Evidence for the existence of Gautama Buddha

Buddha is a title. It doesn't require any miricles to achieve it. Achieving it doesn't make you charismatic. Some Buddhas are down right anti social.
Uh,guys, SAM is working under the assumption that atheists from Christian homes are immature theists,

that discovering the story of Jesus in the Bible was fictional convinces people there is no God, showing Christianity itself to be too often an immature theism dependent on a divine person and easily brought down by arguments of trivial circumstance, leaving the damaged former believers with their residual theism and anger to wander around and be pulled in to fad "atheism" of various kinds

therefore discovering Guatama wasn't a real person, or was not as presented, should poke a hole in what she regards as an inflated Buddha worship by these wanderers, the atheist theists here - a personality dominated and immature theism easily brought down by arguments of trivial circumstance, thereby cornering the atheistic theists

and we will be left with the world's finest and most mature theism, in which Mohammed was only a messenger, not someone to be worshipped. This one is secure because Mohammed really existed - we're sure.

Of course, the historical Mohammed almost certainly did not write or compose the Quran as we know it - as is becoming more obvious with modern scholarship, currently being furthered by a small and embattled group at no small personal risk -and that leaves us with Joseph Smith, a frontier autodidact and undeniable genius (whack brand) who almost certainly really did write - and dictate, under divine inspiration, to his angelic wife and other true believers - the Book of Mormon.

So all those, and they are all theists, who require their spiritual insight to have come from the sacred texts of a single hero in direct communication with the angels of God, have one remaining home.
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Of course, the historical Mohammed almost certainly did not write or compose the Quran as we know it - as is becoming more obvious with modern scholarship, currently being furthered by a small and embattled group at no small personal risk

Not the one at Princeton. But, its not my assumption, I'm just pointing out how silly such arguments are.
Buddha is a title. It doesn't require any miricles to achieve it. Achieving it doesn't make you charismatic. Some Buddhas are down right anti social.

Well if you cannot create any miracles then you are just like everyone else. and no one will care about an anti-social "Buddha".
john said:
Well if you cannot create any miracles then you are just like everyone else.
Lao Tzu never created a single miracle. Neither did Confucious, Joseph Smith, John Frum, Jim Jones, or AFAIK Gautama, Mohammed, or probably even Jesus before he died.
Is there any?

Here is what I know:

Now the "early" Buddhist texts were written down in 1 B.C. [Pali Canon] and later


No one knows what he really looked like:


So what evidence is there for Buddha? Did he exist or was he made up by people? How do we know his "history"?

I managed to find an interesting old book online that discusses Buddha's appearance on the basis of the Amara Kosa (the standard sanskrit dictionary that was composed by a buddhist) (pp26)
plus also indications from other buddhist scriptures (pp 29)


Historically speaking, the problem with buddhism is that it is entangled in a complicated chronology of reformers, etc so it becomes difficult to actually determine the origins. Everytime they recover an ancient buddhist text there is a push to bring it out in a new sexy meditation type of format, but there is nowhere near an equal enthusiasm for apply the (horribly laborious) text critical issues that actually determine the value of it.
The task of deciphering and interpreting the text and its companion at the British Library will take decades. The Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project group meets at least once a week to discuss a portion of the text. They will read a line and see what words might be represented. The possible interpretations vary widely, and fitting the pieces together is like a giant puzzle. Does a particular line refer to sailors on a ship, or to women making bread? Some meetings will be very productive and the group will agree on the meaning of a line or two; other meetings are just frustrating
Well if you cannot create any miracles then you are just like everyone else. and no one will care about an anti-social "Buddha".

Buddhism isn't about miricles, though people hate that and so they get thrown in any way.

Its just about how to live your life free from unnecessary suffering by being moral (sila), insightful (pranna) and having good focus (samadhi).
Did Gautama teach about naga - the Sound, at all? Was he a yogi or what?
I read he was meant to have performed similar miraculous feats as another saviour dude. He walked on water (a yogic technique), he may have raised people from the dead (or whatever people believed back then). Probably a couple other things.
Oh don't you want to know if he was a real person and whether he did say such and such or merely plagiarised what other people said? Won't it make a MASSIVE difference to your view of Buddhism? :rolleyes:

no it does not matter. Unlike all other religions...Buddhism is about the action that comes out of a belief and not into the God and history. It is about moral actions, not about who wrote what and did what and whom.
Nobody knows what Gautama said or did

you are a fool. Gautama passed on a legacy of Buddhism, did he exist or not...it does not matter. What matters is the reason and acts behind Buddhism, what the belief causes us to act as.
SAM said:
Nobody knows what Gautama said or did
The entity we label "Guatama" is well known, however it came to be. As is the entity we label "Jesus", the entity we label "Muhammed", the entity we label "Lao Tzu", etc.

If you want a validated, historically verified founder of a religion who actually said and did as his entity name labels, try Joseph Smith.
Well, I remember something about Gautama (Guatama?) and the Tamils, who were spoiling for a fight with their Indian overlords or somesuch.

He was supposed to have been a mediator, or something, and talked them out of their planned insurrection. I understand most of the history, being tied to a religious story, is mythical. I have also noticed that Buddha, Jesus, Zoroaster, Amenhotep, and the rest, all seem to have done quite similar things.

But where's a religious hero when you need one, huh?
He was supposed to have been a mediator, or something, and talked them out of their planned insurrection.
That's interesting. Whether true or not it stands in stark contrast to the sort of reformer who goes in for murdering people.
Well, I remember something about Gautama (Guatama?) and the Tamils, who were spoiling for a fight with their Indian overlords or somesuch.

He was supposed to have been a mediator, or something, and talked them out of their planned insurrection. I understand most of the history, being tied to a religious story, is mythical. I have also noticed that Buddha, Jesus, Zoroaster, Amenhotep, and the rest, all seem to have done quite similar things.

But where's a religious hero when you need one, huh?

Do you know what the "fight" between the LTTE Tamils and the Buddhist Sri Lankans is about? Or the one between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese is about? Or the one between the Burmese Junta and the non-Buddhists in Burma is about? Or why the Japanese don't take in any immigrants? Or why the Tibetan Buddhists in Dharamsala, India will not mix with the locals?
The same reasons the Jews are fighting the Muslims? Or the same reasons that Israelis are fighting the Palestinians? Or the same reason the Arab Muslims hate the European Jews?

Hmmmm maybe that proto-Buddha guy was on to something... naaahhh, that's not "real" world stuff, that's airy fairy bullshit stuff. now, on to killing the non-believers and representations of God, oh, but first wez gots to walk us around this E here pretty square rock ya see, you know, the God him likes us to do real world stuff like this before we kill real world infidels.... stupid Buddha, geez could India produce a bigger idiot?!? I think not, u hu, *snap* *snap* *snap* hand me an online lazer guided missile thingy, oh, and some pizza wez got us some real world to start living...