Evolution & Creationism: Why can't people believe both?

Why is it so goddamned hard to get a simple, common sense, logical response from some people?
Where in the Bible does it specify exactly HOW God placed Adam and Eve on earth? Ever source I've queried so far either doesn't know or says it doesn't. So, who's to say he didn't have one celled organisms evolve into Adam and Eve? It certainly doesn't contradict that idea.

Why would you believe that? There's only one reason, because you want to.
The sun IS a star..G2V yellow dwarf main sequence star.
Next time you see the sun in the sky...you can feel free to not believe in it.;)

I choose to use the word "know", which covers believe but it has an element of further certainty.

Try reading my posts before you try to make me look silly.
I suggest you actually learn something if that is what you're here to do.

Interesting. Is this the time where we compare 'sizes'? Do tell me my good man, where exactly have you gleaned your understanding of 'evolution' from?
That's a whole other arguement that has been in repeated more times than I care to recall. This question stems from after this question is answered or at leasted trusted.

Why the need for trust ? Is it the absence of facts and why should we trust a number of disparates documents written in various labguages, much of the writing done a long time after the events it describes. Much of the bible relies on oral tradition which is known to be unsatisfactory when it comes to matters of detail. There is also the consideration that the authors were concerned to put across a point of view which supported their beliefs,

Also, why should god use this one document to reveal himself to a small number of people while apparently ignoring others.

No reasearch can be complete untill you discover or are given full disclosure. But you can attempt to embrace an understanding in order to appreciate the different side. I believe wisdom comes from knowing both sides of the fence. It doesn't require you to become one with the other side but wisdom does seek understanding. As long as one resist understanding they can not claim to be wise in my thinking.

We all seek understanding. Some of us however require our beliefs to underpinned by empirical evidence. What you call research would better be described as making the bible fit your meaning. Don't take my word for it; chexk it out with any of the numerous sects which have a different take on things.

Genesis 4:15 mentions seven times (meaning complete) that anyone killing Cain would suffer vengence or divine justice. it continues to say that God "set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him. With that Cain went away from the face of jehovah and took up reisdence in the land of Fugitiveness to the east of E'den."

How do you know that seven times means complete ? And what evidence have you to show that genesis is any more than mythology, given the state of human knowledge at the time it was written. Consider also that there are numerous creation myths and tell us why your version is the right one.

Later Cain had a child, Enoch, who had children, La'mech, who inturn had children.
La'mech composed a song song aobut his grand father.

"Hear my voice, you wives of La'mech: Give ear to my saying: A man I have killed for wounding me, Yes, a yound man for giving me a blow.
If seven times Cain is to be avenged, Then La'mech seventy times and seven."​

All very poetic but what guarantees of truth are there ? To say that children had children is stating a fact of life. How do you know Enoch existed. Have you evidence to support your belief that he did ?

La'mech says 70+7
Which is of course 77.

That 70 +7 = 77 is no great revelation. So is 72 + 5 and so on. So what's the point of stating this unless you have a prior belief that 7 has a particular significance. Have you never come across books on numerology in which numbers are juggled in such a way as to mean whatever the author wishes them to mean. Numbers can have any significance we wish to attach to them and cannot, therefore, be regarded as reliable evidence for the veracity of the bible. Remarkably, Joshua marched around Jericho seven times seven. Does this mean that 49 ( 7x7 ) has a special significance . Or might it be meant to convey 7+7 =14.

As has been mentioned previously, details of the construction of Noah's ark give a wrong result for pi. Do you claim that the value of pi has changed since Noah's time.
Two. The number two frequently appears in a legal setting. Agreement in the accounts of two witnesses adds to the force of the testimony. Two witnesses, or even three, were required to establish a matter before the judges. This principle is also followed in the Christian congregation.

Again we have another number with your personal interpretation placed upon it. Agreement of 27 witnesses would have served better to establish a matter before the judges.

Some examples of Two:
(De 17:6; 19:15; Mt 18:16; 2Co 13:1; 1Ti 5:19; Heb 10:28) God adhered to this principle in presenting his Son to the people as mankind’s Savior. Jesus said: “In your own Law it is written, ‘The witness of two men is true.’ I am one that bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.”—Joh 8:17,*18.

This is not an example of two as you claim; it's an example of one man claiming knowledge of the existence of another based on his word alone. By your own token, this makes the testimony weak.

So, here again, we have an example of how numbers can be used to suit an argument. It's not very convincing , unless you want it to be. Maybe more research and wisdom is needed.

"If I kill a man for attacking me...If Cain would be avenged completely then I would be avenged (judicially or lawfully) or you verified as my killer.

I cannot for the life of me understand the significance of a man saying one of two things insofar as the veracity of the bible is concerned. Had he said one of three possible things , you would have claimed significance for 3. One the other hand, as he only said one thing, maybe 1 should be significant.

The repatition of something two times in bible writings is duality and often refrences something in rulership or establishing something as verified and true.

I can find no clue as too this being another creation point.
That seems to fall in line with Abel and Cain being a product of Adam and Eve as well as confirmed by lineages throughout the holly writings like that of Lukes.

Have you looked beyond the bible ? There is other knowledge available to those who wish to learn.

There were no other races of humankind—no family of humans predating man, or having a separate origin, as some have conjectured in trying to answer the question about the origin of Cain’s wife. The statement of Adam and the name Eve itself preclude this. For the Bible says: “After this [after God’s passing of sentence] Adam called his wife’s name Eve [meaning “living”], because she had to become the mother of everyone living.”—Gen. 3:20.

Yet again, you are using a circular argument. It explains nothing

The inevitable conclusion is, then, that Cain married one of his sisters

You have not shown that there is an inevitable conclusion. You have not even shown that Cain existed.

The Bible statement, in Acts 17:26, that “[God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth” is acknowledged by John Peter Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, a work that considers the arguments of a great number of scholars in an analytical and explanatory discussion of the Bible, says on page 191...

More circularity. How much of what these scholars claim is based on knoledge external to the bible. ? You are simply talking of men analysing the bible to arrive at what they regard as a satisfactory conclusion. How many addressed the basic question of why we should believe the bible in the first place.

“That the Scriptures neither know nor will know of pre-Adamites . . . nor of various primitive aboriginal races, appears not only from Genesis i. and ii., but also from the consistent presumption and assertion of the entire Holy Writ; for example, Matt. xix.4; Acts xvii.26; 1 Cor. xv.47. . . . The original unity of the human race coincides with the doctrine of the unity of the fall of man in Adam, and the unity of the redemption in Christ. . . . The greatest naturalists have mostly declared themselves against the originality of different human races . . . in regard to the alleged fruitfulness of sexual combinations among the various races, the proof of such fruitfulness is justly pronounced one of the strongest proofs of unity. . . . The autochthonic theory [that living things (in this case humans) were formed or occurred in the places where they were found] [can]not deny the fact that the origin of the various types of men points back to a common home in Asia.”

Essentialy it is resolving the issue by aligning two different understandings.
Origin of MAN and the Saving of Man, two seperate events. If their were two differnt creations then that would mean that there was also two different original sins and that Jesus was sent to Earth as God's representative to die for both lines. However...

Romans 5:12
That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned—

I think there is more...I could have gone further but I think this is enough, this can be crossed refrenced some other ways through key words in the scriptures you provided.

Your entire argument is circular because you quote the bible to support the bible. You have, therefore, said nothing that will convince anyone other than those who already share your views. Perhaps if you supply some external evidence to support your views, you may get a more sympathetic hearing
Genesis 4:15 mentions seven times (meaning complete) that anyone killing Cain would suffer vengence or divine justice. it continues to say that God "set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him. With that Cain went away from the face of jehovah and took up reisdence in the land of Fugitiveness to the east of E'den."

Later Cain had a child, Enoch, who had children, La'mech, who inturn had children.
La'mech composed a song song aobut his grand father.

"Hear my voice, you wives of La'mech: Give ear to my saying: A man I have killed for wounding me, Yes, a yound man for giving me a blow.
If seven times Cain is to be avenged, Then La'mech seventy times and seven."​

La'mech says 70+7
Which is of course 77.

Two. The number two frequently appears in a legal setting. Agreement in the accounts of two witnesses adds to the force of the testimony. Two witnesses, or even three, were required to establish a matter before the judges. This principle is also followed in the Christian congregation.

Some examples of Two:
(De 17:6; 19:15; Mt 18:16; 2Co 13:1; 1Ti 5:19; Heb 10:28) God adhered to this principle in presenting his Son to the people as mankind’s Savior. Jesus said: “In your own Law it is written, ‘The witness of two men is true.’ I am one that bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.”—Joh 8:17,*18.

La'mech's song was saying one of two things.
"If I kill a man for attacking me...If Cain would be avenged completely then I would be avenged (judicially or lawfully) or you verified as my killer.

The repatition of something two times in bible writings is duality and often refrences something in rulership or establishing something as verified and true.

I don't understand why you're telling me the above. I stated that the murder by Cain was both a lesson and history.

I can find no clue as too this being another creation point.
That seems to fall in line with Abel and Cain being a product of Adam and Eve as well as confirmed by lineages throughout the holly writings like that of Lukes.

There were no other races of humankind—no family of humans predating man, or having a separate origin, as some have conjectured in trying to answer the question about the origin of Cain’s wife. The statement of Adam and the name Eve itself preclude this. For the Bible says: “After this [after God’s passing of sentence] Adam called his wife’s name Eve [meaning “living”], because she had to become the mother of everyone living.”—Gen. 3:20.

The inevitable conclusion is, then, that Cain married one of his sisters

How do you interpret these two seperate accounts?

Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Genesis 2:7
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Romans 5:12
That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned—

This verse basically eliminates the possibility of evolution, I'm not depending on one verse though to explain away the possibility.
I choose to use the word "know", which covers believe but it has an element of further certainty.

Try reading my posts before you try to make me look silly.

I did read your posts and I don't need to make you look silly as you are doing a splendid job of that yourself.
Obviously, you are a woman hater, and if you are, youi will never hear the last of me. Do your research before you post here. You are a total loser!!!

Unfortunately MW there are many that love the Old Testament patriarchs attitude toward women. Take evangelists like John McArthur for instance. I checked out his website..he is against womens rights,animal rights, enviromental causes...that pretty much sums it up.

Too bad Xena the warrior princess wasn't around back then to kick some of their butts.;)
I don't understand why you're telling me the above. I stated that the murder by Cain was both a lesson and history.

How do you interpret these two seperate accounts?

Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Genesis 2:7
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

This verse basically eliminates the possibility of evolution, I'm not depending on one verse though to explain away the possibility.

Glad you have 2 verses. That makes genesis twice as true. Well done .
I don't understand why you're telling me the above. I stated that the murder by Cain was both a lesson and history.

How do you interpret these two seperate accounts?

Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Genesis 2:7
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

This verse basically eliminates the possibility of evolution, I'm not depending on one verse though to explain away the possibility.

How can you possibly know it's actual history ?
It is "biblical" history, but considering we were talking within the context of the Bible I didn't feel a need to specify that.

I will agree to biblical history in that the story itself is part of history. There is however not a single shred of evidence that these events actually took place.
I will agree to biblical history in that the story itself is part of history. There is however not a single shred of evidence that these events actually took place.

In Cain and Abel's case I seriously doubt that any evidence will pop up.

So agreed.
What do you hope to gain by making snide remarks?

If you want a giggle I would recommend the Simpsons.

Snide remarks ? An effort to shock you into the 21st century. An outside chance but worth a try.

Why should anyone believe the bible as opposed to one of the many other sdcriptures, or none at all ?
Why the need for trust ? Is it the absence of facts and why should we trust a number of disparates documents written in various labguages, much of the writing done a long time after the events it describes. Much of the bible relies on oral tradition which is known to be unsatisfactory when it comes to matters of detail. There is also the consideration that the authors were concerned to put across a point of view which supported their beliefs,

Trust is given when someone has proved themselves trustworthy.
Speculation is what is excercised when one does not have all the facts.

Also, why should god use this one document to reveal himself to a small number of people while apparently ignoring others.

How many documents are necessary. There are 66 canon documents all to the people he approves of. They are available to everyone, everyone simply choses to ignore them.

We all seek understanding. Some of us however require our beliefs to underpinned by empirical evidence. What you call research would better be described as making the bible fit your meaning. Don't take my word for it; chexk it out with any of the numerous sects which have a different take on things.

Why does your predjudice always come into play?
If you think your understanding of my knowledge is superior why are you making inquiries. Obviously there is a knowledge which you lack, or your goals are not intuitive.

Genesis 4:15 mentions seven times (meaning complete) that anyone killing Cain would suffer vengence or divine justice. it continues to say that God "set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him. With that Cain went away from the face of jehovah and took up reisdence in the land of Fugitiveness to the east of E'den."

How do you know that seven times means complete ? And what evidence have you to show that genesis is any more than mythology, given the state of human knowledge at the time it was written. Consider also that there are numerous creation myths and tell us why your version is the right one.

Research and context, absence of contradictions.

All very poetic but what guarantees of truth are there ? To say that children had children is stating a fact of life. How do you know Enoch existed. Have you evidence to support your belief that he did ?

Are you ignoring the text from which is being read from or mocking it?

That 70 +7 = 77 is no great revelation. So is 72 + 5 and so on. So what's the point of stating this unless you have a prior belief that 7 has a particular significance. Have you never come across books on numerology in which numbers are juggled in such a way as to mean whatever the author wishes them to mean. Numbers can have any significance we wish to attach to them and cannot, therefore, be regarded as reliable evidence for the veracity of the bible. Remarkably, Joshua marched around Jericho seven times seven. Does this mean that 49 ( 7x7 ) has a special significance . Or might it be meant to convey 7+7 =14.

"Numbers...as veracity of the bible...." If you say so. That is certainly not inline with my thinking. If this is the foundation of your question it is understanable why you make the inquiry.

As has been mentioned previously, details of the construction of Noah's ark give a wrong result for pi. Do you claim that the value of pi has changed since Noah's time.

Do you claim that the Bible establishes the definition of Pi?
You would need to prove that interpretation.

Again we have another number with your personal interpretation placed upon it. Agreement of 27 witnesses would have served better to establish a matter before the judges.

I suggest looking the scriptures up and reading commentary on the use of numbers to make emphasis in the holy text before you accuse ones of "personal interpretations"

This is not an example of two as you claim; it's an example of one man claiming knowledge of the existence of another based on his word alone. By your own token, this makes the testimony weak.

Then you have a belief.
I am I forced to agree with your one interpretation with out scriptural grounds? I'm afraid not, Miles.

Have you looked beyond the bible ? There is other knowledge available to those who wish to learn.

To what end?

Yet again, you are using a circular argument. It explains nothing
Implicit but not explicit.

You have not shown that there is an inevitable conclusion. You have not even shown that Cain existed.

I have shown the bible relates one man and one woman from the begining.
The conclusion is quite inevietable, Miles.

More circularity. How much of what these scholars claim is based on knoledge external to the bible. ? You are simply talking of men analysing the bible to arrive at what they regard as a satisfactory conclusion. How many addressed the basic question of why we should believe the bible in the first place.

Well I hope you certainly address those questions truthfully as I have.
I however can not cover the whole process but I can stay on topic.
You should do personal research to make you own determination.

Your entire argument is circular because you quote the bible to support the bible. You have, therefore, said nothing that will convince anyone other than those who already share your views. Perhaps if you supply some external evidence to support your views, you may get a more sympathetic hearing

No Dear,Mlies
I quote the bible to apply precesedent to define context on a scripture. The scriptures are not one book. This is a common misconception among the anti bible individuals such as yourself.

Context clues are the hints provided in text, which lead the reader to meanings of words

Using context clues is not circular reasoning to understand a cultural reasoning of these scriptures. It is foundation of reading comprehension which is taught from the earilest reading age. Were you not taught how to draw out context clues?
Where did you learn that context clues were circular reasoning?

According to the Wiki you have also failed to "beg the question" which is the appropriate way reply to a circular argument. You haven't identified or illistrated a circular problem. From what i gather you're accusing the use of context clues and reading comprehension as the basis for you accusation. However I can not find any definition of a logical fallacy which includes using the fundamental skill of reading comprehension as circular reasoning. How did you come to this conclusion Miles?

If you could explicitly out line your thinking before you make an accusation you might be well undertood before you become provocative.