Evolutionary Theory responsible for Nazism

Angelic Being said:
Whatever, as long as I keep my muscles primed and my body toned.

Thank You.
Boast and brag all you want, retardo, but this is the internet. No one believes you, you little lying parrot. Do us a favor, and leave.

AB JAdon,

I have met the real messiah and he brings a message of truth to all of us. He tells us that Jesus was a liar. That he is the true messiah, and I believe him. We must spread his truth. Are you with me?
Whatever, as long as I keep my muscles primed and my body toned.

You probably weigh 300 pounds.
But not like you and your friend if you met on the street.

Sure, more like a telephone call perhaps.

Abraham kept his faith even though it was difficult. His wife Sarah didn't and she disbelieved God about having a son.

Sarah had no logical reason to... god hadn't spoken to her. She could only have 'faith' that what her husband told her was true, and not through the "knowledge" that Abraham actually had.

But his fear of the Lord proved that he would obey God on great pain.

I guess nobody bothered asking his son if he minded being the would-be victim. Well, we don't even need to guess.. The bible shows that Abraham kept the plan secret from him. All this so god could know that Abraham feared him, even though being omniscient god would already know that Abraham feared him.

Of course my only real problem here is that we all know, from life experience/history etc, that someone who wants you to fear him is really not worth knowing. Once you're in a relationship built upon fear it can certainly be hard to leave, (as is most often the case with battered wives), but I think we'd all agree it be best left well alone.

When I was in boot camp, I feared my drill sergeant. He was not out to harm us but his word was absolute law and he could be mean as a pit bull.

And if he told you to kill your son? While you could say there's a big difference between a drill sergeant and god, there's also a tremendous difference between making you do 50 push ups and making you murder your child.

If I was in that same position I would have to decline on grounds of personal morality. If god had an issue with that he wouldn't be worth my time.

I found that by the time I graduated boot camp, I highly respected and admired my drill sergeant.

Certainly - just like an abused wife often states she loves the man that's beating her senseless. But it is not the same as respect, admiration and love given willingly and freely.

I can both fear God for His power and love God for what He has done.

Which is what exactly? Seriously, what has he done?

God talks to all people.

I think it's quite safe to say you're mistaken. There are several billion people on the planet who have never been spoken to by this god of yours or are being spoken to by some different god/s.

Perhaps though you're stating that he either made our ears not work properly or that he's just a very quiet kind of god.

We live in a very difficult world.

Well I don't really agree. Sure, there is shit going on in the outside world - but in general I find life rather relaxed.

It may not be that God told those people to do those things.

And by saying so the very same could be true for Abraham and anyone else who claimed to have heard gods talk to them.

Maybe He was trying to keep them from doing crazy things...but they chose not to listen to Him.

That doesn't support the information. god told the woman to stone her sons to death, which is hardly trying to keep her from doing crazy things. And of course the bible fully supports the possibility of it. Not only do we have instances of god telling people to murder their children, (Abraham), but we also have god himself telling people to stone naughty sons to death, (Deut).

Jesus Christ changed all that. "Behold, I make all things new."

jesus didn't change anything: Matthew 5:17 Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete them, (the whole love thy neighbour was the added completion. He later states that you can hang the other laws on that law - which some think means ignore the other laws when it actually means all other laws are dependant upon that one - {i.e you cannot "love thy neighbour if you would covet his wife, kill him, or steal from him etc}), In truth I tell you, till heaven and earth disappear, not one dot, not one stroke, is to disappear from the law..

That includes stoning your naughty son to death, getting circumcised and not eating unclean animals such as pigs.

Seriously, a christian can't even go his few 80 years without having to eat a pig - against gods commandments, how much chance does he stand with anything else if he cannot even obey such simple/easy laws as that?

He paid the penalty for all of us by shedding His blood.

The 'penalty' of being a human? C'mon, nothing has changed.. We're still the same we were thousand of years ago. We still do nasty things and yet now you seemingly think it's ok because the creator who made us that way decided to temporarily kill himself? (and even that's questionable unless you're going to state that for several days god was actually dead, (i.e there was no god)).

We're certainly not 'perfect', but we don't have to apologise for being human, for being who we are, and who we were made to be. No space being has to come down and do an amusing magic show to make it all better.

No offence but I seriously detest the notion.

No more need for sacrifices.

Why was there ever a need for sacrifice? Why all those thousands of dead burning cows? (Yes I know god has a serious liking for burning meat as mentioned time and time again in the bible), but seriously - what need has this amazing god got for a dead moo-moo?

These people who run around killing babies and doing crazy things are not getting their instruction from Jesus Christ.

As I have shown, it is fully attested to and supported by biblical text. god has told people to stone their sons to death, (Deut), has ordered people to kill their children to show they fear him, (Abraham), and so on.

There is another whom I might blame.

Strange how you would blame the being that has not one recorded instance of telling people to kill their sons instead of the being that has. He seems to be a very convenient scapegoat for god, and obviously the reason for his creation.

But lets just for the sake of amusement say it was the devil's work.. Who is really to blame? The devil for doing that which is in his created nature to do or the being that created him with the ability to do what is in his nature to do?
dalahar said:
love God for what He has done.
You mean maim, brutalize, terrorize, and otherwise ravage we of lesser beings because he's somehow magically better than us?
Wow, god is a prick AND a bully. Logic leads me to the conclusion that, because both bullies and pricks suck, god sucks.
dalahar said:
>Jesus>>For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

You got duped... :D
still yet to find a true christian.
so you got duped too . all these things you think you'll get in the next life, how wrong you are, your going to hell like the rest of us , if you believe that crap that is.
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No, more like voices in his head.

Ok, and how do you establish credibilty of someone who 'hears voices in their head'? Let's be honest for a moment: There is no justification to state that mentally ill people were any less prevalent several thousand years ago, but there is justification to state that mentally ill people thousands of years ago wouldn't have ever been diagnosed as mentally ill. It is justified to state that these people of ancient times had no way with which to diagnose mental illness - Ok, certainly the real gibbering fruitloops would have been taken round the back and beaten with a large stick, but no real way of working out that someone was a few gunmen short of a posse.

There is a very short step between what you would call a "prophet" and someone who is mentally ill. The difference that many try and attribute is that prophets came up with stuff that 'supposedly' actually happened - although I fail to see anything even remotely remarkable about that given the circumstances - not to mention that even clearly delusional and mentally ill people do have the ability to 'prophesize'.

The problem we have right now is one where we need to establish a level of credibility for Abraham. That is the first course of action before we can move any further, and the simple fact remains that we can't. We cannot provide one iota of evidence in support of Abrahams sanity or insanity.

We can move on from there and look at what we do have. The biblical text openly and clearly states that this Abraham was Sumerian. We have Sumerian texts clearly depicting the same stories shown in the early portions of the bible that predate those texts by at least 1,500 years. This includes the case of the mountaintop sacrifice of the ram instead of the son.

Given the actual evidence it is somewhat apparent to state that this Abraham character did travel and took a great deal of his cultures stories with him. These were then 'updated' to reflect the new society. Moving on from there it becomes reasonable to state that Abraham did not actually go through any of the events that are depicted, but that they are indeed older, handed down stories that have been repeated by a later group of people.

None of this of course changes my original reply in that being spoken to by a being means 'faith' is no longer an issue, (it becomes a case of 'knowledge' instead). Thus to rebutt your original statement: Abraham was not 'saved by faith', but by 'knowledge' of a being that decided to converse with him. Us atheists will end up 'unsaved' on the basis that that very same being has decided not to converse with us.

It is simply wrong to state that some lowly human should be expected to try and track down this being that supposedly loves him so, with such undeniable hardship - a mammoth task that several billion people have been unable to complete - without a little bit of help. Abraham might have been 'special' to god, but I would argue that we can all be just as special in the same position. If god found it in his heart to at least say "hello" to all of us, it would improve our situation a thousand fold, prevent satan from having such a supposed grasp on us, stop any debate about whos god is real, if any, and generally all-round benefit mankind, (and god), to an extreme degree.

We all know that god detests sin, detests homosexuality and other such things. With knowledge of his existence as opposed to guesswork - (i.e faith), the sinning would drop unbelievably so. Many will take their chances with the law, but would those same people take their chances with an omniscient sky being who is seemingly right at home with annihilation of naughty people? I think not.

The fact is that Abraham had it easy.

Sarah believed in God. She was with her husband and had seen what was transpiring for herself.

Which was what exactly? She saw Abraham bonking the maid, telling Abimelech she was his sister, (which technically speaking she actually was), instead of pointing out that she was also his wife, only to bawl his eyes out when she died - when knowing god he should have considered her death a good thing.

I never understood why religious people morun the dead. Is it not true they're going to a much grander place? Is it not true that these people are going off to heaven to be with the one and only god? Is it not true that in actuality death is a good thing? Should we not all celebrate death given that it is such a joyous moment when they're re-united with the father of fathers, the creator of humans? Damn man, right now he should be throwing a party, not crying his eyes out as if some wrong has just been committed.

It always struck me as very hypocritical. Religious people should welcome death.

God wanted Abraham to prove His faith.

No no, fear. Let's kindly remain true to the biblical text. Fear and faith are nowhere near being the same thing. I have already also rebutted any instance of 'faith' being a factor in the equation. Abraham had a personal relationship with god, and as such 'faith' is utterly negated.

But we are talking about God.

What does that change? I am expected to cast aside my god-given sense of morality all of a sudden because he gave me my morality and thus it doesn't mean anything when he decides to infringe upon that very same sense of morality that he gave me?

Would it not be wrong for me to ignore my god-given sense of morality when he comes forth and tells me to kill my child? Would it not be against god to go against that which he has made me to do?

I have, (to a religious man), been created by this being and have been provided with a whole host of different abilities, feelings, emotions, and whatever else you can think of. I cannot change them or go against them - they are after all, god-given. My god-given morality states that I would not, no matter who or what the circumstances, even consider killing my child. I will happily go to hell, happily be damned for that. I would happily kill god for the second time if he even so much as dared threaten the life and safety of my child without so much as a moments hesitation. I did not give myself that and it stands to reason that going against my very nature is the same as going against god - because he gave me that nature.

Maybe he gave me that nature expressly so I would go against it, but that's just plain daft. He's obviously done a damn good job because I cannot in any way go against it.

Please remember, I am not trying to preach or persuade anyone of anything.

Unlike some people I have no problem with preaching. I just yawn and move on. You couldn't in all honesty persuade me into anything, (that's just in my god-given nature), and thus I do not consider it an issue. To me it's all about the interesting discussion, nothing more.

I am here because I enjoy the conversation and I appreciate your arguments.

The feeling is mutual.

People here on earth do not have a right to make other people fear them.

I would like to ask: why not?

They are not worthy.

In comparison to what? We are certainly more 'worthy' than a bird right? So, having said that, is it - in your opinion - ok to try and run a zoo through fear? Is it ok, is it moral to have your pet dog so shit scared of you that it would never sit on the sofa? Where everytime it walks in the room you raise your hand and it cowers knowing that it will probably receive a fist to the face? By human standards that is convictable. Do we then, us little humans, have a higher moral stance than god himself? One where we recognise the importance of compassion and love and the absence of a life run through fear whereas god doesn't?

Does he not, as the head honcho, have to in many ways lower himself to our level of understanding? Can he not quite grasp that if out version of morals disagree with his, that is he that needs to change? That unfortunately we are not "perfect", or high enough to settle for his version of morals and that the only plausible method is indeed for him to settle for our standards? This is a given, especially when you ask where your sense of morals came from. He invented them, he gave them to you - and then thinks that he can undo that which he gave to you and made you have no choice but to follow?

"Kill your child"

"Sorry I can't do that, my moral values don't allow it"

"fuck your moral values, I'm god"

"I can't, and you should know because you gave them to me".

This is personal of course. Maybe you could kill your child, I don't know and I don't want to know - but then that is only because god made you that way.. He made me literally incapable of even considering it - and thus has no place to then tell me to go against that which he gave me.

What have they done to make men bow to them?

Well, from a personal standpoint - I think the space programme is f****** awesome. Dude, we have robots on Mars. I love that shit. Man, maybe you don't appreciate it, but god put an entire universe out there. It is very unlikely he did so without wanting us to go out and explore it. Certain people made that possible. Armstrong, Aldrin and Shepherd did what many wouldn't have had the guts to do. They boldly went where no man had gone before.. *plays Star Trek theme tune*.. Damn right I'll bow to them. These people are heroes. The very first to actually walk on a rock separated from our planet. They shall be remembered forever.

I think religion generally teaches a person to really look down upon humanity. I think, aside from all the festering crap stuck in the middle, that mankind is fucking amazing.

You know, several thousand years ago man really had started to accomplish great things. It worried god so much that mankind worked together that he came down, spread us all over the planet, and confused us so we couldn't understand each other. No being in the whole of mankinds history has tried to prevent us from moving forward as god has. He has ultimately failed, and man is now progressing at a rate literally unheard of at any other time in our existence.

We have crossed the boundaries of confusion, (against gods plans), we have come together and achieved that which we probably never should have, (from gods perspective). I am proud given that god wanted pet poodles but instead got demi-gods.

Back in the early days god cursed the ground, (genesis). Painfully we will get our food from it.. But look at how we have achieved. How god's plan has become meaningless to us. How we no longer toil the ground in pain, but with simplicity.

Look at how we have annihilated god's killing creations, (smallpox etc). The very same being that created Einstein created ebola, and gave it the express duty of annihilating human and animal life. Call it a little soldier of god if you will..

Now, man does his utmost to go against god. We try and eradicate god's creations that for some god-given reason feel impelled to exterminate us. We have succeeded in many cases to undermine god's handywork.

To quote Mark Twain:

"Just so with diseases. If science exterminates a disease which has been working for God, it is God that gets the credit, and all the pulpits break into grateful advertising-raptures and call attention to how good he is! Yes, he has done it. Perhaps he has waited a thousand years before doing it. That is nothing; the pulpit says he was thinking about it all the time. When exasperated men rise up and sweep away an age-long tyranny and set a nation free, the first thing the delighted pulpit does is to advertise it as God's work, and invite the people to get down on their knees and pour out their thanks to him for it. And the pulpit says with admiring emotion, "Let tyrants understand that the Eye that never sleeps is upon them; and let them remember that the Lord our God will not always be patient, but will loose the whirlwinds of his wrath upon them in his appointed day."

They forget to mention that he is the slowest mover in the universe; that his Eye that never sleeps, might as well, since it takes it a century to see what any other eye would see in a week; that in all history there is not an instance where he thought of a noble deed first, but always thought of it just a little after somebody else had thought of it and done it. He arrives then, and annexes the dividend."

Twain - Letters from Earth

The quote, indeed the whole story, is nothing less than genius, and something that I have not only agreed with my entire life, but is ever prevalent in human history. Back in the days of jesus curing lepers, we did not know how. We questioned why this god would come down and cure that which he had caused in the first place. We then realised that a half-dozen cured lepers didn't really mean anything. What we, as humans, needed to do was completely annihilate god's creation. Ok, perhaps we're not entirely there yet, but with a little time and one more of gods army goes the way of the dodo - and yes, even you will thank god - even though you should be thanking man for going against god, annihilating his creation with the same energetic fashion that he annihilates us.

As a side thought: Do we care about ebola? Do we love HIV? Would we not exterminate them the very millisecond they dared go against us? I give you god - and I give you man, that will be stuck in a fucking petrie dish all for the amusement of this being that created pubic lice and testicle cancer.

How about you take 10 seconds to think about all the young children dying this very second of serious diseases before worshipping the one that created and implemented those diseases?

I will, as an adult, state that I have done many wrong things. I have probably offended my all-loving creator a thousand times over. I accept that on the basis that I am an adult who understands these things, but a tiny child? That is extremely sick my friend, extremely sick. Let's understand and recognise that these things were created with the express understanding that they would kill people - and completely indiscriminatory.. No matter whether you're 1 or 100, whether you're christian or atheist, black or white, male or female. There would be no stopping these creations of god through prayer. It is by the death of man that we combat god. We are at constant war with him, and we always come out the victor. It might take time, but we eventually always out-manuevre god.

(I'm sorry if this is heavy, my son died 7 years ago yesterday.. It's always a bad time for me).

That is where I am sure I would have failed God myself. My faith is not so great.

And therein is my point. You would have 'failed' god because he made you that way. Your morals differ to his, and it can't be expected for you to adopt his version of morals because he is far above you, "beyond your comprehension" even. As a result to this he must adopt your morals - or more to the point, push some of his own aside so they do not infringe upon who you are as a person created by him. god asking you to be something you are clearly not is like asking a hoover to make you a cup of tea. It doesn't matter how much you ask, the hoover will always fail. Do you honestly expect the hoover to understand your sense or morality, your nature of being? Of course not, the hoover just does what it is made to do - and so do you.

Abraham showed great faith in his actions.

Once again - no, he did not. He had knowledge of this beings existence. He had knowledge that the consequence of disobeying would not be a good one. In his shoes I would personally have told god to kiss my ass, but he, (imo), was a weak human who would rather kill his own child than stand up to his child's right to life and his moral god-given nature. I can only dare god to even try me, and I know he wouldn't. Come between my child and I, and you're going down.. I don't care who you are.

I don't think Abraham would have gone through it if he didn't think God would make it right somehow.

See? Because he had knowledge of god's existence. This completely and utterly negates any instance of 'faith'. He knew god existed, knew the consequences of his choices, and picked the weak way out. The first thing I would do is have him banished from my presence for such total cowardice.

But Abraham believed in and had faith in God.

No, he 'knew' god/the existence of god. However, even if I knew god - or just had faith in god - I would still have to decline on grounds of personal morality, whether I be damned or not.

Let me ask you and hope for an honest answer because it has always been of interest to me..

So you die and go to the pearly gates. god says: Your child has been bad and is doomed to hell. Will you take his/her place? Basically this means your child gets entry to heaven and you burn for eternity with satan.

I'm curious what you would say, please indulge me, and please be honest.

I never did understand why women do that.

That is how the whole 'fear' thing works. We could also cite cases of Helsinki syndrome, (properly Stockholm syndrome). I guess god is smart in that respect that he knows ruling people through fear does produce an inescapable bond whereas asking for someone's love and respect is a tad harder to receive and you actually have to work hard for it. We all know god isn't the working type, instead being an entity of order giving and annihilation when refused.

Let's be honest in stating that religious people, (just like the rest of us), have something against death. The main difference is that we just put up with the horrible notion, whereas you barter against it happening. You're playing right into his hands. He created you, he created death - and there you are begging for your life not to end... ever. You've been suckered, royally duped. Sure, you might live forever in some city made of gold.. Either way you're a muggings. I'd rather just decay and rot than be a poker chip in someone's glorious lottery.

See and there's the thing.. You guys think you're there already when in truthfulness all it takes is one sin and you're disqualified.

"But wait, you're not circumcised - off you go to hell"

"But wait you ate pork.. goodbye"

"But wait, you once told a lie.. Ciao amigo".

You are at the complete mercy of a being that, in your own words, is completely incomprehensible - the very being that came down and, oh deary me, magically 'died' without actually dying, and said you're now free to be an asshole because you're forgiven.. IF <- and there is the thing. You're not actually forgiven at all, (unless you tell me I can happily go round killing whomever I choose and still go to heaven without having to provide diddly-squat). But no, there's an IF and it stays the exact same IF it always has been: Bow down to me and I'll consider it.

Did you not notice from reading the bible that you can get away with anything as long as you suck god? The sacrifice was meaningless other than to make many more people suck him. And hell no, it was no sacrifice. Who died? (Don't even think of telling me that god actually died). It was a parlour trick and you fell for it hook, line and sinker.

"Ouch, the pain!" screamed god before meeting his demise.

It's extremely daft.

I don't think the abused wife highly respects and admires her husband if he beats her.

But they do. Most often their love runs rampant and they couldn't even imagine a life away from this person. Yes, it's strange - but so is the worship of a being that has killed more humans than any other entity in history.

He sent His Son to purposely die on the cross.

This has always bothered me. Can you and I, right here - right now, please clarify the matter....

"His son" actually refers to himself right? I mean.. jesus is god right? So in saying that, jesus and god are the same being - which means god actually sent himself to 'die' on the cross?

Once that has been established, we'll move on to part 2:

Would you state that at any time in history, (any time ever), that god has been non-existant? Would you state that at any time ever god has actually been completely dead, (again non existant)?

Now, if you're an honest religious man you will most likely answer:

1) Yes
2) No

To quote John Travolta: "Weeeeeeeeeeeee, what a predicament". (Face Off)

You see, if jesus is god, then god sent himself down to earth, and if god has never died, then jesus - which is he, has never died either. Thus the entire affair was a magic show intended to make stupid little humans that we are go "wow!". He could have pulled his testicles off in front of 50,000,000 adoring fans and it wouldn't have meant anything to him. He could have made all the screams, grunts and farts known to mankind and it would still be meaningless. "Ouch!" means nothing when you're god.. sheesh, you think the dude's a weakling? You think an arrow up the bum can hurt god? You think being nailed to a plank of wood is of any consequence to the creator of the universe? Get real my friend.

I'm sorry.. where is the miracle? Where is the action that I am supposedly meant to be grateful for? That in all these thousands of years of god-given human nature, I am supposed to be thankful when a god plays Houdini in order to forgive me for being me as he created me to be? I can always give him a medal if he wants, (or a dead burning cow).

Please Dalahar, do not try and make me show sympathy and respect to a god that you assume suffered pain and death without even mentioning the 3 year old children that are HIV positive or suffering from Leukemia right here, right now - and all created by this being that you're trying to make me feel sorry for or thankful to.

I fucking resent it. I will do my utmost to try and help these people. god's suffering is absolutely bloody worthless in comparison.

It was an act that is meant for all people...everyone.

If it's meant for everyone, why doesn't he try really dying? Why not infect himself with yellow fever, HIV, the 24 hour bug, or ebola? Being strung to a plank of wood, (when you're also an unkillable god), is piss in comparison. Why doesn't he try being 3 years old while he's at it?

You simply have no case. One walk through a childrens hospital will show you that.

Btw, just out of interest... Who does the crying? Does god cry that his creation are dropping like flies? If so, does god not consider the fact that he can stop it with a click of his fingers?

No my friend, it is us who cries. Us parents, us humans. We sit here and watch our children die without being able to stop it, without being able to save them. Powerless and weak - but completely "all-loving", for I have never met a parent who would not happily trade places with his dying child. Would your god do that? Would god give his very soul to save his loved ones? I would take hell 100 times over to save my daughter. Would god? The answer is most likely no given that he created that hell, he created the diseases, the death, the pain.

My daughter could be the biggest bitch on the planet. She could be a serial killer for all I give a shit. When it comes down to the crunch I would exchange places with her in a heartbeat. Would god? The answer is no, and that is why I am better than god. See, he would be the one sending her to hell, I would be the one trying to save her from it.

Some would say that god does save... IF. With me there are no IF's.

And damn, I wont even ask for you to worship me. Do as you please man, you're always welcome to my home - regardless.

They might not listen to Him because of the cares of the world or maybe a lack of faith, but He communicates with them.

Ok, so let's say he does... What does he say in those communications?

It would be your heart where you would feel God's communication.

Actually it wouldn't. The heart is but a muscle - designed by god to pump blood around the body. It serves no other purpose. Any signals and communication received would be via the brain. It would seem modern day humans are still at an Egyptian level of understanding.. You are aware that's where it comes from? That the brain was a useless organ and that the heart was the center of it all?

While I appreciate the saying is pretty standard among humans, I must also point out the complete and utter inaccuracy of it. If you can't even get basic anatomy right what chance would you have explaining an invisible sky being? And this is how humans are.. so stuck upon the halfwitted opinions of ancient sheep herders who knew diddly-squat about the planet. Damn man, in England most people still say "Hello, how are your wife and kids?" to magpies. It's a bloody bird ffs.. I mean, c'mon.. how stupid are we? They think that ostriches bury their heads, velociraptors were 7ft tall and that the world was made 6,000 years ago. People just aren't ready for complicated stuff. We're in what I would call the Superstitious age part II. A day can't even pass without some jerkoff crossing his fingers, scratching his lottery card with the heads side of a coin, or throwing salt over his shoulder - avoiding ladders or saying "bless you" when someone sneezes.

C'mon man, nobody who had the plague was "blessed" in any way, you really think it's going to do any good now that the plague has gone the way of the dodo? You think a magpie gives a shit whether you say hello or whether the cosmic Mr. Sod cares if you walk under a ladder? Shit my friend, it's a world full of idiots - little different from the days of "witches" and gods. Talking of them, look at these breathing penises that claim to read your future, your starsigns and a whole host of other incompetent bollocks.

We are living in a time of severe, and almost catastrophic stupidity. Admittedly there are short bursts of brilliance in amongst that astounding incompetence. That is the purpose, that is the goal. To extend yourself beyond the level of class idiot. To advance beyond some snivelling little wretch who isn't in all honesty worth a pint of piss.

While perhaps that paragraph be best aimed at myself, perhaps I missed my chance in life and now I'll die without leaving anything, I do urge mankind to move beyond the pathetic level they are currently at. People like Twain were far beyond everyone of their generaton - and that is what makes a man, whether they are hell bound or not.

How could god honestly fault them whether they worshipped him or not? They changed our future, not god. They set our paths and goals. They told us what it was all about, they gave us reality. The fact of the matter is that god hasn't given us anything - other than dead cows and dead people - and it was so against his ideals that he got himself killed for it.

Seriously dude, if you want a pet dog just say so.

So do I. There are people who are not as fortunate as us. Some people have problems inside their minds and they are tormented constantly. Some people have handicaps and can't get around to do simple things like the rest of us. Some people don't have food to eat or clean water to drink.

Might I ask who it was that created it all this way? When a man is starving who does he thank for global positioning and a lack of meat? When a man has devils in his head who does he thank for devil creation and implementation? When a man is handicapped who does he thank for it, (you cannot not say god on this last one. In the OT god clearly states that it is he who makes people blind, deaf, crippled, hunchbacked, dwraved and so on - weird to see that in the NT he blames the devil for the very same thing).

Exactly. I just believe that He is the true God. Anyone who's got the balls to say their name is "I Am That I Am" has got to be a bad boy . Just kidding.

I get the feeling you're not really kidding, and while that's fine - and be happy to be honest about it - because honesty works, it doesn't really leave any of us in any better a position. We have been threatened countless times, we have read about gods openly making bold demands and bold statements. It unfortunately remains meaningless.

And yes, let me say it again in bold: unfortunately. I think it is unfortunate that this loving god prefers hide and seek.. I am upset that having watched my son die god never came to console me even though vastly imprefect humans did, I am bitter that the creator of me, of all, or everything has not got the decency to respect that which he made, instead preferring to treat us like caged rats in a laboratory.

Now, let's not mistake this.. We are rats. A rat has as much free will as we do. A rat can choose to accept the creator or not, but just like us the rat cannot comprehend god. Much like us the rat has no reason to believe that it was ever put here on purpose, that it was ever designed. All it knows is how to eat and fuck. Overall we might know slightly more than that, but we are no better equipped to understand or believe in a god. You can tell the rat that it's an issue of faith but it doesn't mean anything. Unless Mr. Rat god spoke to them in person and assured them of it's existence in a language and style that they can comprehend, they are in a position that will never work - threats of burning mice are inconsequential.

And then of course Mr. Rat god blames the rat creations of his for spreading disease - when it is completely natural and unavoidable for rats to do. Who is to blame here? The rat or the rat creator?

I contend that we are all pawns in a deliberate game of "fuck the humans" - all godly suicides aside.

I am not a biblical scholar or someone who was chosen to be so spiritually enlightened to deal with those subjects.

Might I ask why not? I mean look.. I know nothing about cars... If I did want to know about cars, had a passion for cars, worshipped cars.. I would take the bloody time to learn everything humanely possible concerning cars. Who am I to speak otherwise? While yes, I might be able to state that the lamborghini countach is the best car ever made, I wouldn't even dare say it to a car professional, or even a semi-up on car kinda guy.

If I liked cars as much as I claimed to, knowing everything about cars would be an absolute. It would be the main priority in my life. Yes, I understand that I might sadly find out that lamborghinis are not the best car, but truth beats opinion hands down everytime. I would make it my lifes goal to find the absolute undeniable car truth or else it's nothing more than a fleeting hobby, a passing fad, something to look cool with the boys.

Sure, it's just my nature - but I don't play those kind of games. If I'm in, I'm in. I guess then that it's just unfortunate the dealer forgot to give me cards.

You on the other hand have been dealt the cards.. you just can't be bothered looking at them. Let me just say that a blind poker hand never gets anywhere. While we both lose, I simply folded before it started while you bet everything you had for no good reason whatsoever. While yes, we have both lost, I have been more honest. If I am then wrong, and you win the hand it is inconsequential - because I was destined to lose anyway, remember, I never got any cards. You could just play those blind cards and win or lose. Personally I would just rather notice that I don't have any - damned or otherwise.

Of course you also mentioned "spiritually enlightened", which equates to a rigged hand. You already know you have a royal flush, so everything becomes meaningless. I mean seriously, the entire round doesn't mean shit. While you know your hand, nobody else knows theirs.. The pot is yours before you even begin.. My apologies, but how am I supposed to gamble against someone like that? How do I, in all honesty, expect to win before I have even received a hand against someone who we all know has a royal flush?

It's the very basis of the saying: "It's the cards you are dealt", but instead of it being luck - which is implied, it now becomes one of deity choice. "I, as god, choose for this man to have 4 of a kind, while I choose for this man to have 5 cards that amount to nothing".

No matter what you do, you just cannot win. You want to believe you can win, regardless to what the cards show. The rest of us are just realistic about the matter. We can't win, hell - we don't even have cards. That's all there is to it.

By His death, death was conquered.

The simple fact is that:

A) God did not die, (unless you're telling me that for 3 days there was no such thing as god, and then a completely non-existant being willed himself back into existence -and

B) We all still die. Nothing was conquered. I have seen the religious man bawl his eyes out like you've never seen over the death of a loved one. If he were really going to meet sky daddy there would be no tears, but celebration.. end of story. It is utterly hypocritical for a religious man to be upset over the death of a human considering that human does not die, but is reunited with god.

Nothing has been 'conquered'.. Most of us are still doomed to hell, and all of us still die.

You can use the word 'conquered' when we're all in heaven as opposed to burning on a skewer.

Jesus Christ said that if any one harm these little ones, it would be better that they had never been born.

While inflicting those very same 'little ones' with all kinds of serious shit. I mean honestly, have you seen a 3 year old child die in your hands due to some god-provided disease? Have you seen a young child die for no reason whatsoever - and the only explanation you can come up with is that in the bible god states that the first born are his, and he will take them?

What you are inadvertently saying is that god should never have been born. The very same being that ordered us to harm those little ones, the very being that told Abraham to kill his little one, the very being that set bears upon a group of little ones who called a man 'baldie'. The very same being that told us all he would punish our children to the fourth generation. The very same being that annihilated every single one of his "little ones", his children, by drowning?

You know, I watched my son die. I didn't kill him, it was "gods-will", as people often tell me. What that means is that god killed my child for his own reasons. Whatever those reasons might be, they are contradictory to your statement and they are fucking out of line. My son had done nothing to anyone, he hadn't sinned, he couldn't even talk or walk let alone sin. Your god sat by and did nothing. After he died where was your god? My mother, whom I don't get along with, managed flowers and an apology. My fucking gardener even managed to give his sympathy. Where was your god? The one who said "do no harm to little ones", while happily slaughtering my little one? Oh shit, the dude was vacationing in some other galaxy. That completely negates any "perfect" value that might be assigned. I understand that people don't oft understand the word "perfect", but perfect by definition cannot fail - else it becomes imperfect. The simple fact that god was not there to console me during my time of need proves beyond any doubt that the word "perfect" becomes worthless.

I agree with your statement though - It would be better they were never born.

He also said, "Suffer the little children to come to me, for the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of such as these." I think the woman was deranged because God does not deal with man in that fashion under the covenant He has made with the world today.

Remember that the modern 'covenant' does not remove the old one. You are still under godly obligation to be circumcised, not eat unclean meat and stone your kids to death if they are naughty. It's also the place you stated you would fail. The test that god is known to do to ensure you are one of his. Killing a human is nothing to this being remember? A few kids? who gives a shit?

But think about it.. being refused access to heaven all because of your penis. It goes against all reason, doesn't it?

When Jesus came, He fulfilled the law by making it known that it was deeper in meaning. In other words, the law was not just words on a stone tablet to be obeyed. Jesus wanted men to obey the laws from the heart. The only way to do this is to genuinely feel love for your fellow man and neighbors. Don't just obey the law, but love your fellow man in your heart, so the law will be fulfilled and accomplished completely in the way it was intended. Have mercy on those who need help and don't turn them away. Do good to them that hate you.

Of course, as you must have realised, none of this goes against what I said, or what jesus said, that all the laws are just as important as each other. That means you must be circumcised and not eat unclean meat. I have the distinct feeling you're guilty already. I know you shall pass it off as a sin paid for with blood - and there is my problem. You see, I can happily kill someone and then say it's all paid for. The debt is removed because god suicided himself. It makes every sin worthless. It means you can be the ultimate scumbag and it doesn't mean shit. It means we're all going to heaven - hell will be empty, and heaven will be exactly like earth but we'll all be dead, in a golden city, and my life as an atheist is irrelevant. Having said that I can happily live life as an atheist or satan worshipper and still go to heaven and then for the mere sake of it change my mind. Thus all the preaching is utterly and completely un-bloody-necessary.

Back when the law was given, you could seem to obey the law, but you could harbor hate for others at the same time. Outwardly, you could appear as a good man, but inwardly you could be a hateful, spiteful person. Jesus said, "What good is a cup if it is clean on the outside but dirty on the inside?". He wants us to be clean on the inside more than the outside.

Certainly, and on the ourside you're a good christian, who loves jesus and god and celibacy and detests homosexuals, and bombs abortion clinics while on the inside you love pork and don't want someone to chop the end of your dick off. All that praying, all that "I love jesus", bullshit doesn't actually mean anything. When it comes to the crunch jesus will say "I never knew you, away with you" - all because you couldn't follow simple orders concerning your dietry habits and what to do with your willy.

Once again, that is all under the old covenant when God was dealing with Israel. Things like that do not apply today.

Yes they do, so sayeth jesus: "Not one dot, not one stroke..."

Nice to ignore jesus when it suits you personally, heh?

Hee, Hee. The pig thing...That was for the Jews and I believe it was for health reasons (trichnosis?). It does not apply for us today.

Yes it does - so sayeth jesus. And hell, even if it didn't, is it that hard to go without just incase you cannot comprehend the orders of this incomprehensible god?

The Jews and Muslims still think that pork is unclean but I don't give any of those laws a second thought.

Of course not, we only care about the outside of the cup these days.

I might still abide by some of them, such as the incest laws, but only if they apply to me today.

Oh I see, fuck god, you decide what's right and wrong? Lowly pissant human that you are.. (that's not personal, please don't take it as such - it is there to make a point that I hope you understand).

Jesus is a Christophany. God's Son is God's Son because it is the embodiment of God. The "Angel of the Lord" is the Son.

Ok, let's kindly stop beating around the bush..

jesus = god, god = jesus, jesus and god = the same bloody thing. I'm sick of all this bollocks trying to make jesus be something different to god, while then claiming jesus is god. It's bollocks. I know I've said 'bollocks' several times now, but I have no other word to use than bollocks, because it is bollocks.

What you're saying is that god created us, with the instinct nature to be nasty. He then realised we were nasty bastards, and decided that the only way he could possibly save us from being what he made us to be, was to kill himself - thus removing any liability from himself for making us to be as he made us to be, and thus confusing man for all eternity - who know god cannot possibly die, while trying to convince the rest of us that he did indeed die, and all to save mankind for being exactly what he made them to be. It is the pinnacle of idiocy, and something that does not settle easy with my stomach - generally because it is the pinnacle of idiocy.

god makes us, doesn't like us for being what he made us to be, decides to kill himself to forgive us for being us.. c'mon man, it's ludicrous. I wouldn't spin that yarn to my young daughter without feeling like a twerp. So.. there was this dude who made you, then realised that you suck, so got himself whacked just so you could be forgiven for being you. Enjoy it.

Lol, it's all bollocks.

Some people believe Melchizedek was a Christophany. I don't know.

It doesn't matter what you think you know. Let's stick to biblical text.. In Hebrews, god states that jesus takes on the role of melchizedek, (a man with no beginning and no end - thus god right?). And god swears an oath that jesus will be a priest forever. Let's get this straight once and for all - jesus is not given the title of god or would be god, mini god, or son of god. According to god himself, jesus is a priest. A middle man between humans and god... a job that has been held by others before him.. a job that in no way makes or classifies jesus as any kind of deity, any kinds of god. Of course this doesn't stop the church, who would try and change jesus from being that which he is - top priest. They think a pope somehow outdoes that position but it is simply nonsense. We could also make mention of where the bible calls jesus the "first born of all creation". The very sentence itself completely negates any possiblity of jesus being god. It implies that he was born, and that he was created - two things that the 'real' (tm) god is exempt from. The biblical facts concerning jesus is that he is a priest.. nothing more. So sayeth god. You want to debate against that? That is fine, but it isn't me you're debating against.. it's god. Do you think you're man enough?

Although I hate to come to this point in time, I am far far too intoxicated to continue right now. It is a tough time of year for me, and one that I find leaves me incapable of coherent discussion. I shall, if it is ok with you, continue with this in the morning. It's amazing really, I can get pissed as a fart, and I still try my hardest to avoid typos. I guess it's a blessing - or a curse, I haven't quite figured it out yet.

Goodnight for now. Feel free to respond on the replied matter.
Oh wait, I shall manage.. I did not realise I was close to the end, and I thought my massive post would be a real issue. I might aswell finish what has been started. It seems the right thing to do..

Death on the cross is not an amusing thing.

While I do agree, as a lowly human being, what - in all honesty - does 'death', which isn't even death, on a cross mean to god? Does he want a bandage? Much that I dislike repeating myself, my concerns are focused more on the young children wasting away due to some seriously evil disease as opposed to 10 minutes "pain" suffered by a being that has and will exist forever.

No offense taken. The cross is an offense to many.

What are you talking about? The 'cross' is no offence.. I would state that perhaps I do find a nuclear bomb offensive, but a cross? to a non-killable entity? Please Dalahar, don't try and make me feel pity for a few minutes of pain suffered by the eternal creator of all over the effect of a nuke.

god couldnt even come close, and yet you're seemingly trying to promote some kind of god-sympathy from me above and over the sympathy I would show to a human mother who has just found her son dead - eaten alive by say.. bot flies, or ravaged by cancer. What is the matter with you? Damn, what is the matter with god?

Crucified? Who gives a shit pal, there is more serious shit going on right here, right now and you don't even bat an eyelid. "Poor god", I hear you say, "poor fucking humans", I respond.

god had it easy.. try leprosy on for size.

The life is in the blood.

Ok, and once that life has been terminated we can change your sentence to ' life is no longer in the blood'. You become a hamburger if you're lucky.

God required blood for the atonement of the sins of Israel.

Why is that?

Tell me Dalahar, what difference does a dead cow make? I mean ok, fuck what the cow thinks about the perverse situation, but what in your opinion is the value, to god, of a dead animal? How does a dead goat, cow, sheep or hedgehog make the slightest bit of difference concerning your inability to obey the commands of a being that nobody has seemingly been bothered to obey?

You know.. when my wife has her time of the month and becomes a real bitch, she generally ends up saying sorry for it. I'm only a lowly human and yet cow killing is pointless. The apology will do. No, I will not say she is unclean, send her into the desert and make her kill a goat. I say: "It's cool babe", and that's the end of it. To think that at the end of the day a lowly human like myself can be so easily forgiving whereas the all-loving god seems to "require" a dead bloody animal before even considering forgiveness.

When Jesus died, His blood satisfied this requirement forever.

So.. (once again).. when 'god' died his 'blood' satisfied...

Did god die? I mean die, as in die? Was he, for a brief time at least - non-existant?

What has his 'blood' got to do with anything that a cow cannot manage, or a simple "I'm sorry", cannot manage? Fuck, you'd think god expected man to be perfect - even though he created us to be otherwise. And so there we are, god plays dead and we're all forgiven.. whoopie smegging doo... C'mon Dalahar. I was forgiven the very second my wife said: "it's ok, I forgive you" for whatever I had done to upset her. She asked for nothing. She didn't demand dead cows, she didn't jump off a cliff. She just stated her case and apologised for it.

So here it is, and boy do I hope your buddy god is paying attention:

I hereby apologise on behalf of all of mankind. We are seriously imperfect, and have an almost 'created' compulsion to be nasty. We do not mean it, we are but confused, (perhaps because of Babel), beings that do not know our place and have, to all intents and purposes, navigated this life and world with no aid whatsoever. There is no need for you to kill yourself, or others, send prophets or write books, (several thousand years ago in some odd language - c'mon, we all know you can talk English). Instead I would ask, I would pray that you say "hello" to all of us - be us doomed jew, muslim, hindu or saved christian. You know, regardless to godly thought, we'd be a hell of a lot better if you managed that one small thing. If you managed to suicide yourself, you can manage to say "hi". I ask no big thing of you lord, I do not ask or seek forgiveness. Sure, I am a nasty fucker with a compulsion for masturbation and bad language. I know you resent that, and while I cannot currently help it, I will certainly try to the second you decide to let me know that you are here, that you care.

The fact that you saw humanity and had yourself killed does not really spread a good message, whether you intended for that or not. Oh, how I hate these people that came before me - those same people that I am now having to answer for. Oh Adam, such a fool, and alas I am left with the punishment of his crime. I am left with the burden of my great, great, great, great ancestors sins without having the opportunity to express my own case.

While I do not expect you to understand the human concept of law, I would state that surely I have the right to stand up for my own crimes and not be convicted for someone elses. I would, under such understanding, request that I be put in the garden and told not to eat the fruit. I will endeavour not to, and as such hopefully clear 6,000 years of humanity from the bad idea of one halfwitted little arsehole - whom, in all fairness didn't understand the bloody command.

However, I apologise for him aswell. Shit, much that they are below us men, I even apologise for the women. Eve was a nasty piece of woman, as they all are, and I would happily beat the bitch senseless if it makes you realise that you do not have to undergo such torture. Please, because I worry, do not bring yourself to suffering on out lowly behalf. Do not get yourself strung to a piece of oak and cry out with pain like a sissy pants because we're naughty. My only advice to you, Mr god, is to start from scratch and this time make a robot that doesn't do what you don't want it to do. While I resent the idiocy that you have displayed openly to the world's inhabitants, I forgive you. No, leave the fucking cow alone. It hasn't done shit to you, and I personally can't see the benefit in smelling it burning. Let's say that you will soon attain my level where love and forgiveness is given freely - without threats, without suicide, and without burning pig testicles.

Yes god, I forgive you.. Happily, freely, without demands or "IF's". Without any clauses whatsoever I forgive you. You can hate me and I still forgive you, you can piss on my head and I still forgive you. You can curse my mother and I still forgive you. I would even ask for a hug.

Tell me god, are you 'man' enough to do the same in return?

Satan fell because of pride. I don't blame Satan directly for anything...but I do blame members of his kingdom. I cannot blame God for everytime I get mad without a just cause. I cannot blame God for Satan's pridefulness.

So... satan created that "pridefulness" by himself?

A question: A third of the angels left god, all mankind went against god, and got drowned - and this has happened time and time again even until today where we are all considered sinners.

Where does the problem lie?

That would be like humans creating a robot that is so perfect and beautiful that it tries to overthrow us.

The robot could by no definition of the word be "perfect". If it was "perfect", (to our standards of perfect), it wouldn't ever try to overthrow us, no matter how many times we drowned it or killed it's pet cows.

Instead what we have done is created a vastly imperfect robot with the ability and express desire to fuck us over, and then got all moody when it fucked us over. No offence to you and your kind, but god is a raving imbecile - twice over.

P.S Let me quickly apologise for the sheer length and manner of these posts. It's my bad month.
Dude, it's all good. I'm just chatting away - whether anyone is listening or not. You just so happened to get the brunt of it. Take your time man.
Sorry to glaze over your massive post Snakelord, but I found it interesting that you mentioned this,

There is no justification to state that mentally ill people were any less prevalent several thousand years ago, but there is justification to state that mentally ill people thousands of years ago wouldn't have ever been diagnosed as mentally ill. It is justified to state that these people of ancient times had no way with which to diagnose mental illness - Ok, certainly the real gibbering fruitloops would have been taken round the back and beaten with a large stick, but no real way of working out that someone was a few gunmen short of a posse.

I did some ancient Greek theory and if memory serves right, the prophets or oracles of Delphi, who were held in the highest regard in Greece, were mad. This was because of where the temple sat, as cracks in foundation meant that underground gases found their way from the earth to the prophets. It mad them slap dash crazy but everyone took their word as gospel.

How does this translate? When I think of history I know I don't think of people with disabilities or defects. I can tell you the first time I saw a physically disabled Indian I was shocked, simply because I had never seen one before and had never given thought to it.

If I can be so temporally ignorant how can I perceive the past, which is fed to us through bias after bias. It is to easy for people to make the assumption- it's not even right to call it an assumption- that what would've been seen as a mental illness in current times, was some kind of word from god back when we knew much less than we do now.

Maybe it's not really all that an amazing thing, but it's an important aspect on history when you consider humans can't have changed dramatically (or much at all) in the past 2000 years that would result in us losing all our mystical powers (or events for that matter) that people so willingly accept we had.
If I can be so temporally ignorant how can I perceive the past, which is fed to us through bias after bias. It is to easy for people to make the assumption- it's not even right to call it an assumption- that what would've been seen as a mental illness in current times, was some kind of word from god back when we knew much less than we do now.

I agree completely. There are no less "prophets" nowadays than there was then, more infact, but the difference is that modern day "prophets" are usually strapped in white coats.

Does this mean we as humans no longer want to hear what god has to say through his chosen messengers, or that we have just developed to such a degree above biblical humanity that we can actually see a 'prophet' for what he is? Someone who is simply 'not well'.

Maybe it's not really all that an amazing thing, but it's an important aspect on history when you consider humans can't have changed dramatically (or much at all) in the past 2000 years that would result in us losing all our mystical powers (or events for that matter) that people so willingly accept we had

Indeed, and that is how things are with religion. At one stage man would call you devil possessed if you had a headache - and would scalp you to get it out. Now we just take 2 paracetamol. At one stage man blamed god for tornados and lightning, earthquakes and plagues. Now we blame tectonic plates, rats and other such things. As mankind progresses, god takes a step back.


First, I would like to recognize the fact that you must be going through some difficult memories. I, of course, had no idea that you had lost a son in the past and I am sorry for the trial that you have endured. I couldn't help but shed tears when I read it in your post.

Nice of you, but don't worry about it. It was quite some time ago now, and while I generally get a bit funny every August - it's not really an issue.

My outlook on the bible and God is overall. I am not so good at breaking down all the finer points. A lot of my confidence comes from the overall plan and the way it has come together over thousands of years. Also, there is the look into the future and what is to become of mankind. God created the world and all that is to us because He has a divine plan. I do not know what His plans are except for what He has revealed to us.

Can I ask.. Do you actually like or agree with the plans he has made and informed us about? Personally I cannot say I like them one bit. Do not take this as an argument against existence of god, because it isn't - I'm just stating my personal disgust for the "plan".

To point it out in short: Mankind all gets slaughtered and the planet gets destroyed before the chosen get put in a new jerusalem made out of gold and gemstones instead of brick and sand. While the gold and gemstones sound appealing to a 'materialistic' weasel, it is as far as I see it, worthless to anything because we're now all dead.

I would personally rather just see mankind survive, as he is. Yes there is filth in amongst our kind, but in general I do respect humanity. I want us to reach the stars, to explore the galaxy. Everytime I look up into the night sky I am amazed by it's beauty. If god made it all, or whether he didn't, it would seem a tragic waste of space if we were never going to explore it, and there were no other beings out there on all those trillions of planets, surrounding those trillions of suns.

I sadly know that I will not be around to be a part of that, but even worse is the bible telling me that nobody else will be either. I would, in all honesty, rather spend 100 years exploring the galaxy, than an eternity spent with my parents and jesus in a city made of gold.

To introduce controversy into the world by way of man's fall and the subsequent "cursing" of the world are part of God's plans.

This removes any guilt that mankind might feel he needs to have concerning the whole affair. It's a game of chess, but unfortunately someone is blaming the pawn for taking the wrong move, when the actual blame can only lie with the dude moving the pieces.

The plan might not look good to us because we are taking the brunt of discomfort and we feel like God could intervene, introduce Himself and make everything better. Well, according to His own words, if you believe the bible, that is exactly what He is going to do, but it will be in His timeline and to His pleasure.

The simple fact of the matter is that he could have just not bothered making a first world with suffering and sin, but instead just made this golden jerusalem, (that some call 'heaven'), and stuffed it full of cool nice people. The rest of us evil-doers would never have existed, but it is by far the smarter plan.

To try and comprehend His thoughts is unthinkable and to try and comprehend His existence will drive you mad.

I disagree, given that plenty of ancient nitwits seemed to manage just fine.

God did not introduce all of the pain and suffering into the world.

So from where did it's existence come? We did not create pain and suffering - they are express creations of god, with but one true purpose - to cause pain and suffering. They would fail god if they did not do what they were supposed to. He wouldn't have created them unless he fully intended for them to do what he created them to do.

>Pain and suffering mean worlds more to us than to God in His perspective. I know this sounds cruel but it is true. God knows for a fact that we can and will endure the pains of this world and that we will get through. Also, of all the pain and suffering in the world, remember that it is spread out among individuals and no one man is taking the load upon Himself. The pain Christ suffered in His death was real.

Your paragraph starts ok but falls apart at the end. You begin by telling me that pain and suffering mean 'worlds' more to us, but then at the end once more try for the sympathy vote for god suffering a very temporary version of pain and suffering - a being to which time means nothing.. If I agree with that assertion, I must conclude that the 'pain' on his part is nothing. It's as relevant as being hit on the head by a fly 50 years ago and trying to get sympathy for it. Dragging it on and on and expecting people to feel sorry for the damage that was inflicted.

I just can't do it. We do not even carry the burden of feeling sorry for all the other people at that time who got crucified. We never even think about them - and yet here you are asking me to feel sorry for an eternal god to which time is nothing, and pain is but a tiny little pin prick in the grand scheme of things.

Personally, I believe there will be another evolution. The next will be quick and it will not be a physical "survival of the fittest" but a spiritual "survival of the fittest". What is in a man's heart will be the important thing.

This isn't biblically attested to. What will happen, biblically speaking, is that stars will start crash landing on the planet, prostitutes will fly around on dragons, the devil will be given 1,000 years of playtime, and we'll all eventually get splatted. We'll then be risen from the dead and those who are written in the book, (having been pre-determined), will go on to live in a golden city with vegetarian lions while dogs and fortune tellers can only dwell outside the city.

Read a few verses preceding this one and you will see that God has proclaimed the Gentiles clean.

He really should stop contradicting himself.

When I was talking about the inside of the cup, I was talking about what is in a man's heart. It had nothing to do with what a man eats.

I know.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

For some reason people often seem impossible of just saying it straight. jesus = god yes? So jesus is god. That's all you have to say. "Son" means nothing when he's the very same being.

When He died on the cross, Jesus did die...His body was dead. God did not die.

So here we are again. jesus is god, god did not die = jesus did not die. All that 'died' was a lump of flesh and bone, not a being. A snail shell minus the snail. Does a snail shell feel pain when you stamp on it, (if the snail is vacant)?

After 3 days, Jesus rose again. He could rise again because God is life itself and He cannot be killed.

The point exactly. jesus is god, god cannot be killed = nobody died.

The Jews still believe they have to do that because they reject Jesus.

Are you certain about this? I don't personally know any jews that sacrifice anything.

I wanted to mention that religious people, no matter what they believe, still cry when they lose someone they loved because it is sad to part with them.

I know they do, I was just saying they shouldn't.

Take care.

You too.
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SnakeLord said:
god cannot be killed
You don't know that. If god exists, it may be just a very powerful, very ancient being, with a massive lifespan, a far cry from immortality.
There were racial superiority complexes long before Darwin came along. The Nazi propaganda was as far from solid evolutionary theory as ID.