Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything

We perceive the passage of time (changes), but not intervals.
I fall asleep at night in the dark. I wake up in the dark. During that time, I have been unconscious.

Between being unconscious and being in complete darkness, I cannot perceive any changes - and yet time has passed.

Therefore, time is not simply the accumulation of perceptible changes. It marches on whether or not I perceive changes or am even conscious.
I fall asleep at night in the dark. I wake up in the dark. During that time, I have been unconscious.

Between being unconscious and being in complete darkness, I cannot perceive any changes - and yet time has passed.

Therefore, time is not simply the accumulation of perceptible changes. It marches on whether or not I perceive changes or am even conscious.

I did not mean that time exists if we perceive it (changes). Time exists in the presence or absence of the observer.
This is another view of magnitive time:

1- Changes: objective and perceptible.
2- Intervals: objective and imperceptible. Intuitive.
3- Periodic phenomena: they are the reference of the measurement of time.
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The components of the magnitive time are:

1- Changes: objective and perceptible.
2- Intervals: objective and imperceptible.
3- Periodic phenomena: they are the reference for the measurement of time.

Time is defined as the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future. Time is divided into intervals.

Time is similar to a coin, on the one hand we see the changes (obverse) and on the other we intuit the intervals (reverse).

The components of the magnitive time are:

1- Changes: objective and perceptible.
2- Intervals: objective and imperceptible.
3- Periodic phenomena: they are the reference for the measurement of time.

Time is defined as the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future. Time is divided into intervals.

Time is similar to a coin, on the one hand we see the changes (obverse) and on the other we intuit the intervals (reverse).

None of which can happen without the physical .

Philochrony, since its inception on March 13, 2009, has been in constant evolution. The Philochrony definition of time has been modified. This is the current definition of time: it is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future. But the past and the future are mental concepts, they do not exist in reality. Therefore the above definition is not completely objective. The new definition proposes that time is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from an earlier state (E) to a later state (L).

From this definition the following laws arise:
1) E --> L
Unidirectional or irreversibility law.
2) E <> L
Difference or development law.
3) E --- L
Intervals law. Between E and L there will always be an interval. These laws are fulfilled throughout the universe and cannot be violated by human beings.

For example, let's look at these laws in an hourglass.
1) Sand always falls from the upper bowl (E) to the lower bowl (L).
2) At the beginning (E) the upper receptacle contains more sand. But in the end (L) the bottom receptacle contains more sand.
3) The hourglass measures an interval.

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The purpose of conspiracy theories is to hide the truth with deception. Conspiracy theories generate a lot of views and money on YouTube and social media.

Some conspiratorial ideas about time are:
1) Time does not exist.
2) Time does not flow or does not pass.
3) Time is an illusion.
4) Time is invented by the brain.
5) The time machine.

Other conspiracy theories are:
1) The Earth is flat.
2) Man never reached the Moon.
3) Elvis Presley is alive.

Some want us to think that time does not exist to perpetuate oneself in power. That we believe that change is an illusion and that God is in control of events on Earth.
Some want us to think that time does not exist to perpetuate oneself in power. That we believe that change is an illusion and that God is in control of events on Earth.
IMO, Duration exists. But Time is a man made symbolic representation of the duration of all chronological change in physical phenomena

Time does not exist independent of physical chronologies, because duration does not exist independent of physical chronologies.
IMO, Duration exists. But Time is a man made symbolic representation of the duration of all chronological change in physical phenomena

Time does not exist independent of physical chronologies, because duration does not exist independent of physical chronologies.

In Philochrony time is the interval between two sequential physical events. The Chronology is in charge of ordering the events according to the moment in which they occur.

The types of duration are:
1) Regular, periodic and unlimited. Example: the movements of the Earth.
2) Regular, periodic and limited. Example: clocks.
3) Irregular, non-periodic and limited. Example: the life of living beings.
Time is the duration units system (DUS).


The statement: continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from a previous state to a later state becomes the definition of duration.
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1) Space and time are not physical entities because they are intangible. This is completely obvious.

2) For Emmanuel Kant, space and time are a priori categories of knowledge that allow us to organize objects and phenomena in a given place and time.

3) For the Theory of Relativity, space and time form a 4-dimensional structure where events occur.

4) Matter, energy, and motion are physical entities because they are tangible.

5) For Philochrony, space and time are independent objective entities that allow the organization of bodies and events in a given place and time.

6) Bodies move in space (3D) with a certain duration (time).

7) The concept of space-time is the result of multiplying time times the speed of light, thus converting time into a supposed "dimension of space". But in time we cannot move backwards as in space. In other words, time cannot be a dimension of space. Time only flows forward, never backward.


Geochrony is the study and interest in the report of the world climate and time. Meteorology is the science that describes the atmospheric conditions of a certain area or region.

As an example of Geochrony, let's look at the case of Murmansk, a city in northwestern Russia.
Murmansk is located at latitude: 68° 58' N and longitude: 33° 05' E.

The following data are taken from the cell phone weather application.

1) May 4, 7:19 PM
2) Temperature range: 4 / -3.
3) Precipitation: 5%. Cloudy.
4) UV Index: Low.
5) Sunrise: 3:16 AM.
6) Sunset: 10:16 PM.
7) Humidity: 73%.
Philochrony (from Greek philo: friend and khronos: time) is the theory that describes the nature of time, demonstrates its existence and teaches us to visualize it. Time is MAGNITIVE: objective, Imperceptible and measurable.
With "imperceptible", do you mean "non-physical"?
I fall asleep at night in the dark. I wake up in the dark. During that time, I have been unconscious.

Between being unconscious and being in complete darkness, I cannot perceive any changes - and yet time has passed.

Therefore, time is not simply the accumulation of perceptible changes. It marches on whether or not I perceive changes or am even conscious.
Why would you waste your time responding to Asexperia, it just encourages more gibberish...
Why would you waste your time responding to Asexperia, it just encourages more gibberish...
Frankly, considering the quality of new user content that's come wafting into SciFo in recent months, Asexperia's posts are almost rational by comparison.

No, completely. With no comparison.
Unfortunately, you are not in a position to make that judgment.
A patient in an asylum totally believes all the delusions in his personal world are rational (just an analogy: not actually claiming you're delusional).
The patient is not in a position to make a judgement about whether their beliefs are valid. That requires external validation from peers.
The problem you are experiencing is that you have no idea whether any of this stuff has any value or meaning to anyone but you. For all you know, you are rowing a rowboat in a desert.
You should really seek objective validation from some qualified people. A peer group will keep you from wandering in a desert, thinking it's a lake.
The problem you are experiencing is that you have no idea whether any of this stuff has any value or meaning to anyone but you. For all you know, you are rowing a rowboat in a desert.
You should really seek objective validation from some qualified people. A peer group will keep you from wandering in a desert, thinking it's a lake.

This is the pseudoscience subforum. I don't have to prove anything or convince anyone. Although for some in this forum Philochrony does not reach pseudoscience.
This is the pseudoscience subforum. I don't have to prove anything or convince anyone. Although for some in this forum Philochrony does not reach pseudoscience.
This is the pseudoscience subforum. I don't have to prove anything or convince anyone.
That is surprisingly evolved of you.

Although the question remains: why publish it publicly, if you have no need of convincing anyone?

Note: this is a discussion forum. If you want to blog your ideas for your own sake, maybe you should start a blog.

Causality is the principle that relates two sequential events: one the cause and the other the effect. To the cause always follows the effect and the effect precedes the cause. This is an absolute principle. All observers will see the cause-effect sequence and never the other way around: effect-cause. For example: All observers will see the egg fall and then break, they will never see it break and then rise and recompose.

The principle of causality explains the arrow of time: cause-effect direction. Even the same time is subject to this principle: changes-intervals. No changes (cause), no intervals (effects). The law of cause and effect is the law of time. For example: the rotation of the Earth (cause) generates the day, 24 hours (effect).

Causality is the principle that relates two sequential events: one the cause and the other the effect. To the cause always follows the effect and the effect precedes the cause. This is an absolute principle. All observers will see the cause-effect sequence and never the other way around: effect-cause. For example: All observers will see the egg fall and then break, they will never see it break and then rise and recompose.

The principle of causality explains the arrow of time: cause-effect direction. Even the same time is subject to this principle: changes-intervals. No changes (cause), no intervals (effects). The law of cause and effect is the law of time. For example: the rotation of the Earth (cause) generates the day, 24 hours (effect).


Where is Affect , of because if the effect , because of the cause .