Does God Think?

duendy said:
yeah, the whole limiting factor of the very question is thepremise of te patriarchal mythic notion of a transcendental 'God' who is 'logical' and tus -for the patriarchs-MALE!

ask question from such a loaded position and its just a game u areplayin with our own self-imposed, culturally-indonctrinated concepts

rather see that , for example, the body. how it forms. this isn't linear poit to point 'hinking' as we have been led it to mean. how we operate 'logically' in science etc.....or take a tree, or rock, or any 'thing'. it isn't 'logically made' like from some blueprint. its process is not onlyits own phemena but is totally interelated wth the whole environment including universe

whatr man's 'logic' as tried to do isproject it limited idea of logic onto his idea of a super-version of himself. and from there assumed this super being must 'think' like he does

but 'he' doesn't even KNOW te ddeper part of himsef--the unconscious. and/or how he is subjective

so asking this from sch a superficial perspective can only give limited answers, witin the loop/boundary of the limited asing

really, relity is beyond the grasp of any definite 'rational'- SOLE perspective....its much more slippery than that

Sorry. I fail to see the Patriarchal nature of the omniscient God that has been proposed. And where does logic fit in exactly? I'm having difficulty understanding your post.
Hurricane Angel said:
I had a conversation with God just the other day... I asked if there was a burrito microwaved so hot, that even He Himself could not eat it.

He definetly thought about that one for a while, and then called me an idiot and banished me.

Pay your dues and work your way up. Using osmosis and telepathy, Impart that wisdom to your 'cells'.
iam said:
I can take it another step: Is this universe a 'cell' in God's body? A nucleus? A proton? Is God as faulty as we are? If we're made in it's image it must be.

Hmmm... So our universe and every other distinct dimension is like a living part of the infinite creature that we call God.
Kibbles said:
Hmmm... So our universe and every other distinct dimension is like a living part of the infinite creature that we call God.

Maybe, maybe not.

*eating lavahot burrito*
iam said:
Maybe, maybe not.

*eating lavahot burrito*

True enough. What if god existed and did not exist? The same way that light can be described as both wave and particle and that schroedinger's cat is both dead and not dead?

Anyway, I'm outta here. Goodnight.
Quote iam:
“Isn't that just basically slapping the label of 'god' onto the laws that govern the universe? It just is, it doesn't think. It reacts.”

* Varda specified “god” in her statement so I angled it that way. But yeah, perhaps as god/laws, it just reacts. Kinda like instinct. The mystic in me screams … not “instinct” rather “intuition”. And perhaps one mans instinct is another mans thought process.

Quote Duendy:
“so asking this from sch a superficial perspective can only give limited answers, witin the loop/boundary of the limited asing”

* I tend to agree with you Duendy, Its a lot more slippery than that. But the perspective is necessarily superficial, given our humanness. How else do you propose we approach it? :)
Kibbles said:
Sorry. I fail to see the Patriarchal nature of the omniscient God that has been proposed. And where does logic fit in exactly? I'm having difficulty understanding your post.
(yeah, and i bet the typos didn't help neite. sorry bout this. may soon come be gettin a computeer. so things wud drmatically improve)....

patriarchal God: in order to understanding the mergence -if you will-of the cncept of th idea of a patriarchal 'thinking' God, who is tought of as more 'mind/male' than 'body/female' you simply have to chakout the history of ideas, and religion and philosophy----just general research will do. no PhDs etc needed. tis shit's fo the PEOPLE q
to be brief you will see how say in Greek times amongst mystical/mystery schools was the notion of 'God' being'LOGOS'. this idea came about because of the 'order' of the heavens. when certan philosophically-inclined male fraternities look up, not having the echnology to deduce the huge time spans that DO include change, as does Nature, they assume that stella world wsmore 'order' and thus more 'logical' than ever-changing 'messiness' of Nature. the latter tus was equated with the female and former with 'male'. remember in BIBLE WHERE ITS BEING DESDRIBED the hierarchy of gOD, MALE, FEMALE? WHEE WOMEN IS BELOW MAN, AND MAN IS NEAREST gOD--CANT REMEMBER FUKIN QUOTE...BUT WE CAN SEE gnostic influence there (sorry about caps).....
so, yes, in patriarchal belief, 'mind of man is closest to mind of God/ this clearer?

so, not understanding te formation of these dideas, which have been man-led. by this i dont mean ALL men, but rathe a mindset which imagines its superiority over woman, Nature and so on. when it asks the question about 'God' tinking. IF asker is not aware of te foundations of tis idea. how far can we go in the inquiry is what I am askin?
stretched said:
Quote iam:
“Isn't that just basically slapping the label of 'god' onto the laws that govern the universe? It just is, it doesn't think. It reacts.”

* Varda specified “god” in her statement so I angled it that way. But yeah, perhaps as god/laws, it just reacts. Kinda like instinct. The mystic in me screams … not “instinct” rather “intuition”. And perhaps one mans instinct is another mans thought process.

Quote Duendy:
“so asking this from sch a superficial perspective can only give limited answers, witin the loop/boundary of the limited asing”

* I tend to agree with you Duendy, Its a lot more slippery than that. But the perspective is necessarily superficial, given our humanness. How else do you propose we approach it? :)

by exploring the possible limitations of A question being, what do we MEAN by 'GOD'? what do we MEAN by 'think'

usually when we tink--say working out a poblem we tink in a linear fashion---if i do a, then that means b---then i wll do c, then d, and check on a agin, etc. there can be different permutations, but it is like point to point. ?
but if you see hoe bodies grow, trees grow etc. PROCESS. everyting is happening at ONCE
kibbles, stretched, iam, etc, thank you for saving the thread :) it became a quality thread after superluminal went to bed
i guess i shouldnt feed the atheist troll

my lunch time is over, i'll read the entire thread when i arrive home
varda: superluminal has been here for nearly a year, he one of the most interesting people on these forums, he is most certainly not a troll, you will have to apologise for that remark, just because you state something stupid and he questions it he's a troll. he has made 3,750 posts, and started some of the most liveliest thought provoking threads, he's the last person who should be refered to as a troll.
so take your foot out of your mouth and apologise.
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does zero even exist?

Varda do you even exist?

All here are just a figment of my imagination, I'm the alpha & omega, it's I who controls the beliefs in your little heads, your every action is dictated by me, writen before space and time ever existed. This thing you call existence is only a computer program, that I've writen many eons ago, it's never ending, it has it's origin in my head. Does god think? Yes I do! I amuse myself with silly question of meaningless creatures all over this universe and the multiple of other universes, they are all programs writen to amuse my time which is eternal. So apologise to superluminal already!!

No I'm not crazy I'm just fucking with ya head!! LOL...

duendy said:
(yeah, and i bet the typos didn't help neite. sorry bout this. may soon come be gettin a computeer. so things wud drmatically improve)....

patriarchal God: in order to understanding the mergence -if you will-of the cncept of th idea of a patriarchal 'thinking' God, who is tought of as more 'mind/male' than 'body/female' you simply have to chakout the history of ideas, and religion and philosophy----just general research will do. no PhDs etc needed. tis shit's fo the PEOPLE q
to be brief you will see how say in Greek times amongst mystical/mystery schools was the notion of 'God' being'LOGOS'. this idea came about because of the 'order' of the heavens. when certan philosophically-inclined male fraternities look up, not having the echnology to deduce the huge time spans that DO include change, as does Nature, they assume that stella world wsmore 'order' and thus more 'logical' than ever-changing 'messiness' of Nature. the latter tus was equated with the female and former with 'male'. remember in BIBLE WHERE ITS BEING DESDRIBED the hierarchy of gOD, MALE, FEMALE? WHEE WOMEN IS BELOW MAN, AND MAN IS NEAREST gOD--CANT REMEMBER FUKIN QUOTE...BUT WE CAN SEE gnostic influence there (sorry about caps).....
so, yes, in patriarchal belief, 'mind of man is closest to mind of God/ this clearer?

so, not understanding te formation of these dideas, which have been man-led. by this i dont mean ALL men, but rathe a mindset which imagines its superiority over woman, Nature and so on. when it asks the question about 'God' tinking. IF asker is not aware of te foundations of tis idea. how far can we go in the inquiry is what I am askin?

Ok. I was under the impression that we were discussing the genderless Mind aspect of God rather than God being LOGOS. I mean, wouldn't this idea of mind/male and body/female simply be patriarchal ideology.

Under this framework, what would a feminine "God" be like? Would such a thing exist? Would it have any process resembling thought?
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Hey guys! Thanks for the support. Really. It means a lot. Varda, Kibbles, et al, I'm not really a total asshole (~87% or so...). Sometimes my tolerance level for, well, just about anything gets very low. Sorry about that. Fact is I'm not at all interested in whether a hypothetical god thinks or what the ramifications of the contemplation of such a thing are. So I'll bow out peacefully. Kibbles - sorry for the ripping-out-of-the-intestines-and-eating-you comment. Toodles.
Yeah, Super, you're not a total asshole. :D I was thinking more like just a few percent actually. However, I've never been on the opposite side of the fence from you on any issues. LOL. Also, Tangerine Dream dude!!
superluminal said:
Hey guys! Thanks for the support. Really. It means a lot. Varda, Kibbles, et al, I'm not really a total asshole (~87% or so...). Sometimes my tolerance level for, well, just about anything gets very low. Sorry about that. Fact is I'm not at all interested in whether a hypothetical god thinks or what the ramifications of the contemplation of such a thing are. So I'll bow out peacefully. Kibbles - sorry for the ripping-out-of-the-intestines-and-eating-you comment. Toodles.

No problem. I tend to bring out extreme emotional reactions from people (both positive and negative) for some reason, especially in discussions.

(my friends and acquaintances have observed).

You seem like an intelligent and practical person who is passionate about certain ideas. The whole thing was obviously just a misunderstanding.
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