Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything

Asexperia said. In the thread Does time exists? page 47.
The magnitive is the property of beings that can be measured, but It is imperceptible. The magnitive is objective, but not concrete; for example in Physics: force, gravity and time. We feel the weight, but not gravity.
Magnitive (created by Asexperia) is a modification of the word magnitude.

DaveC426913 said:
An interesting solution: name the ineffable quality.
I do wonder if there is an existing word though.

Look at this friends
Do you remember this DaveC?
Why did you change your mind?
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Asexperia said. In the thread Does time exists? page 47.
The magnitive is the property of beings that can be measured, but It is imperceptible. The magnitive is objective, but not concrete; for example in Physics: force, gravity and time. We feel the weight, but not gravity.
Magnitive (created by Asexperia) is a modification of the word magnitude.

DaveC426913 said:
An interesting solution: name the ineffable quality.
I do wonder if there is an existing word though.

Look at this friends
Do you remember this DaveC?
Why did you change your mind?
You've invented a term for something the rest of us already know. You first mentioned it in post twenty, four years ago.

Yes, Neither gravity nor mass nor time are things we experience directly. Instead we experience their effects.

Got it.

We got it in high school; did you? Do you think it'll take another four years and 460 posts to make a point we all already know? Can we maybe just skip ahead to post 920?

This is all time you could have been spending reading up on basic science, methods and procedures.
Children are starving in Africa while you squander Earth's energy resources perpetually polishing the same tiny nugget.

Three questions about time

1- What do clocks measure?

Clocks measure continuous intervals of equal duration, that is, time.
Kind of obvious, don't you think? Clocks measure time. Okay. Great.
When the clock synchronizes with the rotation of the Earth, it tells us the time of day.
We synchronise our clocks. They don't do it by themselves. It is useful to us to know the time of day. The Earth, in its rotation, doesn't give a damn what your time of day is.
Time is the tool (periodic becoming) with which we measure the duration of things and determine when events occur.
You're making a circular definition, there: clocks measure time; time is the tool that clocks use to measure duration; duration is the the time measured by clocks. etc. etc.
Time and the clock combine to give real existence to the former.
Circular, again. You're essentially saying that time gives itself existence.
2- How does time work?

Time is the interval between two sequential moments, one of which is the beginning and the other the end.
Technically, "time" is not the same as "time interval". If it was, we wouldn't need two terms for the one thing.

But you're still going in circles: time measures moments; moments are things that happen in time. etc.
Time interacts internally with matter causing development, aging, material deterioration and the replacement of the old by the new.
You speak as if time is a sort of agent. Time really isn't like that. Time itself doesn't "cause" anything. The very ideas of cause and effect only exist because we have a notion of time. Time is what allows causes to happen, but it isn't a cause in itself.
In the Theory of Relativity, high speed interacts with the matter of the moving body causing time dilation.
No, that's not really how it works, and you're making a similar kind of error again.

The speed of an object, in itself, can't cause anything. Speed doesn't interact with anything. It's just a measurement of how far something travels in a given time interval. In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an observer effect. The reference frame of the observer gives the observer a particular "view" on time, if you like. Time dilation is only a thing when we start comparing the points of view of more than one observer.
Stopwatches and timers also measure time.
They are clocks. So.
3- Why time is magnitive?

Time cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be touched, but it is measurable, for these reasons time is magnitive.
So "magnitive" is a just a word for things that can't be seen, felt or touched, but which are measurable?

A rock is not magnitive, but entropy is?

Many quantities in physics would appear to be magnitive, under this definition. Speed, for instance, would be magnitive, since you can't feel, see or touch speed, but you can measure it.

Is "magnitive" just an attempt to distinguish conceptual things from objects made of matter? Don't we already have some good words to make that distinction?
Some authors believed that time was simply a measurement, including Aristotle. This great thinker believed that time exists because there is an observer who measures it. Magnitive time is objective, subperceptible and measurable.
There couldn't ever be a "non-magnitive time", could there? A time you could touch? It's obvious, isn't it?
James R said
In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an observer effect. The reference frame of the observer gives the observer a particular "view" on time, if you like. Time dilation is only a thing when we start comparing the points of view of more than one observer.

So the dilation of time is subjetive.
The abstract entities
Abstract entities are those perceived indirectly through symbols. These entities can be objective and subjective. Subjective abstract entities are those that each person has their own interpretation of. For example, love, happiness, beauty, humility, justice, etc. Objective abstract entities are those that all people have the same interpretation. These are the mathematical entities: numbers, geometric figures, space and time.
It seems as if time were an abstract, subjective entity because each person has their own interpretation of it. But the truth is that time is an objective abstract entity. The past and the future fulfill the same interpretation as that of time.
Time is represented by a straight line and its measurements. For example, the year 1963 is the past and the year 2030 is the future.
The timeline is:
Past ....................Present...... Future
The goal of Philochrony is to demonstrate that time is objective and a mathematical entity.
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Stages of the time abstraction process

The first stage of time abstraction is duration. This entire process occurs from becoming (changes). Duration is the interval between a beginning moment and an end. The second stage of abstraction is the establishment of time units. For example, the duration of the Earth's rotation is one day. After a mathematical procedure, the day is divided into 24 parts which are made up of hours.
The third stage of time abstraction is the physical and tangible symbol of the clock.
Although the abstraction of time is carried out by the subject, it is objective and based on the becoming. Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future through the present. Becoming is concrete and tangible. Time exists in clocks and in periodic phenomena.
Through these three stages we arrive at the knowledge of time.
Time may simply be presence and with the addition of moving objects, it becomes about time space movement. Most suggest a chaotic sequence of events in the movements, so I'm unsure about the natural rhythm of time... But ... Music is fashioned and even nature synchronizes with it's surroundings, albeit seemingly chaotic, so you may have a point aside from the time and song placement...Elvis Sil....

Movement syncs accordingly

"Everything sync's"

Is that the theory of everything?

Asexperia said. In the thread Does time exists? page 47.
The magnitive is the property of beings that can be measured, but It is imperceptible. The magnitive is objective, but not concrete; for example in Physics: force, gravity and time. We feel the weight, but not gravity.
Magnitive (created by Asexperia) is a modification of the word magnitude.

DaveC426913 said:
An interesting solution: name the ineffable quality.
I do wonder if there is an existing word though.

Look at this friends
Do you remember this DaveC?
Why did you change your mind?
I'm unsure if this is related to your paradigm or the particular theory being discussed...I think it may be. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, the law of correspondence would apply to the premise. I learned about this one via Hermetic Philosophy. It makes sense to me, but then being better balanced is desired and understanding correspondence and synchronicity helps my need. I'm bipolar, so it a Jungian type of paradigm I cator to.

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Time may simply be presence and with the addition of moving objects, it becomes about time space movement. Most suggest a chaotic sequence of events in the movements, so I'm unsure about the natural rhythm of time... But ... Music is fashioned and even nature synchronizes with it's surroundings, albeit seemingly chaotic, so you may have a point aside from the time and song placement...Elvis Sil....

Movement syncs accordingly

"Everything sync's"

Is that the theory of everything?

No, It isn't. I didn't create this title. Some moderator was.
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