound by something greater. If the former is true then eternal torment is his desire. If the latter is true then he is not God.

God is a constant in the sense that He never changes. In other words, He has different emotions, yes, emotions. But His character never changes. God has the ability to be angry, along with feeling sad. He also feels compassion and humor. But He is still a constant in who He is. He is holy and just. He abhors sin. He will not change in those respects.
Different religions claim different characteristics... particularly in what God wants me to do. What lends credence to your claim? How can I know that you are accurately representing God? Maybe someone else is right and you are wrong. Perhaps, for me to get to Valhalla, I should instead die valiantly in battle.

dalahar said:
Alpha Company, 11th Signal Bn/32 AADCOM. I was at Cambrais-Fritsch Kaserne in Darmstadt. I was in a retrans unit and I had it made compared to the rest of the company. When everybody else went to the field, I got in my pickup truck w/radios in the back and cruised to either Monchburg, Kaiserslaut...er...K-town, or Malibokus. It has been 22 years so I might have the names a little screwed up or misspelled. Each place had a hill with a permanent radio sight and all I had to do was establish and maintain a relay for 2 other sights that retransmitted through me. It was a great time for me in the army. I got into "Conan the Barbarian" and read almost all the books. I wish we could have met because it would have been a trip to run into each other on this forum. What a coincidence that would have been. :)
M*W: Did you by any chance know a Robert Goolsby. He had two tours while I was there. He was at Hahn AB, I forget the town. He married my best friend. I was active in the theater at Wiesbaden. I seem to recall he was in artillery tanks, etc. Wiesbaden AFB became an Army installation in 1976. V Corps was there. I lived at American Arms. I was a disco freak at that time, but didn't sit out too many dances. Used to go to the Amelia Earhart (NCO Club). It was a lot livelier than the Officer's Club at Lindsey AS. Those were the days!
M*W: Ah, yes... the concerts! Let me see if I can recall some of them:

Judas Priest
Thin Lizzy
Charlie Daniels Band
Pink Floyd - The Wall
Jethro Tull
Moody Blues

I can't remember all of them.

Hey, it's great to know somebody who was there. I spoke fluent Deutsche, but I've lost most of it.

dalahar said:
Oh,man. The demo is 226 Mb. I am on dial-up. We're talking a whole day here. I better wait until a more convenient time.
I have bb. Hya Hya! :p
Seriosuly, though, it's fun, even though the demo only has two battle scenarios.
The full game that I read about on the site looks motherfuckin' awesome.
dalahar said:
God is not bound by something greater. He is the author of everything. Eternal torment is not His desire but it is a result of rejecting Him. It is a separation from Him because you don't believe (accept) Him.
You can't have both. Either God made the rules or he didn't. Either things are (reputedly) the way he wants them to be or they aren't.

Regarding rejecting god, I've yet to see anything to reject other than an unfounded idea. It seems to me that it would be an infinitesimally small matter for God to make himself known unequivocally. I also find it unethical for God to enforce a set of rules without making them very explicit. Let me use an analogy.

Imagine driving along a road and you see a speed limit sign that says 35mph and right next to it one that says 55, then 20, then a stop sign, a yield sign, and a wrong way. What do you do? Would you think it ethically sound for a police officer to arrest you for failing to obey the 20mph speed limit?

This is me personally: I recognize Christ as the Messiah. I recognize in His words, deeds, and manner. Also in the authority that He exercised.
I didn't ask what you believe though, I asked how you know you are right?

If you die in battle, we will bury you at Arlington. You should request that coins be placed on your eyes.
Yet another myth of the afterlife... so should I strive to die valiantly or make sure to bring an obolus for Charon? If I become a suicide bomber will I be greeted by 70 virgins or will I burn in hell? Or will all of this striving only make certain that I retain my attachment to the world and never reach Nirvana?

Is my dilemma any clearer to you now?

superluminal said:
Sherrif Cletus "rusty spurs" Abernathy III is the Law where I live.
What kind of fucked name is that?Sounds like a hillbilly to me. :D
Basically, if you were given proof that there is a god, and you could see with your own eyes, you would believe? You would believe but you would not approve.

Why would I not approve?

Further to which it wouldn't really make a difference, imo, whether I approved or not.. I would still then 'know' that god existed - and then if I was to be doomed to hell, it would actually be my fault for being sent there, {although that does bring up some serious issues of it's own}.

I deal with things that cannot be explained and so I feel I am at a disadvantage.

I generally get a small smirk on my face when people say "cannot be explained". That means that whenever someone starts mentioning god, they basically don't have the slightest clue concerning the subject matter they are speaking of. The same then would also be true of all those ancient people who gave you your religion would it not?

I am not highly educated nor have I a great position in the community. I am a lowly fellow if you want to know the truth. You might have already deduced that.

I never was a man for self-doubt. Look, you're better than that - no need to put yourself down.

Having said that, I am aware that god plays a big part in that, (from a christian perspective).. We're all sinners, all useless, all worthless little creations that can be 'switched off' whenever the creator has a bad day. That's a major aspect to me not liking christianity.

What exactly do we know? How much knowledge do we have as compared to the knowledge to be had?

Not a lot, but more than we did several thousand years ago.

Do we know that much about our universe? What about beyond?

Not a great deal, but more than we did several thousand years ago.

Do you believe that space is infinite? Does it never stop? What's on the outside of the universe?

Wouldn't know.

How little are we compared to what we have entered into? Are our minds capable of comprehending what might be possible (excluding god even)? Are there things in the universe and beyond that our minds might not be capable of understanding? I mean physically not capable, which, of course, would translate to mentally.

It's unlikely. Time and technology will provide the answers.

Do you not see flaws in evolution? Just curious.

In general science is not static. I accept that when it comes to theories that the details can 'evolve'. However, the fact that evolution happens simply cannot be disputed.
also. It is just in regard to my belief in Jesus Christ that I only require faith. Here is why...it is one of the major themes in the Old Testament. "Abraham was saved by faith."

Ok, let's consider this a moment: In the bible it states that god spoke to Abraham, (quite a lot). This would show that 'faith' is not an issue. Abraham would "know" god because they had spoken to each other. 'Faith' only remains when the person does not actually 'know'.

When it comes to sacrificing his son, his 'faith' is not in question. The angel says: "Do not harm him, for now I know you fear god."

Seemingly god wants people to be afraid of him. I personally don't consider that a good thing.

At the end of the day, Abraham wouldn't have been 'saved by faith', but saved because god felt like talking to him. Had god not decided to approach Abraham, he'd still be sitting in Sumeria worshipping tiamat and marduk. As a conclusion to this, atheists are 'unsaved' merely because god doesn't feel like talking to us like he did with Adam, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Abimelech, etc etc etc etc.

I know that still leaves a lot to be desired for someone who does not believe.

Well, if he came and spoke to us all like he did Abraham, (and many other people), then this wouldn't be an issue. The only problem is that he's done a vanishing act. He doesn't generally seem to talk to people anymore, (other than to tell some woman to stone her sons to death, to tell some chinese man to crawl into a lions den and preach jesus to the lions and other such things like that).

Let it be said that you cannot in any way call these people "insane", or something along those lines without also labelling Abraham and the others the same way.

(I am sorry if you hate bible quotes in this forum like some of the others, but it is necessary if you would understand aspects of why I believe)

Not at all, I use them myself.

You never said whether you were a Ricky Hatton fan..

Who's he?
Sleeper said:
Hello Lawdog. I have only glanced at the link so can't comment on its content but I think it is important to keep in mind that European antisemitism predates Darwinism by by many centuries. My understanding is that antisemitism actually has its origins in the New Testament (that's another discussion) and prior to the 19th century all antisemitism was religious in nature. The USA and Canada turned away a shipload of German Jewish refugees before the start of the war (sent them back to Nazi Germany where they all perished). This refusal to admit them had nothing to do with Darwinism and everything to do with a long standing dislike of Jews. The future state of Israel had British support prior to the British mandate of Palestine because some British leaders (Churchill included) thought world Jewry could be influential in bringing the Great War to a favourable end (a lot of nonsense!) and many Germans believed (unjustifiably) that Jews were responsible for their losing the war. This is where Hitler's antisemitism stems from - not Darwinism! The Nazi party co-opted social Darwinism because it suited their purpose. Had Darwinian theory not been available to corrupt they would have found another excuse to murder Jews. REMEMBER - Hitler's anti-semitism did not originate in Darwinism but sprang from his misguided belief that the Jews had betrayed Germany.

I agree, but there are some errors in your historical research. The New Testament is much more proof of the persecution of Christians than Jews, wouldnt you say? Not only the Crucifixion, but the stoning of St. Stephen, the persecution of Saul, the difficulties of Paul of Tarsus, etc etc.

ALSO: I dont recall saying that antisemitism was brought about by a fascination with Darwinism/Evolution.

The idea of Survival of the Fittest and (un)natural selection, social and genetic engineering, was drawn from the philosophy of utopian-materialist/socialist and capitalist/atheistic/military-industrial 19th century matrix of bloodshed.

Though many misguided christians became jew-haters, antisemitism does not have its origins in Christianity, as many here would like to assert in their frenzy to illiminate the religion. Antisemitism has its origin in the old pagan cultures. We know this from Roman and Egyptian History, and the fact that Jews were disliked originally not because of being Christ-killers, but because their religion is exclusive and monotheist.

Germany's antisemitism stems from its ancient paganism. Germany never became a fully christianized people but always were trying to turn back to their pagan roots. In the middle Ages, when almost all Europe was Catholic even "the bad guys", the Church always got the blame. But even as far back as the middle ages the Church bemoaned the slaughter of Jews by nominal Catholics in Germany and Israel in the Crusades and forbade the persecution of Jews. When in the late middle ages Lutheranism offered an ungovernered and freed up form of christianity, the Germans felt free to let their old antisemitism flourish. In the 19th century the German aristocracy, dissillusioned by the industrial matrix, embraced the occult and neopaganism. They lured the weak christians including some Catholics into accepting a renewed antisemitism. Darwinism combined with the occult doctrines of Theosophy and German Neopaganism to create the Nazi machine.
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(the Aztecs were prevented from offering thousands of human sacrifices because of Cortez's intervention)
Haha. Yeah, they're far happier being extinct than they were sacrificing the odd person.
Not that I'm against wiping out aztecs mind you, but that was a funny statement.
Hapsburg said:
Far from it. The two houses of Hohenzollern and Habsburg never went close to marrying into each other, and Franz Josef (NOT "Frank". It was "Franz", or Francis in english) was born in 1830. Wilhelm II was born in 1859. Far and much between, lad, far and much between.

What would commoners like you know?
Raithere said:
It seems to me that WWII was more of tribulation for Jews than loyal Christians.

But more to the point, how did you go about verifying this prophesy? I've read the Bible many times, not once does it mention Hitler or Germany. The reestablishment of a Jewish state cannot be considered evidence because it was, in part, a direct result of the "prophesy".


Should I tell you?

No, I think you would find it more exciting if you found it out for yourself.

But I assure you, it is prophesied in The Scriptures.
superluminal said:

We all make mistakes. Besides, I think AB JAdon just noticed he has five toes on each of his feet that look an awful lot like atrophied fingers. That's why he's laughing maniacially...


Ok. I'll accept the The Christ™ thing as a title.

As an athlete I have to keep my toes healthy and in good condition.

Thanks for your concern however Uncle!!!!!
As an athlete I have to keep my toes healthy and in good condition.

Dr Lou Natic said:
Haha. Yeah, they're far happier being extinct than they were sacrificing the odd person.
Not that I'm against wiping out aztecs mind you, but that was a funny statement.
The Aztec were certainly more civilized than Europe of the time, I can certainly say.
Clockwood said:
The Aztec were certainly more civilized than Europe of the time, I can certainly say.

I am not sure if you can claim such a thing - perhaps it would depend on what you mean by 'civilised'.