Evolution & Creationism: Why can't people believe both?

Where is your evidence that many claimed to be a messiah in his day?

The damn forum won't let me post links until I have 20 posts.

There's a wikipedia article entitled "List of Messiah Claimants." It's several pages long.

You can start there.
How is this vague:

1) Jesus said many would claim to be the Messiah
2) Year 2k+ Many do

.....How is that not vague? because a man said some day people will claim to be something they are not, and people are...it somehow holds water? Really? :rolleyes:
Actually is that true?
Yes. I don't even see the person I had in mind in that list. There were MANY messiah claimants in Jesus's day, he was not unique. I'll provide more information when I can find it and when I can post links. I believe Bart Ehrman may make reference to some of them in his books. It may even be true that some of the bible stories are actually about other messiah claimants.
The damn forum won't let me post links until I have 20 posts.

There's a wikipedia article entitled "List of Messiah Claimants." It's several pages long.

You can start there.

All after Jesus my friend, if not I would like to see the supporting evidence.
All after Jesus my friend, if not I would like to see the supporting evidence.
As I said, the person I had in mind isn't in that list. For the life of me I can't remember his name, but I will find and provide information about him. He lived in the same era as Jesus, as did a number of the people in that list, despite the fact that you've claimed they were 'all' after his time.
Yes. I don't even see the person I had in mind in that list. There were MANY messiah claimants in Jesus's day, he was not unique. I'll provide more information when I can find it and when I can post links. I believe Bart Ehrman may make reference to some of them in his books. It may even be true that some of the bible stories are actually about other messiah claimants.

I only saw the two on the list but I'll keep my eyes open.
.....How is that not vague? because a man said some day people will claim to be something they are not, and people are...it somehow holds water? Really? :rolleyes:

Messiah = Jesus (In this context)

How many people have claimed to be Jesus?

Many people have claimed to be George Washington etc... but that holds no water in this context.
As I said, the person I had in mind isn't in that list. For the life of me I can't remember his name, but I will find and provide information about him. He lived in the same era as Jesus, as did a number of the people in that list, despite the fact that you've claimed they were 'all' after his time.

So do you believe Jesus existed?