Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything


Duration is the continuous and sequential occurrence of changes from beginning to end. We perceive changes and we know that they have a beginning and an end. Time is the measure of duration.
We also realize that there are periodic phenomena. These phenomena allow us to predict with certainty when an hour, a day and a year will end. Even if we know the duration of a phenomenon we can predict its end.

The principle of certainty does not apply to the life of a human being. We know we are going to die, but we don't know when.

Time has three functions:
1- Determine the duration of things.
2- Determine the separation between two sequential events.
3- Allow to make predictions about when an event starts or ends.

In Quantum Mechanics the Certainty Principle contradicts Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.


1) based on the physical properties of things . Duration is based on this .
2) the separation between sequential events is physical position , not by time . You can have many things going on at the same moment , without interfering with each other in any way .
3) and always fallible .

Not because of time .

In Philochrony, time is divided, for its study, into: time of duration (TD), time of sequential separation (TSS) and time of consciousness (TC). The TD measures the duration or age of beings from their beginning to their end. The TSS measures the distance between two sequential events or moments. The TC measures the psychological time. In TC, consciousness creates time.

The TD and the TSS are magnitive or physical. TC is subjective. Some thinkers who have supported the TC are: Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and Henry Bergson.

The word time, by itself, means sequential space, moment to moment and changes. The essential property of TD and TSS is their magnitivity.
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In Philochrony, time is divided, for its study, into: time of duration (TD), time of sequential separation (TSS) and time of consciousness (TC). The TD measures the duration or age of beings from their beginning to their end. The TSS measures the distance between two sequential events or moments. The TC measures the psychological time. In TC, consciousness creates time.

The TD and the TSS are magnitive or physical. TC is subjective. Some thinkers who have supported the TC are: Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and Henry Bergson.

The word time, by itself, means sequential space, moment to moment and changes. The essential property of TD and TSS is their magnitivity.

If you measure Duration then it is no longer Duration . But a measure of movement .

TSS , there is no separation of events to the object(s) . They flow together .

TC , the psychology is because of transportation . The standardization of time . Time Zones . ( By Sir Samford Fleming , a Canadian of Scottish descent ) . Time zones was , is , a practical solution , to scheduling , coordinating of transportation . Which was before totally unworkable .
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If you measure Duration then it is no longer Duration . But a measure of movement .

TSS , there is no separation of events to the object(s) . They flow together .

TC , the psychology is because of transportation . The standardization of time . Time Zones . ( By Sir Samford Fleming , a Canadian of Scottish descent ) . Time zones was , is , a practical solution , to scheduling , coordinating of transportation . Which was before totally unworkable .

We can discuss the topic of time zones in another thread.

River, you should read, study more, and watch lots of science videos before critiquing an idea.
We can discuss the topic of time zones in another thread.

River, you should read, study more, and watch lots of science videos before critiquing an idea.

Then start the thread .

What science videos should I be watching ? So you really don't understand the theory you are spouting .

In Philochrony, time is divided, for its study, into: time of duration (TD), time of sequential separation (TSS) and time of consciousness (TC). The TD measures the duration or age of beings from their beginning to their end. The TSS measures the distance between two sequential events or moments. The TC measures the psychological time. In TC, consciousness creates time.


In Philochrony, time is divided, for its study, into: time of duration (TD), time of sequential separation (TSS) and time of consciousness (TC). The TD measures the duration or age of beings from their beginning to their end. The TSS measures the distance between two sequential events or moments. The TC measures the psychological time. In TC, consciousness creates time.


What is duration based on ? What object? Or objects ?
The parallelochron unifies in a single scheme the duration of beings and phenomena with time.

Elvis Sibilia is Asexperia.

Would you be interested in the explanation for non-linear time by a near death experiencer?

If you are I can either give the link in this discussion... or send it to you as a personal message if you prefer?

Chronoverse is the cosmology of Philochrony. Let us remember the definition that Philochrony gives about time: it is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that goes from the past to the future (before-after). The past and the future are abstract entities. We abstract them from our experiences.

The universe before the Big Bang:
,,,,,,,,, Eternity

The universe after the Big Bang
,,,, BB ,,,,,,,,,, present
,,,,,,,,,,, past ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, future

The Big Bang was the passage from eternity to time. With the BB time was created.
You can leave the link in this thread. Thanks Dennis.

I just found this interesting quotation on time in chapter three as well.....


What about time? Does it exist at all in Heaven?

No. During my NDE, I discovered that Heaven is a place where ALL TIME is happening all at once.

The way I like to think of it is: God is Time and we are the moving hands on our Creators' clock. While we (the hands) may all seem to be in motion, God (Time) sits perfectly still like a solid foundation or stage for us to live out the dramas' of our lives.

I know that may sound bewildering to some saying that all time is happening at once, and for the sake of writing this book, I would like to be able to say that my trip to the Other Side happened in a kind of sequence, but it didn't. As I mentioned before, with the exception of a few brief moments (during the beginning and the very end of my NDE) I had what I can only think to call, "an extended eternal moment" where I experienced my own Light travel everywhere and experience everything at once.

I witnessed my own spiritual essence expand outward, like an exploding sun, and as all the various "rays" went forth, north, south, up, down, east, west and all around (at a supernatural speed much faster than the speed of Light), I was able to take in, process and ultimately recall a tremendous amount of information. Yet, even now, since having had my NDE, I find that I am still trying to sort and figure out a great deal; and to be perfectly honest, I don't think I will ever be able (in this lifetime) to successfully communicate exactly what happened to me or what I saw and felt within the deepest part of my being. This is one of the reasons I wanted to wait till I was a little older before I actually published anything pertaining to my experience, as I was hoping that maturity and life experience would help me be able to better explain the event, as well as what I now believe I now know. But as the demand has so obviously grown, with hundreds of e-mails and thousands of visits on my website every week, I have decided that my years of reflection has been long enough and now I see that it is time for me to prayerfully and faithfully walk forward and put my recollections and understandings down permanently in inkand also in the capable hands of Heaven. However, even still, as I write these words in this moment ... I realize there is so much more to conceptualize and process.

The deeper I went into Heaven, the more I realized that there is no time. It simply does not exist in the higher spiritual stations and spheres. On the other side, there is no night and daynor is there any aging or biological decay. Absolutely everything that has ever happened, is happening now, or will happen in the future, is all happening right this moment.

My impression is that near death experiencer had very little interest in this type of information before his near death experience.
What does zero represent ?

1) Nothingness
2) A quantity
3) A space
4) An absence
5) Other

Zero represents nothingness, an empty space or an absence. Zero is the opposite of quantity, however multiply the number to its left by ten.

Let's look at this example:
In 2_5 there is a zero which is then symbolized by a 0. In this case zero indicates that there are no tens.

Zero represents nothingness, an empty space or an absence. Zero is the opposite of quantity, however multiply the number to its left by ten.

Let's look at this example:
In 2_5 there is a zero which is then symbolized by a 0. In this case zero indicates that there are no tens.

Oh joy. This thread is about Grade One arithmetic. That's certainly a judicious use of electrons.
So must you . Communicate with clarity .


The past and the future are linear zeros that indicate the absence of beings, changes and events. Time is represented by a 1 (present) and two linear zeros, one past and one future.

.. linear zero ......... linear zero
--------------------- 1 -------------------->
....... past .... present .. future

Everything to the left of 1 is past and everything to the right of 1 is future. The 1 represents now. Now we have two zeros: the positional zero and the linear zero. In Philosophy the 1 is the Being and the past and the future are non-Being.
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The past and the future are linear zeros that indicate the absence of beings, changes and events. Time is represented by a 1 (present) and two linear zeros, one past and one future.

.. linear zero ......... linear zero
------------------ 1 ------------------>
....... Past .... present .. Future

Everything to the left of 1 is past and everything to the right of 1 is future. The 1 represents now. Now we have two zeros: the positional zero and the linear zero. In Philosophy the 1 is the Being and the past and the future are non-Being.

Now Physically what do you mean ?