Evidence for the existence of Gautama Buddha

Hmm when House heard ham in fridge he said tapeworm in brain. Thats pretty specific.
Thank you, yes. I dislike processed meats anyway, I am too used to going to the local butcher and picking up what I ordered the day before. The only food I cannot, absolutely cannot live without, is rice. Second is potato. I hope I never become diabetic.
SAM said:
I'd say thats a pretty good record for a supposedly intolerant population of 1.5 billion people.
That's just a couple of the internationally famous incidents of just the past few years, SAM. The rest of the record is nasty. And if one remembers that overt threat is not really necessary once the oppression is established and internalized, the scope and effect ot the Islamic resurgence becomes quite striking to an outsider.

SAM said:
You mean if I prefer to wear clothes rather than show my butt crack or flash my vagina while rip roaring drunk, I am somehow less free?
No, that's not what I mean. I mean the crippling of your reason that such a reaction to my observation illustrates.
SAM said:
Though, after the House episode where he showed the tapeworm in the girl, I am very glad I don't eat pig.
Maybe someday House will show you the more common kinds of parasites in people, such as the ones you can get from beef or fish in North America (fish tapeworm infections used to be very common afflictions around the Great Lakes and up into Canada). http://www.fungusfocus.com/html/tapeworms.htm

The fish tapeworms can be spectacular. IIRC they are the largest tapeworms common in people.

Pigs are perfectly OK to eat, depending on how they're raised. Saunas and swimming with people are joyful, heatlhy, good things to do. You are dealing with childhood conditioning, not sensible or rational reactions, with this Islamic stuff.
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That's just a couple of the internationally famous incidents of just the past few years, SAM. The rest of the record is nasty. And if one remembers that overt threat is not really necessary once the oppression is established and internalized, the scope and effect ot the Islamic resurgence becomes quite striking to an outsider.

As compared to the two world wars, a holocaust, colonization that impoverished and debilitated the economies on three continents and are guided by structural adjustment today? I don't think so.
No, that's not what I mean. I mean the crippling of your reason that such a reaction to my observation illustrates.

Its a difference in perspective. Happiness is a feeling. Showing my body does not create that feeling.

Maybe someday House will show you the more common kinds of parasites in people, such as the ones you can get from fish in North America (they used to be very, very common afflictions around the Great Lakes and up into Canada).

They can be spectacular. IIRC they are the largest tapeworms common in people.

Pigs are perfectly OK to eat, depending on how they're raised.

I'm sure they are, but I prefer to eat my food sans cooked worms. Besides, its the most unhealthy meat there is, being very high in sodium and cholesterol. I like beef but avoid it as well and eat only fresh fish. So its not specific to pig meat, though the notion of muscle and stomach with worm infestation is not my idea of a good time.

Saunas and swimming with people are joyful, heatlhy, good things to do. You are dealing with childhood conditioning, not sensible or rational reactions, with this Islamic stuff.

Hmm I've been to saunas and while I do not swim, I'm perfectly happy to do so. Its all the childhood conditioning of living close to a [not safe to swim] beach.
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SAM said:
I mean the crippling of your reason that such a reaction to my observation illustrates.

Its a difference in perspective. Happiness is a feeling.
It's a crippling of your reason. Like this:
SAM said:
As compared to the two world wars, a holocaust, colonisation that impovereished and debilitated the economies on three continents and are guided by structural adjustment today? I don't think so.
Why is that the comparison in your mind, and why do you think Islam had no role in those world wars, holocausts, and colonizations - and how do you come by the glib dismissal of that comparison as being somehow decided?

Powerlessness, ineffectuality, weakness, incapability, is not virtue.
SAM said:
I'm sure they are, but I prefer to eat my food sans cooked worms. Besides, its the most unhealthy meat there is, being very high in sodium and cholesterol. I like beef but avoid it as well and eat only fresh fish.
Fresh fish is as full of cooked worms as well raised pork,in my area. If you cook it.

Purity is not a characteristic of food - at least, not good nutritious food.
It's a crippling of your reason. Like this: Why is that the comparison in your mind, and why do you think Islam had no role in those world wars, holocausts, and colonizations - and how do you come by the glib dismissal of that comparison as being somehow decided?

By example. India was a rich country when the British arrived. After 800 years under Mongol rule, the country was rich in its native tradition and native cultures. 200 years of British rule reduced us to penury, illiteracy and divided us as Hindus [ a term created by the Brits] and Muslims.

Powerlessness, ineffectuality, weakness, incapability, is not virtue.

And inducing them in societies is?

Fresh fish is as full of cooked worms as well raised pork,in my area. If you cook it.
Purity is not a characteristic of food - at least, not good nutritious food.

Yeah, I've seen aquatic worms in fish. But somehow its not the same.


SAM said:
By example. India was a rich country when the British arrived. After 800 years under Mongol rule, the country was rich in its native tradition and native cultures. 200 years of British rule reduced us to penury, illiteracy and divided us as Hindus [ a term created by the Brits] and Muslims.
So the Brits were worse than the Mongols. Relevance?
SAM said:
And inducing them in societies is?
No. Relevance?
SAM said:
Yeah, I've seen aquatic worms in fish. But somehow its not the same.
Childhood conditioning, as we have already observed.

Midwestern Americans are - or were, it may have faded - famous for having a hard time with sushi, despising such fish as carp, while eating pork chops with gusto.

Nothing wrong with childhood conditioning, except mistaking it for some kind of rational or reason-supported perception of reality.
SAM said:
So the Brits were worse than the Mongols. Relevance?
No. Relevance?

in response to this:

Why is that the comparison in your mind, and why do you think Islam had no role in those world wars
I can trace the response, I just don't see a relevant connection.

Are you comparing the lesser evils of the less capable as a bid for their moral superiority ?
SAM said:
Childhood conditioning, as we have already observed.

If it pleases you to think so. I think its too much imagination.
Not mutually exclusive. Patterns in the imagination are conditioned. You never had your nose rubbed in disgusting beef tapeworms, or saw carefully presented maximally disgusting representations of fish tapeworms, etc, at a formative age.
I can trace the response, I just don't see a relevant connection.

Are you comparing the lesser evils of the less capable as a bid for their moral superiority ?

No, I'm comparing the difference in outlook. The Mughals assimilated, the British raped.
SAM said:
No, I'm comparing the difference in outlook. The Mughals assimilated, the British raped.
So? The Mughals did some raping, established some local horrors, but not in the colonial, totalitarian fashion of the Brits. What's your point, relevance, etc ?
So? The Mughals did some raping, established some local horrors, but not in the colonial, totalitarian fashion of the Brits. What's your point, relevance, etc ?

That they could assimilate while the British could only consider us as niggers.
SAM said:
That they could assimilate while the British could only consider us as niggers.
Some of the British.

Again - is there a direction here, some kind of relevance ? The Brits were bad, except for some of the advantages of not assimilating, but instead making improvements. So what?
Some of the British.


It was policy. Some of them may not have been, but 30 million Indians starved to feed their army over 100 years is policy.

The relevance? We're discussing this:

That's just a couple of the internationally famous incidents of just the past few years, SAM. The rest of the record is nasty. And if one remembers that overt threat is not really necessary once the oppression is established and internalized, the scope and effect ot the Islamic resurgence becomes quite striking to an outsider.

And we're discussing how oppression is established and internalised. I'm using the example of India, being more familiar with details of its history.
SAM said:
That's just a couple of the internationally famous incidents of just the past few years, SAM. The rest of the record is nasty. And if one remembers that overt threat is not really necessary once the oppression is established and internalized, the scope and effect ot the Islamic resurgence becomes quite striking to an outsider.

And we're discussing how oppression is established and internalised. I'm using the example of India, being more familiar with details of its history.
If you have a point, feel free to come to it. I'm willing to play guessing games up to a point, but it's been passed.

I'll try again: are you claiming that the very nasty and long history of Islamic infestation wolrdwide is made better by the temporarily worse but overthrown British colonization of India?
If you have a point, feel free to come to it. I'm willing to play guessing games up to a point, but it's been passed.

I'll try again: are you claiming that the very nasty and long history of Islamic infestation wolrdwide is made better by the temporarily worse but overthrown British colonization of India?

You think 1.5 billion people choosing to practice Islam is an infestation. As someone belonging to that "cult" I do not share your opinion. I see the enforced degradation of people on the basis of colour and ethnicity by so-called secularists as the greater evil.
By example. India was a rich country when the British arrived. After 800 years under Mongol rule, the country was rich in its native tradition and native cultures. 200 years of British rule reduced us to penury, illiteracy and divided us as Hindus [ a term created by the Brits] and Muslims.

Are these your own tales or does somemone tell you these stories? Maybe you saw it in a dream.

Hindu is a British term? Was the religion started be the British too?


I read that from you a few times, doesnt seem like the religion is going anywhere.;)
SAM said:
You think 1.5 billion people choosing to practice Islam is an infestation. As someone belonging to that "cult" I do not share your opinion. I see the enforced degradation of people on the basis of colour and ethnicity by so-called secularists as the greater evil.
So called? By whom ?

No one but bigoted theists of a different religion, AFAIK.

And your completely ridiculous claim that the 1.5 billion Muslims on this planet "chose" their religion reveals the basis of your automatic rejection of terms like "infestation" - a word I borrowed from an Islamic jihadist's description of actual people he didn't like, not a religion whose effects on human society seem like something most outsiders want to avoid if possible.

And ranking the evils begs the question at hand. You appear to be pointing to the evils of British (theistic, btw) colonization of India as if they justified anything Islam could possibly be responsible for - how does that logic work?

How is what happened to the Bangladeshis and the Timorese, for example, or India itself, not weighed in the balance of Islam? Why is incapability weighed as virtue?
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