End of Ice Age

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Why would some crustal plates sliding under some others, subducting water with them, cause enough heat to vaporize the oceans? You are obviously just speculating, or have you supposedly worked it all out?

UMm, it wouldnt, because it cant. Yet you seem to think that something like it did happen.
Evidence please!
The sedimentary record reflects an earth-covering Deluge, with runaway plate tectonics, indicated by magnetic reversals, having caused the folding.

The magnetic reversal are in both lava and sedimentary rocks, rapid reversals through the time of the Deluge.
Ice Age imagines that the Himalayas were uplifted six miles in only a few years from "runaway plate tectonics" that suddenly happened 6,000 years ago for non-specified reasons, then just as suddenly stopped for non-specified reasons, and that explains why sedimentary rock can fold in wavy layers without forming cracks. I guess he never heard of plasticity, or how rock and other material, under intense pressure and heat, will slowly bend without cracking.

He also imagines that the fossils are all jumbled together in a single layer, rather than the clear evidence of layer upon layer of different types and forms during a gradual and orderly progression that we find in the field.

I suppose he imagines that the Grand Canyon was laid down during that same time period, and eroded away thereafter, all in less than 6,000 years.

So how do those people live with themselves?
Walter thinks deltas became the sedimentary layers which are usually stacked like pancakes, spreading across the continents, grading into each other usually, with billions of creatures entombed therein.
Great inland seas once existed in the interior of the North American continent, and these have left layers that are a mile or more thick in places like Kansas. Ice Age thinks that all happened just 6,000 years ago. Give us a break from that twaddle, thank you.
"Great inland seas" huh, why'd all that stop?

And according to your crowd, the oceans, as they are now, have been receiving sediments off the continents for over 50 million years, and at current erosion rates, the ocean basins should be half filled with sediments in that time, what happened Walter?
Whoa.......this has escalated into a full blown scholastic exchange.

The carnage, the desolation, it's an intellectual wasteland.

I'm from Kansas, and the wheat fields stretch on from horizon to horizon.
They produce year after year golden headed stalks of grain.
It's the breadbasket of the world.
All that silt laid down, year after year with the nutrients of life in those deposits is probably what makes it possible.
And the bodies of all those dinosaurs and antediluvians......from who knows how many countless worldwide floods coming as destructions from the almighty above, are the main ingredient in those nutrients.

You're both wrong:p

Normal topsoil would have given out long ago under that load.
Ever think about that.
Probably not, unless your from Kansas.
Not much to look at, but the best things usually aren't.
There's no place like home......ect, ect......

That wonderbread your chewing on.........it's people!
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That was just the popcorn intermission between the shooting match you all are entertaining me with.

It's been a slow news day.

Well, most of that is hard rock these days. Take it from the people who drill all those oil wells in Kansas. They drill through sedimentary ROCK, pressed into rock by the overlying layers. Only the topmost layers are the soil layers giving rise to the amber waves of grain.

And yes, there likely were many Ice Ages and Melt Downs, over and over and over, with the oceans rising and falling by as much as 800 feet, forming great inland seas, then retreating during ice ages, then flooding again, etc., as the continents slowly moved about the globe over many millions of years, finally ending up at our present-day configuration. The lands also moved up and down during all that jostling of the continents, even as the oceans rose and fell. All that made for continuing changes in habitat, stimulating a rich panoply of evolution.

What's your elevation in Kansas? Would it flood where you live if the oceans were to rise an additional 400 feet if the Ice Age were to come to a complete end (no glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland)?
Oh I see, there were many Ice Ages supposedly back to a hundred, two hundred, three hundred, three billion, years ago, so when was the first Ice Age, Walter, I guess there was, according to you, back when the first supposed regression of the oceans off the continents occurred, right?

You mean a "rich panoply" of Darwinian evolution?

Fossil soil layers are never found, because there were no transgressions of the sea onto the continents (except during the Deluge, and about 900 years later, when the Ice Age ended). Back to the drawing board Walter.

Only the topmost layers are the soil layers giving rise to the amber waves of grain.And yes, there likely were many Ice Ages and Melt Downs, over and over and over, with the oceans rising and falling by as much as 800 feet, forming great inland seas, then retreating during ice ages, then flooding again, etc., as the continents slowly moved about the globe over many millions of years, finally ending up at our present-day configuration.

Yes I would go for millions of years of sedimentary layers.
But I also see at least two recent totally worldwide floods within the last 10,000 years.

I don't mean localized ice age melts or abnormal weather flooding river deltas, I mean total mountain top covering deluges.

We found a woolly mammoth here a couple of months ago digging an underpass for a city freeway.
He was totally intact and less than 30 feet down.
Thats recent.
Construction stopped while we excavated the fossil, and it made the newspapers and T.V.

Shucks, we was famos foe a little while.

If that were true, what happened to all the water? Where'd it go? It's not here now. And wouldn't that have killed lots of sea-life that is highly sensitive to saline concentrations being just right? Two questions deserve two separate answers.
IceAge is a retarded troll.
Time to just let him spout his nonsense in silence.
He simply makes it up as he goes along.


"And finally, consider the "flat continents" theory. The deformation of any material requires energy; that's why it takes effort to bend a piece of metal, and that's why it will be slightly warmer after you've bent it. The heating effect of deformation is not often obvious in everyday situations, but if you've ever seen a steel rolling mill, you'll be convinced. Metal strips can become red hot after passing through just a few rolling mills, and that's because the work performed on the metal has to go somewhere. The same is true of rock, yet the YECs claim that millions upon trillions of tons of rock moved effortlessly up and down by 5 miles or more! Don't they realize that hundreds of billions of megatons of work would be required, so the land masses would become red hot and the oceans would boil off? Apparently not. You can't just arbitrarily speed up a process like continental drift to many hundreds of millions of times its normal rate, because that will also accelerate the rate of energy release by the same factor, with lethal consequences."

1)-If that were true, what happened to all the water? Where'd it go? It's not here now.

2)-And wouldn't that have killed lots of sea-life that is highly sensitive to saline concentrations being just right?
Two questions deserve two separate answers.

The water is still here.
That is exactly the question they probably asked Noah when he started building that boat in the desert.
Where's all the water coming from Noah?

The world was a different place.
It had a perfectly balanced atmosphere saturated to the max everywhere on every part of the globe.
Like water vapor in a terrarium.
This perfect balance also included one thing we don't now have.
The axis of the Earth was perpendicular to the sun.
There were no seasons...none.
No storms.
Never been rain since Adam.
The whole world was watered every night by the water vapor that condensed from the atmosphere as the sun revolved around and left that area cooling in darkness.

That's how saturated the atmosphere of the Earth was.
Keep in mind we aren't talking about some naturally evolved world.
This planet had been intentionally terraformed and perfectly balanced to be a living terrarium.

Also in Genesis 1, it starts out completely covered with water....
And no that's not some stone age account of a locally flooded area.
That's a prophet's vision who is accessing the omniscient mind of God, that misses nothing in detail, not the batting of a single Nat's eyelid.

So that water was evaporated and perfectly balanced in the atmosphere, as part of the terraforming process to begin with before Adam was formed.
Thats where the water came from.

The tilt of the Earth in the destruction caused by man, cooled large amounts of vapor all at once...and there have been seasons and rain ever since.
The Earth has only partially recovered.
She's hobbling along through space, crippled, limping, and leaning to one side.
N.A.S.A. never mentions this as being anything strange but there is, and what's strange to me is why they don't mention it, as being strange..

"You may think it's strange I think it strange, but I think it's strange that people think it strange I think it's strange." Get it?
Whew.... now, where did the water go?

The bible said the fountains of the deep opened up.
I'm not sure what that means, but I think at least some of the water fell as snow around the poles.
The poles were in a completely new location, so the miles of ice and glaciers there are fresh water and that has been proven.
The remainder reabsorbed re-saturating the atmosphere to some extent but not to the levels it was before the deluge.
Those days are over till the Earth has been repaired of the damage that was done to it at the last destruction.


On the effect this had on sea life I can't comment too much.
You probably have a valid point here for sure.
Perhaps some sea life was heavily affected, I wouldn't doubt it.
The Earth underwent a complete destruction.
Nuclear annihilation, axis tilt, nuclear winter.
It may have destroyed almost all sea-life.
It was meant to be a total destruction of all life.
Ever see the movie "Fallen" with Denzel Washington.
Scary stuff......time........is......on......my.....side..... yes it is.
The idea may have been not to let the cat get away.
Termination of all flesh, except Noah and a controlled gene pool to create a people with a certain mix.
No more 970 year lifespans.
Thats another thing that changed by the way if you'll notice.

What we have today may be a small portion of what we had originally as sea life, but I think they had a better chance of survival than anything else.
Everything on land was destroyed completely.

I believe there is evidence of dinosaurs completely up to and after the flood.
The bible talks about them....the "behemoth" with a tail as large as the cedars of Lebanon.
Do you know the "cedars of Lebanon "were once famous for their size?
Look at the great cedar trees in California today.
Some live to be two thousand years old.
They are part of the great giants of the Earth that the bible refers to when speaking of the Behemoth.
It says they were created for showing man the majesty and greatness of God while standing in awe at seeing them. Job chapter 40-41
An Elephant has a tail like a rope, not like the trunk of a giant cedar.
The dinosaurs came over on the ark the same as any of the other animals.
The ones that had survived up to the flood.
The world after the flood was a wasteland, lower oxygen levels, deforestation, harsh seasons, and lower temperatures all contributed along with hunting by humans to the dinosaurs almost complete demise shortly afterwards.....
The larger ones disappeared first, some of the smaller survived longer with some species becoming smaller each generation to better survive.
Much of this information is available to to anyone looking but few really are.
That's how powerful the information network, and complete the total manipulation of whats taught for reality is.
It is a real "matrix" of spiritual deception and control, a dark spiritual kingdom of principalities and powers touching every fiber of your being from birth.
You have been lied to, manipulated and told you can't do it all your life.
This lie is just a small part of this "matrix" you swim in without questioning.
If you were to break through the veil, and see what you really are and the power you were created to possess.....
They know they can't let that happen....
A son of God is more powerful than angels.
Things are changing, great things are about to happen.

Back to the fate of sea life I guess.....
The mechanism called evolution God used to create all living things may have allowed some to become extinct, but the majority of what science would have us believe were destroyed by a comet 65 million years ago, were not.
That cataclysmic event was a destruction caused by man himself not a comet and it was 5000 years ago.

All of these controversial facts have been religiously hounded by a "scientists" good ol' boys club, who they themselves were only admitted to if they renounced any such foolish notions.
The story is much longer than I can go into here Walter.......
I hope this much helps answer these two first questions.

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