Evidence for the existence of Gautama Buddha

SAM said:
At least he's not in a body bag in Gitmo eh?
Not for lack of effort on the part of Muslims, who don't all seem to have your alleged appreciation for people who speak their minds - especially about Islam.
What a singularly inefficient people we must be. The bugger is still breathing :p

Tell that to Salmon Rushdie.
No submission to Allah? No subjugation of the desire or the mind - just the body and the behavior?

You submit only to God, which means that any authority on earth is irrelevant. Probably why Americans cannot figure out why holding elections makes no difference to the insurgencies. Or why violence will not make the Muslims submit.

Body and behaviour? Thats according to the law of the land, which can be anything you agree upon. Modesty, like morality, is a matter of consensus.
That looks like the classic self-deception of the subjugated.

You mean, living by consensus and considering no one has any authority over anyone else? I suppose you could say that. :p

Oh, I don't know. Check 'em out.

I will, but its not necessary, I'm happy with my choice. Its like marriage, there may be other good guys out there, but really, whats the point if you're happy with what you have?:p
where is this place where any authority on Earth is irrelevant?

Everywhere. Its why there are so many angry Muslims living under forced dictators. Remember, the Ottomans had a millet system. People could pretty much be independent in the way they lived. Then Saud took over the tribes, dictators were established and funded and armed. It was not a happy transition.

The problem was the generation then was brought up to maintain a civil society, which meant one did not make waves, but adjusted as much as possible. Nationalism changed all that. Islam does not conform to nationalism very well, its a very exclusive notion for a religion that does not believe in borders. Unfortunately, nationalism was enforced with western, foreign notions of us and them and the notion of borders has now become more acceptable, when the west is losing its notion of borders. Its an awkward time.
Everywhere. Its why there are so many angry Muslims living under forced dictators. Remember, the Ottomans had a millet system. People could pretty much be independent in the way they lived. Then Saud took over the tribes, dictators were established and funded and armed. It was not a happy transition.

The problem was the generation then was brought up to maintain a civil society, which meant one did not make waves, but adjusted as much as possible. Nationalism changed all that. Islam does not conform to nationalism very well, its a very exclusive notion for a religion that does not believe in borders.

boy you spent alot of time around the camp fire.
SAM said:
What a singularly inefficient people we must be. The bugger is still breathing
You haven't killed the historians investigating the origins of the Quran, either - although they, like Rushdie, are in more or less permanent hiding of a kind.

You did better with the film guy. And the Nigerians associated in your minds with the Danish cartoonists.

But if the idea that your mind would be free to speak if it wanted to, and only your body and behavior is subjugated, is somehow reassuring, I would not deny the comfort factor.

I still think the Quakers would make a less discordant fit - less mental effort involved in the various adjustments.
SAM said:
You submit only to God, which means that any authority on earth is irrelevant.
Yep, Quaker all the way. Thing is, they actually do it - they don't just trade one authority for another, follow some Imam in place of the local military governor or whatever.
SAM said:
That looks like the classic self-deception of the subjugated.

You mean, living by consensus and considering no one has any authority over anyone else? I suppose you could say that.
No, that's not what I meant. I meant the idea that you can speak your mind while your body is subjugated.
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I'd say thats a pretty good record for a supposedly intolerant population of 1.5 billion people. I wonder what the tally would be for the supposedly tolerant rest of the world. We have different notions of what is considered offensive, of course. The war on terror for example would probably, with all the tearing and flushing of Qurans, the anal sodomy and the naked men, arrive at a much higher body count of revenge for offenses, real or imagined.

No, that's not what I meant. I meant the idea that you can speak your mind while your body is subjugated.

You mean if I prefer to wear clothes rather than show my butt crack or flash my vagina while rip roaring drunk, I am somehow less free? I would question the assumption that portraying myself as a body rather than as an individual is somehow more liberating. I've been called a fucking cunt here several times. Is this an acknowledgment of my liberation?
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Try Atheism, yum yum, and that's the freest of them all :)


disclaimer: you will have to spend eternity in hellfire.

note1: forgiveness in the Xian religion is actually psychologically powerful. it does "make sense" to someone who needs to forgive themselves and can not, the Jesus Character plats that part, it deals with the human psyche. I suppose you have to go a level deeper into the human condition to understand that. Go deep enough and you'll find your Buddha, or so I have been told....
Perhaps that makes sense to you because you were brought up in a Christian milieu. But I don't see any forgiveness in any Christian, just like I don't see any nirvana in any Buddhist. To me I guess, the value of an ideal is how relevant it is.
There seems to be a big fat mistake going on here. Some Muslim girls drink, f*ck guys they meet at the bar, dance half stoned showing as much flesh as is legally possible. Don't be such a prude! That's called being a teenager of any religion.
Perhaps that makes sense to you because you were brought up in a Christian milieu. But I don't see any forgiveness in any Christian, just like I don't see any nirvana in any Buddhist. To me I guess, the value of an ideal is how relevant it is.
And you probably think it's gross to eat dog, which was the point. You THINK you are choosing to believe, but that choice was made for you long before you were a twinkle in your father's eye :D
I'm sure they do. Then they marry a nice boy and settle down.
Some do, some don't. So again, people are all pretty much the same, which is why it's important that we teach them a tolerant religion.

I simply think it's not a good thing to teach children that "White's" are the only superior race or the Qur'an is the only Perfect Book. Such intolerance belong in a bygone era and good riddance to them.
Not at all, I have no hassles about eating meat of one type or another. Though, after the House episode where he showed the tapeworm in the girl, I am very glad I don't eat pig.


Now everytime I see someone eating pork I think of tapeworm eggs crossing their blood brain barrier.
Not like this:



Apparently if you cook the meat properly, its not an issue, but do I want to eat cooked worms? :bawl: