Evolution & Creationism: Why can't people believe both?

There's this thing called a "telescope" you see. It was invented awhile back.

Nevermind. You're clearly an ignorant nutjob with an agenda.

This is funny though:

So you're a self admitted man of ignorance and blindness. Good for you.

I actually have an Nexstar80 telescope, it doesn't prove anything for me, maybe you have a *special* telescope.

I think you're getting mixed up with me and you.
Genesis chapter two Now the stranger thing is that the serpant was the product of evolution and the father of cain. So dont let the effeminate one tell you differant he believes in adam and steve
M*W: Sounds as if you are homophobic. In any event, you're full of fundamentalist crapola. Obviously, you haven't done any historical reading. You are totally offensive to homosexuals, of which I am NOT, but you are! You have no basis to believe that the "serpent" et al. was "effeminate," but if you do, that is also a strike on your theory. You are confusing Hawwa (Eve) with the serpent. They are one and the same. Obviously, you are a woman hater, and if you are, youi will never hear the last of me. Do your research before you post here. You are a total loser!!!
Hrm.. this is taking too long.
Got to catch some sleep.. I'll check back tomorrow to have a laugh.
See ya Super ;)
I think this intermission has gone on too long. Either he's gone to bed, or he chickened out on a simple question. Meh... I gotta go too...
How can we be sure they are facts?
What if the original teachings of Christ were changed to suit the needs of the authors? How can we be sure they didn't embellish the 'teachings" or just outright lie in their accounts?
After all, the NT does stress the sinfull nature of man. Why should these unknown authors be exempt from this line of thinking?
Evolution appears to have massive amounts of available evidence. A six thousand year old earth appears to have .....zero evidence.

That's a whole other arguement that has been in repeated more times than I care to recall. This question stems from after this question is answered or at leasted trusted.

How much biblical research is needed and how can you know you are wise. The bible has been studied for the last two thousand years and what we have is hundreds of interpretations as evidenced by disparate sects. I assume the wisdom is needed to know whose judgement to accept. Meantime there are millions of Muslims and Jews whose views must be taken into account.

No reasearch can be complete untill you discover or are given full disclosure. But you can attempt to embrace an understanding in order to appreciate the different side. I believe wisdom comes from knowing both sides of the fence. It doesn't require you to become one with the other side but wisdom does seek understanding. As long as one resist understanding they can not claim to be wise in my thinking.

What we have to bear in mind is context. Genesis 1 is like poetry, Genesis 2 is not(Adam is a historic figure). The lesson Cain learned did not create a commandment he literally killed his brother, so that isn't meant to be only a lesson (Moses got the commandments) it is meant to be history (if you think about how important genealogies are).

Genesis 4:15 mentions seven times (meaning complete) that anyone killing Cain would suffer vengence or divine justice. it continues to say that God "set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him. With that Cain went away from the face of jehovah and took up reisdence in the land of Fugitiveness to the east of E'den."

Later Cain had a child, Enoch, who had children, La'mech, who inturn had children.
La'mech composed a song song aobut his grand father.

"Hear my voice, you wives of La'mech: Give ear to my saying: A man I have killed for wounding me, Yes, a yound man for giving me a blow.
If seven times Cain is to be avenged, Then La'mech seventy times and seven."​

La'mech says 70+7
Which is of course 77.

Two. The number two frequently appears in a legal setting. Agreement in the accounts of two witnesses adds to the force of the testimony. Two witnesses, or even three, were required to establish a matter before the judges. This principle is also followed in the Christian congregation.

Some examples of Two:
(De 17:6; 19:15; Mt 18:16; 2Co 13:1; 1Ti 5:19; Heb 10:28) God adhered to this principle in presenting his Son to the people as mankind’s Savior. Jesus said: “In your own Law it is written, ‘The witness of two men is true.’ I am one that bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.”—Joh 8:17,*18.

La'mech's song was saying one of two things.
"If I kill a man for attacking me...If Cain would be avenged completely then I would be avenged (judicially or lawfully) or you verified as my killer.

The repatition of something two times in bible writings is duality and often refrences something in rulership or establishing something as verified and true.

I can find no clue as too this being another creation point.
That seems to fall in line with Abel and Cain being a product of Adam and Eve as well as confirmed by lineages throughout the holly writings like that of Lukes.

There were no other races of humankind—no family of humans predating man, or having a separate origin, as some have conjectured in trying to answer the question about the origin of Cain’s wife. The statement of Adam and the name Eve itself preclude this. For the Bible says: “After this [after God’s passing of sentence] Adam called his wife’s name Eve [meaning “living”], because she had to become the mother of everyone living.”—Gen. 3:20.

The inevitable conclusion is, then, that Cain married one of his sisters

The Bible statement, in Acts 17:26, that “[God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth” is acknowledged by John Peter Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, a work that considers the arguments of a great number of scholars in an analytical and explanatory discussion of the Bible, says on page 191...

“That the Scriptures neither know nor will know of pre-Adamites . . . nor of various primitive aboriginal races, appears not only from Genesis i. and ii., but also from the consistent presumption and assertion of the entire Holy Writ; for example, Matt. xix.4; Acts xvii.26; 1 Cor. xv.47. . . . The original unity of the human race coincides with the doctrine of the unity of the fall of man in Adam, and the unity of the redemption in Christ. . . . The greatest naturalists have mostly declared themselves against the originality of different human races . . . in regard to the alleged fruitfulness of sexual combinations among the various races, the proof of such fruitfulness is justly pronounced one of the strongest proofs of unity. . . . The autochthonic theory [that living things (in this case humans) were formed or occurred in the places where they were found] [can]not deny the fact that the origin of the various types of men points back to a common home in Asia.”

Essentialy it is resolving the issue by aligning two different understandings.
Origin of MAN and the Saving of Man, two seperate events. If their were two differnt creations then that would mean that there was also two different original sins and that Jesus was sent to Earth as God's representative to die for both lines. However...

Romans 5:12
That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned—

I think there is more...I could have gone further but I think this is enough, this can be crossed refrenced some other ways through key words in the scriptures you provided.