Does God make mistakes?

the wages of sin are death. all of it. because sin is in our flesh, we die. and it's a genetic thing...

Lying for Jeebus. No morals whatsoever. None.

if you don't want to experience unbearable pain then get with the program; it's called redemption. there is a new age coming where you are either going to be in or out, and until then it's just going to get worse and worse and worse...

Ah yes, Kristians Kausing Konflict... always telling us how to live our lives despite the fact they contradict themselves at every turn. LOL!
are you saying god is not allowed to do what he wants to do?
you saying we are supposed to have no consequences for our actions?

You've already mentioned in another thread about members of your family and yourself being adulterers. That has serious consequences in the eyes of your god. Now, you're telling others about consequences of their actions?

You do hypocrisy so well. LOL!

when i got to that last one,i realized how futile it is to argue with a non- believer..

Well, when you cherry pick the bible to suit your personal agenda, then contradict yourself and continue to tell others of consequences, the futility is in your preaching to non-believers. You have yet to present an argument.
Lying for Jeebus. No morals whatsoever. None.

Ah yes, Kristians Kausing Konflict... always telling us how to live our lives despite the fact they contradict themselves at every turn. LOL!

blah, blah, blah with your whiney rhetoric. you're boring. :yawn:
God has given each human a complete fee will without any reservation.

Really? Then why did he harden the pharaoh's heart?

Being absolutely just if god intervened directly and stopped some depraved act he would have to intervene directly in every decision bad or good that we humans make, thus changing us into frightened robots

I’m speaking about the violent acts of God in the Bible, the manipulative acts of God in the Bible , his bullying in the Bible-the stories of the Bible. This God created a place that he says he will send people to if they don’t do what he wants. Would you throw your own child into a dungeon and torture them unmercifully just because the made fun of a preacher? Why or why not? Would you teach your children to do the same to your grandchildren? Why or why not? If you wouldn’t want this behavior for your children or yourself, why would you advocate a God doing it?
Well, how I see it is he’s an a-hole. That’s what I don’t think you understand that I’m saying. His “consequences” aka “hell” is an asshole thing of him to do man. How you can’t see that blows my mind.

Seriously, wouldn’t you think that a parent who killed a child for making fun of a bald man is an asshole?

not if making fun of a bald man is indicative of a genetic condition called sin, passed down from generation to generation, and causes suffering and death. no.

god is protecting the integrity of the big picture that we are a part of.

Has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. Again, I’m only talking about the stories of the Bible

well that's how i relate to those stories.

Because it wasn’t relevant to what I was talking about

yes it is relevant.

I’m only talking about the stories in the Bible and how the Biblical God is brutal. Why would I want to break bread with a brutal God?

because it's god. what the hell else do you have to do? you gotta hair appt? or have to go to work so you can pay the bills and taxes? are you afraid? because god created suffering and death, which he did in creating life, you don't want to know god's answer for avoiding it?

But the Biblical God’s acts are nothing but violent. Seriously, as I said before, write the stories down out of the Bible, take God’s name out of the stories and insert any other name in his place and ANYONE with half a heart would think his actions were no better than Charles Manson’s.

But I’m not talking about today. I’m talking about the stories in the Bible that describe God and his actions. Aren’t you tired of me saying that over and over? I am not going to change my focus or what I’m saying about that. :)

life is violent, and i am talking about today, and the way it always has been, for as far as we know. life is violent because of sin. god gave us a way to know it, and a way to avoid it. that's called knowledge, which is required for free will and love, which allows freedom and communion.

doesn't it bug you when some religious people grab a few verses or aspects of the bible, and wrap their agenda around it instead of the actual context? that's what it seems like you're doing imo.
Really? Then why did he harden the pharaoh's heart?

why did he harden mine? so he could shatter it it into a million unrecognizable pieces...turn it to dust, put the dust through the fire, under enormous pressure.

now my heart is a diamond. *sparkle*
Ah, caught lying again, Lori? Can't wiggle out of it, again? :D

in the bible it says this about sin...

1 we're born into it.
2 it resides in the flesh.
3 it is passed down from one generation to the next.

what does that say mr scientist? that sin is genetic?
not if making fun of a bald man is indicative of a genetic condition called sin, passed down from generation to generation, and causes suffering and death. no.

Why do you continue to lie, Lori? Is it because Jeebus taught you to lie are do you do it on your own?

god is protecting the integrity of the big picture that we are a part of.

Yes, that's why he murders tens of thousands of children every day so that he can continue to test the faith of "good Christians." LOL!

life is violent because of sin.

Life is violent because religions cause conflict.

god gave us a way to know it, and a way to avoid it. that's called knowledge, which is required for free will and love, which allows freedom and communion.

Your god hates knowledge and demands ignorance, obedience and worship.

doesn't it bug you when some religious people grab a few verses or aspects of the bible, and wrap their agenda around it instead of the actual context?

Which is exactly what you do, Lori. Fornicating out of wedlock, for example. :D
in the bible it says ...

Lori Lori Lori... so now you turn to the bible when it suits your personal agenda. You do contradiction and hypocrisy sooooo well. LOL!

Kristians Kausing Konflict.
not if making fun of a bald man is indicative of a genetic condition called sin, passed down from generation to generation, and causes suffering and death. No

??????????????????????????????????????? Are you serious dude????????????

You think all sinners have a right to be killed? Children too? Even you??? Unfreakingbelievable! Seriously???????????????????? I mean you no disrespect but that is warped thinking my friend. You realize that learning stops when you are dead? What’s the point?

god is protecting the integrity of the big picture that we are a part of.

I’m sure Jim Jones thought the same thing, but I think you and I both know that was a very tragic and sick thing.

because it's god. what the hell else do you have to do? you gotta hair appt? or have to go to work so you can pay the bills and taxes? are you afraid? because god created suffering and death, which he did in creating life, you don't want to know god's answer for avoiding it?

Killing babies and children are NEVER right. Throwing a fit and killing people because one is angry is NEVER right. Ordering people to be killed for selfish motives is NEVER right. Be it God or Charles Manson….it’s never ever right.

life is violent, and i am talking about today, and the way it always has been, for as far as we know. life is violent because of sin. god gave us a way to know it, and a way to avoid it. that's called knowledge, which is required for free will and love, which allows freedom and communion.

It’s a con game of the Biblical God. This Biblical God was the one who introduced sin into the world. He is the creator the orchestrator of sin. For what purpose? The way I see it, so he could control others via scare fucking tactics. He gets people to rely on him because they don’t want to go to Hell and be tortured for eternity. Don’t believe me? I bet a billion dollars (If I had it) that there would be very few Christians today if hell was out of the picture. So…you got a God who introduces sin into the world and because of it puts all souls in danger of going to hell. It’s like your child being born with cancer and you punish him for it. The Biblical God is a dick.

doesn't it bug you when some religious people grab a few verses or aspects of the bible, and wrap their agenda around it instead of the actual context? that's what it seems like you're doing imo.

What bothers me is when Christians refuse to admit that the Biblical God lies in the Bible, manipulates, uses scare tactics, goes on killing sprees and refuse to admit his violence is wrong. If it was right, then why the hell is Charles Manson in prison today because it seems to me he was following along right in God’s footsteps.
why did he harden mine? so he could shatter it it into a million unrecognizable pieces...turn it to dust, put the dust through the fire, under enormous pressure.

now my heart is a diamond. *sparkle*

but that's not what happened to the pharaoh as a result it started the lovely plagues sent upon egypt....yay god *eye roll*
but that's not what happened to the pharaoh as a result it started the lovely plagues sent upon egypt....yay god *eye roll*

it wouldn't surprise me if i initiated some plagues of my own going through it.
You've already mentioned in another thread about members of your family and yourself being adulterers.
i did..
That has serious consequences in the eyes of your god.
ah.. so you are saying you know what god wants?

Well, when you cherry pick the bible to suit your personal agenda, then contradict yourself and continue to tell others of consequences, the futility is in your preaching to non-believers. You have yet to present an argument.

grow up q..
i did..

No, it was certainly you who mentioned your family members have been married many times. That would make them adulterers in the eyes of your god.

ah.. so you are saying you know what god wants?

No, that's what YOU do. I simply point out the hypocrisy and contradiction of those who claim they know what god wants and then do the opposite.

grow up q..

Growing up does not appear to be anything you're able to understand as you continue to embrace child like characteristics of belief in invisible friends and doing the exact opposite of what you tell others to do. :D
The state of humanity has been indoctrinated into cults for thousands of years, the very same cults that demonstrate their psychoses in their followers.

that's a symptom.