Does God Think?

Crunchy Cat said:
That's a logic issue. A negative can't be proven... i.e. it's impossible to prove that invisible pink unicorns don't exist. Same applies to 'God'. When claim is made, the onus of proof is on the claimer (that's you in this case). Before anyone can consider your original question if 'God' can think, it's up to you to prove that the entity you are referring to as 'God' exists.

it's not being negative that makes a proposition difficult to's the bredth of the assertion
it's easier to prove there is something than to prove there isnt because you just need to find one example to have proof, so you dont have to look everywhere... unless you are so unlucky that your proof is in the last place to look

since you cant test a proposition in every possible place and time you can never be absolutely certain that the proposition remains true in all times and places... indiferent of it being a positive or a negative proposition

what atheists do is to ASSUME that there is no god based on a reasonable GUESS

to some people that's sufficient though
Varda said:
what atheists do is to ASSUME that there is no god based on a reasonable GUESS


Based on actual scientific evidence to the contrary, atheists conclude that the god of the bible/quran/whatever fails the tests of claims made for him/her/it and therefore does not exist. Postulates regarding gods that are completely untestable aren't worth the dust on the top of my fridge.


- God answers prayers (zero statistical correlation)

- God made the earth (it coalesced from a solar nebula just as we see other solar systems forming today)

- God made the heavens (all matter came to be in the Big Bang)

- God made humans in his image (humans evolved from apelike ancestors)

Originally posted by Varda
what atheists do is to ASSUME that there is no god based on a reasonable GUESS

to some people that's sufficient though

'God' is a belief, a weak hypothesis at best. There is nothing to ASSUME, they just don't believe in IT. Atheists say, "show me." Agnostics say "Maybe." Get back to them when you got some proof. Otherwise, lets discuss if I have santa hostage in my backpocket.
superluminal said:

- God answers prayers (zero statistical correlation)

- God made the earth (it coalesced from a solar nebula just as we see other solar systems forming today)

- God made the heavens (all matter came to be in the Big Bang)

- God made humans in his image (humans evolved from apelike ancestors)
C'mon now. You know that these are not 100% disproven. Unlikely, maybe, but not disproven. As far as I know, the Big Bang and evolution are still just THEORIES. Sure, there is no proof that God exists. There was also no proof that Dinosaurs existed, until there was proof. Just because there is no proof yet that god exists doesn't mean there won't be.
Cottontop3000 said:
C'mon now. You know that these are not 100% disproven. Unlikely, maybe, but not disproven. As far as I know, the Big Bang and evolution are still just THEORIES. Sure, there is no proof that God exists. There was also no proof that Dinosaurs existed, until there was proof. Just because there is no proof yet that god exists doesn't mean there won't be.

Right, and until the almighty shows itself, what is there to discuss besides speculating on its favorite color? Speculating..Speculating..speculating..specu..zzzzzzzz When it does, we'll all know.
superluminal said:

Based on actual scientific evidence to the contrary, atheists conclude that the god of the bible/quran/whatever fails the tests of claims made for him/her/it and therefore does not exist. Postulates regarding gods that are completely untestable aren't worth the dust on the top of my fridge.


- God answers prayers (zero statistical correlation)

- God made the earth (it coalesced from a solar nebula just as we see other solar systems forming today)

- God made the heavens (all matter came to be in the Big Bang)

- God made humans in his image (humans evolved from apelike ancestors)


who said im necessarily talking about these gods?... all i proposed in this thread was an omniscient non thinking god

i guess you can believe whatever you want... even that there is no god... it's still a belief though

werent the big bang and the evolution theories? i didnt know they were granted the status of fact already
superluminal said:

Based on actual scientific evidence to the contrary, atheists conclude that the god of the bible/quran/whatever fails the tests of claims made for him/her/it and therefore does not exist. Postulates regarding gods that are completely untestable aren't worth the dust on the top of my fridge.


- God answers prayers (zero statistical correlation)

- God made the earth (it coalesced from a solar nebula just as we see other solar systems forming today)

- God made the heavens (all matter came to be in the Big Bang)

- God made humans in his image (humans evolved from apelike ancestors)


... and this does not prove in anyway that a transcendent consciousness could have been the cause of all these things and that a God of some sort could, in some way, exist... and the argument goes on and on.

I'm not trying to tell you there is a God, but the assertion that there is definitely No God based in unprovable... yes, in much the same way as invisible unicorns or whatnot are unprovable along with so many other things beyond mention.

The thing is, this was supposed to be a topic about the nature of God, under the assumption that such a being exists and it is being derailed and turned into yet another God Exists/Does Not Exist argument simply because you are wish to assert that "There is no God"

It's much like someone asking about what a utopian government might be like or what extraterrestriallife might be like or what a teleportation device might be like, and someone simple asserting in that "Such Things do Not Exist" immediately killing any insight that might have been gained from such a discussion.

To get back on topic:
If God is omniscient but does not think, can God think? If so, has God ever thought and what would prompt a being that exists in all time to think? If not, then is this proof that God does not Exist? Is God a being, or simply the totality of all things?
Evolution is a fact. Only the mechanisms are under debate. If you don't think so, you need to read up on the subject. This is a favorite of creationists to claim it's "only a theory". The BB is an accepted fact. Only the mechanisms are under debate.

Difference between dinosaurs and god? Nobody claimed that giant lizardlike creatures roamed the world 100 million years ago, so there was nothing to discuss. I say with absolute certainty that god as currently claimed absolutely does not exist.

Come up with some more testable postulates for a god and we'll see.
Now we have anticreationism arguments...

Forgive me, I feel that Creationism is a load of Quackery as well but you are beginning to sound worse than a bible thumping zealot.

This is a religion thread. Can't we discuss the nature of God please?
Oh, and incidentally evolution is theory based on fact and not fact in itself. There's a difference. It is small but important.
Kibbles said:
To get back on topic:
If God is omniscient but does not think, can God think? If so, has God ever thought and what would prompt a being that exists in all time to think? If not, then is this proof that God does not Exist? Is God a being, or simply the totality of all things?

I guess the point is, this is a really fun exercise if you haven't gone through it one billion fucking times. Have fun. I'm going to pet my IFSM (Invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster). Zzzzzz.


Can somebody please explain to me why, after realizing that gods were invented to explain the terrifying mystery of the universe around us, we still feel the need to invoke that superstition? When everyone here has already admitted that there is zero evidence for or against a "mystical supreme universal consciousness"? Why? Why does the discussion of my IFSM rank any lower than discussions of the ISD (Invisible Sky Daddy)? Hmmm??? Whay are you all so afraid of???
Kibbles said:
Now we have anticreationism arguments...

Forgive me, I feel that Creationism is a load of Quackery as well but you are beginning to sound worse than a bible thumping zealot.

This is a religion thread. Can't we discuss the nature of God please?

Hey Kibbles. I already dislike you. I'll discuss whatever I want. Go fuck a god or something.
Varda said:
it's not being negative that makes a proposition difficult to's the bredth of the assertion

I can understand this and at the same time there isn't evidence to even support a part of the assertion.

Varda said:
it's easier to prove there is something than to prove there isnt because you just need to find one example to have proof, so you dont have to look everywhere... unless you are so unlucky that your proof is in the last place to look

Technically proving something isn't there can't be accomplished. What can be done is acquire contradictory evidence to an assertion of existence.

Varda said:
since you cant test a proposition in every possible place and time you can never be absolutely certain that the proposition remains true in all times and places... indiferent of it being a positive or a negative proposition

This would be a great discussion to have concerning an evidence-based topic.

Varda said:
what atheists do is to ASSUME that there is no god based on a reasonable GUESS

My existence contradicts this statement. I am using evidence based thinking. To date, no claim of 'God's existence has had supportive evidence and most (if not all) have a plethora of contradictory evidence. No assumptions are being made... this is all about what reality is validating (or not validating as the case my be).
Kibbles said:
Oh, and incidentally evolution is theory based on fact and not fact in itself. There's a difference. It is small but important.

Your are full of shit.

Evolution is a FACT. The mechanism of evolution by natural selection is the theory and is under constant modification and investigation. There's a difference. It's small but important.

Go back to sleep. It'll hurt less.
The feeling is mutual.

If you're not having fun with the exercise what exactly are you doing in the religion section of the forums reading the nth iteration of something that you are obviously sick of?

You don't even seem to have the decency to discuss the topic at hand.
Dear Kibbles,

See my avatar? Picture your bloody intestines hanging between my jaws, after having been ripped from your living, quivering, soon to be dead and eaten body.

Have a nice night.