Evolution & Creationism: Why can't people believe both?

I don't understand why you're telling me the above. I stated that the murder by Cain was both a lesson and history.

How do you interpret these two seperate accounts?


Well if we haven't found a mutal understading lets hold off before entertaining another Idea.

The use of the commonly used, two witnesses seem to impy a lawful understanding or verification. This was in answer to your statement of concern as to if this had any judical ramifications such as the Law expresed in Exodus.
Snide remarks ? An effort to shock you into the 21st century. An outside chance but worth a try.

Why should anyone believe the bible as opposed to one of the many other sdcriptures, or none at all ?

I didn't ask you to believe just the Bible...
Well if we haven't found a mutal understading lets hold off before entertaining another Idea.

The use of the commonly used, two witnesses seem to impy a lawful understanding or verification. This was in answer to your statement of concern as to if this had any judical ramifications such as the Law expresed in Exodus.

Do you think that a law existed before Moses?
A prophecy is just a prediction. Scientists make predictions all the time, and more often than not, they are correct.

Has anyone predicted something as amazing as this:

Matthew 24:10-12

10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

It's actually an extremely accurate prediction.

Ok, I'm not taking you serious anymore if you're going to hold on to that..
That is about the most general prophecy I ever heard. I bet people of all ages can find something in there..
Ok, I'm not taking you serious anymore if you're going to hold on to that..
That is about the most general prophecy I ever heard. I bet people of all ages can find something in there..

Let me spell it out for you:

1) Jesus said many would claim to be the Messiah
2) Year 2k+ Many do

It is not generalized it is just something you cannot refute.
Let me spell it out for you:

1) Jesus said many would claim to be the Messiah
2) Year 2k+ Many do

It is not generalized it is just something you cannot refute.
So what? Many people claimed to be the messiah in his day. I could say that many people will be arrested for selling drugs, does that make me a prophet?