eternal hell awaits anyone who questions gods infinite love

Christians are not supposed to judge others. God is within you at least sometimes, but you do not acknowledge him. Anyways what generally happens is that people's good works get inflated with pride and so they are not truely good. Then they become hypocritical with hearts of stone like the Pharisees.
when i say good i mean every day good like being nice to people. everyone should do it anyway, what kind of person are you that needs a god to be able to be nice to someone? and i find it funny that christians are not supposed to to judge when tey are most often the perpetraitors of such behaviour. you would not believe the bbehavioural change from being omeone worth talking to too a waste of time just when people enquire as to what i believe.

ps; why would being nice to people inflate pride. i think it is necessary for us to take pride in our achievments otherwise it would feel like a waste of time doing anything worth doing.
No disrespect to our resident "believers" but Satan did not exist before Christianity. He is a "christianization" of the pre christian world ancient god "Pan" - ergo any "god" not fitting in with their ideas of christianity is necessarily "evil".

Pan was as real a god to pre christians as "god" is to christians.
when i say good i mean every day good like being nice to people. everyone should do it anyway, what kind of person are you that needs a god to be able to be nice to someone? and i find it funny that christians are not supposed to to judge when tey are most often the perpetraitors of such behaviour. you would not believe the bbehavioural change from being omeone worth talking to too a waste of time just when people enquire as to what i believe.
No, but unless you have sold everything to the poor and live like Jesus then there's always room for improvement. Kind of being hypocritical here.

ps; why would being nice to people inflate pride. i think it is necessary for us to take pride in our achievments otherwise it would feel like a waste of time doing anything worth doing.
Doesn't doing good make you feel better about yourself thus in itself is the benefit? Just having pride in achievments is not terribly bad but excessive pride is.

No disrespect to our resident "believers" but Satan did not exist before Christianity. He is a "christianization" of the pre christian world ancient god "Pan" - ergo any "god" not fitting in with their ideas of christianity is necessarily "evil".

Pan was as real a god to pre christians as "god" is to christians.
That's why Job talks about Satan. Ezekiel also talks about the fallen cherub, Satan. Yes any idol is evil and may gravitate demonic spirits.
Originally posted by okinrus

God is really a title not a name so if Jesus meets the qualities of that title then we may give him godship.

Isaiah 53
Notice the LORD here. A title used only in the old testament for God.

>> A grave was assigned him among the wicked and

>> a burial place with evildoers,

I still can't figure out what you see in this nonsense.


If the subject of Isaiah 53 was given "a burial place with evildoers," how does that fit with Jesus being placed in a tomb where no other body had ever been placed?

Your prophecy doesn't fit the facts of the life of Jesus. Better luck next time.


The title LORD in the Old Testament - when it is capitalized - stands for four Hebrew letters. YHWH. Pronounced "Yahweh" or something similar, but Jews were forbidden from pronouncing it aloud.

But there are other places in the King James version where Lord appears - and that's a translation of a different word, not YHWH.

Adonai - a human who is worshiped for being a ruler - is translated as Lord in English.

So, when Paul says "Adonai" and it is translated into English as Lord, a lot of Christians say "Paul called Jesus God" and that's not what he said at all. He didn't call jesus YHWH. He called Jesus "Adonai" and he called lots of other humans by the same term.


You said "God is not a name but a title..??? (WRONG!) OK, you read the notes at the end of Josh's book, but you missed a few places.

EL - generic term for god

ELOHIM - plural form, used in Creation Story in Genesis

SamuEL, DaniEL, lots of Hebrew names refer to God. Parents pay tribute to God by naming theirs sons "God is good."

EmmanuEL. God is with us. Jesus wasn't named Emmanuel.

YHWH - name of a specific Hebrew deity, a god of thunder who appeared to Moses.

Every time I look at the photos from the Hubble telescope, it baffles me how any rational human being can think the Bible is a credible source of information about the origin of the universe.

How can science have come so far, and so many Christians not have the faintest idea what Truth is?
So, when Paul says "Adonai" and it is translated into English as Lord, a lot of Christians say "Paul called Jesus God" and that's not what he said at all. He didn't call jesus YHWH. He called Jesus "Adonai" and he called lots of other humans by the same term.
The problem is that Jesus died. I've never heard someone call a dead person Lord, except for Elvis but he doesn't really count. Your objection does not matter here. Paul called Jesus saviour and Isiah says that only God is our Saviour. Clearly Paul is using God to mean God the Father but this does not mean that Jesus is not God.

You said "God is not a name but a title..??? (WRONG!) OK, you read the notes at the end of Josh's book, but you missed a few places.
No. God's name is YHWH not "God" but different translation might translate YHWH into God or Lord. This was what I meant.
If the subject of Isaiah 53 was given "a burial place with evildoers," how does that fit with Jesus being placed in a tomb where no other body had ever been placed?
"The place of the skull" was where he was crucified and his body could not be taken far from there. "A grave was assigned him among the wicked and a burial place with evildoers".
I'm not sure where the contradiction is. Jesus had his own grave along side of other graves of the wicked. The burial place refers to the entire grave site in the caves
The problem is that Jesus died. I've never heard someone call a dead person Lord, except for Elvis but he doesn't really count.

Why doesn't Elvis count? You never know, in several thousand years, with a few translation errors, some added bits and some thrown in imagination people might just think Elvis was a king of our times. Then furthermore some people might extrapolate that this king was in fact a god because his name is Elvis- meaning god lord, (or similar to lord, something noble of origin at any rate- which is the meaning of 'vis').
Strike down those who would mock our king and savior Elvis. For all that is good in the world is Elvis. And elvis, King of Kings shall reign eternal.
Okinrus - Satan is in the "translated" bible - eg: added later. I dont know for certain, but he is not in the original hebrew thingy?

Jeremy: Keep taking the tablets mate!!
You may be onto something here.
People DO say that God is Love and ELvis did call himself a "Hunka hunka burnin' Love".

What other parallels were there?

He was generous (giving Cadilacs away to strangers and all).
He did have some wrath issues (smiting the TV with Saint Smith and Saint Wesson).

What else?
Any suggestions?
Satan means adversary. The story of Job, personifies Satan along with the angels. Ezekiel prophesies about King of Tyre alongside a cherub whom fell. And Jesus gives his disciples of authority to tread on serpents and scorpians. These are general types of demons, the serpents decieve and scorpians cause pain. Thus the serpent in genesis is Satan and dirt that he eats is the death of souls.
And Jesus gives his disciples of authority to tread on serpents and scorpians.

What a retard. Did he know nothing about animal welfare? I've taught my child that EVERYTHING has the right to life, regardless of how small, inferior and apparently insignificant. However.. if i lived in the times of tents and campfires then i probably too would tell my friends and family to squash things like scorpions and snakes because many of them are harmful to humans- not because they have evil thoughts, or are a by-product of satan or demons, but they- just like everything else- needs to defend itself and increase chances of its own survival. No offence but if you regard scorpions and snakes as 'general types of demons', you're a damn lunatic freak. I suppose bees are demons because they sting and 'cause pain'. I suppose tigers are demons because they eat people, given the chance. I suppose teeny weeny little bacteria are demons because they cause illness... Sort yourself out.
No, but unless you have sold everything to the poor and live like Jesus then there's always room for improvement. Kind of being hypocritical here.
lol, WHY would you do that? he sounds like a badass, SELLING things to the poor- i GIVE clothes to the poor, i don't require money for such an action. jesus sounds like some kind of ultra hippy, honestly what can you achieve if you have no personal effects? NOTHING!! you need a basis on which you can do good. if you have nothing then your influence is limited.

You misunderstand... The serpent is the symbol of satan but also wisdom.
wow, i'm so surpirsed. i wonder if that wasn't a direct correlation cooked up by religious types to deter people from knowledge so they could be kept under the hypno-spell of religion. would not be surpirsed. devious tactics have been employed many times before in crhistianity and christian types- this certainly wouldn't be alone (it would have millions of such brothers).
lol, WHY would you do that? he sounds like a badass, SELLING things to the poor- i GIVE clothes to the poor, i don't require money for such an action. jesus sounds like some kind of ultra hippy, honestly what can you achieve if you have no personal effects? NOTHING!! you need a basis on which you can do good. if you have nothing then your influence is limited.
You always have God.

wow, i'm so surpirsed. i wonder if that wasn't a direct correlation cooked up by religious types to deter people from knowledge so they could be kept under the hypno-spell of religion. would not be surpirsed. devious tactics have been employed many times before in crhistianity and christian types- this certainly wouldn't be alone (it would have millions of such brothers).
Revelation 20:2 "He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the Devil or Satan, and tied it up for a thousand years and threw it into the abyss, which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could no longer lead the nations astray until the tousand years are completed. After this, it is to be released for a short time."

Well St. Patrick is said to drive the snakes out of Ireland.
Well St. Patrick is said to drive the snakes out of Ireland.

Yeah and the pied piper drove the rats out of hamlin.

Puss in boots drove the mice out of the castle,

Jack chopped down the beanstalk,


There's no dodo's in southern france, no crocodiles in germany, and us brits will never stumble upon a wolverine in our fair country.

There used to be a certain type of ferret in scotland. "One day" they were wiped out. There's no longer any red kites in england- they too were wiped out. It's nice to think, (if you like that sort of thing), that one man was responsible but thats not how things go. Environment, localized extinction etc do occur- and more frequently than you'd care to imagine. If i'm seen to be beating englands last known badger to death, you could very well say i am responsible for ending badger population in england. Doesn't really mean i killed all of them but over time thats quite probable how i would be seen- especially if they were technical vermin.
I thought you would read the account given to you that says that there was never any snakes in Ireland...
You always have God.
what kind of answer is that? to my knowledge no-one has god. he has NEVER come down to earth to help anyone i know or me or anyone else out during the past 2000 years (and it's dubious that he did anything before that as well).

Revelation 20:2 "He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the Devil or Satan, and tied it up for a thousand years and threw it into the abyss, which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could no longer lead the nations astray until the tousand years are completed. After this, it is to be released for a short time."
you justify my idea that it was by religious people that put the idea forward that wisdom is bad and should be kept away from. i'll give it to these church people, they were mighty smart when it comes to manipulating people so they will believe in something. beisdes i think it is better to know stuuf than not to know stuuf- how many people have died from the common cold? more in 1918 died of the virus that swept the world than all those killed in world war one. i think the world need a whole lot more wsidom if we're going to save this planet and our current quality of life (ok so that is only in some nations).
Yeah i read the account.

My point was to show how easily warped folklore and belief can become when left in the hands of simpletons. Evidence would always suggest impossibility that any one person could remove an entire species of animal from a country. Mainly because he would need to see every square millimetre of that country in order to know he'd removed every single one of that animal. However the folklore and belief remains intact no matter how much points against it being reality.

How many people still search for the loch ness monster even though the guy who took the original pictures confessed it was a set-up?

If moses stood up now and said he was writing a load of old cobblers you'd still believe in god.

Once a belief is rooted within a culture it remains even when proof shows otherwise.

For instance: You sit there and believe scorpions and snakes are demons..... all because someone 2000 years ago said it was ok to squash them.

That doesnt mean they are, or ever were demonic.