End of Ice Age

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Metal may rust, but we have many examples of metal artifacts from thousands of years prior. If a civilization that was a mighty empire, we should have tremendous amounts of metal artifacts still remaining. We should also have stone, bodies, and other evidence.

I am also rather certain that salt water is -worse- than regular water to soak metal in. The Titanic is falling to pieces, for instance.

Metal may rust, but we have many examples of metal artifacts from thousands of years prior. If a civilization that was a mighty empire, we should have tremendous amounts of metal artifacts still remaining. We should also have stone, bodies, and other evidence.
I am also rather certain that salt water is -worse- than regular water to soak metal in. The Titanic is falling to pieces, for instance.

I said they nuked everything and then a flood that covered Mt Everest washed away the remains, and the Earth tilted and moved the poles about 2000 miles burying anything the nukes didn't get under ice or water... about 5000 years ago.

But yeah Prince, you must be right.
If we don't find any evidence it didn't happen.:bugeye:

The Dead Sea is just what I said it is....
Oxygen content is nil, and metal will not rust there at depth.....I wasn't guessing, and I'm not the one that first discovered this so look it up if you don't believe me.
Don't bother to reply anymore, I won't argue with you.
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Would you please give any reason to suggest -any single bit of this happened-? Or do you have a form of verbal diarhea so horrifically bad that you must use this thread as the toilet for your insanity?

Seriously. Consider what it would take to knock the Earth off its axis -and- bring about such a flood -and- kill off almost everything on the planet.

Why is there NOTHING to back this up? We should have a HUGE strata of dead creatures of all types and Mount Everest should so signs of recently being under water.

And I fail to see how the pyramids - which have been reliably dated to a historic king - would survive this conflageration.
The Spanish Inquistion was referred to as the Eye that Never Sleeps.
The Lidless Eye of Sauron also never slept.

Obviously, the Pope is the Dark Lord returned.
Sure D H, a two mile deep icepack built up on North America, northern Europe, and northern Asia, during the Ice Age, because, according to you, there was less snowfall then, wow, and tropical raniforests are wet because they're deserts, right?

And the snow line in the mountain ranges was several thousand feet lower during the Ice Age because there was less snow fall there then, according to you. And the Sahara desert, during the Ice Age, was a series of interconnected lakes and rivers because it rained less there then, according to you, righ D H?
Lack of radial tension cracks in the folded sedimentary layers of the Himalayas (and other ranges) proves that the layers were still soft when the folding occurred, at the close of the Deluge, when the mountains uplifted.

The Deluge didn't cover the mountain ranges, the Deluge built the sediments for the mountain ranges, which folded and upthrusted at the close of the Deluge.
Sure D H, a two mile deep icepack built up on North America, northern Europe, and northern Asia, during the Ice Age, because, according to you, there was less snowfall then, wow, and tropical raniforests are wet because they're deserts, right?

Keep right on with the strawmen.

Tell me, why is Antarctica covered thousands of feet deep with ice and snow when most of Antarctica is essentially a desert, receiving but one to three inches of snowfall per year?

And the snow line in the mountain ranges was several thousand feet lower during the Ice Age because there was less snow fall there then, according to you. And the Sahara desert, during the Ice Age, was a series of interconnected lakes and rivers because it rained less there then, according to you, righ D H?

When the average global temperature falls by several degrees the snow line gets a lot lower. When the average global temperature falls by several degrees the desert belt shrinks.

The word 'global', as in 'global warming', means world-wide average. It does not mean the condition is spread uniformly over the globe. Global warming is paradoxically expected to make England get colder. Its not surprising then that some areas (e.g., the Sahara) received more precipitation during the ice age even though the global average temperature and global average precipitation are reduced during an ice age.
The snowpack remains on Antarctica, after the Ice Age, 'cause it's reeeeeeal cooooooold down there.

Almost no snow falls when it's reeeeeeeeal coooooooold, and when it's reeeeeeal coooooooold, clouds hardly ever appear in the sky, perfect conditions for your Ice Age, right D H?
Please explain how less snowfall supposedly caused a snowpack 10,000 feet deep to form on North America, northern Europe, and Asia. (This oughta be good.)

And how would have less snowfall supposedly caused deeper glaciers which extended thousands of feet lower down the mountainsides?
Please explain how less snowfall supposedly caused a snowpack 10,000 feet deep to form on North America, northern Europe, and Asia. (This oughta be good.)

And how would have less snowfall supposedly caused deeper glaciers which extended thousands of feet lower down the mountainsides?

You've already answered your own question. Here let me quote the answer:

The snowpack remains on Antarctica, after the Ice Age, 'cause it's reeeeeeal cooooooold down there.

Almost no snow falls when it's reeeeeeeeal coooooooold, and when it's reeeeeeal coooooooold, clouds hardly ever appear in the sky, perfect conditions for your Ice Age, right D H?

There you go.
Now. Move along.
The Spanish Inquisition was referred to as the Eye that Never Sleeps.
The Lidless Eye of Sauron also never slept.

Obviously, the Pope is the Dark Lord returned.

Too bad your not serious, because in your joking around you may have hit on something thats not too far fetched.
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Mountains cannot uplift in a matter of days. The energy would melt the crust of the Earth. Ever go to a steel meal where steel is folded? That's simply bending metal. Think of upthrusting tens of thousands of feet of millions of tons of rock into the sky.
The layers of sediments were still wet when regional compression (plate collisions) caused the buckling and uplifting of the layers to form mountain chains, no great heat was involved, except locally, where magmatic intrusions (to form metamorphic rock), and extrusions (pillow basalts, extruded into water) occurred.

You seemingly do not grasp the idea of the energy level necessary to uplift billions of tons of rock up to 6 miles into the sky.

Water, even catastrophic deluges, do not penetrate that far down into the ground. Indeed, it'd simply wash away the soil levels. Mountains are not formed simply by magma, but through the rock litterally being thrust into the sky from plates colliding.

The heat would have been enormous. We'd litterally have baked the Earth and boiled off those seas in the process.

Your system is utterly without scientific validation at this point. Beyond the absurdity of any global flood being even possible to occur.
You obviously don't have a clue, the sediments were laid down by the Deluge, crustal displacement from runaway plate tectonics during the Deluge year caused the folding, and the water slid off the thickening continents into the then deepening ocean basins (new basalt crust through midoceanic rift zones).

To debate against the GFM, you really should know what it entails, you're just blathering along in ignorance.

You can't argue against concepts which you don't understand, well, you have tried to argue from your ignorance, and it's gotten you nowhere.

"Run away plate tectonics" would produce such energy as to bring about just what I told you of. You'd litterally see a boiling off of the water you've just spoken about. In fact, you'd see the crust itself melt.
Why would some crustal plates sliding under some others, subducting water with them, cause enough heat to vaporize the oceans? You are obviously just speculating, or have you supposedly worked it all out?
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