End of Ice Age

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All of the ice pack remaining in Antarctica and on Greenland would only raise the oceans 400 feet, if completely melted. Does that mean that there were no mountains higher than 400 feet, under your scenario, and that all the high mountains and other higher lands have arisen since?

Also, what about all the animals that require desert climate? They can't tolerate high humidity. Likewise with most desert plants. They can't tolerate high humidity, and die in such conditions as you postulate. Where did they come from?

And what about the coral atolls? If they were suddenly flooded, the corals would have died, as they need to be near to the surface (within a few hundred feet).

And, perhaps most importantly, we find only certain kinds of plants on some continents (cactus-like euphorbias in Africa, for example), and similar habitat plants that are very different genetically (true Cactus, for example, that only grew in the Americas before Columbus' day) on other continents. Did Noah travel around to each of the continents, after the waters 'receded' and showed the continents, depositing only Euphorbias in African, and only Cactus in the Americas?
Much of the post-Deluge ocean crust was new hot lava, through the rift zones, so when it cooled, it sank into the mantle, so the water slid off the thickening continents into the then deepening ocean basins.

The crusts of the Earth are like the skin on an apple, relatively very thin, very malleable, subject to plastic movement of the mantle.
Los Alamos did a heat flow computer simulation of the runaway plate tectonics of the Deluge year, no problems which you alledge, bad try.

The same guys that invented the Atom bomb and the Human Genome project...

Your looking the wrong place for answers.
They finished a virus in 2000 from the research, that can nearly stop aging altogether, and the method of delivery to adult humans adding hundreds of years to your lifespan.
They hid the research as soon as it was complete.

That is just how they are.
They are not on your side, and those funding them wouldn't blink an eye about wiping off the whole human race, but an elite few with this cure for aging.

They can not share this with the world in it's present condition....
So funding and inventing it means they never intended on it.

What? Your gods didn't tell you that you're expendable.

God means object of worship,
Look it up.
That's just where they have you.
You refer to their works like it's unfallable, unquestionable....like a god.
How is this different from a form of worship?
You don't have to reply, just think about it...and attempt to look up what they haven't removed or erased on the "net" about telomere research and a delivery method that was patented called "TeloVector"
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All of the ice pack remaining in Antarctica and on Greenland would only raise the oceans 400 feet, if completely melted. Does that mean that there were no mountains higher than 400 feet, under your scenario, and that all the high mountains and other higher lands have arisen since?

Also, what about all the animals that require desert climate? They can't tolerate high humidity. Likewise with most desert plants. They can't tolerate high humidity, and die in such conditions as you postulate. Where did they come from?

And what about the coral atolls? If they were suddenly flooded, the corals would have died, as they need to be near to the surface (within a few hundred feet).

And, perhaps most importantly, we find only certain kinds of plants on some continents (cactus-like euphorbias in Africa, for example), and similar habitat plants that are very different genetically (true Cactus, for example, that only grew in the Americas before Columbus' day) on other continents. Did Noah travel around to each of the continents, after the waters 'receded' and showed the continents, depositing only Euphorbias in African, and only Cactus in the Americas?

Seeds laying there after the waters went down.

I didn't say the water only ended up in the ice packs.
I said some reabsorbed.
I haven't pulled my trump card out of my hand yet either.
We are dealing with God here, the same God that I say by the power of His spoken words created all the worlds in the entire universe.
It would be a small mater for Him to rid the Earth of some water wouldn't it?

I love this job.
Much of the post-Deluge ocean crust was new hot lava, through the rift zones, so when it cooled, it sank into the mantle, so the water slid off the thickening continents into the then deepening ocean basins.

The crusts of the Earth are like the skin on an apple, relatively very thin, very malleable, subject to plastic movement of the mantle.

Thats a good thought.
I heard something once said very similar to that thought years ago.
The statement was made that if all the nukes this time....30, 000 on each side (this was years ago) were exploded at once, the Earths crust would not be able to handle the stress, and it would actually punch holes in the crust and the whole thing could be over run with lava.

You want to be careful trying to figure out all the unnecessary details though.

Thats the difference of opinion senseless wars are being fought over.
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I just looked it up. HIs work is widely discreditted and disproved by essentially the totality of modern geology. He is a laughing stock.
Anyone know the answer to this?: I'm always reading about how this or that valley or geological feature was carved out in the last ice age. But ice ages come every hundred thousand years or possibly more frequently, I've read. Then where's all the carving from the second to last ice age, and other ice ages? Some mountains are millions of years old, after all. Did the last ice age scour away all the evidence of the previous ones?

There is actually a lot of remainders from the prior ice ages, but the bulk of it was destroyed in the last. Think of the icepacks like gigantic hoes (like Paris Hilton) tilling the land.

The man can do work and not be a quack in everything he does. His real theories are laughable nonsense that would not stand one critique in a peer reviewed journal. In fact, that is why he publishes stuff in "Ex Nihilio" and not "Nature".

And no, there were many ice ages. And the last ice age ended about 10,000 BC, persisting in lower temperatures until the present day.
So prince, megalithic building of streets, walls, citadels, pillars, etc., began before 10000 B.C., according to you, so why'd they take 7,000 years off from building such structures, recess?
Ice Age Civilizations....

Why exactly did you chose that name?
I haven't even gone there yet.
I try to keep my posts in areas I know, however fictional my posts may sound to the average layman.
They are not.

However I am preparing to suggest we take a look at something I came across a few years ago that when I read about the first time.....it sent chills down my spine and triggered some form of instinctual memory, if there is such a word....(my spell-checker found it!)....like I could almost see the place in this description.

I'm talking about a world that supposedly existed before man when something else called the Earth...home.

Built into the mountains of the North regions....long covered by ice and snow.
A kingdom of sinister gargantuan proportions.
Perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands of years old.
Who was it that went on an expedition to the North pole about WWII....Admiral Byrd.
As the story goes it was really a military mission, not an scientific exploration.
And they took with them one of the first small portable nuclear weapons to destroy something.

This is two different stories, one is set in the 1940's or 50's...and talks of legends the land of Thule.
The other is set farther back at the end of the 19th century, and an expedition which found something very ancient and beyond belief there.

If there be any basis of fact to either of these old stories, could they even be tied together in the purpose for the military's interest there?

Like I said this one's out of my league....this is one of them "wild-eyed" stories from one of those ufo websites.....

I'm just throwing it out there for you all to have at it.

I await your findings on this.
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Last I checked, you've provided zero evidence for these megalithic structures. I think the only one commonly accepted is off Japan, and it is barely off the coast - hardly difficult to envision lower levels and natural obstructions a few hundred or thousand years ago.

But yes, please provide some mainstream, highly-esteemed, archaeological magazines detailing any anomalous megaliths beneath water that would not have permitted them to be built within a timespan equatable with similar structures elsewhere?
Seek, and ye shall find, prince, try googling: submerged/underwater megaliths Gibraltar, Spain, Lixus, Morocco, Malta, Greece, Egypt, Yarmuta, Sidon, Lebanon, Okinawa, Yonaguni, Ryuku Islands, Dwarka, Kumari Kandam, Mahabalipuram, Gulf of Cambay, and Gulf of Cambay.

And Visitor, Thule Land was the Atlantean coastal empire of the east Atlantic which went under circa 1500 B.C., when the Ice Age ended.
There is no megalith in any Gulf of Kutch. There is a cut trench in a hillock in Kutch, India, that is anomalous in the sense that we have no idea who did it and for what purpose, as well as its shape corresponding roughly to IV.
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