Does this happen a lot at your schools?

One school of thought might legitimately say that she deserved it. I much prefer the school of thought that says that if these black people felt they did not deserve the abuse, and to show real strength of character, they would take the high road and look down their noses at her. You talking about me, fool? You poor girl. Your momma didn't raise you all that way, did she? It shows. There, there, it's not your fault, honey. Acting like that shows real strength and it really messes up the idiots, too.
Aye. Looking down on someone for saying that and simply ignoring them really is much more effective and strikes much more emotional blow to them, which really does work.
All of the kids that beat her up got suspended for two weeks, and the administration is considering expulsion. A new school rule is that if you start a fight, you will be expelled...which sucks. I like seeing fights.
Oh, and here's an interesting thing:
it has been confirmed that six fights in total, including the one with abby, occured last friday. One of them was over a hostess cupcake. Another started when some kid bumped into another. I don't know about the other one's reasons.
Interesting, Hap. Perhaps all that hostility and fighting in schools is a damned good reason for the kids to arm themselves with handguns for protection. If one can't protect themselves being beaten and the school can't protect them either, perhaps each student should consider his/her own methods of protection. A good, powerful handgun would serve them well.

"A well-armed student body is a polite student body."

Baron Max
Hell no. That'd cause even more problems, as all of the kids would use the firearms to solve thier disputes with the staff was well as with students.
School should work like this:

First, the federal gov't spends more money on it.

Then highschools should be split up into 'vocational,' 'liberal arts,' 'normal' and 'for kids who are dumb and need to be beat with sticks (FKWADANTBBWS)'.

When a student enters highschool, they go to a somewhat liberal arts school where they are given 3 semesters to see if they have the responsibility to handle their education. If they show that they can do it, they may stay in the liberal arts highschool for the rest of their education, or choose to go to vocational. At vocational they learn a profession.

If they cannot show responsibility, they are moved to a 'normal' highschool, with a strong degree of authoritarianism and lack of responsibility on the student's part. The student is still held to high standards, but are given a less degree of personal freedom.

Upon still failing, the student is sent to a school FKWADANTBBWS. There it would be mostly like prison, except all authority would be towards school officials. Cliques and gangs would be broken down, punishent would be corporal. There would be no suspension, but for many transgressions or great transgressions there would be public whippings.

At the very least, this system would do well in structuring America into the proletariat, intelligentsia and the bourgeois. It would turn out a great deal of competent workers who respect authority and follow their boss. The kids that could handle responsibility would be encouraged to follow their own path and be free thinkers.
A Valley teen is charged with attempted murder in the beating of a Valley teacher
Oct 28, 2005, 08:54 PM PDT

A 15-year old boy is charged with attempted murder in the beating of a Valley teacher.

Judy Jester was left for dead inside the family education campus on Rosenwald Street in Moulton Wednesday night.

The teen was in court Friday, but because it was a hearing was for a juvenile, the proceedings were closed to the media.

The 15-year-old is charged with attempted murder in the beating of Hatton Elementary teacher Judy Jester Wednesday night.

Check out the pictures:
1. we had a few fights. nothing too frequent or too serious. may have been involved in a couple of those.
2. fuck yeah. serves her right. now she'll know to knock that bitch's teeth out instead of inciting a quasi-riot.

and on a personal note, i can't believe there is a guy named Shifty Russian here. that makes my day. :D
(Aiken) - Aiken County officers have arrested a Graniteville man for making a bomb threat against Midland Valley High School in Graniteville on November 1.

School resource deputies from Aiken County arrested Terrell Murray, 20, Tuesday morning.

Murray is charged with Conveying False Information Regarding Attempted Use of a Destructive Device.

Officers say Murray placed a call last week to 911 from a cellular telephone and stated he was going to "blow up Midland Valley."
J.B said:
(Aiken) - Aiken County officers have arrested a Graniteville man for making a bomb threat against Midland Valley High School in Graniteville on November 1.

School resource deputies from Aiken County arrested Terrell Murray, 20, Tuesday morning.

Murray is charged with Conveying False Information Regarding Attempted Use of a Destructive Device.

Officers say Murray placed a call last week to 911 from a cellular telephone and stated he was going to "blow up Midland Valley."
Tha thas absolutely nothing to do with school fights, you fucking racist moron.
1. Very few fights at my school, but then my school was very strict. We were also a country town high school, which usually are more peaceful.

2. No, the white girl definitely did not deserve it. If my ex-gf were to say 'I hate you' to me, does that justify me beating her? Of course not.

The white girl had a right to express her mind without fear of physical punishment. But then again, I guess she will be called racist, whereas the 30 black girls who lynched her will be hailed as heroes. This just displays how politically correct anti-white racism has been drilled into countries like America, Britain and Australia by gullible morons.

If using physical violence against people who 'hurt your feelings' was allowed, the world would be in chaos. Oh, that kid hurt my feelings by laughing at me, so I'll beat the bejeebers out of him!
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Heaps of fights at every school I went to. Infact, the rate of fights per week of any school would consistently peak during my stay.
I was in a few, but mostly I coerced idiots and losers into fighting eachother. It's basically "what I did at school" rather than study. I became EXTREMELY good at it. And still am.
Some very entertaining fights, but something you soon learn about losers is how bad they are at fighting. Often they were incapable of hurting eachother.
There were enough exceptions for fond memories though.

There weren't many horriffic beat downs at my schools, but there were in the town I grew up in and loitered around as a punk teenager.
I saw one guy have his legs held spread eagle by a mob of aborigines, and then be repeatedly kicked in the nuts so many times that one person who was watching litterally vomitted. The victim also had all of his piercings (which were every stupid place they could be) yanked out violently, and his face stomped on, before the nut assault. He didn't awake untill a few days later in hospital.

I've also seen a guy get beaten with a pipe untill he was dazed and struggling to get up, at which point a dog was set upon him. Eventually the dog was pulled off the mess of a man(actually I suppose boy is more appropriate), and the assailants mosied off. But then the wierdest thing happened. A skinny crying guy came running back, straddled the helpless victim, and pummelled his face with heavy fists for some time. His sobbing only gaining momentum as his assault progressed.
He eventually seemed to wear himself out, at which point he rolled off to the side of the victim, wiped his nose on his sleave, and ran away, still weeping loudly.
We were so shocked by the force of the hits, and the prior events, that it wasn't untill hours later that we asked eachother "and why the fuck was that dude crying? haha, what the fuck? that made no sense at all".
To this day, no one has any idea. It was truely bizarre.

One time I was involved in the beating of a very large girl.
She was acting the overly dominant enforcer at a party, telling everyone what to do and generally being a nazi.
Me and my friends were being smartasses to her and she would threaten to kill us. She was actually going to get these huge(adult in other words) white trash dudes with beards to come and kick our ass right when the police showed up.
Usually police would show up at the front of a party and kind of sheepishly ask if they could talk to someone, but this time they just stormed in and everyone scattered into this forest which the party house backed onto.
The police were scanning the hills with spotlights and all that sort of crap and it was a massive commando effort to escape. Eventually we were spat out of the forest onto some back street and we started walking in the general direction of my house. Suddenly the large authority girl stumbled out of the forest in front of us, panting heavily.
Our eyes just lit up, and the expression on her face made it clear she knew we were going to kick her ass. She knew she deserved it, and that there was no viable alternative.
She cowered and covered her face as we circled her like wolves and proceeded to kick and punch at her mammoth frame. To little affect at first. There was a real festive mood to this beatdown. We laughed and skipped with glee as we delivered blow after blow, slowly but surely making a dent in this ungodly behemoth. As she weakened, our bond as buddies strengthened in accordance.
I noted one of my friends was aroused by a bulge in his billabong cargo shorts(which were the style at the time).
Usually we would rip on eachother mercilessly for the slightest discretion. But on this night, the fact his body was preparing for sex at such an inappropriate time didn't warrant the scorn and mockery it usually would.
For these 10-15 minutes, we were true friends.
It remains a defining moment in the memories I have of growing up, when this redwood toppled over and crashed onto the road with a thud and groan. She lay still, trying to play possum, but her fat ugly face gave her away when she tried to slightly open her eyes without us noticing.
What was once a mountain of rabid authority, was suddenly a scared oversized little girl again, and our work was done.
My friend spat on her meaty forehead, and with uncontrallable laughter we ran triumphantly into the night.

That walk home was something else, it was punctuated emphatically when we met up with a friend who stayed at the party. He was laughing at us, "aaaahahaha, dicks, why'd you run away? I was able to just walk straight past them", his smug expression crumbled like an abandoned warehouse when we let him know what he missed out on.
The beating was technically quite tame, but it was definately the greatest most perfect set of events I've ever experienced.

I've seen horrible beatings, but the school ones I saw were pretty minor.
I've seen horrible torturings at school, where everyone has some little nerd and is doing horrible things to them. But because the assailants weren't angry and serious I don't see such things in the same light, even though sometimes the victim was technically assaulted quite severely.

This just displays how politically correct anti-white racism has been drilled into countries like America, Britain and Australia by gullible morons.
There is something surreal about a community of white people applauding the beating of a little white girl by a mob of african savages.
It just makes no sense. It's against everything the world has ever stood for.
Racial tolerance is a necessity in the modern world, but this story shows this sentiment explosively prolapsing out of the ass of society. What's most chilling is how comfortable society is wearing it's bowels on the outside.
It's akin to lions tenderly patting the backs of hyenas while they tear their cubs apart.
The whole thing is morbidly twisted, and I see a future with black people owning willing white slaves.
Dr. Lou:
There is something surreal about a community of white people applauding the beating of a little white girl by a mob of african savages.
It just makes no sense. It's against everything the world has ever stood for.
Racial tolerance is a necessity in the modern world, but this story shows this sentiment explosively prolapsing out of the ass of society. What's most chilling is how comfortable society is wearing it's bowels on the outside.
It's akin to lions tenderly patting the backs of hyenas while they tear their cubs apart.

The whole thing is morbidly twisted, and I see a future with black people owning willing white slaves.
Very interesting, and well-worded.

What I find highly amusing is that here in Australia, you can say "I can't stand Americans!" or "I hate the French!" and you'll get smiles and nodding heads. And for the small minority which don't agree, they will just shrug their shoulders. But if you dare say that you can't stand the way black thugs at the Redfern riot acted, or the way that Australian Aborigines have a habit of weaseling land out of us, or that our Government should stop holding the aborigines to their teat, you get "OMG DONT SAY THAT BECUZ IT IS RACIST11!!1ONEONE"
Hapsburg said:
I'm asking two questions here:
1. Do fights happen frequently at your school, and how many insofar?

Yes, at least twice a week.
In a bad week, every day.
Some are just pathetic…and quite entertaining, but there are a lot that put people in hospital from truly serious injuries.

2. Did this girl deserve what she got? Explain.

No, I don’t think so. No one should have the shit beat out of them, for any reason.
I do think she should have kept her stupid mouth shut, though. You don’t say shit like that in any school, especially public ones. Some racist dickhead at my school got his face rearranged with a brick because he couldn’t seem to control himself, either.

mountainhare said:
or the way that Australian Aborigines have a habit of weaseling land out of us, or that our Government should stop holding the aborigines to their teat, you get "OMG DONT SAY THAT BECUZ IT IS RACIST11!!1ONEONE"

I disagree; I think many Australian’s are overtly racist about Aborigines, and unfortunately plenty of people see them as a joke.
mountainhare said:
Weird. Which state do you live in?

I lived in QLD, and now I live in Vic. I found both states seemed to be plainly racist towards them.
Maybe I just know alot of bastards?