Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything

The Grand Beetle Picnic

Beetles live under your sofa. The dimension of the sofa is its length multiplied by its width multiplied by its height.

Although, come to think of it, sofas are kind of a weird shape and so are difficult to measure accurately. Who made them like that? And while everybody likes a good soft sofa, it's not quite true to say....

Ahem. Sorry. Lost track for a minute there. Where was I? Oh yes.

The Ra is the Egyptian Sun God. It is related to the year (365 days) and to the second (0.000000031.7 years). All events are to be referred to the Ra for his approval. Please sign the forms in triplicate and forward to the appropriate religious office.

Note: All this stuff about Ra has nothing to do with trout, so no need to worry about those for the moment.

Wow. I hadn't thought about the Egyptian god of the Sun (RA).
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The magnitive time diagram exposes the different solutions to the problem of time on whether it exists or not.


The magnitive time is (changing the order of the characteristics): measurable, imperceptible and objective.
The magnitive time is (changing the order of the characteristics): measurable, imperceptible and objective.
MAGNITIVE ? I have been wondering about this word and what it means in relation to time or to anything at all.
A did a Google search and there is not definition of the term. There is a reference:
MAGNITIVE: Effectiveness and Feasibility of a Cognitive Training Program Through Magic Tricks for Children With Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder ...

As far as the question; IMO the least complicated answer is that space is a permittive condition and time emerges as a result of duration. This is why we can assign so many different time frames to every "worldline" in existence.

World line, worldsheet, and world volume, as they are derived from particles, strings, and branes.


Three different world lines representing travel at different constant four-velocities. t is time and x distance


My reasoning is that in a dynamic universe there are no fixed time points in space and the faster an object travels, or an event occurs, the less time it takes (requires) to get to a specific destination or conclusion and it is only when it gets there or the event concludes that the relative duration of time can be calculated.

It is impossible to calculate time by its position in space. Time of duration can only be assigned to a specific worldline of an object, from a particle to the universe itself.

If 3D space was a static object, a specific timepoint could be assigned to a specific spacepoint, but space is a dynamic object in constant motion.

No specific time can be assigned except as a result of duration of each individual event.

I invite any and all correction to this perspective, which seems to me to be the most logical interpretation of the nature and function of time.
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(This article is a continuation of the post #342.)

Magnitivism is the doctrine that opposes Presenteeism in relation to the existence of time. According to Presenteeism, time does not exist because we only perceive the present. The past are only memories and the future are expectations. The past and the future are only illusions.

For Magnitivism time is real because the sequential intervals are objective. The term Magnitivism is derived from the word magnitive and the suffix ism (doctrine)

Presenteeism puts its emphasis on the changes and facts of reality. Magnitivism places its emphasis on the mathematical aspect of time. Between two sequential events there is an interval that can be measured. This interval is objective, real. The year 2021 is real because it measures the interval between the present and the birth of Christ. The time measures the interval between a moment of the day and midnight or noon.

Look for information about the magnitive concept in the previous posts.
Magnitivism is the doctrine that opposes Presenteeism in relation to the existence of time. According to Presenteeism, time does not exist because we only perceive the present.
I can agree with that. Time emerges during the chronological procession of "present nows".
The past are only memories and the future are expectations. The past and the future are only illusions.
I don'tagree with that. Once time has emerged it is measurable and we can look back to the past and observe what happened a long time ago. Fact is that what we observe as our present is already in the past, however brief.

Augustine of Hippo said: If no one asks me what time is I know, but if anyone asks me I cannot explain it. For many people time is an illusion and for others time exists but has no explanation. The english physicist Isaac Newton compared time to the current of a river in which everything happens. This is the stage of the unknown time.

Since the appearance of the magnitive concept, on September 16, 2017, time has ceased to be unknown to become a known concept. From then time is defined as the magnitive amount of the extension of the sequential intervals (beginning-end). Time is no longer a physical magnitude. Time is measured by counting periodic phenomena.

Magnitive is the concept that groups the three qualities of time:
1) Clocks measure the past and future time (measurable).
2) Time is imperceptible and unobservable by physical equations.
3) Time exists independently of consciousness (objective).

I have come to these conclusions by employing thought experiments for 16 years.
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Time is the magnitude that measures the duration or separation of events. Duration is the continuous succession of irreversible changes delimited by a beginning and an end. The duration can be regular rhythm (time) and irregular rhythm. These durations pass simultaneously constituting the Parallelochron. Regular duration or time is based on the periodic phenomena. The Parallelochron represents the temporal structure of the universe.

In the Big Bang originated first duration and then time when the first periodic phenomena appeared.


Time is the magnitude that measures the duration or separation of events. Duration is the continuous succession of irreversible changes delimited by a beginning and an end. The duration can be regular rhythm (time) and irregular rhythm. These durations pass simultaneously constituting the Parallelochron. Regular duration or time is based on the periodic phenomena. The Parallelochron represents the temporal structure of the universe.

In the Big Bang originated first duration and then time when the first periodic phenomena appeared.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,..... the arrow of emergent universal time is getting longer... I like it.

1) Everything that happens has a beginning, a "life" and an end. In other words, nothing lasts forever.

2) This law applies in the past, in the present and in the future.

3) This law is an universal and absolute principle.

4) This law states that changes happen continuously and irreversibly.

5) This law prevents events from occurring backwards. For example, there is no rejuvenation.

6) This law prevents time travel. These journeys are only possible in science fiction.

7) This law is inexorable or relentless. There is no way to stop duration.

8) This law is represented by the parallelochron.

9) This law applies in all sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, etc.

10) This law gives rise to time which is the magnitude that measures the duration and separation of events.


1) The law of duration governs the origin and disappearance of animal and plant species.

2) Also this law governs the birth and death of the planets and stars. And of course of living beings.

3) This law also governs all daily activities performed by the human being.
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1) Question: Does time exist?

2) Hypothesis: Yes, it does. Time is the sequential distance between two moments

3) Reasoning: In space two points A and B are separated by a line (length). In time two points or moments A and B are separated by a sequential interval.
- It is A (beginning)
- It is not A (duration)
- It is B (end)

4) Conclusion: The existence of time is evident.

This demonstration is universal and objective. It is verified everywhere and at any time.
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Time is the sequential distance between two moments
Remove the points. Does time still exist?

Question: does the universe have two points ?

Answer: Yes, fom BB to present (and counting), also known as spacetime.

Question: Does time exist apart from space?

Answer: No, without space there is no time. Time emerges with space.
The Ra is the Egyptian Sun God. It is related to the year (365 days) and to the second (0.000000031.7 years). All events are to be referred to the Ra for his approval. Please sign the forms in triplicate and forward to the appropriate religious office.
Permit me a moment of levity. It still relates very much to time keeping a la New Orleans shuffle.

Is time subjective or objective?

Aristotle from Estagira (IV century b. C.), Emmanuel Kant (XVIII century) and Albert Einstein (XX century) are three very influential theorists who offered their opinions about time. These thinkers have had many followers throughout history.

1) For Aristotle time depends on a consciousness that records it. Subjective time.

2) For Emmanuel Kant, space and time are a priori categories of knowledge. They are subjective.

3) For Albert Einstein the distinction between past, present and future is only a persistent stubborn illusion. Subjective time.

4) The truth is that the magnitive time is: objective, imperceptible and measurable. Imperceptibility makes some people think that time is subjective. But to be measurable (clocks) time must be objective.

The passage of time manifests itself in changes, material deterioration and aging.
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But to be measurable (clocks) time must be objective.
Controversially, Physicist Argues Time Is Real
Over time, though, Smolin became convinced not only that time was real, but that this notion could be the key to understanding the laws of nature.
"If laws are outside of time, then they're inexplicable," he said. "If law just simply is, there's no explanation. If we want to understand law … then law must evolve, law must change, law must be subject to time. Law then emerges from time and is subject to time rather than the reverse."
Smolin admitted there are objections to this idea, especially what he calls "the meta-law dilemma:" If physical laws are subject to time, and evolve over time, then there must be some larger law that guides their evolution. But wouldn't this law, then, have to be beyond time, to determine how the other laws change with time? Other physicists have cited this objection in reaction to Smolin's work.

IMO, the larger most fundamental and constant law is contained in our description of the law of Logic.

Lindström's theorem
In mathematical logic, Lindström's theorem (named after Swedish logician Per Lindström, who published it in 1969) states that first-order logic is the strongest logic[1] (satisfying certain conditions, e.g. closure under classical negation) having both the (countable) compactness property and the (downward) Löwenheim–Skolem property.[2]
Lindström's theorem is perhaps the best known result of what later became known as abstract model theory,[3] the basic notion of which is an abstract logic;[4] the more general notion of an institution was later introduced, which advances from a set-theoretical notion of model to a category-theoretical one.[5] Lindström had previously obtained a similar result in studying first-order logics extended with Lindström quantifiers.[6]
Lindström's theorem has been extended to various other systems of logic, in particular modal logics by Johan van Benthem and Sebastian Enqvist. ......more

Some people have questioned me that if time is imperceptible it cannot be measurable.
My answer is that we perceive the changes, but not the intervals. For example, we do not perceive an hour but each moment that constitutes this period.
On a clock we see the movement of the hands, but not any interval.
This is part of the explanation of the magnitive time, which is objective, imperceptible and measurable.

It is necessary to differentiate between time (magnitude of duration) and its measurement (visible on clocks).

Philochrony is also called the Theory of the Magnitivity of Time.

Relation between becoming, duration and time.

1) Becoming is the continuous and irreversible occurrence of changes delimited by a beginning and an end. The becoming is perceptible. All phenomena and processes are part of becoming.

2) The magnitude of the becoming is the duration (intervals). The perception of duration is subjective and very inaccurate.

3) Time is the exact measure of duration. Over time we have a precise (mathematical) idea of the duration of things.
The becoming-duration duality is the structural basis of time. Although the becoming is perceptible, time is imperceptible and objective (magnitive). Without becoming there is no duration and without duration there is no time.
Humanity has gone through the three stages of this variable: Becoming represented by Heraclitus of Ephesus. Duration represented by Aristotle and time represented by Christiaan Huygens who invented the pendulum clock.

Note: This is the return of the concept of becoming to Philochrony since September 2020. This modifies the conceptual content of parallelochron.
