Does God make mistakes?

you miss the point
you are parochial because you insist on a singular (narrow)definition of painting, much like you insist on a singular (narrow) definition of a mistake ... and hence your whole tirade of the logic that follows these narrow definitions is similarly narrow
Ah so because I don't entertain all possible explanations for something (i.e. I have a preference) I'm being parochial.
Got it.
Remind me never to ask you if you want an ice cream.

Are the snails any more of a medium than a brush? Or gravity and wind would be if one used a different method?
Ah so because I don't entertain all possible explanations for something (i.e. I have a preference) I'm being parochial.
Got it.
Remind me never to ask you if you want an ice cream.
getting closer

You are parochial because you can't (won't?) see the issues that widen or contextualize a problem

eg - Are the snails any more of a medium than a brush? Or gravity and wind would be if one used a different method? (IOW, as if this is the only singular issue that surrounds the practice of painting)
your behavior tends to indicate otherwise ....

Ah, can't get any respect for your psychotic religion and the hatred it spreads? Poor baby. You just can't see how your behavior with it's complete lack of morals and insanity provokes everyone.

Yeah, you Christians never do anything wrong. The last 2000 years clearly shows that.
the point is that people die. everybody dies. you start dying the day you're born. children die. yes, i'm serious.

What you still do not realize is I’m talking about the stories of the Bible where God orders people to be killed. Like putting a specific person on a hit list and have them killed in the most brutal way. Eg having pregnant women’s bellies ripped open! How “loving” of him.

and jim jones isn't god. i think that's pretty obvious.

According to him he was. Regardless, his actions were no different then the Biblical God

maybe you should be god. why don't you create a universe?

Is this the only response you could think of?

sin is the transgression of law that is embedded in creation. you can't have right without wrong. so god's giving us an education so we can know the difference.

According to you then, sin was orchestrated by the Biblical god. Yet, the biblical God punishes all for what he set up.

As I've stated previously according to the story of Adam and Eve he did NOT intend for people to have this knowledge. He commanded them to stay away from it. He cursed the serpent for introducing them to knowledge and punished Adam and Eve because they disobeyed and ate of the tree of knowledge. He did not want them to have this knowledge, unless you think God is a mind game player? Anyway, it is the serpent you should be thanking for the introduction knowledge, not God.

that's not dickish.

Would you punish your child for being born with cancer? That’s what the Biblical God is does.
Ah, can't get any respect for your psychotic religion and the hatred it spreads? Poor baby. You just can't see how your behavior with it's complete lack of morals and insanity provokes everyone.
I think more to the point is how much sympathy are you accruing in your mission of hatred ...

Yeah, you Christians never do anything wrong. The last 2000 years clearly shows that.
well your post stating that I am a christian clearly shows that you are wrong in the last 5 minutes ....
I think more to the point is how much sympathy are you accruing in your mission of hatred ...

Typical Christian, blame the hatred on those you tell how to live when they're fed up being told. The last 2000 years of having your beliefs shoved down everyone's throat wasn't enough, you had to burn them at the stake to make your point.

well your post stating that I am a christian clearly shows that you are wrong in the last 5 minutes ....

Oh yes, sorry to have cheated you out of your own personal belief system that somehow isn't Christianity, yet it is. :rolleyes:
What you still do not realize is I’m talking about the stories of the Bible where God orders people to be killed. Like putting a specific person on a hit list and have them killed in the most brutal way. Eg having pregnant women’s bellies ripped open! How “loving” of him.

what you still do not realize is that this world is brutal, and god "orders" all of it.

it's law.

According to him he was. Regardless, his actions were no different then the Biblical God

i anticipate the results to be.

Is this the only response you could think of?

it's appropriate.

According to you then, sin was orchestrated by the Biblical god. Yet, the biblical God punishes all for what he set up.

As I've stated previously according to the story of Adam and Eve he did NOT intend for people to have this knowledge. He commanded them to stay away from it. He cursed the serpent for introducing them to knowledge and punished Adam and Eve because they disobeyed and ate of the tree of knowledge. He did not want them to have this knowledge, unless you think God is a mind game player? Anyway, it is the serpent you should be thanking for the introduction knowledge, not God.

god created the knowledge and the serpent, and it's a consequence of free will.

Would you punish your child for being born with cancer? That’s what the Biblical God is does.

yes, people with cancer suffer.
what you still do not realize is that this world is brutal, and god "orders" all of it.

it's law

yeah, sure, ok. so the Biblical God's an insane calloused puppet master then?

i anticipate the results to be.

Dead is dead. Manipulation is manipulation.

god created the knowledge and the serpent, and it's a consequence of free will

Make up your mind. Either God really wanted humans to have this knowledge or not. You've stated several times in other threads that God set Adam and Eve up to eat from this tree so we would have the knowledge. Now you're saying it's a consequence of free will? Why would he punish them (and the rest of the peeps) IF God wanted them to do it in the first place? So the Biblical God does play mind games?!

Adam and Eve were innocent and had no knowledge of good and evil, therefore they could not have distinguished the serpent's intentions (if they were supposedly intended for bad). Would you punish your child for not being able tell distinguish good and evil? I'm not just talking consequences. You said yourself God created this law. Why do you think he would create a law where innocent people get harmed? Because he's a ----

yes, people with cancer suffer.

*eyeroll---HUGE fucking eyeroll*
yeah, sure, ok. so the Biblical God's an insane calloused puppet master then?

god is the creator of beings who have free will but are subject to a given law.

the law is inherent in the creation. like i said, you may not like that it hurts when you get punched in the face, but it still does, and it does for a reason.

Dead is dead. Manipulation is manipulation.

we'll see. god's not done yet.

Make up your mind. Either God really wanted humans to have this knowledge or not. You've stated several times in other threads that God set Adam and Eve up to eat from this tree so we would have the knowledge. Now you're saying it's a consequence of free will? Why would he punish them (and the rest of the peeps) IF God wanted them to do it in the first place? So the Biblical God does play mind games?!

Adam and Eve were innocent and had no knowledge of good and evil, therefore they could not have distinguished the serpent's intentions (if they were supposedly intended for bad). Would you punish your child for not being able tell distinguish good and evil? I'm not just talking consequences. You said yourself God created this law. Why do you think he would create a law where innocent people get harmed? Because he's a ----

now we can distinguish the serpent's intentions.

would you say that trust, honestly, knowledge, and freewill are requirements of love?

and if you say yes, then would you like to criticize god on making that a law too?

Look, we both keep saying the same things and not getting anywhere. My point is the actual stories of the Bible. You keep wanting to equate them with today's cancers etc...I'm not. Why not? Because, oddly enough we do not hear God saying kill this person or that person today because of whatever reason (unless that person is unstable- like the mother I spoke of in the town I live).

In the Bible, though, the very book that you and other Christians believe is factual, gives detailed actions of this Biblical God. Not cancer='s God's hand in wiping out sinners of the world (Jerry Falwell mentality). Because I can pull up a scripture stating that God does not punish the children of the parent's who f'd up. Anyway...moving along...

It is details from this Book you believe to be real that I find a problem with. The details I have a problem with is the attitude and the brutality with which the Biblical God moves. It's not good enough to just kill children. No. He commanded that those children be dashed to pieces in front of their parent's eyes! I ask you to answer from your heart and not from a defensive reaction to cover the Bibilical God's butt. What kind of God would command such a horrid and sadistic action and for what purpose? There is no reason to have children killed brutally in front of their parents except to inflict unbearable pain onto the parents as well. That type move is pure evil on the Biblical God's part period. There is not any kind of good that comes from sadistic and sick actions such as this. You go ahead and condone and pat the Biblical God on the back for that, but I can't. You call it trusting God and having faith that those actions must have some type of purpose for it. The reason you do this, though, is because that is the only way you can reconcile such horrid actions of the Biblical God in your mind.

For me-I can't see how trusting violence of such sick and twisted behavior has ever or can ever lead to any good. Not just trying to wipe out "sinners" but to do so in such a violent, uncaring and cold manner could not be called love. Trusting any person or God that would command children to be ripped to pieces all for the parents to witness and experience, imo, is a bad thing to do. It's pure evil. These are actions not to be trusted period. Serial killers do that type of thing because they get off on it.
My position was stated.
However your claim that I

remains supposition on your part.
its a general principle that certainly serves us well in understanding your posts on this thread (and arguably several others, if I wanted to start quote mining you - Its a general tactic you have - insist on a very narrow definition of a critical term in an argument (usually by quoting a very specific definition from a dictionary) and then pride yourself how this entails a singular logical conclusion. More effective arguments begin at the point of clarifying the language under discussion. I think it was you I parodied before in your use of the word "eat" (in a sense that you were clearly meaning eating food but which I played up to other dictionary meanings , such as to be eaten in anxiety or to have one's resources eaten up)

]Other side of your face, perhaps.
on the verge of splitting through my sides actually .....
Typical Christian, blame the hatred on those you tell how to live when they're fed up being told. The last 2000 years of having your beliefs shoved down everyone's throat wasn't enough, you had to burn them at the stake to make your point.
If you want to talk of a person taking the war path with their soap box and an accurate location of hatred, you're the man. The irony is that you can't see how you embody the very qualities you claim you are against.

Oh yes, sorry to have cheated you out of your own personal belief system that somehow isn't Christianity, yet it is. :rolleyes:
In your haste to fight the "enemy" you automatically assume your opponents harbor from the same camp ... just illustrates how ineffective your rebuttals are
(BTW I think this is about the third time over the years you have assumed that I was a christian only back down when you realize you made a mistake. Its like you have Alzheimers or something)
The Abraham religious namely; Islam , Judaism and Christianity all clam god is perfect in all his ways

But the Scriptures say otherwise, lets take Genesis Chapter 6 Verse 6

He made an VERY BAD mistake when he made man, please peruse these different takes on that particular verse

New International Version (©1984)
The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.

New Living Translation (©2007)
So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart.

English Standard Version (©2001)
And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
The LORD was sorry that he had made humans on the earth, and he was heartbroken.

King James Bible
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

American King James Version
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

American Standard Version
And it repented Jehovah that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

Bible in Basic English
And the Lord had sorrow because he had made man on the earth, and grief was in his heart.

Douay-Rheims Bible
It repented him that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with sorrow of heart,

Comments people?

It actually says that they made man in their image, so it is gods not god. Lord is the translation of the Hebrew Adonai, Adonai is actually plural, therefore meaning lords i.e. gods.

Creation is by higher evolved beings, and it would seem they are capable of making mistakes.
Obviously i'm not on any authority.
But the title asks; Does God Make Mistakes, not does the christian idea of God makes mistakes.

So while you may think you have a case based on the biblical scripture, which doesn't contain much (by comparison) about the nature of God, there are other scriptures which specifically give information of that kind, and as such is better suited to answering the question.

What does it say about someone, if they refuse to look at solutions, choosing to remain ignore-ant?


The Hebrew and Christian God most definitely makes mistakes and these mistakes are easy to read in the Tanak and Christian bibles