Does this happen a lot at your schools?

what did your mum do to deserve you. you used at least to be a little funny. now yer just a snarlin opinionated twirp...
Kids accused of beating classmate
West Brighton 13-year-old seriously hurt when she was attacked after school; cops probe bias
Friday, September 23, 2005
Three students at Prall Intermediate School in West Brighton were arrested yesterday for attacking a 13-year-old classmate shortly after dismissal on Wednesday, police said.

The three, ages 12, 13 and 14, were charged with assault, and police are investigating the possibility that the attack was a bias crime.

The victim, who is white, said she was jumped by four black girls and one black boy, who kicked and punched her while shouting racial slurs.

She was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital, West Brighton, and treated for a concussion, a gash under her left eye, a swollen jaw and an injury to her right eye that may result in permanent damage, her parents said.

"They smashed me over the face with a bottle until it broke," said the girl, whose identity is being withheld by the Advance.

"They were saying they were gonna pull out my 'pretty white-girl hair' and spitting on me."
Dr Lou Natic said:
Look back retard, I didn't insult,

A slight contradiction, wouldnt ya say?

Dr Lou Natic said:
You see this as insulting because you're an ignorant moron.

Well 'Dr' Lou, your trying to tell me that if i called you an "ignorant moron", you would not be offended? Yet another contradiction from the great 'Doc'.

Dr Lou Natic said:
I'd love to watch all the soccer moms and faggots going on about aborigines meet aborigines. It would fucking make my day.

Well then i must, at all cost, strive to make this event never to come into existence, i would hate to make your day. :p

Dr Lou Natic said:
...moms and faggots going on ...

And i belive the word 'Faggot' is a banned word...better be carefull Mr Natic. :D
J.B said:
The three, ages 12, 13 and 14, were charged with assault, and police are investigating the possibility that the attack was a bias crime.

I don't know why the police are even bothering to investigate ....nothing, absolutely nothing will be done to those attackers. Our court system, including the juvenile courts, are populated with mamby-pamby, "girlie-men" who will do nothing but preach love and kindness towards thy fellows ...and DO nothing, NOTHING!

And my guess is that, since the attackers are black, the blacks of the nation will bestow some kind of medal or trophy to them!

Baron Max
What's your point about that article, J.B? There's nothing in it about the race of the shooters and it only proves the ubiquitous nature of gun violence in the Unites States.
Roman said:
That's how negros settle disputes. I blame Malcolm X.
Stupid Idiot :mad:
Actual Quotes which are true and absolute!

"white people need to pull our heads out of our collective ass!

another "nice" community is scratching its blonde head!?

We're a solid town, a good town, with good kids, a good church-going town…an All-American town." Yeah, well maybe that's the problem.

And yet once again, we hear the FBI insist there is no "profile" of a school shooter. Come again? White boy after white boy after white boy, with very few exceptions to that rule (and none in the mass shooting category), decides to use their classmates for target practice, and yet there is no profile? Imagine if all these killers had been black: would we still hesitate to put a racial face on the perpetrators? Doubtful."
Hapsburg said:
J.B, again, this thread isn't about race. Stop making it about it.
If you can't discuss the actual topic propery, then just don't post.

My guess is it was about race, Hapsburg.
If you don't understand, or refuse to accept that because you're trying to come across as anti-racist, then perhaps you should take your head out of the sand (box) and open your eyes once in a while. Your self-image really isn't all that important, you know.

I didn't see it. I don't know the circumstances - but then neither do you, or anyone else here. But the fact that a bunch of black kids beat the shit out of a white girl because of her reaction to a (seemingly) unprovoked attack, cries loudly of deep-seated issues on the part of both blacks and whites - and that white girl wouldn't have said she hated blacks if she had no reason to do so, nor any experience in the matter which might have led to her saying it. you can also bet your life there were other whites around who were thinking the same thing, but didn't interfere because... because.. why? Perhaps they were afraid. Whites are like that. Boxed in by their own ideals, their own guilt.

Wake. the fuck. up. Use your eyes and observe what is happening around you.

And all those standing around "observing" this - you're disgusting. It's a shame you aren't reading this - and a shame no one with any balls was there at the time it happened.
The Marquis said:
And all those standing around "observing" this - you're disgusting. It's a shame you aren't reading this - and a shame no one with any balls was there at the time it happened.

Hear, Hear!!

Ye're absolutely correct. But the way our laws are written and prosecuted, anyone who defended that girl would probably have been arrested. And if he/she were actually successful, he/she might well have been the ONLY one arrested! We, as a society, have created rules and laws which make it virtually criminal to help anyone or to actually defend oneself.

Yes, the laws are changing back again, but it's a long, slow process. But many states in the USA are beginning to recognize that the police CAN'T actually defend the public, they can only make arrests AFTER THE FACT. I.e., it's illegal to murder someone, but the police aren't there at the time the murder still takes place! And if it's YOUR murder, you probably wouldn't like it.

We live in strange times ...strange and violent. And many can't or won't recogize that fact, preferring to ignore reality and ones own defense.

Baron Max
What is even more disconcerting is that if it had been the other way around... 30 white kids chasing a black kid around and beating the hell out of her for that comment - it would have made the news as a hate crime, the white kids would have been villified as racists and faced retribution as such.

I don't believe we live in times in which the potential for violence is greater than in the past, Baron. The difference now is in the level of control of violence - light penalties and bleeding heart liberals have ensured that violence is not only common, but almost acceptable... particularly when the offender has the opportunity to play upon white guilt.

One last comment.
The people standing around "observing" this incident are probably the same ones who go home and express absolute horror upon reading what happened to Kitty Genovese.
The Marquis said:
...30 white kids chasing a black kid would have made the news as a hate crime, the white kids would have been villified as racists and faced retribution as such.

Exactly. And it's what I call the sensationalism of the news media ...they play up such incidents in order to sell more papers or more advertising.

The Marquis said:
I don't believe we live in times in which the potential for violence is greater than in the past, Baron.

Well, if nothing more than the increased number of people living in ever-closer contact, the level of violence is greater in sheer numbers. But I also think that the RATE of crime is higher now than in the past ...and that, too, is probably due to the huge numbers of people and their proximity to others.

The Marquis said:
...light penalties and bleeding heart liberals have ensured that violence is not only common, but almost acceptable...

Oh, you KNOW that I believe that!! A woman in Houston drowns each of her four kids, one after the other, systematically, and the jury finds her INNOCENT reason of insanity. Of course anyone who'd do such a thing is "insane", but what does that have to do with her horrid crime? The state is now trying to decide if they should spend the money to try her again?!?!?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Exactly. And it's what I call the sensationalism of the news media ...they play up such incidents in order to sell more papers or more advertising.
Indeed. That, though, is getting into something which has been done to death here on these forums (or should have been) and with the usual lack of result.
Discussion is only that - we talk about things. Little changes, other than the juggernaught which is humanity in evolution. Do you ever feel as though you remember something else, which is being replaced in the evolution of society itself?
A question from left field.

Well, if nothing more than the increased number of people living in ever-closer contact, the level of violence is greater in sheer numbers. But I also think that the RATE of crime is higher now than in the past ...and that, too, is probably due to the huge numbers of people and their proximity to others.
I retract my comment about the level of violence - I think you might be right here. I've been thinking of starting a thread on the relationship between western society and the availability of fossil fuels - but I'll get to that when I'm ready (or, being more truthful - can be bothered to organise my thoughts on it). It has bearing on this issue. So does the carrying capacity of Earth itself, and the effect that has on society.... I could delve into a wide range of topics here ;)

Oh, you KNOW that I believe that!! A woman in Houston drowns each of her four kids, one after the other, systematically, and the jury finds her INNOCENT reason of insanity. Of course anyone who'd do such a thing is "insane", but what does that have to do with her horrid crime? The state is now trying to decide if they should spend the money to try her again?!?!?
Yes. Another question - is Western society evolving or devolving - and is there any difference between the two? Evolution being the natural guarantee of survival of the species - which is more advantageous from a particular point of view? can you see the correlation?
Baron_Max said:
But I also think that the RATE of crime is higher now than in the past ...and that, too, is probably due to the huge numbers of people and their proximity to others.

In the middle ages (1200-1400's), the murder rate of western european countries were between 7 and 70 homocides per 100,000 individuals per year. England had 23/100,000 in the 13th&14th centuries which dropped to 7/100,000 in the 16th century and is now down to 0.9/100,000 as of 1994. The Netherlands started at 47/100,000 and has decreased down to 0.9/100,000. Scandanavia started at 46/100,000 and is also now down to 0.9 homocides per 100,000 individuals per year. Similar story with Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.
Interesting, Roman. But from whence did you obtain anything like accurate records for those early centuries?? I would also be interested in know if, for example, the murder of a slave or a drunk or a prostitute, etc would have been recorded as a murder? Even in the early 1800s in America, the killing of a slave was NOT considered murder. And, if my history is remembered correctly, neither was it in England (or Europe?).

Baron Max
I'm not sure how the stats were compiled, to be honest. I'm looking at this nice little table here in a book I just got.

However, the man who compiled them was a criminologist named Manuel Eisner.

If the murder of slaves went unrecorded (and until the 15th and 16th centuries, there really wasn't much of a slave trade for Northern Europe), then murder rates would actually be higher. I doubt burning witches and the like count as homocides, as well.

Any way you want to cut it, though, homocide has decreased as we've become more civilized.
Roman said:
I'm not sure how the stats were compiled, to be honest. I'm looking at this nice little table here in a book I just got.

However, the man who compiled them was a criminologist named Manuel Eisner.
Any way you want to cut it, though, homocide has decreased as we've become more civilized.

Well, I'm not so sure that we can believe something just because one man has written it in a book, do you?

I'm not sure, either, so don't take this as an argument against your position. It just seems to me that the very reason that societies have so fuckin' many laws and rules ....IS BECAUSE... the crime rates were so high.

And unlike many others, I still think that people living in huge cities, living in such close proximity to other humans, is a major reason for high murder rates.

But at any rate, I'd sure like to see some actual facts about the rate of homicides over the past centuries. It would be interesting, plus it might tell us something about how we live and play now.

Baron Max