Does God Think?

This isn't exactly the most helpful view of things but maybe we can understand levels of intelligence a few ranks above our own by trying to figure out how God "Thinks" (for lack of a better word)

If we come to or evolve to another level of understanding then we come closer to "god" consciousness, we will know. You can say god evolves along with us. Consciousness is what we possess. Perhaps god is nothing more than information in a concrete aspect as information is power and increases understanding resulting in greater consciousness. The more we learn, the greater our consciousness. What's interesting to me is that the more conscious you become, the more you seek equality. The more you have empathy and see the value and appreciation in how interconnectedness works and the value and preciousness of all life and their struggles too, your ego tends to fall away. The more you value information for yourself not for information to be used for you and you wish this for others. In essence, not wanting a god or authority at all but to be just love through the quest for truth. ;)
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iam said:
If we come to or evolve to another level of understanding then we come closer to "god" consciousness, we will know. You can say god evolves along with us. Consciousness is what we possess. Perhaps god is nothing more than information in a concrete aspect as information is power and increases understanding resulting in greater consciousness. The more we learn, the greater our consciousness. What's interesting to me is that the more conscious you become, the more you seek equality. The more you have empathy and see the value and appreciation in how interconnectedness works and the value and preciousness of all life and their struggles too, your ego tends to fall away. The more you value information for yourself not for information to be used for you and you wish this for others. In essence, not wanting a god or authority at all but to be just love through the quest for truth. ;)

I want to do a study on that.

I've seen some cases where empathy and learning seem independent, at least at a casual glance. In other cases that seems to hold true. But how do you gauge wisdom and enlightenment?
Kibbles said:
I want to do a study on that.

I've seen some cases where empathy and learning seem independent, at least at a casual glance. In other cases that seems to hold true. But how do you gauge wisdom and enlightenment?

When we're not motivated by ulterior motives or agenda but the pure and simple search for truth, you want to share it. Sharing this information expands others consciousness as well as improving life. Evolution moves forward. It is a form of empathy, it happens naturally.
iam said:
When we're not motivated by ulterior motives or agenda but the pure and simple search for truth, you want to share it. Sharing this information expands others consciousness as well as improving life. Evolution moves forward. It is a form of empathy, it happens naturally.

That would be the premise of the study. Could you help me develop the means to test this?
Kibbles said:
That would be the premise of the study. Could you help me develop the means to test this?

I suppose we're not exactly on the same page. 'god' for lack of a better word to me is information, knowledge, and truth. If one imparts that knowledge to you, it is a form of love. It expands your awareness and consciousness. Your professor thats teaches, a friend that honestly listens etc.
Quote d:
“what i am meaning is that it seems clear to me, that a male mindset created IT's self into an image of 'God' rather than the oter way round as dogmatized in say, Genesis.
So men looking at himself--self-conscious/self-reflective, SSUMES a being LIKE 'HIMself' is in command of the very universe.
By doing this tis mindsets e,phasizes consciousness, an ignores/obviously, UNconscious process. so the latter becomes somewaht of a THREA to tis mindset. because he doesn't KNOW it. it is like 'SUB-thought'-----he actuallydemonizes/dismisses it as 'subconscious' as opposed to his deification of 'superconsciousness/'God'

* OK. I agree it’s arrogant to project our human image onto a “god” concept, but what else do we have to go on?

Quote d:
“how does this relate to secualar world of materilistic science? well, we see the emphasis on 'MEASURE' and anything which cannot be meaured is conisidered fallcy, non-existent' delusion, etc. so again we see this ongoing psychological division between 'consciousness/what is KNOWn about/measured' and unconscioueness/NOT known about/immeasureable' maintained throug different paradigms. same assumptions, prejudice, fear

* I couldn’t agree more. It is a particularly tight corner we have rationalised ourselves into. Predominantly Western philosophy, post 1900`s. Eastern philosophy seems to embraces the spiritual arena as a natural facet of man/woman, without getting stuck in the detail.

Quote d:
“As for you question about 'who kick started it' ie., process. this is like looking for a 'causer' to explain 'effect'. again this is a reason FOR a beliefe in A 'God' who kick starts universe, right? the 'prime mover' as it were. but i am saying that te evolving intelligence IS actual matter-energy which is always with consciousness and natrually creative. we, ar a part of this evolution in tat we are consciousness self-reflecting on itself....but as i understand, it IS. it is spontaneus creationing, rather than some entity that needs a 'kick starter. /the process IS it in action”

* Refreshing thinking duendy. I love this: “we are consciousness self-reflecting on itself”. You are saying this self reflection, is a natural facet of Universal consciousness. We should not try to rationalise it with our “human” logic, rather embrace it on a intuitive level? The Universe is Consciousness. :)
Quote iam:
“If we come to or evolve to another level of understanding then we come closer to "god" consciousness, we will know. You can say god evolves along with us.”

* Did you come to this understanding independently via experience?

Quote iam:
“What's interesting to me is that the more conscious you become, the more you seek equality. The more you have empathy and see the value and appreciation in how interconnectedness works and the value and preciousness of all life and their struggles too, your ego tends to fall away.”

* Reading this invokes a strong feeling of déjà vu. Heh. I totally agree with this sentiment, albeit in my experience, our human nature necessitates a process of consciously maintaining this state.
iam said:
I suppose we're not exactly on the same page. 'god' for lack of a better word to me is information, knowledge, and truth. If one imparts that knowledge to you, it is a form of love. It expands your awareness and consciousness. Your professor thats teaches, a friend that honestly listens etc.

I suppose we're not. I don't see the link between knowledge and love. Then again, I'm approaching this whole thing as a solveable problem.

I mean, how do I know that what you say is true?

I'm not saying that it's not true though. Just that, I'd like to find a way to test it.
stretched said:
Quote iam:
“If we come to or evolve to another level of understanding then we come closer to "god" consciousness, we will know. You can say god evolves along with us.”

* Did you come to this understanding independently via experience?

Quote iam:
“What's interesting to me is that the more conscious you become, the more you seek equality. The more you have empathy and see the value and appreciation in how interconnectedness works and the value and preciousness of all life and their struggles too, your ego tends to fall away.”

* Reading this invokes a strong feeling of déjà vu. Heh. I totally agree with this sentiment, albeit in my experience, our human nature necessitates a process of consciously maintaining this state.

This is the religion thread so of course I must state first that everything I write is my own opinion. So stated, in my personal experience the simple process of learning is a means to consciousness. If you develop greater consciousness, you develop greater understanding. If you liken 'god' to consciousness, then its consciousness evolves with us or we come closer to total consciousness. The more you understand how the puzzle pieces fit, isn't it inevitable that is the path to reach total consciousness? By learning not as a challenge or race but as a search for truth via experience, thinking, and integration.
Kibbles said:
I suppose we're not. I don't see the link between knowledge and love. Then again, I'm approaching this whole thing as a solveable problem.

I mean, how do I know that what you say is true?

I'm not saying that it's not true though. Just that, I'd like to find a way to test it.

I guess this is one area that is not really testable, not concretely. In my opinion, sharing knowledge that has been wrought from honest and true query usually produces truth. Truth brings greater consciousness and the sharing of that is a form of love, though platonic. It is a connector and a connection to universal consciousness.
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Ok. That is a nice idea. Seems to make sense

Still, it would be nice if it could be proven true somehow.

Anyway, back to the topic: I think God thinks, has emotions, etc. as well as that higher state of consciousness which we can't really grasp.
i just thing it beneficial to be honest and look at the basics. we think.
this tinking has created concepts. on big concept we have created is 'god'

from my research tere have been two very different meanings about that term.

examples: the prepatriarchal Goddess-oriented view, in this case, ala Classical Dionysian idea of being 'possessed by god'. this is crucial to understand, and may seem weird to thosenot familiar with te experience etc. but it is the sense of ecstasy one feels after having taken a psychedelic sacrament. the feelings include expanse, and the seeming death of the 'ego', which could be defined as a sense of rigidity. let me go on about this a bit

ego is not , cannot be killed off. ego really is a unique way of viewing the world. oe's sense of oneself. one's persona --in Greek that word means 'mask. so, ego can be a social constrct which one comes to believe is one's very self.
for instance. a person is born into a familiy and is badgered to follow te family tradition and become a businessman/woman whatever. so in other words the child is manipulated to maybe do stuff s/he doesn't wanna. THA becomes them. yes?
but tere are many mny manymasks. some good some bad.
now when the persona takes a psychedelic sacrament, all of that sene of self can 'die' and another sense isssss 'godlike' could be felt as godlike. and a death/rebirth experience can be experienced where after main experience experiencer feels different than before the experience

now also crucial to dig is that the Classical Dionysians approached this experience as a CELEBRATION

but when Orphism reformed it, twas THEY who conceptualized th expeience into a SET_DOWN (ie., they were te first to write down an interpretation) dogma. which claimed that there was a pure'God', 'Dionysos'. that we humans were partly 'Titanic'( made from 'gross matter') and yet aso our real selves were 'divine sparks' (Dionysos) trapped in te 'tomb-body' and Nature. and that threough teir 'purification' rituals we could eventually find release and return to the pure spiritual home

so do you see these two very different understanding of 'god'?or haven't i explained it well enuf?
Kibbles said:
Ok. That is a nice idea. Seems to make sense

Still, it would be nice if it could be proven true somehow.

Anyway, back to the topic: I think God thinks, has emotions, etc. as well as that higher state of consciousness which we can't really grasp.

Really, what is there to prove? If I have panoramic vision and you don't, who's closer to figuring out what's going on? I do. I therefore, have more knowledge, therefore more power, closer to figuring out the whole shebang=closer to god or whatever.
My point is we are in a state of constant evolution. Some regress, some stay still, and some move forward. Our consciousness evolves through experience and knowledge. The more knowledge we gain, the more of the tapestry we can see and understand, not just the tassels. When our consciousness evolves to that point from millenias of query, thinking, and built upon knowledge, we may gain that ahha moment and be even closer to the ultimate truth. Call it god, god-consciousness, become god, call it anything you want. We don't know what it is but we sure are curious to find out or BECOME and thats the start.
This is a religion thread. All posts besides counterarguments from atheists are conjectures from subjective emotional experience. It cannot be scientifically quantified. Emotion cannot be scientifically quantified but only observed.


You are being unrealistic. I stated that the passing on knowledge is a form of platonic love in the strictest and broadest sense. It cannot be delineated any further than survival of the species, still a form of base love. The desire to share and pass on knowledge to your fellow man has been going on from the beginning of history. LoL, do you need proof of this?? Do I need to point out to you the library or the local school? Are you telling me you couldn't figure this out yourself? Information increases awareness. Do you need proof for something this self-evident?

Knowledge expands consciousness(where you are and what is going on) or do you need proof of this as well? Were you born yesterday and need catching up? Come on.
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i dontknow ifknowledge DOES'expand consciusness' at all at all

know-ldge can KILL sense of expanse. cause when some people believe the KNOW something, including 'reality' tis 'knowing' can act as A BARRIER to a sense of expanded consciousness

they , in othewords, impose their limited interpretation onto reality, and miss the subtleties of reality
Hmmn. Does "God" think?

Every "imaginary being" can be imagined to "exist"- and so, in relation to one's projected abilities of it and in accords with the imaginer's whims. With regard to omniscience, a "thinking" God would be fatally limited, so adherents to classic teleology would disagree that the monotheists' God could merely "think."
i dontknow ifknowledge DOES'expand consciusness' at all at all

No, I mean knowledge in its entirety. Math, physics, emotions, imagination, art, thought etc, everything and anything that is experienced.
iam said:
No, I mean knowledge in its entirety. Math, physics, emotions, imagination, art, thought etc, everything and anything that is experienced.
i see. but i still dont think expansion of consciousness demands one be polymath. it is more, forme, DIRECT seeing/feeling