That's true but not the whole story. You see, it is true that humans evolved from single cells but our souls are from another distant galaxy. Our souls were transported here in DC-8 like planes on order of Xenu the intergalactic warlord and put in a volcano where nuclear bombs were set off then our souls floated over to the proto humans and THAT'S how we became humans.Where in the Bible does it specify exactly HOW God placed Adam and Eve on earth? Ever source I've queried so far either doesn't know or says it doesn't. So, who's to say he didn't have one celled organisms evolve into Adam and Eve? It certainly doesn't contradict that idea.
Also note, evolution is a process predicated on death of the weakest. What a horrible way to make an organism - painfully killing billions of generations. Sick if you think about it. Only a mad man would ever do such a thing.