Does this happen a lot at your schools? fights yet at our school. i saw some fights during hte shows and i was involved because i thought this was the right thing to do
2. i don't know if she deserved that
Baron Max said:
Do our schools teach kids that it's okay to beat the shit outta' others???


What class is that?

me:class--'fittin into society'

Perhaps we should have our teachers quit teaching that subject, then all would be wonderful with the world, huh?

Baron Max
Baron MaxInteresting, Rieghn're advocating violence/physical vengence/vigilate actions just because someone feels offended by a verbal comment??? Oooh, are you sure that you wish to stand by the comment?
Yes, I advocate violence against certain issues. This person will soon become an adult. She needs to know her place when speaking with a violent tone and a sensitive issue such as racism.
I stand by all my post (comments).

Do we not have the right to hate anyone that we want to hate? ..even if it's an entire race or culture? That should NOT offend people or a race. What should offend them MORE is to be forbidden to voice ones opinions, even if it is hatred!
You should also be able to live with the very consequence of voicing your opinion! Just like the women and blacks who were murdered and tortured for speaking against discrimination and racism. Not being offended by something offensive??? :bugeye:

by baron max
No segregation???? An "all black" school IS segregation!!
Segregation is not just because of skin tone. It also has to do with culture, money, class etc.....just because most of us come from blacks does not mean that we would be totally segregated. Other factors are involved.
Segregation: The policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination.
My school did not have the rule that no other race could apply or attend. It just became that way. We did have some whites as I mentioned before.
However, I see that ye're finally coming around to my opinion that segragation is the best way to combat rasism and racial hatred. Congratulations, Reighn.
No, I see that you see what you want to see, as usual :eek: . What is being discussed is about fights at school. My school did not have many fights. Doesn't matter the color. Freedom of speech is very important. Just like defending yourself or race is very important. Anger and hatred is a lethal mix. We all know that!
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Baron Max said:
Then why did you even mention the race of the girls in your original post? Why even bring it up if you didn't want it to center on racial issues? YOU, Hap, were the one to bring race into the discussion, not anyone else!! If you don't think so, please read your original post more carefully.

Baron Max
It was important to note WHY she got the shit beat out of her. If it didn't say why she got beat up, people would be all "Well, why did that many people chase her down and kick her ass?". Since I explained it, now you know why she was beat up: she said some racist statement in anger.
I wasn't concentrating on the issue of race, though. It was more of a side-note. You and J(e)B, however, are trying to make it the center of the debate, when the point of the discussion is really school fights in general.
Once again, freiherr max, you miss the point entirely. :rolleyes:
ReighnStorm said:
2. This girl deserved to be hit but only by the person she offended. She did not need to be beat and chased.
Agreed. I mean, she may have deserved one hit on the head or a bitchslap (backhand), but nothing more. Just something to teach her a lesson...but what happened to her was like, a whole week of lessons, metaphorically speaking.
OOPS, she did offend all blacks right? :confused:
Most of the african-americans who heard about it thought she deserved it, yeah. I mean, some thought it was a bit too far.
But what she said was very offensive. Even white people or any other race of people should be very offended by the comment she made if she was speaking about that race of people.
Believe me, a lot of white people and others were pissed at her statements, and thought it was just an absolutely stupid thing for her to say.

Believe me, the whole school was buzzing about this, it probably will be tomorrow.
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How can a gang of black students beating up a white student over a racist remark not be about race?

You are an ignorant, racist bitch. You'd revoke first amendment rights just so people don't get their feelings hurt. You'd let a girl be stomped because they said something you don't agree with?

Wow. You are one hypocritical, contradicting cunt. Is it because you're black, or a woman?
Roman said:
Hapsburg, How can a gang of black students beating up a white student over a racist remark not be about race?

Yeah, pretty amazing, ain't it?? ...LOL! People will say all kinds of dumb-ass things in some foolish attempt to hide any form of racism ....especially if the blacks are the ones coming out on top of the conflict!

Oh, no, can't be racism, it was 400,000 blacks against one white girl! Racism is when whites do ANYTHING to a black!

I wounder what Hap would have called this incident if it had been 400,000 white guys beating up one black guy??????? :)

Baron Max
Roman said:
How can a gang of black students beating up a white student over a racist remark not be about race?
Good point.
But, then, why are you calling me a racist? I already said that racism disgusts me. What the fuck's your problem, motherfucker? :mad:
In my opinion if the black girls acted responsibly they would not hit people because of a comment, if anything it makes them look bad.

Lets turn it around and suppose it was a black girl being beaten by white girls, i would say most people would be of the opinion the black girl didn't deserve it, it would look from the outset like a racial attack, in fact i don't think anyone would believe otherwise, this entire thread would be full of black people standing up for the black girl getting beaten by whites EVEN if the black girl said "i hate white people" that would be forgiven.

But ahh as it was the other way round it is suddenly ok somehow.
Hey, I don't think anyone deserves that kind of a beating. I mean, that was just...way too far. Nothing merits that kind of a whacking.
But, of course, in groups, humans in general get nuts- just look at the Roman army in Carthage.
Jesus.. She should've known better that scream racist comments and get her ass kicked. A similar thing happened in my school, where a black girl punched a Russian girl repeatedly in the head from behind, for unknown reasons. Amazingly, the Russian girl just walked away without even turning around. Smart girl.

Another thing like this happened two years ago when an indian kid declared that he hates all Korean people(apparently he was beaten by a few Koreans earlier). That was scary. One Korean kid threatened that he'd shoot him if he didn't leave the school. A week later and the Indian kid was gone.

1. Yes, in junior high, my first and only year in public school. We had bullet holes in cafeteria windows. What a nightmare that was.

2. Nope, not even the first punch. What she said was more than likely impulsive and anger driven. I'm sure she didn't mean it. It was just a verbal backlash from getting hit in the head.
In Australia there aren't many fights... you had the odd one vs one fights over stupid matters.Tho different parts of Australia may have a different culture in regards to fighting... tho not too likely for 90% of the country.

She didn't deserve to be beaten - tho she did deserve a few harsh words.

- Shifty Russian
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QUOTE by Roman
How can a gang of black students beating up a white student over a racist remark not be about race?

You are an ignorant, racist bitch. You'd revoke first amendment rights just so people don't get their feelings hurt. You'd let a girl be stomped because they said something you don't agree with?

Wow. You are one hypocritical, contradicting cunt. Is it because you're
black, or a woman?[/QUOTE

How many ways does Haps have to explain it too you? It was about the FIGHT stupid! About fights in school. You like many other moronic jerks only read and hear what you want to hear.
by Reighstorm
This girl deserved to be hit but only by the person she offended. OOPS, she did offend all blacks right? She did not need to be beat and chased. But what she said was very offensive. Even white people or any other race of people should be very offended by the comment she made if she was speaking about that race of people. An accident is just accident. No, I see that you see what you want to see, as usual . What is being discussed is about fights at school. My school did not have many fights. Doesn't matter the color. Freedom of speech is very important. Just like defending yourself or race is very important. Anger and hatred is a lethal mix. We all know that!

You my friend are a small penised son of a bitch....literally! :mad: Stupid idiot! This is the kind of shiit that makes black people hate you so god damn much! The name calling was very unecessary. But small penis' wouldn't know any better I guess. :mad: I'm not small minded fuk boy....I'm american.
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Bring back corporal punishment, that should sort it, black or white if you don't do your homework you're walking away with red stripes down your butt!

The military should also be involved, have armed response always on standby.

This mob rule within schools even in the UK has to end, it tells me that schools are like prisons, they don't want to be there and they have some authority.

Like in prisons you have a top dog, and the kids can gain power in a school, i'm sure any reasonably intelligent narcissistic teenager can gain control by threatning or buying off teachers, wouldn't happen with more control though. I'm not saying that goes on, i don't know! but i'm sure it is possible.
ReighnStorm said:
I'm not black. I'm american.
You realize that what you just said is kinda...wrong.

GodlessEvil said:
Bring back corporal punishment, that should sort it, black or white if you don't do your homework you're walking away with red stripes down your butt!
Hey, fuck you, man.
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1) Fights were always one on one in our school. Anyone who enlisted help from their mates were considered to be cowards and the moral victory would automatically be bestowed upon the single fighter.

2) This white girl, her name is Abby King, she was in my German class last year and is in my Latin class this year, was hit in the head by a black girl behind her with an umbrella. - Sounds to me like she was provoked into a situation she could never win. I would wager that the WHOLE situation was premeditated by the group of black girls. I think their colour matters little however. They were just enjoying the anarchy of it all and had made sure they had provoked their victim into supplying them with an acceptable defence i.e. 'She said she hated blacks sir.'
The white girls defence that the black girl hit her with an umbrella first would likely be undermined by the apparently obvious racist element in it all. The truth however remains that had there been no provocation, there would have been no fight.

How did the teachers resolve the situation?


Hapsburg said:
Hey, fuck you, man.

don't like that idea too much.

My dad (r.i.p) when he was at school used to get a fat wooden rule whacked across his knuckles, you soon learn to obey and shut up after a few of those when you're like 10 years old.

When i was really bad i'd get the old belt, the belt would come out and i'd run away like a coward, never really got used,rarely needed to be pulled, the fear factor was enough.
But you learn respect.

I'll use an americanized example:
lets say you are 12 yrs old, big baseball fan and have a baseball which has signatures on it, you treasure it, it is your pride and joy, then one day you do something really dumb and decide with some friends to joyride a car, you don't get hurt but you get taken home by the police.

Your dad, he dont hit you, that is too light and temporary, INSTEAD he throws that baseball you treasure into a FIRE.

THAT is how respect is born.