Does this happen a lot at your schools?

Nysse said:
I disagree; I think many Australian’s are overtly racist about Aborigines, and unfortunately plenty of people see them as a joke.
I've heard similar points of view from other Australians.
one_raven said:
I've heard similar points of view from other Australians.

I think it is the fact that the majority of them are lower income earners, and alot of Aboriginal communities are neglected and corrupt, so people find it easier to locate something to pick on about them.
Paint and glue sniffing is popular, for example.
I think it is the fact that the majority of them are lower income earners, and alot of Aboriginal communities are neglected and corrupt, so people find it easier to locate something to pick on about them.
It's always whitey's fault. Because we all know that the Italians, Greeks and Chinese who immigrated to Australia weren't 'neglected'. After all, if they had been neglected, they would be glue sniffers, or low income earners.
It's always whitey's fault. Because we all know that the Italians, Greeks and Chinese who immigrated to Australia weren't 'neglected'. After all, if they had been neglected, they would be glue sniffers, or low income earners.

There's something about being a displaced aboriginal that puts you at a propensity for sucking. Almost everywhere you care to look where one culture moves in and converts another, the converted don't make the transition too well.
I've met heaps of americans who are visiting or living in australia. Every one of them, the first thing they comment on about australians is how racist we are.
They're invariably shocked by our relatively light attitude towards the topic.

But we're talking americans. Nobody has a more fucked up view of racism, no where in the history of the world has racism been such a taboo subject and it's worse than fucking a baby with barbed wire to say "you know, that black guy" in america.
Basically they're insane, so their "judgement" isn't particularly valuable.
In uppety circles like universities the australians are nearly as bad.
Something refreshing I've noticed though, is it's not "educated" people who are uber politically correct, it's young stupid educated people.
I work with 50 year old editors and authors of high esteem and they'll generally love a good nigger joke.
Being a bleeding heart pansy is something people usually grow out of unless they keep smoking pot.
Aborigines are a special case. They are litterally the most primitive type of hominid to exist on the planet.
They're descendents of the first wave out of africa, from before negroids even advanced to the level they are at.
These are people who never invented shelter for crying out loud. Anything that took longer than an hour to make, they didn't make it.

They have an incredibly hard time fitting into society. They just can't.
They run the streets in mobs like packs of wild dogs and prey on people for money and cigarettes.
Funny I mention dogs, in reality, most dogs are technically and litterally more civilised than aborigines. It's not a matter of opinion, they've evolved with civilisation like civilised peoples, aborigines have not, they've had it built around their wild arses.
And dogs are generally far more productive members of society, meshing more readily with the standards of the modern world.

People laugh at the fact aborigines were considered "fauna" up untill fairly recently, but I think it was the most logical class for them to be classified under. People in the 1800s were generally alot more logical than they are today.
And it would have been better for everyone involved(ESPECIALLY aborigines) if they remained classified as fauna.
@Dr Lou Natic

Your name is oh so obviously apt.You crazy pscho, you must have met Bmax and JB by now, why dont you guys make a little 'anti-everything-but-ourselves' group, youd fit in well.
Duendy & John Smith you two always attack the PERSON instead of his argument? Do you consider that good debating technique? Or is it because you CAN'T respond intelligently to someone's post, so you resort to personal attacks without any substance?

Baron Max
Dr Lou Natic said:
Aborigines are a special case. They are litterally the most primitive type of hominid to exist on the planet.
They're descendents of the first wave out of africa, from before negroids even advanced to the level they are at.
These are people who never invented shelter for crying out loud. Anything that took longer than an hour to make, they didn't make it.

They have an incredibly hard time fitting into society. They just can't.
They run the streets in mobs like packs of wild dogs and prey on people for money and cigarettes.
Funny I mention dogs, in reality, most dogs are technically and litterally more civilised than aborigines. It's not a matter of opinion, they've evolved with civilisation like civilised peoples, aborigines have not, they've had it built around their wild arses.
And dogs are generally far more productive members of society, meshing more readily with the standards of the modern world.

People laugh at the fact aborigines were considered "fauna" up untill fairly recently, but I think it was the most logical class for them to be classified under. People in the 1800s were generally alot more logical than they are today.
And it would have been better for everyone involved(ESPECIALLY aborigines) if they remained classified as fauna.
Good God, that's about the stupidest thing I ever read.
spidergoat said:
Good God, that's about the stupidest thing I ever read.

But a lot of "stupid things" turn out to be true! And, besides, just calling something stupid does NOT make it so. Can you, perhaps, give us some solid, scientific evidence to refute the claims that you call "stupid"? Or should we just take your word for it? :)

Baron Max
Whats with the ':)', if your gunner be a sarcastic ****k, be one, but dont add the 'Ingratiating ' little face at the end.Coward. And in reply to your (above) post, Fuck You, i dont need your appoval, i'll continue to 'attack' you, as long as you hold your racist views, and spread your corrupted nazi propoganda.If you dont like it,sue me.
what po old baron the max NEVER understands is this: sometimes people claim things that are SO beneath contempt, that they dont even DESERVE the effort to read, never mind REPLY to.
Bullshit. If you had a decent counter argument you'd be breaking your neck to voice it.
You don't.
I've used the old "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" comment. I know why one resorts to such a comment. They've got nothing.

And which of you knows a god damn thing about australian aborigines?
My aunty married an aborigine, as such I'm "related" to every aborginine in the state.
I have heaps of aboriginal friends. They can be very charming charismatic individuals, and I find their free mentality and mannerisms admirable and contageous. They are fun people to be around etc etc etc.
BUT, they are flagrantly incapable of assymilating with western civilisation.
This isn't an insult it's just the way things are. It's not their world, they're not at all prepared for it evolutionary speaking and it's evidenced by the fact that they never assymilate with it.
They have a more simple way of looking at things and they go and seek what they need and want and live in the moment. That's just the animal they are. It's not insulting, it's neither here nor there, it's just the way things are.

Go fuck your stupid ignorant selves.
hey charmer...If as you say you know many Aboriginees, and have close connections/ and are your friends. i would hate to know what yo say about your enimies!

let me tell you summat. i am an artist. i did my BA an art gallery in our town was an exhibition of Aboriginee are. i have NEVER....NEVER...been so affected, moved, inspired by ANY art exhibtion tan i havefrom seeing that one. The art BREATHED with life and power

all you seem to be able to create is snide nasty posts which insult people--not een here to defend themselves against you crap, and then swear blind you love em. yor a soddin joke dude
Look back retard, I didn't insult, I described them. If you found that insulting then you hate aborigines, not me.

By the way, take a good look at aboriginal art. If you were a bit more educated you'd know that art is found in caves scattered in a line from northern africa through europe, asia and down to australia, and this art predates any other forms of human coming into those areas.
If you had a brain you'd acknowledge that aborigines are direct unchanged descendents of a very early culture of homo-sapien. They are infact the most primitive kind of homo-sapien to still exist on earth. They're an example of the earliest homo sapiens, in the same way monotremes are an example of the earliest mammals.

You see this as insulting because you're an ignorant moron.
What I love about aborigines most of all is they'd kick the shit out of you and rob you blind while laughing their heads off upon meeting your soft pathetic arse.
It's always funny to listen to people defend aborigines because I know aborigines wouldn't have the patience to sit around listening to them babble on, they'd sock them one and take their wallet.
I'd love to watch all the soccer moms and faggots going on about aborigines meet aborigines. It would fucking make my day.